StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 186: dishonest suspect

The fat man spread his hands, shook his head and said: "It's a pity that the alliance is not qualified to be promoted to a super mercenary group. It is the super mercenary group that created the alliance, not the alliance that created the super mercenary group. The alliance must listen to the super mercenary group." How can you be qualified to be promoted to a super mercenary regiment at the mercy of the regiment?"

The short man nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, maybe the Telan mercenary group already has the strength of a super mercenary group, but they just haven't put it in front of others."

The brawny man was already covered in cold sweat from the fright of these conversations. He looked around nervously and found that no one was paying attention before he relaxed. The name of the regiment?"

"You're stupid." The short man hit him at the junction of his chest and abdomen with an elbow, causing the strong man to bend over in pain, "What does it mean to have the strength of a super mercenary group? Strength is the most important thing. What's the use of a name?"

The fat man said with certainty, "Yes."

The brawny man clasped his hands repeatedly and said, "I really lost my mind just now, but I said something so thoughtless, please forgive me, two big brothers."

The fat man and the short man said together: "Okay, let's talk, let's talk, we are doing this to prevent you from doing things that endanger the group."

"Harm the group, so what?" the brawny man asked suspiciously.

The fat man scolded: "Stupid, can't you see that they wiped out all the five major forces without leaving any behind, obviously they like to cut grass and roots, but if you offend them alone, they want us all to kill them too!" Wouldn't it be unfair to stay!"

When the three of them were talking, they didn't notice the contemptuous expressions of some people around them, and then immediately covered it up.

The white-haired old man at the front of the line walked out of the trestle, and saw a hundred people in front of him. There were two rows of people. The people in the first row were wearing white military uniforms, with their hands behind their backs in a resting posture, with solemn expressions and eyes fixed. The people in the second row were wearing red power armor, holding Gauss rifles in their hands, the muzzles of the guns were facing upwards, and the two rows gave off a faint murderous aura!

There was a man with a golden ratio, also wearing a white military uniform, standing in front of two rows of soldiers.

"What a head start." The white-haired old man was stunned when he saw the leader, and he recognized that this person was the actual controller of Gray Harbor——Robin!

Robin took a step forward, bowed slightly, and said to everyone, "I, Robin, send my greetings to you on behalf of the Telan Mercenary Group, and hope that your investigation process will be smooth and orderly."

The white-haired old man shook hands with Robin and said, "Hello, Mr. Robin, I am Harry, a senior officer of the Mercenary Alliance. I was ordered to lead this investigation team to review the promotion qualifications of the Telan Mercenary Group. Please support me, sir."

"It should be, it should be."

Robin exchanged pleasantries with the white-haired old man for a while, and then said: "Mr. Harry, we have arranged a hotel for you, please." Robin stepped aside and stretched out his hand to lead forward.

"Please." The white-haired old man said, also stretching out his hand to lead forward.

Robin led them out of the port, boarded the magnetic bus, and drove to a reserved five-star hotel.

Along the way, the white-haired old man asked Robin some questions about the Telan Mercenary Group.

The old man obviously knew that a large part of the Tran mercenary regiment was kept secret from the mercenary alliance, so the questions he asked were very superficial, and Robin answered them one by one.

After arriving at the hotel and arranging a room for the investigation team, Robin called a ghost agent and asked, "Have you seen everything clearly?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel." The ghost agent said, "When you were talking to Harry, there were eight people who behaved unusually. Although they pretended to be indifferent on the surface, they focused their energy on you. During the conversation with Harry, they were very interested in every word you said. And they also noticed the few small programs we specially arranged on the way of the bus. It can be seen from their eyes that they The level of interest in these little shows far exceeds the level of curiosity."

The so-called small programs are some seemingly very advanced machines arranged in the sight of these people.

For example, a machine gunner walking by on the street is carrying a box with a control panel, or a tank pulled behind a trailer, or a strangely shaped antenna on the roof, and so on.

Not all of these things are usable, and some of them are just empty shells, but they all have one characteristic, that is, their appearance is definitely not visible outside of Gray Harbor.

Therefore, these things will be considered by the investigation team to be unique technological products of the mysterious Tran Company.

These "mini-shows" were used by the Ghost agents to sound out the investigation team's response and were recorded.

Ghost agents are good at observing words and expressions, and even any of them can be called an expert in human behavior. Even if the people of these investigation teams cover up, some actions will be different from usual, so we can guess what they are focusing on Where, how much attention is paid.

This skill is already similar to mind reading, but it is based on psychology.

