StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 113 I want to call her: Hyperion

When the gangway was lowered, the strong wind mixed with sand and gravel slapped on the face mask of Augustus's power armor. This is a planet with an orange-yellow atmosphere and sandy soil. Endless winds constantly and permanently change the landscape of this planet.

Augustus looked up and looked ahead. A huge, almost torn apart steel behemoth was crawling in front of him. In the gloomy wind and sand, dozens of giant cranes and hanging towers were flashing red and green lights. , thousands of National Defense Force engineers and workers stood on the scaffolding erected on its bow, stern and sides.

"An ancient Behemoth-class battlecruiser. Even among her siblings of her class, she is hardly young."

Erin Pasteur, who had just rushed back to Umoyan, walked down the ramp of Augustus. He was wearing a heavy space environment suit instead of powered armor, so his pace was slow. He was led by another man wearing white powered armor. Soldiers from the Umoyang National Defense Army supported him.

"She showed up at just the right time," Augustus said.

"But she still needs repairs, and they need major repairs." Aylin smiled as he looked at the busy workers and the wreckage of the battlecruiser less than a mile away from him.

"Fortunately, we have the most outstanding engineers and the best workers in the entire Koprulu sector. She will return to combat soon... Of course, it is ours."

At this time, a Umoyan chariot that was like a hovercraft and speeding like a ship on the desert came from the direction of the battlecruiser and stopped next to Augustus and Aylin. A man stepped out of it. Lieutenant General of the Umoyan Protectorate Army wearing a gray and white leather military uniform.

Although the Umoyan Protectorate was only announced to be established after the Battle of Kailian, its predecessor, the Umoyan Militia, was actually a highly professional armed organization that obeyed the Umoyan democratically elected parliament.

After the Tyranid Federation revealed its ambitions, the Umoyan militia received far greater military support than before, and the development direction of cutting-edge technology began to focus on military technology.

"Congressman Pasteur, please forgive me, you must be brought into the security area by a dedicated person. This is top secret. The Tyranids still don't know where the missing battlecruiser has gone." The expression of the Umoyan general Seriously, he paid special attention to Augustus.

"I know that if I'm not careful, this will trigger a war." Aylin nodded: "This will most likely be the excuse for the Tyranid Federation to declare war on Umoyan in the next step, but the crash site is covered by the Federation's signal Outside the scope, the Federal Council and the Fleet Command know nothing about it. By the time they investigate clearly, we will have already cracked the battlecruiser construction technology."

With the help of Augustus and the guards, Aylin climbed into the car and sat in the back seat. After everyone was seated securely, a raised light chariot shield not only isolated the wind and sand from the outside world, but also provided a good view.

"General, your soldiers are very brave. I heard that you captured this battleship in less than two hours." He said a few words of praise when the chariot was launched.

"Actually, it's better to say that the federal soldiers in this battlecruiser surrendered quickly." The general was not happy with the compliment: "First, one of our fleets received their distress signal. So this unexpected incident Rather than turning into a border dispute or a deportation war, the invasion became a humanitarian relief operation."

"We also received a warm welcome from many people as our rescuers entered the warship to search for the wounded and provided food and medical support to the isolated crew members..."

"This is the best result." Aylin said happily: "I rushed back just after getting this exciting news."

"The more exciting news is that there are several space construction engineering vehicles and arc tanks in the cargo bay of this battleship, and there is also a squadron of CF/A17G Wraith fighter jets in the launch bay." The general said as he walked: "These are all It can be put into use immediately.”

Augustus did not interrupt, but listened quietly. As the Umoyan chariot drove toward the fallen battlecruiser, he became increasingly excited. Even though many parts of the battleship's armor had been damaged when it fell from synchronous orbit to the surface, the shocking cracks and fractures showed the trauma the battleship had suffered, and the light from the welding guns in the hands of workers and intelligent robots was clearly visible.

As Augustus got closer to the battlecruiser, the more he realized the greatness of the battlecruiser. It was about one-third of a mile long and twenty stories high. It looked like a tower standing on the sand. The steel city in the city, and Umoyan's engineers are about to transport it back to the National Defense Army shipyard closest to here.

The tank stopped at the entrance of the battlecruiser's dock near the ground, and several Umoyan Protectorate soldiers holding electromagnetic rifles guarded the place.

The power armor on the Umoyan Protectorate is undoubtedly an imitation of the Federation CMC power armor, but its level of sophistication is far superior to the armor made by the Kaimorian Consortium's armor-piercing plates. In Augustus' view, the performance of these armors is even better than the CMC-300.

Passing through the dim corridor inside the ship, Augustus and others arrived at the lower deck connected to the shipyard, where about a hundred Umoyan workers were repairing the deck and replacing cables and electronic equipment.

"We removed all positioning devices and tracking transmitters, and rehired almost all the crew of the battlecruiser, including the captain, engineers, technicians, and jump engine technicians, at a cost of several times or even dozens of times. They will be hired as technical instructors or instructors." The general looked at these people and said.

"Umoyan will soon have its own Behemoth-class battlecruiser..." Aylin said excitedly, looking at the busy workers and the repaired console.

"And, Augustus, you happen to need a battlecruiser as the flagship of your fleet." He looked at Augustus.

"I thought you would incorporate this battlecruiser into the Umoyan fleet." Augustus' eyes lit up.

"Korhal needs a battlecruiser far more than we do now, and the Guardians are not so urgent. The technical difficulties associated with building this class of battleships will soon be overcome one by one, after which we will complete the restoration And the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, which has undergone certain modifications and weapon upgrades using Protectorate Army technology, was handed over to Korhal." the Protectorate Army general added.

"This is a decision made by both the Parliament and the National Protectorate. It is a manifestation of Umoyan's full support for the Korhal Revolution."

"I swear that I will remember your kindness." Augustus said solemnly: "This battlecruiser will become a symbol of the friendship between Korhal and the people of Umoyan."

"The old number and name can no longer be used. You need to give this battleship a new name before towing it back to the dock." Aylin said with a smile: "You can spend some time thinking about it and then tell me. "

"I think...the answer is already there." Augustus smiled.

"I'm going to call her: Hyperion."

People are on the plane, about to take off

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