StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 166: Warrell City

Vorrell, the city of warriors, is the base camp of the mercenary camp in the asteroid belt, with an area of ​​150 square kilometers and a population of 1.2 million.

Everyone in the city, male or female, is a warrior!

There are no residential areas in this city, and there are just simple barracks. The biggest feature of this city is the training of mercenaries.

People from all over the solar system who are willing to join the mercenary camp, whether they are civilians, veterans, or others, if they can participate in training in Worrell and complete the test, they will receive a certificate issued by the Mercenary Alliance. Jobs can be found in various mercenary companies in the asteroid belt.

The certificates are divided into five levels, from the lowest level E to the highest level *, if you can get the * level certificate, it means that the subject's comprehensive ability has reached a level far beyond ordinary people, even if the super mercenary group I will also rush to ask for it.

The mercenaries who hold the Worrell * certificate are generally considered to have the strength beyond the military's elite special forces.

In the center of Worrell, there is a snow-white oval-shaped building with extremely smooth lines, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. From a distance, it looks like a snow-white goose egg standing on the ground.

This is the headquarters of the mercenary alliance. All large mercenary groups have sent representatives here. The daily work here includes mediating disputes, releasing information, and voting to pass or deny certain resolutions related to the mercenary camp.

Worrell has a large floating population, so the port area is also extremely developed. Although it is not as good as Gray Harbor, it is much larger than ordinary industrial cities.

At this time, an official spacecraft of the Mercenary Alliance entered the port and stopped beside the No. 2 trestle bridge.

When the discerning people in the port saw it, their hearts were moved, and they all whispered to each other.

Worrell City can be said to be the place that values ​​power the most in the entire asteroid belt. Here, people are divided into three, six, and nine grades. The criterion for distinguishing is the power in their hands. People of different levels use different facilities, and the trestles in the port are also in this way.

The No. 1 trestle bridge is made of alloy gold, with gold-plated inside and outside. The surface is decorated with decorative patterns carved by the best craftsmen, and exquisite pictures are drawn with fine lines, which looks elegant and luxurious. It's just that this channel is exclusively used by the leaders of the three super mercenary regiments. Others, even the rotating chairman of the mercenary alliance, are not qualified to use it, so they are always idle.

The status of No. 2 Trestle Bridge is second only to No. 1 Trestle Bridge. The interior and exterior decoration is similar to that of No. 1 Trestle Bridge. The difference is that the surface of No. 2 Trestle Bridge is plated with silver. To walk this path, one must be a high-level leader next to the leader of the super mercenary group, or the leader of a top-level large mercenary group. The rotating chairman of the mercenary alliance also takes this path.

Trestle No. 2 is used much more frequently than Trestle 1, but it is not used every day.

After the official spaceship came to a complete stop, a gangway protruded from the trestle bridge and connected with the hatch of the official spaceship.

"I don't know where the big guy came from, but he walked the silver road, let's go and see!"

Most of the passengers in the port are mercenaries or people who are interested in mercenary work. Many of them know the rules of the Worrell trestle, and they all became curious about the visitors, and they gathered until they could see the No. 2 trestle At the exit, they wanted to see which big shot came to Vorrell.

However, the No. 2 trestle bridge leads directly to the VIP channel, and is guarded by the port guards. They can't get through, so they can only stand in front of the glass wall and take a look from afar.

It was Yang Ying who came in the official spaceship. After the hatch of the spaceship opened, he was the first to go out. Brian and the officials sent by the Mercenary Alliance to invite him followed behind him, followed by two Retinue of Ghost and Officer.

There were already more than a dozen people waiting on the trestle bridge. The leader was an old man. Although his hair was gray and his face was wrinkled, he was full of energy. He stood there like a javelin.

He stretched out his hand to Yang Ying and said, "Your Excellency is welcome to Worrell. I am Yusuf, a member of the Alliance Committee. This time, I am entrusted by the committee's rotating chairman to welcome you."

"Hello." After Yang Ying shook hands with him, he looked around and saw the solemn and delicate silver ornaments around him. He frowned and asked, "I have also heard a little about the gold and silver roads in Worrell Port. , but I didn’t know that the alliance would arrange for me to take this silver road before I came, isn’t it too solemn? After all, I’m just the head of a small mercenary group.”

"Where is there, who in the asteroid belt would dare to say that you are the head of a small mercenary regiment?" The old man smiled, "This is Vorrell, everything depends on strength. During the battle, they showed a strength far beyond that of ordinary large-scale mercenary regiments, and actual combat results are of course much more important than some false names."

The old man is obviously good at dealing with people, and his words are very comfortable to listen to.

"Since this is the case, I will be disrespectful." Yang Ying said with a smile.