"Strictly monitor these suspicious people 24 hours a day, and other people can't relax. If there is any change, raise their alert level." Robin ordered.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel!" Ghost said.

Robin returned to the original Gray Harbor office, which is now the Gray Harbor headquarters of the Tran Mercenary Corps.

Due to the existence of the headquarters of the Telan Mercenary Corps in Gray Harbor, this bar street has become the busiest street in Gray Harbor, with a sea of ​​people every day, making the business of the bars here big and small extremely hot.

The mercenaries of those small mercenary regiments who visited here in the past have thrown themselves into the embrace of the Gray Harbor Battalion of the Tran Mercenary Corps, becoming a peripheral organization of the Tran Mercenary Corps.

Because of the prosperity of the Telan Mercenary Group, even they were cheered up.

With this shareholder style, they have a higher chance of receiving tasks and get more rewards. With their consumption, the bars on Bar Street have launched better and more expensive wines, earning a lot of money. The bowl is full, and the rent on this street has also increased a lot.

If anyone dared to speak ill of the Telan Mercenary Corps on this street at night, they would definitely be crushed to death by the swarming crowd.

After Robin came back, he immediately contacted Kalia with a communicator.

"People from the Mercenary Alliance have arrived," Robin said.

Kalia nodded and said, "Very good, how many suspects are there?"

Robin said: "There are currently eight of them, and they have shown extraordinary interest in all aspects of the Tran Mercenary Group."

Kalia smiled and said, "Sure enough, there are still many forces in the mercenary alliance who want to investigate us, and getting into this investigation team is probably the most direct and last resort for them at this stage. gone."

"I have sent someone to closely monitor them 24 hours a day, and they can't do anything." Robin said confidently.

"Don't underestimate them. If they are sent by a large mercenary group, it is easy to deal with them, but the spies sent by the three super mercenary groups may be more difficult." Kalia said seriously.

"I understand that. The Kowloon Mercenary Corps is okay. It only has a quantitative advantage. Compared with the large mercenary regiments, the difference in quality is limited. The Caesar Mercenary Corps is more troublesome. Their high-tech products are better than the military. But for us, it’s nothing. The Crusaders are the most troublesome, if they send a knight to sneak into this investigation team, it will be very difficult to deal with.”

"Most of the intermediate and senior knights of the Holy Light Knights have shown their faces, and the exposure rate is very high. There are many people in the Mercenary Alliance who know them. It is impossible to sneak into the investigation team. If you want to send them, I am afraid that you can only send junior knights or Apprentice knights are here," Kalia said.

"That's quite troublesome." Robin couldn't help thinking about how to deal with junior knights or knight apprentices.

Kalia saw her and said with a smile: "Sir, you have already thought about this situation. The two dark templars have already set off for Gray Harbor. You are ready to meet them. They will help you identify whether there are junior knights or knights among them." apprentice."

"That would be great." Robin also laughed, "With the invisibility technique of the dark templar, as long as you are not a paladin, you can't see them from a distance, and you can only sense them when you are very close. , Even if the senior knights come, they will not be found."

"I'll leave it to you to deal with the investigation team," Kalia said.

"Okay." Robin nodded. Kalia was about to turn off the communicator, but Robin suddenly stopped her and said, "Slow down!"

"What else is there?" Kalia stopped moving.

"I heard that the officer and Katerina... is this true?" Robin lowered his voice and asked.

"It is not allowed to make up the topic of the chief." Kalia said sternly.

"It seems to be true, otherwise you should deny it immediately." Robin said with a smile.

At this time, Kalia also put away his righteous face: "It's only a few days, I didn't expect this incident to reach your ears from the base, it seems that the security measures in the base still need to be improved, are you How do you know?"

"Can't you figure it out?" Robin asked back Cut the nonsense, talk quickly. "Kalia didn't have the slightest idea of ​​guessing.

When Robin saw it, he shook his head and said, "You know, women's gossip is one of the oldest and fastest information transmission channels in the world."

"A medical soldier from Gray Harbor?" Kalia immediately knew the source of Robin's information.

"Guess right." Robin nodded, and then asked, "How far have they developed?"

Kalia shook her head and said, "If you have the ability to check it yourself, it's impossible to ask about the officer's private life from me. In addition, tell your medical troops there what I just said, and don't make up the topic of the officer." After that, he cut off the contact.

"Sir and Katerina have finally come to this point, we should hold a celebration party tonight to celebrate." Robin paced back and forth in the office and said to himself, "But you can't tell this matter clearly. Come out, what name should I use..."

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