StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 237 Matt Horner

Chapter 237 Matt Horner

New Canaan is a prosperous and prosperous place. The very enterprising first-generation Terradorians established this young but vibrant city on the coast of the Emerald Sea. Its excellent geographical location and all-weather starport attracted people from all over the world. The colonists from all over Lador IV, the rich from the nine nearby main star worlds, and the middle class who tend to immigrate.

There are no towering skyscrapers in other core worlds or linearly distributed modular towns in other worlds. The wooden and stone houses are all very textured and distinctive, and their architectural style is extremely rare to see in any period of humankind.

In the business district of downtown New Canaan, the wide streets are paved with irregular colored floor tiles and painted wooden boards. The streets are lined with trees and luxuriant foliage. Behind the thick tree trunks are shops decorated with handicrafts, crystal display windows and handsome men and beautiful women. New Canaan's shop owners enthusiastically sell souvenirs, local wine, pets and goods they can get from various channels to tourists who come here. .

Even in this era, interstellar travel and vacations across multiple astronomical units and multiple galaxies are for the wealthy. Of course, if a person from the extremely poor class can get a one-man spaceship with a jump engine in the garbage dump, and can find a few barrels of low-quality crude gas fuel to fly out of the galaxy, the rest depends on whether he has enough Lucky.

The pedestrians on the streets of New Canaan in Terrador IX are all well-dressed and well-spoken wealthy people. They may come from dozens of parsecs (a cosmic distance scale used to measure the length of celestial bodies outside the solar system). 1 parsec is equivalent to 3.26 light years). Many of them are young men and women on honeymoon, and the traces of minimally invasive laser plastic surgery can be seen more or less on their faces.

When walking on the streets of New Canaan at night with the gentle sea breeze, young Matt Horner knew that every glamorous man and woman who passed by him might have more wealth than the stores in Hult's. Total assets. But there is no need for Matt to care about this, after all, the possibility of him inheriting the family property is slim.

The Horner family is a local small business family and can be considered middle class. They own their own house and a land-based hover car in New Canaan. As the second son of the family, Matt Horner has lived in an environment that is not considered privileged since he was a child, but at least he has enough food and clothing. He does not have to study early in junior high school or high school like many young people in the edge world of the Tyranid Federation. Dropped out of school and worked hard to make a living.

Just like many young people of this age in Terrador IX, the fifteen-year-old Matt Horner is in the most confused stage of his life. Matt never had to worry about what to eat for his next meal or how to fill his stomach, but he didn't have many choices in life.

The younger generation of Terrador, like Matt, either find a job locally after graduating from high school, or choose to go to college to continue their education. The wealthiest Terradorites used to send their children to Tarsonis or Korhal IV to attend college, but Matt had to rely on his own hard work and scholarships.

Nowadays, there is often an all-too-common trouble that deeply troubles young Matt, that is, he does not know what he should do in the future and what career he should pursue. But whether to stay in Terrador, wait for the day when his son can inherit his father's legacy, or choose to go to a university in Tarsonis to further his studies. Matt already has the answer in his heart. After all, he is convinced that he will never be able to stand the idleness and idleness in his hometown. A life that remains the same.

When Matt was very young, he liked to stay at the beach and look at the sea. He could not take his eyes off the luxury yachts, moorings and cruise hotels passing by on the coast. Perhaps every boy has a fantasy of going on a voyage when looking at the sea. And even the ocean has an end. Only the vast sea of ​​stars is the destination for all those who yearn for adventure in this era.

In Koprulu's interstellar age, some people never left the land beneath their feet from birth to death, while some people knew from birth that their destiny was to swim among the stars.

The day made no difference to Matt, who had plenty of time to wander around before spring break was over. Passing through New Canaan's central commercial street and heading north is the world-famous Emerald Sea, where there are beautiful sailboats and seaplanes.

