StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 152 Raid on the Dalarian Shipyard

Daila IV, a large orbital shipyard. 14:34 SCT (Standard Time), 6.17.2489.

Thousands of orange-red glimmers appeared at the end of the hyperspace jump channel, which were the thousands of feet long tail marks left by the battleship's thrusters. A large number of two-winged turbine nano-maintenance drones surround the sides and belly of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser Norad II under the stainless steel armor, like swimming fish surrounding whale sharks in the deep sea.

About a mile horizontally on either side of Norad II were her wingships Hyperion and Iron Justice. The alphanumeric numbers and paintings on the sides of these three Behemoth-class battlecruisers are all different. The Hyperion is the classic Reno blue and the Iron Justice is the silver gray of the 33rd Ground Assault Division. Norad's painting is still the red of the Terran Federation, but the bow of the ship has a golden print of the Mengsk family and the Korhal Revolutionary Army.

The moment the fleet jumped out of the hyperspace channel, the interior of the bridge of the Norad II was brightly lit. The faces of many revolutionary captains appeared on the holographic projection screens and the LED fluorescent screen on the console. There were almost forty of them. Individuals are speaking at the same time, and their voices appear slightly distorted due to the disturbance of the space fluctuations of the hyperspace channel.

"Thank God, we finally arrived on time." Jim Raynor said on the Hyperion's communication channel.

"This is Horace Warfield. I am commanding my fleet on the Iron Justice." Warfield was wearing a revolutionary army uniform, standing upright, with a solemn expression like a stone statue.

"Giant-class frigate VII calls the flagship bridge, the fleet is moving."

"Colossus-class troop carrier X."

"The Wraith Units 7, 8, and 9 are accelerating away from the fleet in the direction of Dela IV, and are activating the invisible force field generator - oh ho - this thing is so damn fast, I'm about to go crazy ! Praise Korhal!”

Augustus was wearing a dark gray Korhal Revolutionary Army commander’s uniform. The three-dimensional tailoring and waist-cinching design of the military uniform well reflected his well-trained physique. He stood at the bridge window of Norad II and synthesized His much more mature face was reflected on the glass. Outside the window was the distant starlight and the twin star system of the Dela Galaxy, which was getting closer and closer, and four sister planets that were almost the same size.

Tychus, wearing crimson power armor, is standing on the right side of Augustus. There is a beautiful portrait of a pink-haired girl on his scratched shoulder armor. This is Mr. Finlay's portrait in Port of the Dead. One of the loves of my life I met. Sarah Kerrigan stood to the right of Augustus holding her C-10 shotgun, her powerful telepathy listening to the thoughts of every Revolutionary soldier present.

Augustus has not yet arranged for Mira Han, whom he met in the Port of the Dead, to be assigned to the bridge or the command post, letting her serve as the commander of a revolutionary army unit. For Augustus, he did not need the proof of time to know that future rebel leaders like Renault and Mira and the mercenary queen of the Port of the Dead were very good leaders, but too rapid promotion would be harmful. cause dissatisfaction.

Meeting Mira Han was an accident. Augustus did not deliberately look for her. It was expected that an ambitious person like Mira would not miss the opportunity to recruit soldiers in the Revolutionary Army.

And if Augustus behaves too deliberately, others will not take it for granted that Mira is very talented, but will only think that he is too in love with an unknown underage girl.

When the vibrations during the jump disappeared, the galaxy and planets detected by the battleship's sensors popped up on the main screen of the bridge, including data on the population, axial inclination and temperature of Planet Dela IV. Dozens of screens surrounded Augustus. More than 60,000 soldiers of the Korhal Revolutionary Army fleet were waiting for his orders.

"Broadcast my order to the entire fleet." Augustus's face shone brightly under the lights of the bridge, and many subtle emotions were buried under his calm expression: "I am Augustus. Stuart Mengsk, soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, I am speaking to you on the flagship Norad II."

"Korhal has been lost, and our fellow countrymen who have been forced to leave their homes have suffered so much that a common destiny has bound us together, united and united." Augustus said: "Now all Korhal are homeless. We all have a common name - the Sons of Korhal. We will never surrender or compromise."

