StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 101 Tarsonis

This is the origin of the Tyranids. The leaders of the Federation Council and the Creation Family call this warm and pleasant world the beacon of human civilization in the Koprulu Sector.


Originally known for its verdant world and enchanting lakes and seas, this world was the economic and political center of the Terran Confederation. In this era, the wealth and resources continuously gathered from thousands of colonies made Tarsonis's glory more and more brilliant.

Under the porthole of Augustus's traveler's ship, the city of Tarsonis, a city far more majestic than Stirling, stretched to the end of the horizon.

Countless tall buildings seem to support the sky. The jagged edges are hidden and amidst the gray fog, the colorful lights of the city are still so bright even in the morning when the sun is about to rise.

Every tower that appeared in Augustus seemed to be an artist's masterpiece. All tall towers strived to stand out among thousands of towering towers through graceful curves and unique architectural art.

The city of Tarsonis is so majestic and huge that even if the spacecraft travels for an hour, it still has not touched any edge of the city. Even Stillling City, home to five million people, is only one of the hundreds of cities in Tarsonis. There are more people living in the suburbs alone than many colonies and the entire planet combined. need more.

The intelligent machine announcer in the spacecraft connected to the main signal tower is introducing the history of Tarsonis to the passengers in the cabin with a precise and smooth but emotionless voice. But after Renault, who was drowsy because he could not adapt to leaving the state of hyperspace navigation, turned down the sound, the sound of Harnak and Josephine chewing broad beans immediately overshadowed the mechanical sound.

“This place is so fucking big,” Harnak said.

"Stielling is just a baby compared to Tarsonis." Josephine added: "And your hometown, Shiloh Tsk, is just a puddle of mud in the mud pit of the universe."

"Hey, man. I can't pretend I didn't hear this." Reno felt a little better.

While still in Shiloh, Reno spent a long time convincing his father to give up his work on the farm. After issuing a formal bonus document, his parents finally agreed to use a small portion of the money to improve their own living standards, which left Reno physically and mentally exhausted.

"This is really a holy place for mankind! I heard the bartender 'Legless George' in the Fleet Bar say that the most beautiful women in the world are here. I hope the consumption level is not too high, otherwise I will soon run out of money. "Tychus looked at the high-rise buildings in Tarsonis City and the endless vehicles on the main traffic roads through the window with great interest.

"I remembered something, Boss Mengsk, can you lend me some money?"

"Why do you have no money again? Tens of millions." Augustus showed a rare expression of extreme surprise.

"How many women did you find in one night? Eight or ten. Are you an animal?"

"Not that much. Of course, you know the situation." Tychus said vaguely.

Tychus Finley likes money very much, but he is not a miser or a miser. He prefers to spend money and enjoy himself, spending his money on women, wine and cigars.

"Boss, you must not know what ridiculous things this guy Tychus did during the time you left Meinhof." Josephine was sitting next to Augustus: "The entrance of Haji Star Each cigar is rolled on the thigh of a beautiful girl with chocolate skin. Each cigar costs almost a thousand credits, and a box is enough for me to use as pants. He bought it by the truckload."

"Tychus also likes to stuff money into the breasts of girls when they meet. Boxes and boxes of 2421 Quin Estate Port are just a trivial matter. What he wants every night is the top one, and he always buys it. In the entire strip club, dozens of women took off their clothes, danced around him, and indulged in a pool full of wine. Maybe only a man can satisfy him."

"You are jealous of me, you innocent Josephine." Tychus glared.

"Okay." Augustus told Josephine to stop, otherwise Tychus would have to call him to the bathroom alone sooner or later.

"Don't tell me, Tychus, have you spent all your money again? I know you must have been greedy for a lot of money when you sold the crystal. Even so, the money is not endless." Augustus said to Tychus said.

"I'm not going to spend extravagantly." Tychus said nonchalantly: "But who knows that someday a little accident won't happen."

"Well, if you are short of money, you can come to me at any time." Augustus said: "I guarantee you that the resources in my hand can allow you to live the life you want. Provided"

"The premise is that I am worth the price. Listen, you may think that old Tychus is a bastard, but as long as the money is enough, I can blow up this Tarsonis." Tychus said with great satisfaction.

"You speak of me as if I were a villain," said Augustus. "I don't need you to destroy the world."

At this time, the spacecraft carrying them had entered the city center of Tarsonis. There are gradually more and more high-rise buildings here. The spacecraft travels between the clouds and fog, and the red laser beams of air defense identification are constantly crossing and sweeping from the bottom of the spacecraft.

Ahead, Augustus saw several buildings that were far taller than ordinary skyscrapers. These giant buildings called sky towers overlooked the entire city like giants. Each sky tower belonged to a powerful creation. Family.

What Augustus saw alone was nearly ten sky towers. The architectural styles of these skies vary. Some are Gothic black spiers, some are gorgeous Baroque buildings, and others are more grotesque, like a whole piece of transparent crystal or a majestic and angular black steel building. .

These unique architectural styles are closely related to the preferences of each founding family and the family industry they focus on.

Augustus saw gorgeous English letters on these sky towers, marking the surnames of each family: Cusinis, Duke, Terra, Carabas, d'Abanwells, Bennet

Then the spacecraft began to descend, and no civilian or military ships were allowed to fly into the sky above the Sky Tower of the Creation Family. Therefore, Augustus and his demons in heaven had to take a ride to the Sky Tower of the Tagore Family. Appearance at hostess Andrea Tagore's birthday party.

"Will other members of the Creation Family participate?" Lisa Kheshidi asked as she stepped off the spaceship and transferred to a hovering minibus on the way to the Tagore Sky Tower on a very wide road.

"Yes, unless they want to break with the Tagore family." Augustus said: "Each family will send one or two family members, and those who are closer to the Tagore family will send more people."

"That means there will be many beautiful ladies and noble ladies attending the banquet?" Lisa asked again.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter," Augustus said to his men. "I may not be able to take you all in."

"But you can stay in the side room where the regular guests are."

There was a chorus of lamentations all around, Tychus being the loudest.

Thanks to book friend 161129182627174, Battle Steel Teeth, the reward from the senior commander of Black Watch, thanks to KVX233, I feel uncomfortable reading without books, book friend 161121213935249, Nemo, Nemo Ba Tritium Vaner, Glory to the eldest son, flaming forget-me-not, Battle Steel Teeth, Black Blood Eggplant, Coughing to Death, Astark's Monthly Ticket! Thanks for the recommendation votes, good brothers!

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