Seeing that the two consuls had come in, Yang Ying asked, "Come and help me analyze the spiritual body in this sword, and see if there is a way to resolve it peacefully. If the cultivation method under the Holy Light can be preserved, That's even better."

Yang Ying told the two consuls about the illusion shown by the silver light spot and a series of things that happened later.

The two consuls were thinking about a solution.

The consuls are worthy of being consuls. When the cross rays of light around them hit them, they were blocked by an invisible barrier and could not pass through at all. The same was true for the previous optical network. The two consuls almost squeezed into it here.

Yang Ying snorted and asked, "Can the plasma shield be used here?"

"Yes, where our will is, we can form a plasma shield." Boktana replied.

Seeing that Yang Ying couldn't be wiped out by the silver light spot, two non-human beings came outside, and the light was so bright that they sent out a roaring thought: "Heretic, die!"

Its shape also changed accordingly, extending up, down, left, and right, forming a large silver cross, rushing towards where everyone was.

"I have a way. Since the spirit-body in this sword is still a kind of spirit in essence, then spirit control can be realized." Grimoren said to Yang Ying and Boktana.

"Mind control can also control a sword?" Yang Ying asked in surprise.

"It does work, but this spiritual body. Although weak, its essence is not inferior to ours. It is not easy to control it. We need more dark consuls, and the light consuls only need me. After all, my lightning Much easier than mind control." Boktana further suggested.

The spiritual essence of an archon is not much different from that of an extraordinary master, and this level of essence is very resistant to mental control, so it is necessary to replace quality with quantity.

"More dark consuls?" Yang Ying said with a smile, "This is a floating continent. It's not easy to gather consuls. How much do you need?"

"The more the better, it's best to call them all!" The two consuls said at the same time, ".In addition, our main body must also enter here to exert our greatest strength."

At this time, outside the diamond, the bodies of the two consuls holding the hilt of the sword flashed and disappeared immediately. Since they were in a pure mental state and did not have a materialized body, they could all enter the diamond.

When Katerina saw it, she was startled, thinking that something had happened, but she didn't want to disturb Yang Ying, so she stood aside and clenched her hands tightly, worrying herself.

Seeing this, Yang Ying said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's just a matter of making arrangements to deal with this sword." Then he immediately shouted: "Summon all the dark consuls on the mainland!"

Suddenly a golden light flashed, and a bunch of red fireballs appeared in front of his eyes. A total of twenty-three dark consuls appeared in front of Yang Ying. Together with the leader of the dark consuls, Grimmellen, there were two formations of dark consuls on the mainland at this time. All here.

"All go into the diamond on the hilt, and Grimmoran will tell you what to do inside." Yang Ying immediately issued an order to all the dark consuls.

"Understood." The dark consuls agreed at the same time, and then they stepped forward one by one, holding the hilt of their swords, and then turned into flames and entered the diamond.

Gremolen and Boktana, who got the new force, immediately became more energetic. After Boktana fused with the body, dazzling lightning burst out from his body, turning into a minefield, and wiped out the cross rays of light colliding around him at once.

Then he cautiously sent out a bolt of lightning towards the large cross formed by silver light spots.

While he was confronting the Silver Cross, Grimmoran assembled the Dark Consul troops behind him, and then explained the mission to them.

As the protoss consuls, they can completely communicate through telepathy, and can express a meaning in an instant, without the need to speak the language at all.

The language of the Protoss is a language based on the sixth sense. The expression itself is very complicated and random, but the meaning conveyed is very appropriate. Basically, there is nothing that cannot be described by the language of the Protoss.

Boktana and Grimmolen once systematically described the master state to Yang Ying. Human language can't describe this state at all, but the language of the gods can.

It's a pity that Yang Ying couldn't understand...

After Grimmollen and the dark consuls explained what had happened, they all understood what to do.

Boktana used his lightning power to combine consumption with the Silver Grand Cross. As a consul with a master-level spiritual essence, his power can completely suppress the Silver Grand Cross. Using the more advanced knowledge and skills of the protoss, it is not difficult to exchange one for two, and the strength of the silver cross itself is only a few hundred.

"Shenwei is like a prison!"

The furious will of the silver light spot spread throughout the diamond space.

But even though it shouted like this, it still couldn't prevent its power from being consumed by Boktana, and the silver light gradually weakened.

"You heretics, don't think that you can use magic to cover up the power of God!"

With a loud shout, the big silver cross shone brightly and pressed towards Boktana.