The Horner family is not a big family with strict family rules, and Mrs. Horner never stipulates what time the children in the family must return. After all, compared with his father and brother, Matt has always been a peaceful and quiet person. He has a dream in his heart to break away from gravity and enter the starry sky, but he will never be affected by distant dreams. Being serious, pragmatic and down-to-earth is Huo's dream. The fundamental reason why the Na family was able to gain a foothold on Terrador IX during the Great Colonial Era.

The walk through the commercial street is long, but Matt doesn't mind improving his life experience by contacting all kinds of people. Only the lively voices can make him feel a change in his unchanging daily life.

Deep in the commercial street, the neon signs and gorgeous lights of the shops illuminated a world of brilliant lights in front of Matt's eyes. Further ahead, black iron railings separate the streets of wealthy residential areas and commercial areas. Tamed beasts and security personnel armed with C-20A shotguns and P-40 submachine guns guard the boundary between the two.

At this time, Matt suddenly heard the sound of neat footsteps. Among the pedestrians on the commercial street, a squad of federal marines wearing light brown power armor walked quickly past.

These federal marines are all wearing freshly painted CMC-200 power armor, holding C-14 Gauss rifles, and are tall. With the help of the servo system, they can step very far just by lifting their feet. The Marines' shining armor, which seemed to have been greased, had a unicorn symbol on it, indicating that they all came from the Knights of Terrador, a well-equipped defense force colonial force.

The Marines of the Federation have always been "reputed" on various planets for being invincible and invincible, while the Marines of Terrador have a more noble mission - to improve the protection of the wealthy areas of New Canaan.

The knights of Terrador wearing "knight armor" are different from those warriors who have been resocialized. They all come from local families and retain their complete personalities.

Strictly speaking, the Knights of Terrador are just the planetary defense force of the Terrador system. Their predecessors were just the militia forces of this system. They are not even under the jurisdiction of the Federation Army, but directly belong to the Governor of the Terrador system.

Since they have not experienced war in more than a hundred years, the Knights of Terrador often take jobs that can earn extra income. The Knights served the wealthy, powerful merchants, and nobles, and their businesses ranged from providing personal protection for dignitaries while out hunting to serving as lifeguards at the beach.

Like the ghetto's security guards, the Knights of Terrador only serve wealthy or powerful clients - or both. Among the Terrador people, the Knights do not have a good reputation. Those Terradorites who like to criticize current affairs always call the Terrador Knights "green crabs on stilts." To mock their shiny armor and ridiculous fighting prowess.

The soldiers of the Knights passed by Matt and walked quickly into the distance without stopping to look at him. Judging from the hurried appearance of these Knights members, they were either rushing to put out a fire in the wealthy area of ​​New Canaan or they were anxious to save a pet cat that had climbed up a tree.

Matt couldn't help but envy this shining armor. He turned to look at the Terrador Knights team who were walking away behind him, hoping that he would have the opportunity to wear them and experience it. It's not that Matt decided to join the army just after seeing the majestic Goliath armed robot like some Jimmy boy from Shiloh Farm. He just yearned for these things and had no desire to join the federal army at all.

Just when Matt retracted his gaze and turned his head to look forward again, a man with broad shoulders and short dark gray hair was walking towards him. Matt could tell at a glance that this man was extraordinary. His expression was resolute, and his thick eyebrows were slightly furrowed, which made people feel that he was worried about something, and this matter could not be a trivial matter that was trivial to his family.

At a certain second, the man suddenly turned to look at Matt and met his eyes.

New Canaan is close to the ocean, and the nights are cool and breezy.

After looking at each other for a few seconds - maybe just for a moment, Matt looked away with a blush and tears behind his ears. Matt Horner, who is only fifteen years old, is a shy child. He is shy and blushes easily and has a soft personality.

Matt is wearing black student uniform, which makes it obvious that he is a student.

At this time, Matt was still a fair-faced boy with dark brown curly hair and a clean, boyish appearance. Matt's skin is fairer, his Adam's apple is not yet obvious, and his childishness has not disappeared. Even as a boy, he could relate to cuteness.

