StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 107 Tarsonis Slums

"I don't like it here. It reminds me of the time I lived here as a gangster. My brothers who had no fathers or mothers or suffered from domestic violence were like stinkers. A group of mice in the ditch whose fur was wet with dirty water, covered with oil stains that reflected colorful light spots under the neon lights."

Before following several search teams composed of Tarsonis police into the largest slum in Tarsonis City, the Tarsonian-born federal marines and active-duty grenadiers of the Demons of Heaven had lived in this slum for eighteen years. Private First Class Xander Marks told his commanding officer, Augustus.

Tarsonis City is the grandest and most extensive city in the entire Tyranid Federation. The city is located on the vast plain between the continuous mountains of Tarsonis' only main continental plate and the largest inland sea. The hexagonal outer walls of the city are still clearly visible even in low-Earth orbit. Beyond the urban area are giant industrial areas and cities one after another covering the surface of the planet.

In the territory of the Tyranid Federation, the city of Tarsonis is a place where ambitious people and the darlings of the times gain fame and wealth. Future politicians, galaxy businessmen, and technological geniuses can all have a place in this prosperous world. In contrast, there are more people living in its vast slums than there are immigrants in the Sara system.

It was not that Augustus had never seen slums. In Stillling, slums were areas that were not included in urban development plans. The simple urban area there is the product of a series of problems such as excessive urban development and the wide gap between rich and poor. It seems to be a large area of ​​low old urban areas and illegal buildings between the magnificent glass buildings, just like mercury. an ugly scar.

Korhal IV Stirling is home to the poorest people in Korhal, but the slums of Tarsonis are "underground" in the entire city.

The Sky Tower complex of the Creation Family is in the center of Tarsonis City, which is the most prosperous area of ​​the city and the starting point and end point of the entire continent's transportation network. Outside the central city to the suburbs are countless skyscraper-like buildings. Under these seemingly prosperous scenes are dark alleyways known as "stinking ditches."

The skyscrapers stand on a foundation reinforced with concrete and steel frames, separated only by a dense network of winding lanes accessible to pedestrians, and with highways thousands of feet in the air.

On both sides of these alleyways are steel walls that seem to extend infinitely upward. There are locked steel doors on the walls and windows sealed with water. Only the glass windows above the head that are emitting light from the rising mist show the mysterious scenery. Gustus is in the city with dozens of Tarsonis Police Force (TPF) personnel armed with electromagnetic pistols and shotguns.

The floors that seem to reach into the sky and cannot be seen with the eyes block the sunlight that should be shining on the ground, so these lowest lanes do not see sunlight all year round.

The rainwater that does not easily evaporate, the poor ventilation and the sewers under the alleys make the place as humid as a tropical rainforest, and the air is filled with the smell of urine and an indescribable stench. Rodents and giant native slugs crawl in dark corners, and the sound of fans from high-floor air-conditioning systems is mingled with the swaying creak of rusty metal signs.

At the end of the alleyway, there is another passage that is either narrower or much wider, but no matter which direction you go, you can't get out of this maze world under countless tall buildings.

No one has counted how many these lanes there are, but it is certain that Tarsonis City has at least tens of thousands of dark and damp black lanes. The environment here may be the harshest and most unbearable among all the cities in the Tyranid Federation. Viruses breed in the humid and warm darkness, and plague and death peek out from the shadows.

However, there are countless poor people, villains who have been kicked out of their homes, homeless gangsters, unemployed vagrants, desperate gamblers, unexamined drug addicts and people who are engaged in what is considered the most despicable job living in these alleys. Poor people. They live in wider lanes, in sloping-roofed houses built against vertical steel walls.

People in slums do not have balconies and can only use microwaves to dry their clothes, but even clothes that are dried in this way are quickly soaked by moisture.

There is a lack of light sources here, so slum residents use cheaper but extremely harsh neon lights to illuminate the dim world. These neon lights and the electric lights in residents' homes are powered by cables installed privately and exposed on the edge of the lane walls. The sparks that often sizzle can be seen in the darkness.

"Mr. Augustus, we have to get off work in an hour, and the search may have to wait until tomorrow." A Tarsonis police sergeant next to Augustus said: "I feel really sorry for Mr. Finley." Worried, in the dark nights of the slums, the crime, chaos, and violence seemed to come from another backward and savage world, not Tarsonis, which is famous for its technology and progress."

"You have to know that it is almost impossible to track the villains in the slums. There is no management here. Even the police station only sends out reconnaissance boats to patrol regularly."

"I'll add more money," Augustus said.

"It's not about money." The sergeant adjusted the brim of his hat and slowly lit a cigarette.

"Twice it more, and let your chief send out better police officers and detectives from upper-class residential areas." Augustus looked at the colorful graffiti on the wall through the purple neon lights in the alley, a police officer Tell him that there is a relatively large residential community in front of this lane.

Augustus knew very well that the Tarsonis Police Department had long been eroded by corruption like a rotten wooden board. It was full of crawling vermin and bedbugs. There were by no means a handful of capable police officers, but on this basis, the integrity There are very few police officers who do not accept favor fees, resident protection fees and extort civilians.

The salary of most police officers is enough for them to live in this bustling metropolis, but in this materialistic, fame-seeking and impetuous false prosperity, even the police want to get more benefits.

The police in the downtown area are left to idle gangsters because they cannot recruit enough manpower, while the excellent police in the wealthy areas only care about the interests of the sponsors who give them extra salaries.

In such a perfunctory system that does not provide benefits or bribes, most cases of the middle class and ordinary federal citizens often have to be delayed for months because no one is accepted, and in the end they are dropped. And trivial matters like robbery, theft and malicious wounding are not worth the time of precious police officers.

Unless the victim is a powerful noble, even a wealthy businessman will not be able to touch these uncles if he does not want to pay.

"It just so happens that we have to work overtime today, Mr. Augustus." The police chief took a heavy drag on his cigarette: "My detectives just found some clues. Someone can confirm that Tychus Finley-that is, the person in the photo This big guy walked into Daddy Leiter's bar at 7:52 last night, and then rushed out of the bar naked this afternoon."

"He was completely naked and knocked down two powerful and tall gangsters with just three punches and two kicks," the police chief said.

Thanks to Agent Rongrong, Luo Xue, Jasmine, Zhu Shi, HEHHE, Fruit Collection, hanhzx, Insect Mother Niyadra, Book Friends 20201016000225300, Oos, SimonDD41, Stubborn Pig, Alex Liu, - YF, The Unkillable Little Hero Monthly ticket, thanks to Agent Rongrong, the unkillable little hero, Jing Hu Yejing, and the No. 3 brain of a certain civilization for the reward.

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