StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 117 Abolition of Parliament

Soldiers from the Korhal Revolutionary Army, wearing brown Federal Marine uniforms with straight collars and red-on-gold wolf head armbands on their right shoulders, surrounded the Palatine Council Hall. More than four hundred 8mm caliber electromagnetic rifles were all loaded.

The bronze roof of the Palatine Hall glowed like gold in the midday sun. Angus Mengsk, wearing a bright red thick robe, walked into the huge palace surrounded by his son Augustus and many soldiers. cylindrical portico and wide black door.

In a hall supported by relief columns, statues of Korhal's pioneers line the white walls. The restless congressmen in the foyer were like squirming chickens in a chicken coop, while a group of fanged snakes were watching them outside the coop.

Suddenly, soldiers holding Gauss rifles rushed into the hall with their rifle butts raised, their sharp bayonets gleaming in the light. The shocked senators immediately stood up and angrily rebuked Angus, who was surrounded by soldiers.

"Mengsk, you are setting yourself on fire!" Angus's main opposition leader in the Senate, Senate Consul Lennox Carvin, asked sternly, as if he did not see those shining sharp bayonets.

"You are blaspheming the justice, democracy and freedom that the Palatine Chamber represents!" Lennox said loudly, as if he was still the speaker standing here presiding over the parliament: "Since our glorious and great ancestors The first meeting was held here, and the swords and bullets were permanently replaced by the cold swords and bullets. Democracy and justice were the swords hanging above our heads!"

"This is betrayal! The authority of the Senate must never be questioned. Angus, are you determined to become the dictator of the Parliament?"

Angus just looked at him calmly, with a solemn and majestic expression: "Maybe you didn't hear it, so I'll say it again. Keha, you are independent."

"You're really a lunatic." Lennox was an old-school politician, full of emotions and anger, but his expression now was like a roaring lion.

"Tarthonis will never rest in peace, and tough countermeasures are coming. Economic blockade? Fleet mobilization?" he said loudly.

"Angus, you will pay for your betrayal!"

Lennox took a few steps closer, rolling up his sleeves as if he wanted to knock Angus to the ground, but the bright bayonet prevented him from taking another step forward.

"Shut him up." At this time, Lennox, who felt that Angus did not dare to do anything to him, suddenly saw his young and strong son Augustus turning his head and saying to his loyal subordinates .

"Arrest these enemies of the people and traitors to Korhal."

A young officer waved his hand, and the soldiers put bayonets on the chests of the distinguished senators. The soldiers, who did not know what respect and decency were, roughly took off the bright red robes of the senators, which represented tradition and status, and let them He bent down in humiliation.

The MP who had been fighting alongside Angus took the initiative to take off his robes and sat in his seat watching all this silently.

"Greed, corruption, bribery, nepotism, cliques." Angus walked up to the pedestal facing the audience, with the red and blue Confederate Stars and Stripes and Korhal's three stars hanging on the oblique flagpole behind him. banner.

As Augustus' father pronounced the senators guilty, photographers and reporters who accompanied the army began to record this historic scene. Augustus personally removed the flag of the Federation and replaced it with the golden wolf flag of the Mengsk family.

"You are the beginning of the corruption of Korhal's government, or in other words, Tarsonis is the sponsor of your political activities. Maybe your assets have been transferred to Tarsonis or even Umoyan's interstellar bank, but the evidence is absolutely not There will be less. All senators, including those preparing to escape, will be arrested by the revolutionary army and sent to prison, awaiting the final public trial!"

Later, Augustus ordered the soldiers to take Lennox and other senators away. The Revolutionaries have evidence that Lennox is inextricably linked to one of the founding families of Tarsonis, and he was funded to thwart Angus's decree to make Korhal independent of the Federation. Others behaved worse, taking bribes without restraint, and corruption and luxury were rife.

After all the clamoring senators shut up, the chamber finally became quiet. Under the huge dome of the chamber with heavy gold-plated chrome, whole rows of soldiers stood around the stepped staircase. Steps to the stands.

Angus then faced the camera and delivered his next speech: "The members of Korhal's Senate took money from Tarsonis and betrayed Korhal's interests. Many of these people are people you have never If you have seen or heard of it, it means that they were not elected by the will of the people."

"And we, the Pan-Taylon National United Front." Angus said this name that seemed to him a bit difficult to pronounce: "We will take back the rights of those senators and re-elect members. From the federal cities in the south to the cities in the north United, from Fireston to Stillling, we are going to redistribute these 100 seats, and the election process must be fair and open, rigorous and transparent, and everyone has the right to cast their vote."

"We will re-form a new, clean and efficient government and formulate a new, sacred and inviolable constitution as the cornerstone of all laws. Any unfair and unreasonable actions imposed by the Tarsonian federal government on the people of Korhal Taxes have been permanently eliminated."


After Angus solemnly made a promise to the people of Korhal, Augustus quietly left the Palatine Council and came to a makeshift revolutionary army headquarters in a side hall of the Council.

The uprising has just begun, and the revolutionary military divisions, brigades, and battalion-level troops scattered across the planet are still seizing federal army barracks and outposts according to predetermined plans. Augustus must coordinate the overall situation.

There were about 600,000 regular revolutionary troops mobilized, 150,000 former Keha revolutionary troops who were instigated to rebel, and about 500,000 auxiliary troops composed of militiamen and armed personnel armed with semi-automatic rifles joined the battle. In one day, Korhal, with a population of only 40 million people, gathered more than 1 million soldiers on various battlefields, and many more took up arms and joined the battle.

The soldiers participating in the revolution may have been working at their posts a few days ago, and said good night to their unknowing wives before going to sleep, but the moment the assembly order arrived, they silently put on the dark gray uniforms of the revolutionary army. Wearing the golden wolf armband in military uniform, we rushed to the assembly point.

The revolutionary army received widespread support from the Korhal people. Unprecedented terrorist riots occurred in various cities in Korhal IV. The crazy crowd took away the main signal tower of the UNN Global News Network, occupied the city's city hall, and ignited unmanned aerial vehicles. military camp. The almost crazy people threw the editor of the news network from the tall building, twisted the throats of corrupt officials, and trampled to death the surrendering federal soldiers.

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