StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 24 Promoted to Lance Corporal

Venice District, Poker's Pride, June 11, 2488.

The headquarters of the 5th Battalion, 4th Brigade, 33rd Ground Assault Division of the Tyranid Federation.

A few days have passed since Augustus first came to this city that had been reduced to ruins. Although there were some setbacks in the process, he and his comrades were still alive. Lieutenant Warfield was sent to Pork Pride Military Hospital, and so far no new information has been received.

The commander of the imperial reconnaissance company who came to the rescue was very surprised. As a recruit who had never had combat experience, Augustus was able to defeat a Kaimo army with a platoon of recruits who had also never been on the battlefield. Ryan's Assault Trooper Squad.

In the view of the commander, it was a blessing from God that the new recruits did not collapse on the spot and disband when they encountered the enemy without anyone under their command.

The commander of the reconnaissance company spoke highly of Augustus' ability to respond to the situation and said he would report the truth truthfully, and the Marine Corps Command would be happy to award him a Medal of Glory.

Augustus's original recruit platoon was originally going to be reorganized by the Ministry of Military Affairs and organized into various companies of the 5th Battalion, but in the end it was changed to retain the organization and incorporated into the Warfield 1st Company, which had the most serious attrition. The third platoon is still organized as combat squad one.

His platoon leader was a young second lieutenant named Reagan Streicher, a thin, neat, black-haired man who was also Warfield's old subordinate.

Years of war have resulted in a serious shortage of grassroots non-commissioned officers who have received officer education and professional training. Therefore, the squad leader of the first class is still Augustus, who was a recruit sergeant. A week later, Warfield will transfer officers or directly promote a group of non-commissioned officers from among the first-class privates to serve as squad leaders of these recruit classes.

In the next few days, Augustus was busy writing a report on his command of the recruit platoon to defeat the Assault Rangers. This performance report will eventually be submitted to a sergeant major of the 5th Battalion to fill his position. The recruits have empty resumes.

His company stayed at the station to rest during this period and did not perform any military missions. This period of time was very peaceful for the soldiers. Except for the occasional Avengers and bomber fleets that passed over the station and headed into the distance, there was not even a sound of gunfire near the station.

During this period, Augustus and his comrades received training from the third platoon leader, Second Lieutenant Reagan, to hone in and improve their combat capabilities. During the training, Second Lieutenant Reagan also told the recruits about the 33rd Ground Assault Division. history and glorious achievements.

When Reagan praised their division commander Arcturus Mengsk with admiration as an outstanding commander and strategic man who was fair, upright, selfless and fearless, no matter what identity or angle August viewed it from, , he felt very embarrassed.

In general, Reagan is actually a very easy person to get along with. He is an excellent Marine officer who can carry out the orders of his superiors without slacking off and meticulously. He is humorous and approachable, and can also get along well with his subordinates. soldiers mingle together.

Augustus got along well with Regan, and they quickly became very good friends. The only problem was that the ensign seemed rather concerned about his last name, Mengsk.

However, Augustus's comfortable life in the military camp changed on June 11, when Lieutenant Warfield was discharged from the hospital and returned to the command.

Warfield called Augustus to his company headquarters office in the afternoon of this day and handed him a dark green military badge with three vertically arranged, inverted "V" signs.

"Congratulations, you are now a lance sergeant. Sergeant Mengsk, this is your new ID card." Warfield also handed Augustus a bronze medal and a golden wheat ear. On the ribbon, the medal is a beautifully carved profile image of an eagle with sharp eyes, with the Medal of Glory written on it in small English letters.

In the promotion system of the federal army, this medal of honor is usually awarded to officers who are brave in combat and are about to be promoted. In some cases, this medal can also be used to offset the merit or test points required for a promotion.

Augustus noticed that the large wounds on Warfield's head had scabbed over, but even so, he was still full of energy and his eyes were bright. There were not many documents on the lieutenant's desk, but it was filled with disassembled pistols and rifle parts.

Behind Warfield stood a young soldier with a slender rifle on his back. He had dazzling golden hair, a narrow chin, and thin lips. The distance between his eyes was wider than ordinary people and seemed uncoordinated. In addition, the sniper badge on his chest and his sharp blue eyes like an eagle are impressive.

"Lieutenant, I feel relieved to see you safe and sound." Augustus said a few polite words as he received the rank badge and medal.

"Haha, thank you." Warfield showed a pleased smile, and he praised without hesitation: "Without your command, how could those new recruits become such evil wolves? You saved me, You saved the entire recruit platoon. This is a miracle, and the staff greatly appreciates your heroic deeds!"

"For a newly graduated recruit, it is rare to be able to organize a platoon of recruits without the command of a commander without causing them to collapse and flee or surrender collectively. Augustus Mengsk already possesses this skill. The most important quality as a sergeant or even an officer commander.”

"In the process of leading the second platoon of recruits to finally defeat the Kemerian Assault Cavalry Squad, every order he gave was by no means redundant. Augustus Mengsk's genius military talent and strategic foresight were in this battle It’s already the first clues.”

Augustus could tell that this should be the report given to him by a certain Marine staff officer and his own comments. Warfield just repeated it directly.

"You deserve this." Warfield looked at Augustus and said: "As for the batch of Adeen crystals you captured, our supply sergeant is still evaluating it, and the bonus will be credited to all recruits next month. of the salary. The 33rd Ground Assault Division is different from other units. There will never be a situation where officers line their own pockets."

"Thank you for everything you have done for me." As Augustus's expression showed, he was indeed very happy. Originally, he thought that under normal procedures, it would take at least three months for him to be promoted from private to first class.

"By the way, your brother, I mean, Colonel Arcturus Mengsk will arrive in Turasis II next week." Warfield said to Augustus as if he suddenly remembered something. explain.

Augustus had no reaction to this and just nodded calmly.

"Then I want to introduce you to the new member of your class, Private Rick Kidd, who is a recruit at the same time as you. In this period, he is the best recruit sniper." Warfield said at this time Look at the recruit next to you.

"Take him to report to your superiors."

"Now we are comrades-in-arms." Augustus shook hands with Rick Kidd who came over.

On the way back to the first-class dormitory, Rick seemed a little reserved and reserved. He would only answer a few sentences when Augustus asked him questions.

Augustus was carefully reading Rick's recruit resume, training camp instructor recommendation letter, and a paper P-1 document.

These materials all point to the same point, that is, although the recruit Rick had never been exposed to firearms before joining the army and did not show any sniper talent or ability in this area in the first two weeks, after receiving such training, Rick showed Earn your sniper badge in just eight weeks of boot camp.

Previously, only two people in the boot camp had received such an honor, and both of them were graduates of Tarsonis' only sniper academy.

Thanks to Ousi, Dazhou Chess Chess, Uh-oh Ah Ha Clam Shrimp, Elite Human Soldiers, Yixian Book Friends, Law of Destruction, Dreams, Morrowind, and zerostart’s monthly passes. Thanks to clement001, Rongrong Agent, Dreams, and Morrowind. Thank you for the reward, thank you for your investment, and thank you for your recommendation vote support!

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