At this time, a person behind the old man said: "Commander Yang Ying is the lord of the four cities of Gray Harbor, Luberon, Hammer, and Neff, and even the Blood Skull Pirates and Shark Pirates are in your hands." Extermination, this is something that the super pirate group Somalia has not done, if you say that your Telan mercenary group is a super mercenary group, please take the golden road, no one will raise many objections."

The old man frowned when he heard this, and the wrinkles became deeper.

On the surface, this person's words sounded like flattery, but they went too far, and were suspected of sowing discord. If Yang Ying listened to this person and wanted to walk the golden road, and the old man agreed, then not only Yang Ying would offend the members of the three super mercenary groups, but the old man would also be angered.

If the old man disagreed with Yang Ying's pursuit of gold, it might give Yang Ying a bad impression. If Yang Ying was a little more irritable, he might just leave in a huff.

Yang Ying keenly sensed that the speaker was malicious towards himself and the old man at the same time, trying to provoke the relationship between him and the old man, and secretly said in his heart: "It seems that the mercenary alliance is not monolithic, but it's normal, there are other people in the world. Which force is truly monolithic?"

Yang Ying didn't have any idea about whether to take the golden road or not. He glanced at the speaker and saw that he was dressed very ordinary and stood at the back. He was obviously a small person. Even if he was dismissed immediately, it would be no pity. It's just a nonsense material.

The old man was hesitating whether to persuade him, Yang Ying said first: "The three super mercenary regiments have been famous for a long time, how can I, a newcomer, stand side by side with them? I am already very satisfied with letting me walk this silver path. "

"Where, you..." The little man was about to continue talking, but the old man suddenly interrupted him, and said in an unquestionable tone: "I don't know if the car at the gate of the port is ready, you go and have a look." He pointed at the little man and The other two attendants ordered, and at the same time handed a color to the two attendants, and the two attendants nodded slightly as an answer.

The little man opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but was pushed by two attendants, one of whom said: "Come on, don't waste time, let's go out and have a look."

As they said that, the two of them walked out of the passage with the little figure wrapped around them.

Seeing them go away, the old man said: "Captain Yang Ying, you made your Excellency laugh."

"It's nothing, let's go too." Yang Ying made a gesture of invitation.

"Please." The old man asked Yang Ying to go first, and he was slightly behind by half a shoulder.

But after Yang Ying took two steps, he felt uncomfortable, turned his head and said sincerely: "Mr. Yusuf, you are an elder, so I am a little embarrassed to let me in like this, why don't we sit side by side?"

"Since Commander Yang said so, then I thank you." The old man saw that Yang Ying was not giving in with hypocrisy, so he nodded, followed by half a step, and walked side by side with Yang Ying.

Walking out of the No. 2 trestle bridge, Yang Ying saw a group of people gathered in the distance separated by a few pieces of glass, looking over here.

Those were all passengers in the port. Seeing Yang Ying appear, the crowd immediately exclaimed.

"It turned out to be him! Yang Ying of the Tran Mercenary Regiment! No wonder..."

"Yang Ying? What does he do?"

"Boy, you just came to the asteroid belt, right? Even he doesn't know? Tell you, the Telan mercenary group under him wiped out five major forces in one battle, all of them! Not a single one was left alive. Think about it, The universe is so big, you can escape up, down, left, and right, but no one escapes, how powerful it is!"

"Sure enough."

"Many people say that the Telan mercenary group is almost the same as the super mercenary group, or at least ranks first under the super mercenary group. Now the main force of the three super mercenary groups have taken over the war mission and left the small In the planetary belt, there is no one in the mercenary camp that can suppress the Tran mercenary group."

"Look, they walked into the VIP passage."

"Cut, it's all gone, let's go, there's nothing to see."

After seeing Yang Ying and the old man walk into the VIP passage, the crowd gradually dispersed.

Leaving the The old man asked Yang Ying to take a long luxury magnetic car. The little man who was sent to check the car before was not here, and was obviously disposed of by those two attendants.

"Mr. Yusuf, who was that person who spoke on the silver road just now?" Yang Ying asked, rather than guessing his identity randomly, he might as well ask directly.

Yang Ying is now full of confidence, and the Telan Mercenary Group has now established a firm foothold in the asteroid belt, not afraid of wind and rain. Among the super forces that can pose a threat to him, the main forces of the three super mercenary groups are not in the asteroid belt, and the two super pirate groups are fighting each other. It is difficult to take out their hands to deal with him. They are not bad, so how dare they come to provoke him.

"I actually only met this person who spoke today." The old man said with a frown.

"Oh? I would like to hear the details." Yang Ying said.

"Among the people who followed me to greet Your Excellency, some of them joined before departure, and they were all inserted by other committee members. The one who spoke just now is also one of them, and was sent by Commissioner Andre." said the old man.

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