StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 103 Andrea Tagore

Chapter 103 Andrea Tagore

Lady Annabella Terra left Augustus with a provocative look and walked towards her eldest daughter with graceful steps, while her youngest daughter Nova, who was not yet five years old, grabbed her mother's hand and followed closely. , looking at Augustus from time to time.

Compared to other children of the same age, Nova Terra is very calm and well-behaved.

Except for Terra's family, no one knew that Nova had potential psychic talents. She could always hear other people's inner voices, such as her mother and sister's disgusting remarks about Augustus just now. Sexual fantasies.

In fact, even Annabelle knew very little about her daughter's psychic talent. She only knew that Nova could read some of the shallower thoughts in human thoughts.

Affected by her psychic talent, Nova understood many things at a very young age and was much more mature than children of the same age. But maybe what happened today is not such a good memory for Nova.

Augustus silently wrote down the surnames of the girls, boys and ladies of the Creation family who had invited him before, and then returned to his seat. During the two weeks in Tarsonis, he would take time to visit one by one to explore the attitudes of these families towards Korhal IV and Mengsk.

After sitting with Renault for a while, Augustus quietly tasted the Angsa red wine on the table, waiting for the arrival of Mrs. Andrea Tagore, the protagonist of the birthday party.

But Andrea arrived a full five minutes late. She was sitting on a wheelchair suspended in mid-air and walked toward the guests from the luxurious corridor accompanied by several members of the Tagore family.

Andrea's long gray hair was very thick, and Augustus could even find some cyan hair in it. Her once beautiful face was now full of deep wrinkles, but her blue eyes still seemed to be blooming. There is a certain light and a strong spirit.

"Haha. Children, I'm glad you can come." Andrea Tagore's suspended wheelchair quickly passed in front of the guests after a burst of speed. The Tagore family members behind could only trot to keep up. The funny sight made some children laugh.

Everyone present is a child in front of the 140-year-old Andrea, so she is the only one qualified to say such things.

Many founding families have close or distant kinship with the Tagore family. When the leaders of these families were still ignorant, Andrea Tagore overlooked the entire Tarsonis from the Tagore Sky Tower, standing on the Tagore Sky Tower. The head of the giant dragon of the London Federation.

"Sevan, you should go for hair transplant surgery." Andrea said as she passed the leader of the Skeld family.

"Oh, little Annabelle, darling, you are just as beautiful as your mother."

"." Every time she met a familiar member of the Creation Family, she would either say hello or make a sarcastic comment.

"Ero, hasn't the child Jaco been found yet? He has disgraced the Bennett family, or did those damn rebels capture him? You are his father, why are you indifferent to this? ." before controlling the suspended wheelchair to fly in front of the leader of the Bennett family.

"We tried our best, offering rewards, hiring detectives, search and rescue teams and even marines, but we still found nothing. The final evidence points to the same conclusion - he ran out on his own." Arrow Bennett's voice was nothing. Ups and downs, he was simply defending himself, as if a cat or dog had been lost at home.

"I spent a lot of money and energy on this, and finally had to give up. I think since he doesn't want to live as a member of the Bennett family and let his mother and sister shed so many tears in vain, then I have no intention of doing so. There is no way." He said coldly.

"Jaco is an adult and he should be held accountable for the stupid things he did."

"Tara's talent in finance and business management is obvious to all of us, and she does not need a replacement. But Tara's marriage will be a headache for you." Andrea told Eero before going to her seat. explain.

"If you ask me, you should execute those guards and useless servants who neglect their duties, otherwise your prestige will decline. People who are only worthy of being servants will one day ride on your head, and the ancient order will be destroyed. Trample." She said ruthlessly, her voice carried throughout the banquet hall with the aid of a loudspeaker.

"Noble people should be born with such rights. This is our birthright. You must always remind those humble people, otherwise they will forget the humbleness of their ancestors and their role in this world. characters, forgetting that they should be trembling and crawling at the feet of the founding family.”

"Just like more than a hundred years ago. Now, the Antigonians have forgotten their responsibilities, and Korhal IV has gone even further. Are we too tolerant?"

"What is this old witch talking about? Can the Creation Family decide the fate of other people? She should be glad that I don't have a P220 electromagnetic pistol on hand." Andrea's floating wheelchair then leisurely walked in the banquet hall Renault said angrily to Augustus as he stopped at the circular dining table in the center.

Augustus was afraid that Renault would say, "Princes and generals are willing to be with each other."

"If only we could bring in the recording equipment," Augustus said ruefully.

"Oh, don't look so surprised, I just felt it. I believe that the turmoil in Kohal IV has affected some of your family's businesses to a greater or lesser extent, especially those with factories on that planet. "Andrea's tone soon became gentle, as if she was just a fragile old lady: "This has made my mood a mess lately."

"Today is a good day, it's my 140th birthday, but my increasingly weak elbow often reminds me that I have lived too long. The children always tell me that I have two more years to live. When I'm 100 years old, I don't want to put my immobile body in a 'coffin' full of nutrient solution and rely on cutting-edge technology to survive."

"Every birthday, that damn smart butler will tell me on time that death is getting closer and closer. This makes me very uncomfortable," she said. "I don't know that after my death, this person who belongs to the creation family will What will become of the Great Confederacy. Hopefully, by then the rebel leaders of Antiga and Korhal will have been hanged."

"I don't like birthdays, but I still invite you to this banquet, because the various founding families may not have gathered together for ten years - except at meetings of the Federal Parliament."

"I just hope you understand that the Creation Family and the Creation Family should stand together, and the nobles should hold on to their power. We must use sharp swords to guard the glory and authority of the Creation Family. Only order will last forever."

"If anyone dares to defile it, let the defiler burn in the flames."

There were no news media or UNN producers here, so Augustus believed that Andrea was telling him that this was a warning.

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