"Son, are you a local?" The man's eyes lit up and he called Matt. His voice was gentle, but with a bit of deep hoarseness, as if the wind and harsh environment had damaged his voice while traveling in the universe.

No one could refuse this gentleman's question. Matt was convinced of this.

"Yes sir," Matt replied.

In front of this tall man, Matt, who was still in the development stage, could only see the clear muscular chest under the man's open windbreaker. This was undoubtedly a very charismatic man, with such a handsome demeanor that even the girls would blush when they saw him, not to mention Matt.

Behind this man are two beautiful girls, one with red hair and one with pink hair, both of whom look beautiful. Further behind were four tall male bodyguards, whose bulging muscles were thicker than Matt's thighs. Especially the strong man with black hair, Matt had no doubt that he could kill a Terrador pilot whale with one punch.

Matt's eyes stayed on the pink-haired girl for a moment, and he looked away when he saw the girl blinking at him. The other person should be older and taller.

"Do you know the way to the headquarters of the Knights of Terrador?" the man asked.

"Yes, sir," Matt replied immediately.

"I can take you to the Knights headquarters. It's not far from here, in fact, it's in the direction you came from. I'm just going to pass by there," he said.

"I think you must have missed it. Terrador IX is different from other planets. The positioning system here may take your car or spaceship into the trench instead of a knight's castle."

Following strangers or traveling together at night in New Canaan is not a wise choice. Although it is not like the lower city of the main city of Tarsonis, where shootings occur every moment, the Terran Federation territory There is no absolutely safe place in China. Even if you travel at night, try to avoid chaotic slums.

Fortunately, this is the core urban area of ​​New Canaan. Although the Knights of Terrador often fight back and forth with the pirates of this system, the security work is still quite good. Matt is not worried that the other party will tie him up and sell him to human traffickers - any child, whether he is a boy or a girl, should be careful of those pervasive criminals.

"Really? It seems that I'm lost." The man looked around, showing an annoyed expression: "I think I did miss it, because the navigation system of my personal terminal keeps reporting errors."

"Then thank you for leading the way with us." He turned his head and said to the followers behind him: "It seems we have to go back again."

"It's just a piece of cake." Matt followed, avoiding the men's fierce guards and the girls who were obviously curious about him.

"What's your name?" The man asked him on the way.

"Matt Horner, my grandfather came from a distant, barren colonial world." Matt replied.

"I am Augustus Antoninus Nicholas of Korhal," Augustus said to him.

"I am a merchant, coming to Terrador to import some new goods."

"Are you from Korhal?" Matt was surprised.

"But I remember that Korhar has been killed. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mention that sad thing. My parents, my classmates, and many people in Terrador can't believe that this is true. Is it true? The few people were colonized from Korhal IV a few generations ago."

"What a catastrophe -" he said.

"Yes." Augustus said sadly: "Many people died. Korhal was once one of the most prosperous colonies in the Tyranid Federation. Its economy, technology, humanities and art have all developed to a golden age. It was originally useless. How long will it take before the federal government on Tarsonis can no longer seize Korhal's assets at will like before?"

"After the destruction of Korhal, I have been traveling in the Koprulu sector, looking for the lost tribesmen in various places, and dreaming of rebuilding Korhal one day."

"I can feel your sorrow and sympathy. You are very kind, Matt." Augustus said: "It is fate to meet a child like you on Terrador IX. fate."

“God has not yet abandoned those who honor him most.”

"Yes, sir," Matt said, blushing.

What Matt didn't know was that as early as two years ago, several agents under Augustus were ordered to go to Terrador IX to find a man named Matt Horner. There are many people named Matt on this planet, but the surname Horner mainly comes from New Trinidad, and is a relatively rare surname in Terrador.

By comparing identities, ages, and disguised contacts, Augustus' agents finally identified the second son of the Horner family in New Canaan as the person the Revolutionary Army Marshal asked them to find.

The agents had already obtained Matt's daily activity route and calculated that he would appear here at this time.

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