StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 257 The Destruction of Chasala

Chapter 257 The Destruction of Cha Sara

Edmund Duke's Norad III sailed farther away to avoid being targeted by this unknown huge fleet.

Hundreds of cameras on the Norad III are still tightly locked on the golden fleet that is staying in the high-altitude orbit of Cha Sara. Whether it is the Alpha Squadron officers giving orders in the bridge or the technical soldiers running back and forth, Everyone watched all this with bated breath.

Once upon a time, humans thought they were the only intelligent creatures in the universe, and even the zerg were no more than beasts compared to humans. However, the fact is that tightly lined armies and magnificent fleets are not exclusive to humans. An elder race that entered the starship era much earlier than humans is unleashing its wrath on the Sarah Galaxy.

The giant has awakened and entered the children's playground.

"The energy output level sensed by the Norad III detector is constantly increasing," a technical officer said.

"Tell me what this means." Duke's hands were clasped behind the back of his dark gray shawl military coat, and the snake-like triangle was slightly narrowed. No one knew what this rough and arrogant nobleman of Tarsonis was thinking.

"Their main guns are about to fire," the technical officer replied.

"For God's sake, what the hell is going on with these fucking aliens," Brigadier General Duke yelled, spouting what he described as fringe redneck vulgarities.

"I bet that it's definitely the Tal'darin protoss with their sharp heads who are causing trouble behind this, and this matter must have something to do with them."

If the gap in strength between the two sides hadn't seemed too great, General Duke might have charged forward with his fleet according to his usual style. This nobleman of old Tarsonis despised aliens from the bottom of his heart. In his opinion, any inhuman monster should be shot immediately - regardless of whether they have so-called intelligence and feelings.

Moreover, Marshal Augustus of the Revolutionary Army was watching closely what was happening on the Norad III and the Sarah Galaxy in the central command room of the fortress. As some in the Revolutionary Army put it, Duke was nothing more than a chimpanzee in King Arthur's court, and King Arthur watched over his pets.

While Duke was cursing, even though the Norad III was quite far away from Cha Sara, almost at the edge of the galaxy, the incandescent and extremely bright light still illuminated the entire battlecruiser in an instant. The bridge dyed the world in the eyes of the soldiers the ultimate white.

The dazzling light lasted for three to four seconds before dissipating. At this moment, this extremely shocking scene was being simultaneously recorded on the main screens of the Norad III, the command rooms at all levels of the Revolutionary Army Fortress, and the human battleships in the entire Sara galaxy.

In the high-altitude orbit of Cha Sara, the cylindrical golden battleship is releasing purifying flames towards the planet. Huge white beams of light are shooting straight at the planet glowing with cyan light, and the surface of the planet immediately appears. The bright orange spots that are constantly expanding look like oil films spreading on the water.

At the impact point, colorful vortices of radiation stirred the white clouds. These beautiful vortices swirled and stretched for thousands of miles, clearly visible in space, like the red spot on Jupiter. Colorful ripples spread rapidly from dozens of impact points to the surface of the entire planet. Such gorgeous colors and orange-red spots completely covered the color of the planet itself in the eyes of dull people.

As an Earth-like planet, Cha Sara shines hundreds of times brighter than before. They appear on the home screen like a dying star that will transform into a hot white dwarf over the long years, transformed into a colorful sphere that is melting. Flashing, incongruous patches of orange-red light spread across the planet's surface, with some major impact points particularly shining brightly.

The strike from the protoss main cannon destroyed at least 80% of Cha Sara's atmosphere, and the heat flow stirred the scalding air and formed hurricanes and storms that swept across the planet.

The main cannon beam swept across everything on the planet's surface. The mountains covered with a thick layer of fungi were wiped out forever in an instant. All the planet's oceans were evaporated dry in a short time, and the massive water vapor escaped the planet's gravity. The field escapes into the universe. On the main screen of Norad III, Cha Sara looks like an orange spherical balloon that has been torn open and filled with water vapor.

The strike is all-round, without any blind spots, and penetrates to a depth of 20 to 50 feet (6 to 15 meters) below the surface. At the center of the impact point, depths commonly exceeded 160 feet (50 meters).

A particularly powerful Protoss aircraft carrier's main gun beam struck so deeply that it even penetrated the earth's crust. Thick, hot red magma gushes out from the earth's crust. All volcanoes erupted with lava and thick smoke rising into the sky. This once green and lush planet The beautiful world has turned into a lava world with a sea of ​​red magma flowing on the ground and a terrifying hurricane raging in the sky.

The latitude where Cha Sara is about to turn to the stars is about to usher in dawn, but it has now turned into a hot red hell world, and the red light in the horizon and sky envelopes everything, like a constantly flashing red aurora.

Under such a large-scale orbital bombardment, it is impossible for any living thing in Cha Sara to survive. Even the terrifying zerg were burned in the flames and turned into ashes.

It was not until Cha Sara had completely turned into a sphere that seemed to be burning that the attack of the protoss fleet completely stopped.

Cha Sara, this beautiful planet that once gave birth to countless wonderful creatures will slowly cool down and gradually turn into a black crystal with a surface completely composed of silicide.

The planet is completely dead.

There was deathly silence on the bridge of Norad III. They had never seen such a scene before, watching a planet completely die before their eyes. Even General Duke, who was extremely conceited and arrogant, was speechless and could not say anything. He kept repeating the habitual movement of tightening and loosening his collar.

Obviously, such a level of blow is completely impossible for humans. Even the Korhal IV, which had suffered a nuclear strike, the Apocalypse-class nuclear bomb only cleared the buildings and forests on the surface. At the intersection of the nuclear strike, there were even many people and animals who survived by chance.

In the Revolutionary Army Fortress, Augustus also witnessed all this from the perspective of Norad III. He acted very calmly, as if he had expected all this to happen.

Augustus just held the extremely shocked Sarah Kerrigan in his arms and stroked her back: "It's okay, dear, the people of Cha Sara have been rescued by us."

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