StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 144 Reliable Swann

On the three-dimensional holographic projection star map composed of green lines, the course of Norad 2 is set as a straight line, and the jumping numbers on it show that the battleship has jumped to nine galaxies and dozens of light-years away.

As the battleship shuddered, brilliant starlight came into view.

Almost at the same time, the Hyperion and the Iron Justice jumped over, and hundreds of warships of various types surrounded them like stars over the moon.

"The Hyperion called the Norad II. Our shields were exhausted, no one died, and the losses were controlled within an acceptable range. Only one cook sprained his foot while jumping in space. Maybe I shouldn't have He's going to make a fool of himself by mentioning it, and good Peter's baked escargots go really well with port wine," Renaud said.

"The bad news is that before recharging is completed, the Hyperion can only rely on its own armored area to resist attacks."

"I am Charles Chuck Horner. The Iron Justice is severely damaged. Unless it comes to port for repairs, we will have to completely abandon this battleship after at most two more battles like the Battle of the Saw Rock System."

Charles said: "The main jump drive of the Iron Justice was damaged in the battle. Even according to the most optimistic estimates of our jump technicians, the broken thing being repaired can only support three long-distance jumps."

"We were able to use a second set of backup jump drives, but this set of drives can only perform short jumps between galaxies and emergency jumps where the destination cannot be determined."

"Shit, if I ever see Edmund Duke, I'm going to shove his head up his own ass." In conclusion, Major Charles said: "I swear I'm going to put his head in his ass." Clean the decks of the Iron Justice every day until I'm satisfied."

"We still have three hours, and the preparation time is three hours and twenty-six minutes. This is the time for Duke's fleet to locate our position again and complete the jump. The actual situation is that their speed may be much faster." Augustus said to them: "Seize the time to repair it, Jim, and ask Swann to bring people to the Norad II."

"Okay, I'll call him right away." Renault put on a Revolutionary Army command hat, which was a large retro-style boat cap, and left.

"Major Charles, the Iron Justice must also immediately conduct maintenance on the ship's facilities and try to find the internal signal tracker. I will send Lieutenant Kerrigan to your battleship later. Intelligence shows that there is a traitor among you. ." Augustus said.

"Yes, because even I can't be sure how many of those people are sincerely willing to follow us." Charles asked: "But what are you going to do? Torture them or let them report each other? Honestly, None of these methods are very effective.”

"Lieutenant Kerrigan is a powerful psyker. She will use telepathy to test those with evil intentions one by one." Augustus looked at Kerrigan: "First, let's start with the one with the highest rank. "

"Okay." There was no expression on Charles' face with thick beard.

"I have no objection." He said frankly: "Everyone, including me, should be examined before proving my innocence."

"After this, I will personally execute the traitor. We once stayed at a fringe colony for a day and left those who were unwilling to wander with the Iron Justice. I gave them a chance to choose."

"." After Kerrigan revealed that there was a traitor on the Iron Justice, everyone, including Charles, was on Augustus's suspicion list: "You should execute the traitor in front of everyone. But we are the revolution. There is no need for the army to be so cruel."

“Just throw them into space and tell everyone that the traitors have been executed. There is no need to execute them in public because we cannot use torture to intimidate those aspiring people who join the liberation movement because of their progressive ideas and revolutionary enthusiasm. "

While waiting for Swann to arrive on the Norad II in the spaceship, Warfield took a broken Alpha Squadron flag and walked to Augustus.

This is a flag with a red background, the edge is lace outlined with gold lines, and in the middle of the triangular shape is the iconic spread-winged eagle of Alpha Squadron, which is also the symbol of the human race in the StarCraft game.

The flag was now in disrepair, and the soldiers of Alpha Squadron aboard the Norad II must have suffered the same fate.

"This ship is truly yours now."

Warfield said to Augustus: "My troops are still cleaning up the remaining Alpha Squadron soldiers in this battleship. They are still numerous and scattered in various cabins, hatchways and even hatches, but these people are no longer able to Become a threat.”

During the time when the Norad II jumped into the hyperspace channel and traveled at super-light speed, Warfield led his troops to be physically and mentally exhausted after more than three hours of brutal fighting, but their victory was enough to These brave warriors are proud of themselves.

"I never doubted that you would fail, Warfield," Augustus said.

"If I fail, then I have died." Warfield smiled.

"As long as you don't want to die, no one can take your life away." Augustus said firmly.

"Haha. But Duke is still following us. Have you found out the reason?" Warfield asked.

"I estimate that you did not inspect the Iron Justice thoroughly enough or were negligent when you took it away, so that you did not screen out its internal signal tracking and positioning device. In other words, the person responsible for this matter is questionable. .”

"Boss, I heard that you have a little trouble here." Swan walked over with a toolbox, followed by a dozen engineers. Many of these engineers are relatives of Swann, and they look burly and strong: "I don't know what happened. The battle in space is too fierce, but all we can do is keep tinkering. And then there’s the terrifying wait.”

"I personally watched the fighters in the Hyperion leave the hangar and never came back until the jump. Some of those children were only eighteen years old, only a little younger than you." Swann wiped his eyes. But he didn't say anything.

"Uh, let's not talk about that. I mean, when can we start working?"

Augustus was silent for a while, without making any comment: "I want you to find all the trackers hidden in Norad II. These trackers may all look different, but if you miss one, Duke There will always be a time when they can find us and kill us completely after our next jump."

"Now, Swann, hurry up, your job is to save other people."

"I think I understand what you mean," Swann said. "It took the Umoyan engineers the same amount of time it took to repair the Hyperion to inspect and dismantle the hidden tracking devices inside. These gadgets may just be a button. Batteries or a record player or even the toilet under your butt."

"But fortunately I have some Umoyan engineers on my team who were involved in repairing the Hyperion. I was once told that although the Federation uses many of these gadgets to monitor their own ships, every battlecruiser The locations of the tracking devices are almost the same," he said.

“It could be that the engineers who designed the tracking system couldn’t think of so many fantastic locations, or it could be that they were just doing it because the placement of these tracking devices was not on the list of important considerations.”

"I thought about it, this shouldn't be difficult. I'll send some more engineers to the Iron Justice right away. Well, it doesn't take too many, thirteen or four people are enough."

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