StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 195: tom is back

"Will it be refined into steel?" Yang Ying nodded and said, "I will keep the words of the master in my heart."

"That's good. I don't have much time, so I should go now." Master Pang Qian put down the scroll and was about to walk away.

"I have one more thing, and I want to ask Master to agree." Yang Ying said hastily.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Master Pang Qian stopped in his tracks.

"I hope Master will keep my cultivation a secret." Yang Ying bowed and said.

"I understand. You are afraid that the tree will show up in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. In this case, I promise you." Master Pang Qian nodded.

"Thank you, master." Yang Ying said happily.

"However, paper can't cover fire, your cultivation is on your body, as long as you are seen by experts, they will find out, if you meet people who don't care, it's okay, but some forces, such as the ancient legion or the ape worship, If they find out that your talent is extraordinary, it may be against you." Master Pang Qian reminded.

"Thank you, master, for reminding me that I will minimize the chance of exposure in the future." Yang Ying said.

The tentacles of the ancient legion may not be able to reach the asteroid belt, and there is still David in the Ape Worship Cult who can block it, so in the face of these two forces, I am relatively safe for the time being.

"If you feel danger, you can call for help at Nianneng Temple at any time. Even if I don't come, other people will respond to you." Master Pang Qian finally instructed, "Remember, the gate of Nianneng Temple is open to you at any time. open."

After finishing speaking, Master Pang Qian took a step forward and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Only one voice remained and said, "I'm leaving, don't have to send me far."

"Master, go all the way!" Yang Ying said to the air.

He picked up the scroll from the table, and saw that the four big characters of "Hundreds of Refined Steel" are sharp and sharp, and the pen is like a snake.

After looking carefully for a while, Yang Ying smiled and said, "Let's go back to the base too."

"Okay, sir!" Katerina was also happy for Yang Ying. Although she didn't know the way of mind power, she could tell that the calligraphy left by the master was not ordinary.

Perhaps, the entire city of Gray Harbor may not be able to find anything worth more than this painting.

Yang Ying and Katerina didn't stay in Gray Harbor for a while, and after asking the hotel staff to carefully frame the words, they left the hotel and went directly to the port.

After returning to the base, Yang Ying directly hung this picture in the command room, planning to read more at ordinary times. This picture seems to be the essence condensed by years and wisdom. Even looking at it can make people feel that the soul is Be baptized.

Yang Ying sat facing the scroll in the command room for a full ten hours, and to such an extent that he forgot to sleep and eat!

Kalia wanted to enter the command room to talk to Yang Ying, but was blocked by Katerina at the door.

"I'm in a hurry!" Kalia said to Katerina who stood in front of her.

"If you have something urgent, you can tell me. The officer is currently in a state of shallow meditation, trying to understand the words left by Master Pang Qian wholeheartedly. Don't disturb him." Katerina has no intention of moving away.

"Isn't it okay to think about it later?" Kalia asked strangely.

"No." Katerina shook her head and said, "The officer told me that the first impression is very important at this time. Now that I just got this letter, it is the best time to think about it before the freshness is over. Otherwise, Once you get familiar with that word, you won’t have the feeling you had at first glance.”

"I see." Kalia nodded. "As for the urgent matter, Robin from Gray Harbor just sent me a communication, saying that Caesar's mercenary group may have bad intentions for us."

"Caesar's mercenary group?" Katerina frowned slightly, and said, "Is the source of this news reliable?"

"Robin said that the reliability rate is about 75% or more. That's the news from the captain of the Mercenary Alliance's investigation team."

Calia then analyzed the character Alva "Thousand Faces" and Katerina.

"Caesar's mercenary group sent a senior first-class mercenary to sneak into the investigation team, and they really attach great importance to us." Katerina nodded and said.

At this time, there was a sudden "swish" from behind her, and the door opened.

"It is indeed very important. After all, we have such a strong reputation. No matter how much they despise us, they will not really treat us like a persimmon." Yang Ying walked out.

Katerina turned her head immediately: "Sir, have you finished thinking about that word?"

"Yes, the harvest is not small!" Yang Ying nodded and said with a smile, "Although I can't fully understand the will contained in this painting, even if I sit for another ten hours, I won't gain more. "

Kalia took a step forward: "Sir, you came out at the right time, about the news that Harry gave us..."

"I heard it just now." Yang Ying said, "It is estimated that I was walking with Master Pang Qian and was seen by that Harry. The potential deterrent power of a master of Nian Neng is better than our "large mercenary." No. 1 in the group' reputation."

