"The Special Forces won by force, and the two majors leading the team are not recruits, they must be veterans transferred from other battlefields!" An entourage brought by Yusuf said angrily.

"Oh? How did you see that?" Yang Ying had just won a gamble and was in a great mood. He remembered that this entourage was a personal bodyguard specially introduced by Yusuf. He had the qualification of a first-class mercenary. The understanding is very deep.

"Even among the first-level mercenaries, this kind of marksmanship can only be practiced by a few who have survived hundreds of battles. This kind of sharp marksmanship requires more than three years of training on the battlefield of bullets and bullets to cultivate the sense of guns and shoot millions of shots. It is possible to practice only by firing bullets, how could it appear on two special forces who have just completed training, I don't believe it!" The bodyguard said loudly.

"Commander Yang Ying, I'm afraid I have to agree with my bodyguard. I have never seen a major recruit before." Yusuf said, "I have also served in the army. The rank of major is not obtained in the training of the new barracks. One or two can be obtained, the highest starting rank of special forces recruits is only up to captain, and the rank of school level can only be promoted by relying on military merits on the battlefield."

"So it's a pity that you all guessed wrong. They are indeed recruits. I can be very sure of this." Yang Ying said with a smile.

Qingfeng Mingyue was still cultivating in Taiji Temple a few months ago, and the time of serving in the army was only a few months at most. Although I don't know what they did in the few months, they were promoted to the rank of major so quickly. But their status as recruits is absolutely no problem.

Yusuf's bodyguard wanted to refute, but Yusuf put out a hand between him and Yang Ying, preventing him from continuing.

"Of course I believe your Excellency's words. Since you said that the two of them are recruits, I'm afraid they have an unknown adventure." Yusuf said.

Yang Ying nodded, took out the platinum card and bet voucher from his pocket, handed it to the ghost agent, and said, "Exchange the money for me, or transfer it to this card."

Ghost Agent took the card and voucher and led the way.

"Header Yang Ying has a wide range of friends, which is really enviable and valuable." You Sufu watched the ghost agent leave the room, and complimented with a smile. The loss of 10 million is just a drop in the bucket to him, and he doesn't need to care about it at all. .

"It's a pity that not all information has the opportunity to be exchanged for money." Yang Ying said, "Now I'm only worried about whether the gaming company will take my money. You know, four billion is not a small amount. Worth two heavy cruisers."

"You don't have to worry about this. The major gaming companies that have joined forces this time are all century-old brands. For them, reputation is more important than money itself. Even if they lose their fortune, they will return their gambling money, let alone four One billion won't hurt them at all, it just makes them less money from the gamble," Yusuf said.

"No wonder people often hear people say that gambling companies make money." Yang Ying said softly.

"However, gaming companies are not good people. If you meet a person with no background and win a large sum of money, after the gaming company cashes out the betting money, if any accident happens to that person, the gaming company will not be responsible." Yousuf He smiled and said, "But presumably the major gaming companies won't turn against you for four billion."

At this time, there was a sudden commotion from the white tent under the stands.

Yusuf came to the window sill and looked down, then turned around and said, "It seems that the news that your subordinates are going to cash in six billion has already spread, if you come here to take a look, you will be able to understand the mercenaries below. Envy and jealousy are clearly seen."

"Really?" Yang Yinglai took a look at the window sill, and saw a crowd of people below, many mercenaries holding betting vouchers were whispering to each other, and a stern look flashed in a few people's eyes from time to time.

"I think these red-eyed mercenaries need my attention more than gaming companies. They may turn their envy and jealousy into actions." Yang Ying said.

Mercenaries are not rules-abiding characters. They are brave, adventurous, and lawless. If they think that there are 6 billion in front of them, they can get them with just raising their hands. Who can resist this temptation?

"In the face of six billion, any rationality will come to naught. Whether they can use the platinum card to withdraw the money, whether they can escape safely from Worrell to some unknown corner, are not within their scope of consideration. What I think in my heart is probably to grab the money first, and think about the rest later." Yang Ying continued to analyze the thoughts of the mercenaries in the stands.

"This...is a problem." The wrinkles on Yusuf's face became deeper, "I'll send someone to solve this problem immediately." He turned his head and told a follower behind him: "Go, take a small team of people Take out the subordinates of Commander Yang Ying."

At this time, in the white tent, there is a semicircular space with a radius of two meters in front of the counter, as if there is an invisible force field here. In the center of the circle stands a ghost agent, while in the counter stands a man wearing a suit and A very tall blond man with a tie.

