StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 202 The Main City of Jacob

The main city of Jacob is like a city built on a bronze metal mountain.

The original city was simply a series of housing complexes built on slag and scrap metal by the Jacobite colonists using colonial mothership planks.

As the colonists on the Jacob colonial mothership discovered a large number of heavy metal mines and Adien crystal mines near the location where the Jacob landed, people learned how to identify and smelt metals through the database of the colonial mothership computer.

After that, slag and scrap metal were dumped into the canyon day after day and over the years, gradually forming high hills.

After the first divided ruling class chose to build their luxurious palaces high on the waste slag mines, more and more people built their huts on high ground. As the place where the Jacob crashed became increasingly prosperous, the waste and scrap metal from the entire colony began to be dumped into the canyon where the colonial mothership crashed.

Later, the skyrocketing population overcrowded the initial settlements, and several large Moria construction groups began planning to build a large city that could accommodate a large population. So they recast the foundation to blend in with the canyon.

Today, tens of millions of skyscrapers and pilot towers are built on towering mountains of scrap metal and slag. The tallest buildings are more than 30,000 feet (about 6 miles) apart from the lowest buildings. There is a staggering height difference between the road and the road, like a huge termite nest.

Jacob's central airport was built on the highest peak of a metal mountain, among the smoky clouds. There were strong winds on the parking platform, and all aircraft were firmly attached to the platform by magnetic devices.

The Caimorians are fully capable of adding glass to this open-air aerodrome, but they still follow the ancient proverb and stubbornly believe that the giant eagle cannot take off without riding a hurricane.

Compared with the Terran Federation and Umoyan, the Kaimorians implement their traditions and customs into all aspects of life. Their ocean-going merchants are smooth and cunning, but if they insult their family, then these merchants who always smile will Will instantly turn into a ignited powder keg.

When Augustus stepped off his transport ship, his guards in dark gray uniforms were already standing in two rows at the cabin door, standing neatly with slender C-13 Gauss rifles in their hands.

The person who rushed to the airport to greet the foreign guests was a diplomat in a suit and tie. He wore rimmed glasses similar to goggles and had a shiny slicked back hair.

Opposite the Augustus guards were two rows of Camorian soldiers dressed in off-white military uniforms. They carried KMC Gauss rifles, wore blue berets, and had brochures hanging from their waists with amber outlines on them. Bordered sword and shield pattern. This is the symbol of the Guild Guards of Moria, an elite unit that rarely appears on the battlefield but makes a grand statement.

Augustus had only recently learned that the Guild Guard was not the name of an elite unit, but that virtually all Caymorian soldiers, from the Tearers to the Labor Auxiliaries, proudly called themselves the Guild Guard. The misunderstandings between the Tyranids and the Kemorians are reflected in many aspects. The Kemorians still believe that the re-socialized soldiers of the Tyranid Federation are clones cultured in containers.

Augustus did not comment on the diplomat's hairstyle, which kept up with the fashion circles of the main city of Tarsonis. He just focused on the busy workers on the docking platform.

Compared with the slender diplomats in suits and ties, the ground staff and stevedores on the berthing platform all wear thick windproof overalls and goggles to protect Moria from strong ultraviolet rays and direct sunlight. They are generally stubby and short in stature. The arms have strong muscles.

These workers are dark and rough-skinned, no different from the Kemorians of Meinhof. Compared with them, the middle- and upper-class Moria who sit in luxurious offices look like another race.

"Hello, I am Augustus Mengsk." When the Kemorian diplomat walked towards Augustus, he took off his combat gloves and shook hands with the other party in a friendly manner.

"The famous leader of the resistance, the wolf of the Mengsk family, the eagle of Korhal IV, and the savior of all the Tyranids." The diplomat adjusted his glasses and said a series of titles.

"Your victory in Mar Sara has spread throughout Moria and other affiliated planets and asteroid habitation stations. Everyone in the Koprulu sector knows your name. No one knows it."

"That's really good. I thought the Terran Federation would keep silent about this failure." Augustus expressed his surprise. In the past two weeks, the Revolutionary Army fleet had been in the hyperspace channel. , and he really couldn't read the latest news.

"Alfa Squadron is the yesterday's star of the Federation Navy. Few people will be indifferent to this huge failure. When Mr. Liberty, the host of UNN morning news, was hosting the show, the backstage staff accidentally cut to a video ." The diplomat's tone was full of sarcasm.

"Colonel Edmund Duke's speech about joining the Korhal Revolutionary Army made his uncle very angry. Now - everyone knows that Alpha Squadron suffered the most disastrous defeat since the founding of the army in Mar Sara. .”

"And the Federation's spokesperson also claimed that only one Alpha Squadron battlecruiser crashed in Mar Sara, and that Edmund Duke was just a rebel pretending to be a rebel. But they couldn't find the real Colonel Duke. Come forward to explain - a week later, the federal government claimed that Duke and his Alpha Squadron were bewitched by the rebels and injected with dangerous psychotropic drugs, which is not true," the diplomat said.

"What a hilarious joke."

"The idiots in the federal government can't even understand the concept of tearing down the east wall to pay for the west wall." Augustus commented with a smile.

"It's very satisfying."

"Yes, it's very satisfying. You are regarded as a hero by many Camorians." The diplomat shook hands with Augustus again.

"I swear I'm proud of it." Augustus smiled softly.

Alpha Squadron once dealt a heavy blow to the Kemorian fleet in the Battle of Kaimorian. Thousands of Kemorian people were talking about this Kemorian after learning that Alpha Squadron was defeated by the Revolutionary Army. The young heir of the family was very curious about what kind of person he was.

Is he the devil in the mouth of federal propaganda or a freedom fighter who preaches justice.

After the defeat in the Battle of Kaimorian, the common people of Camorion, who were deeply affected by the unequal treaties, hated the Tyranid Federation even more. For many Camorian people, whoever beats the Tyranid Federation is theirs. friend.

"Please come with me. The representatives of the board of directors are waiting for you. Their time is worth gold." After the diplomat said that, he led Augustus to a suspended high-end car not far away, and the entourage Was directed to several other cars.

"This is my guard." Augustus pointed to Sarah Kerrigan who was following him. She was wearing a close-fitting dark gray military uniform, with a black belt around her waist that outlined her S. Shapely figure, flowing red hair.

"She is such a beauty." The diplomat smiled and praised her habitually.

"Thank you." Kerrigan looked up at him, smiled slightly, shook her bright red hair and went to check whether the car Augustus was going to take was safe.

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