"We will fight to the death until we completely overthrow the decadent rule of the Terran Federation and establish a free and democratic Terran Republic."

Augustus said: "The fate of Korhar and all the Korhals and even the Tyranids are in this battle. This is a battle that will break the boat. All fleets, move forward!"

"I am with the souls of thousands of Korhals!"

The fleet moved forward in a sudden calm and determination. They still had about an astronomical unit on the planet Dela IV where the Federation's large orbital shipyard was located, and several elite Wraith fighters and fast strike ships performing reconnaissance and tracking missions. The formation has approached the huge shipyard, and the images returned show that it is a giant man-made space building with a diameter of more than three hundred miles, comparable to a mini moon.

This is the largest orbital shipyard in the history of the Terran Federation. It is constructed of shapeable concrete, fine steel, synthetic metal and ceramic panels on the exterior. Its unparalleled scale and polyhedral artistic style are unlike any planet limited by gravity. It is incomparable to Hong Kong, and even the Behemoth-class battlecruiser can only be regarded as a small point of light in front of it.

When Norad II was driving forward at high speed, it seemed as if it was heading towards a planet. The lights of countless signal lights were shining brightly on it. Dozens of orbiting space stations and mobile research stations seemed to be planets orbiting the star.

A large number of Federation fighter planes sailed out of the Dalarian Shipyard toward the Korhal Revolutionary Army fleet like swarms leaving their nests, converging into red dots on the radar scan map.

It was impossible for such a fleet to quietly approach a heavily guarded military location. Unless it could escape all detection methods, including radar scanning, Augustus could only lead a fleet to launch a forcible raid.

"No signal from any federal fleet has been tracked." The navigator of the Norad II said: "Sir, this place seems to be undefended."

"No, usually, there will be at least one squadron parked in the Dalarian Shipyard, but now all the fleets are scattered in the edge system, the border between the Tyranid Federation and the Kaimorian Union, Tarsonis Prime, and... Ha IV." said Eumoyan, the counselor of Augustus.

"The Tyranid Federation fleet intelligence intercepted and deciphered by the Umoyan Intelligence Agency showed that nearly two-thirds of the fleet was transferred to Korhal IV, and forty Behemoth-class battlecruisers carried more than two thousand Apocalypse level nuclear bomb." Umoyan military adviser said.

"The defense inside the Dalarian Orbital Shipyard is much shabby. In addition to the Behemoth-class battlecruisers parked in the dock of the Orbital Shipyard for repairs, there are also some Leviathan-class battlecruisers. The ship is undergoing dismantling work after being scrapped," he said.

"Even in this way, the Delal system cannot be undefended. Although it is on the edge of the Federation's territory, it operates as the Federation's interstellar trade and transportation hub. During the war, the Delalian shipyard was operating at full capacity on average per day. A Wraith fighter can be produced in one minute, and this is the most important military location in the entire federation."

"Even if the Federation Navy Command believes that it is impossible for enemies other than the Kaimorian fleet to raid here, at least half of the squadron will be stationed here."

"I saw them on the radar map." Augustus said: "There are four Behemoth-class battlecruisers, stop them!"

Following Augustus's order, thousands of destroyers, frigates, fighter planes and assault airships sailed towards the four Federation Behemoth-class battlecruisers without hesitation, while the Norad II After a short jump, we arrived at Entrance Ⅰ of the Dalarian Orbital Shipyard.

"It seems that Duke did not truthfully report the number of our fleet to his superiors." The situation was still under Augustus' control. He stared at the large orbital shipyard outside the porthole and said softly: "And the pirate ships we hired Jackson's Revenge should have led Duke's Alpha Squadron to the Flood System, which is two hundred light-years away from the Dela System."

"Duke will be happily chasing that signal tracker." Tychus chuckled and said, "I really look forward to seeing Duke's deflated appearance. When he sees Jackson's broken ship, he will I will be so happy that I can’t even speak.”

"How many big ships will there be here?" Tychus looked at the magnificent man-made building on the screen: "How much are they worth?"

"There will be no less than twenty Behemoth-class battlecruisers." Augustus said: "These battlecruisers have not yet been delivered to the fleet. You can understand them as unmanned ships that have just left the factory. Hover car.”