The blond man frantically clicked on the computer in front of him, and then respectfully said to the ghost agent: "The money has been transferred to the designated account, thank you for your patronage." After speaking, his figure blurred and disappeared.

A staff member next to him carefully held the platinum card, walked softly to the counter, and handed the platinum card to Agent Ghost.

Others were not surprised by this, because they all knew that the blond man was not himself, but a holographic projection.

The reason why a holographic projection is required to handle this transaction is because the status of the staff in the tent is too low, and they cannot make decisions about the flow of hundreds of millions of funds. They need to find a senior executive to approve the request for a transfer of 6 billion.

A similar thing happened before the exercise, when Ghost made a bet of two billion.

Agent Ghost took the Platinum Card, turned around, and the eyes of the onlookers changed instantly, as if they had Zhuge crossbows in their eyes, and shot an arrow at Agent Ghost.

They wished that the ghost agent would be shot to death and the Platinum Card could be kept.

Agent Ghost glanced around and knew the current situation.

At this time, words cannot convince these blind people.

He shook his hand resolutely, a stun bomb hit the ground and erupted suddenly, a bright white light suddenly appeared in the tent, dazzling like a real sun, causing all the wide-eyed people around to cover their eyes, leaving Tears come.

Accompanied by the white light, there was a loud thunderous noise, which made everyone deaf for a while, and because the tent was extremely crowded, at least fifty people were affected.

Because the inner ear controls a person's sense of balance, loud noises not only affect hearing, but also make people feel shaky.

The few people closest to the ghost agent were the most affected. Regardless of their eyes and ears, they flew forward and rushed to the location of the ghost agent in memory.

Then, they felt that they had pounced on something, and immediately raised their fists and punched forward. At the same time, they also felt the opponent's strong counterattack, and they were also severely attacked by the opponent.

The ghost agent closed his eyes before the stun bomb exploded, but his ears were also attacked by the stun bomb, but he had received special training, and the weakened sense of balance had little effect on him. Although the temporary deafness has some influence, but the people around him are not the same, and he is not particularly disadvantaged.

Not all the people in the tent were blind, but a few were blocked by the people in front of them, and they didn't fully see the white light in their eyes.

When the white light appeared, they only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and they could continue to see things.

Then I saw the innermost ghost agent flash and get into the crowd, and then several people in the inner circle hugged each other, punching and kicking each other.

"He's in the crowd."

"Don't let him get away!"

They yelled, but the people in the tent were all deaf and couldn't hear.

They were answered by another stun grenade, which arced in an arc and exploded in mid-air, blinding them too.

Taking advantage of the confusion, the ghost agent took off a jacket from a person passing by, put it on the outside, and took off a wig from the top of another person's head and put it on his head.

With this layer of camouflage, he sneaked out from the exit and squeezed through the crowd without anyone noticing.

After another minute, Yusuf's entourage brought a group of people who arrived late. They separated the crowd and entered the innermost circle. They only saw a few people in the innermost circle still wrestling together, but there was no sign of the ghost agent. .

They arrested the wrestlers and took them away.

After the ghost agent removed the disguise, he returned to the box on the top floor.

"Report sir, the mission is completed!" Agent Ghost held the Platinum Card in both hands and handed it to Yang Ying. He didn't show that he was holding six billion in his hands. It gave people the feeling that what he held was just a stone on the side of the road.

"Well done." Yang Ying smiled and took back the Platinum Card. The ghost agent got out before the rescue team arrived, which made him more face in front of Yusuf.

"Thank you, sir!" Agent Ghost saluted ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then stood behind Yang Ying with a calm expression, as if he had just done a small thing.

The damage from the stun bombs was only temporary, and he had already regained his hearing.

Yousuf looked at the ghost agent in surprise, as if he was looking at a treasure, he turned to Yang Ying and said, "Commander Yang Ying, your subordinates are really rare and excellent fighters. I have trained tens of thousands of fighters in the past 30 years , but those like yours can be counted on one hand."

In his opinion, Ghost Agent's fighting skills are still a trivial matter. He was amazed by such a calm momentum and the attitude of six billion in his hands as if he had nothing in his hands.

"Thank you for your compliments, they are also my pride." Yang Ying replied with a smile.

"Being able to command such fighters should make anyone proud." Yusuf said slowly, "Commander Yang Ying, do you want to participate in the award ceremony later?"

(Visiting relatives today, I finally wrote a chapter at the relative’s house, and I haven’t returned home yet, and the second chapter is almost 90% past zero, please bear with me!)

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