"No wonder, that Harry confessed to Robin just after we came back." Katerina said with a smile.

Kalia handed a document to Yang Ying: "Sir, here is the plan made by the General Staff based on the possible threat of Caesar's mercenaries, please take a look."

Yang Ying opened the file, glanced at it, and remembered it completely in his heart. He nodded, handed the file to Kalia, and said, "This is just a plan for how to deal with Caesar's mercenaries. It's done well, but I still need a little more time." A plan to deal with the Caesars Group!"

The influence of the Caesars family is not limited to the asteroid belt. The Caesars mercenary group is only a vassal of the Caesars Group. If you want to deal with them, you have to be careful of the threat of the Caesars Group.

"The Caesars Group is the number one military enterprise in the solar system. They arm almost one-third of the human army. They have a profound influence in politics, economy, and military. They are not at the same level as the asteroid belt and other miscellaneous forces. Even the Caesars Mercenary Corps itself is just the tip of the iceberg of the Caesars Group." Kalia recalled information about the Caesars Group.

"So we have to be careful of the Caesars Group's attack on the Tran Company. Even if this big monster turns around, it will be overwhelming for us." Yang Ying reminded.

"I understand, I will go to the staff to prepare the plan immediately." Kalia put the document under his arm and was about to leave.

"By the way!" Yang Ying suddenly remembered something, and said, "Tom has been the chairman of Tran for a long time, you go and ask him to come back and change to a ghost agent. Tom is more suitable as an engineer, let him get involved The swirl of battle is not appropriate."

Kalia said yes, then turned and left.

Two days later, Tom returned to the base from the Terran company headquarters on Earth.

At the same time, a freshman ghost agent in the barracks specially underwent plastic surgery to become exactly the same as Tom, and when he was still growing and developing in the training cabin, he entered a series of operation data of Tran Corporation into in his head.

This ghost agent will replace Tom's position in the future, and the original Tom's fingerprints, DNA and other information will also be replaced with new ones, but under Kalia's single-handed control, everything seems to be in order.

Kalia took Tom into the base and came to Yang Ying's command room.

Tom was very excited when he saw Yang Ying, stood at attention with a "snap" and saluted loudly, "Report sir, Tom is back!"

"Okay." Yang Ying stood up and said with a smile, "Long time no see, I have worked hard for you these days."

"Report sir, no hard work!" Tom shouted.

Yang Ying looked at Tom carefully, and found that this SCV has changed a lot compared to the original one. If he was an engineer before, he is almost a businessman now.

"Teran Company is a place to train people, and now you look a lot smarter." Yang Ying was very happy to see Tom again this time, recalling the dangerous situation when he first came to this world, he couldn't help but sigh, Pointing to the sofa beside him, he said, "Take your own seat, let's have a good talk."

"Thank you, sir!" Tom sat down on the sofa and recounted what happened to Ritland during this period.

During this period of time, Tom wants to let Tran Company gain a firm foothold, and he has also made a **** way out of a series of competitions. If it weren't for the advanced technology in his hands, coupled with the supercomputer Kevin in the base, and Ghost Agent The intelligence support of the army will not develop Tran Company so easily.

"I made a lot of mistakes at the beginning. If it wasn't for everyone's help, I'm afraid this Telan company would have been destroyed by me." Tom was a little depressed when he talked about the things at the beginning.

Yang Ying nodded. Tom was the first unit he summoned. If it wasn't for the shortage of, he wouldn't be allowed to take the position of chairman of Tran Company.

Today's Telan company has become a quite influential company. Within half a year, hundreds of key patents have been registered, covering machinery manufacturing, electronic products, material technology, biomedicine, etc. It is through technology licensing that there are billions in revenue, and it is still rising in a straight line.

There are some senior evaluation agencies on the earth predicting that Tran's profit may reach 50 billion within three years, and may reach 500 billion within ten years.

It's just that this is not enough compared to the benefits brought by Yang Ying's expansion in the asteroid belt during this period. After all, more than 30 billion in cash and real goods were copied from Herman's villa alone, and there are four other groups and three other space cities!

It can be said that after the Battle of Gray Harbor, the money earned by Tran Corporation in ten years is not much worse.

Yang Ying originally set up this company just to provide cover for the mercenary group, and to have a more convenient channel when purchasing various materials. Making money with the company is not the main purpose.

But it is also a surprise that the company's profitability is so good now.

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