"As long as a team including navigators, jump engine technology and engineers can launch a battlecruiser into the sky, it is actually not difficult, but if you want this battleship to have reliable combat effectiveness, these crews are still far from enough. of."

When Norad II was less than three miles away from the Dalarian Orbital Shipyard, this huge shipyard continued to enlarge in front of Augustus. There are more than ten miles of walls that extend infinitely upward and downward, with no edge visible at all.

An inbound track entrance about five miles long and horizontally was revealed in front of Augustus. These track entrances were connected to deep tunnels, and the symmetrically arranged signal lights in the tunnels flashed red.

Each entrance to space has a stable atmospheric stabilization device, but there is obviously no protection other than turrets, not even a shield force field. The infrared and laser identification sensors of the Dalarian Shipyards can identify unmarked illegal intruders but are powerless against intruding fleets.

The automatic cannons and sentry turrets at the entrance of the Dalarian Orbital Shipyard opened fire at the revolutionary fleet that was swooping towards the Dalarian Orbital Shipyard from 360 degrees. The turrets and machine guns rotated and poured out The bomb chains, hundreds of Revolutionary Army fighter planes and the Norad II carrier-based interceptor turned into brilliant flashes of light one after another.

"Shields on!" Augustus said.

The Norad II deployed a bright green defensive shield when it jumped into the port tunnel. The damage to the shield from the bullets and laser beams of the sentry cannon can only be said to be minimal. From time to time, there are Wraith fighter jets from the Tyranid Federation. and transport ships came out of the tunnel, but they were all shot down one by one by the laser cannon team of the Norad II.

As the flagship of Alpha Squadron, Norad II was the first to upgrade the Explorer science ship's prototype defense matrix force field generator based on experimental stable energy field research.

However, because the reactor of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser is not enough to withstand the energy loss of the shield, coupled with cost and many complex political factors, even ten years later, the vast majority of Behemoth-class battleships are still using old-fashioned Layer defense mode.

"I'm entering from Portal IV." Raynor's voice was interrupted by the electromagnetic interference device in the Dellarian Orbital Shipyard.

"The Iron Justice has entered the inner hangar of the Dalarian Shipyard and is delivering the landing force."

After driving in the tunnel for about ten seconds, the bridge of Norad II suddenly became cheerful. The interior of the Dalarian Orbital Shipyard is completely hollow, and its interior can even take off and land warships.

In front of Augustus, large shipyards connected to each other and parking platforms full of fighter jets appeared. There is also a larger shipyard in the center of the Dalarian Shipyard, with a longitudinal length of even more than half a mile. In the eyes of people standing on the ground, it is a huge canyon. It is difficult to imagine what kind of building it was. Huge.

The Norad II moved close to the ground inside the Delarian Shipyard, which consisted of docks, aprons, isolation areas and employee living areas. The ground-attack laser cannons fired at the ship facilities on the ground unscrupulously. In the barrage of orange laser beams falling like rain, the extremely thick crane boom was fused under the firepower of the laser cannon team.

The Dalarian Shipyard is basically composed of shipbuilders and shipyard directors who live here all year round. They drive space construction engineering vehicles and exoskeleton cargo armor and flee in all directions. To these workers, it looked like an apocalyptic scene. A crazed battlecruiser rushed into the work area and killed everyone, while the federal navy continued to nap and turned a blind eye.

Transport planes and shuttles used for airborne landings on the planet surface drove out of the inner dock of Norad II. Tychus, who could not bear it anymore, had already disembarked, while Kerrigan was guarding Ogu from beginning to end. Be careful around Sidu.

Among the hundreds of docks were some half-built warships, and Augustus could see their freshly cooled keels and armor neatly stacked on both sides. The intelligent adjutant of the Norad II kept locking the battlecruisers parked in the dock, and those battlecruisers that had been built were Augustus' targets.

"According to the scan, there are six Behemoth-class battlecruisers that have been completed and are anchored in Port A where we are." Augustus' Umoyan consultant typed on the console in front of the main screen: "Another There are seventeen unfinished battlecruisers."

"Lock these unfinished battleships." Augustus ordered without heartache but in a firm and decisive tone: "Destroy them."

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