"After all, it's just a spiritual body with limited wisdom. This will only speed up its consumption." Grimmollen said indifferently.

Sure enough, Boktana only slightly increased the output of lightning, and then regained control of the balance, stopping the big silver cross in place, not getting close at all.

The silver light on the big cross faded faster.

"The power of the Holy Light comes from our Lord, the omniscient and omnipotent God. Heretics and sorcery cannot save you, so you perish!"

An explosion-like thought came out from the big cross, and the surrounding silver light net was withdrawn, causing it to burst out ten times its brilliance again, and its power increased dramatically. However, Boktana stretched out his hands lightly, and the lightning in his palm instantly became bigger Ten times, the big cross was blocked again.

"It's desperate, be careful not to let it self-destruct." Grimmollen shouted telepathically, "It's time for us to act!"

Following Grimmollen's order, a dark consul beside him stretched out his hands, emitting a dim yellow light, covering the Grand Cross.

The silver light of the big cross dimmed instantly, and Boktana also reduced the power of his own lightning to maintain his balance.

"You heretics are delusional in corrupting the Holy Light and wanting to corrupt me. This is impossible! In the name of God, the Holy Light is endless! All the glory in the world belongs to God, and all heresy will be destroyed under the light of God! "

The idea of ​​the big silver cross exploded violently.

Seeing this, Yang Ying sighed: "Although I know that religious fanaticism can make people extreme, I didn't expect that it can also make a sword extreme. Now it's the age of the universe, and the power of the Catholic Church in the Vatican is only one second." The Knights of the Holy Light with more than a hundred people is nothing more than the phrase 'All glory in the world belongs to God', even members of the Knights of the Holy Light don't say it."

"Judging from the weakness of this spiritual body, the paladin who left it probably lived a long time ago, maybe even in the Middle Ages. In this case, its thinking is very backward, so it can be understood." Grimmolen Send out a telepathy and say to Yang Ying.

Yang Ying nodded and said, "Actually, that's fine. Since this sword has been lost outside for thousands of years, I'm not afraid that the Knights of the Holy Light will trouble me for it."

Because the spell of mind control consumes too much, a dark consul soon becomes a little sluggish after using it, and then the next dark consul takes it up.

After the big silver cross was shrouded in dim yellow light, its own silver light flickered, as if it might disappear at any time, but its ideas still persisted, shouting that heresy will be destroyed, God is omnipotent and so on.

"How many dark consuls do you need to control this guy?" Yang Ying waited for a while, and saw that the dark consuls changed one after another, but the silver cross still showed no signs of being controlled.

"From the current situation, it is estimated that fifteen or sixteen people are about the same." Grimmollen analyzed.

"It takes so much? The last time to control the high-ranking Psychic David, there were only twelve dark consuls. This time, it takes fifteen or six to control a mental body that is even inferior to me, who has just reached the level of a low-ranking Psychic? " Yang Ying asked strangely.

"This is an essential difference. Although the power is too weak, the essence of the spiritual body in front of me is extraordinary and holy, much higher than that of David. Sometimes mental control is not determined by strength alone, and the influence of essence is much greater." Ge Limolun pointed to the large silver cross and said, "If we use our current first-level mind control, we can only control characters below the master level. If the spirit body in front of us is too weak, we can't control it with a sea of ​​people. If it is a real paladin, it may take a year for a hundred formations of dark consuls to successfully control it."

"Level one mind control?" Yang Ying heard this vocabulary that he had never heard before.

"Yes, the first level of mind control is a mind control technique that our dark consuls can use when they are just born, and as we practice, our mental power will increase to the level of 100,000, and we can learn second level of mind control, which is better than level one. Mind control is much stronger," Grimmellen explained.

"Can you control a paladin?" Yang Ying asked No, at least three extremes of mind control are required to allow a dark consul to control a paladin, and the power of that paladin cannot More than the Dark Archon. As for the mind control of the three poles, a dark archon with a mental power of one million can be learned. ’ replied Grimmellen.

"It seems that there will be no hope in decades." Yang Ying shook his head, and he focused on the battlefield.

Boktana pinned down the silver cross with lightning, and the Dark Archon used mind control on it.

Although mind control can't control the big silver cross at once, it can also interfere with it, making it unable to use suicide moves.

After more than a dozen rounds, the consuls repelled the last wave of suicide attacks on the Grand Cross, and finally restored it to its original silver spot of light.

"It's done, leader, the power of the Holy Light has also been preserved." Boktana and Grimmoran sent a smile through telepathy at the same time.

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