StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 275 Psychic Disruptor

"Go to hell!"

Although he knew that his words could not reach the bridge of Nova Squadron's flagship, Augustus still cursed angrily.

"This is Horace Warfield's Iron Justice. We have discovered two federal naval squadrons." Warfield's report followed.

"You mean there is another fleet like the Nova Squadron in the Antiga galaxy. I sincerely hope they are not rushing to collect our bodies." As a revolutionary army general, Renault can also be heard on the communication channel to which he belongs. Warfield's reminder.

"According to the scan results, the Terran Federation's Nova Squadron and Delta Squadron have just completed the jump." Warfield said: "There are at least thirty Behemoth-class battlecruisers and two thousand attached battleships, ships and starfighters. .”

"This combined fleet is currently delivering ground forces to the surface of Antiga."

"Keep your distance, general, and avoid direct exchanges of fire with the federal fleet. Now we only have sixteen warships left to join the battlefield, and any losses will most likely be irreparable." Augustus hummed.

"Wise choice, we don't have the strength to compete head-on with the Federation yet. We have a mobile fortress that can be used as a berth for the fleet, but the firepower to deal with the two squadrons of fortresses is still insufficient." Warfield nodded, and he would execute it in one sentence. The order concludes this communication.

"The Federation is finally willing to send heavy troops to save their colony." Kerrigan breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her brows.

But then, after thinking for a moment, her expression changed.

"You're here to save people, right?" She looked at Augustus, her mouth slightly open.

"You have heard it. If we don't surrender immediately, Colonel Holler will make us pay the price." Augustus looked at the dim sky of Antiga and the horizon radiating red light and shadow.

"...I shouldn't have expected anything from a Federation beast," Kerrigan said.

"Let Swann build another command center and give it back to them? Tarsonis guys won't be so petty." Raynor said sarcastically.

"We will give them a big one back." Augustus said, walked up to the surrendered federal officer, patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Young man, I leave this place to you. Behind you is Ansadar, and at your feet is the country gate."

"Yes, Marshal." After hearing what Augustus said, the young federal officer immediately became energetic, and there seemed to be light in his light blue eyes.

Augustus waved his hand, and the remaining members of the marshal's guard followed him southward through the road leading directly to the city center, led by Corporal Faraday.

Just like other cities that were once mired in war and insect threats, this once prosperous city has now become extremely depressed. Hover cars, trams and airships parked on the roadside can be seen everywhere, and the road is full of debris. Traces of glass and blood.

The brass statues that glorified the ancient heroes and political figures of the Terran Federation were knocked down by a missed grenade and collapsed. Armored Revolutionary Army soldiers were running in the streets, and arc-light siege tanks weighing more than 60 tons rolled forward.

Most citizens of Ansadar City are hiding in their houses with locked doors and windows, but some brave people quietly put a welcome flag that has been prepared in their shop windows or outside their windows, bright red. The flag flutters in the wind.

As a city with a history of rebellion for more than ten years, the people here have long been looking forward to this day. It can be said that they are thinking about overthrowing the decadent Antiga government all the time.

In other fringe worlds where news lags behind, Augustus may not necessarily get the support of the locals if he wants to raise the flag of righteousness locally, but on the main star of Antiga, he does not need to have such concerns. After all, Antiga The history of human rebellion is much longer than that of Korhal IV.

However, if the Zerg had not invaded Antiga and many nearby systems, then even if Augustus responded to Antiga, the Federation's strike fleets would have swarmed and he would not have been able to defend the planet.

"Those people are welcoming us." While running in the footsteps of Augustus, Carrie's jade-green eyes scanned the tall buildings beside the road, vigilantly using telepathy to search for possible assassins among them. Or the mind of a federal sniper.

Kerrigan's physical prowess is quite astonishing, especially with the aid of the Umoyan Shadow Agent battlesuit, and she can even compare in strength to a Marine in power armor.

"I think they have already had enough of the oppression of the federal government. This is a good opportunity to officially liberate this planet. But after the federal fleet, protoss and zerg came to Antiga, basically everyone here can get together. It’s a mahjong table,” Reno said.

"Thank God, at least no other aliens came."

"The more chaotic the situation is, it may not be a bad thing for us. The Governor's Palace is in front." Augustus and others kept moving forward. When they were getting closer to the central city of Ansadar, the weapons and weapons on the ground The number of wreckage of transport vehicles has obviously increased.

Augustus did not hear the sound of fierce fighting, and the federal soldiers did not have much fighting spirit. This is understandable, because the governor of Antiga almost destroyed the entire regular army on the planet due to a single defeat.

"I can already see the flag of the revolutionary army. It's Tychus and the others." When Augustus felt that the governor's palace was reached, the troops of Tychus and Mar Sara had already entered it. , waiting for Augustus for a long time.

The Antiga Governor's Mansion is as gorgeously decorated as the holiday villa of a member of the Tyranid Federation Council, and the Ansadar Municipal Government Building not far away is no less impressive. Among the landmark buildings, only the broadcasting building of the UNN Antiga branch is a simple and heavy reinforced concrete structure, with white marble and lights on the walls.

Augustus met Tychus Finlay and Mar Sara, Governor Prior, outside the now deserted Governor's Palace.

"The mayor of Ansadar swallowed a gun and committed suicide. Our people failed to catch that hateful guy. However, I did catch a lot of members of the Antiga Senate." Tychus said to Augustus.

"The most useless people here now are the MPs and donkeys." Augustus looked at the timid group of Ansadar City Hall officials behind Tychus, waved his hand and walked towards the UNN headquarters building without talking to those people. The interest of conversation, because Augustus would rather spend it on ordinary people.

"Let's see if our ghost agents can ask them out from these people. I hope they still have something left in their minds other than luxury enjoyment."

"Then I have nothing to say. There are donkeys everywhere here." Tychus scratched the pink King of Hearts on his chest and followed Augustus.

"What are you going to do next? Do we have to spend a few more weeks to move these people out of Antiga? How can we save them?"

"I'm looking for a way to preserve the Antigonians without moving them," Augustus said. "Remember the psychic emitters we found on Cha Sara and Mar Sara?"

"What?" Hanak Hank, who was coming from the other side, also wanted to join in the conversation with Augustus.

"The psychic transmitter, as long as it is activated by a ghost agent, the psychic signal it releases can attract insect swarms five light years away or even farther away," Kerrigan said.

"Tell me something I don't understand. Super powers like psychic powers. Can psykers breathe fire?" Hanak soon discovered that he was asking for trouble.

"Sure, Hank," Kerrigan said.

"I like psykers." Harnak walked away unhappy: "I never dreamed that I could light fire on my enemies with just a snap of my fingers."

"What are you going to do? Drop the psychic launcher right in the middle of the Confederate barracks - I love this plan," Tychus said.

"It's not as simple as you think, Tychus. What if Nova Squadron and Delta Squadron set up bases near the city, then the bugs will eat the federal troops and the civilians along the way." Raynor didn't think so.

"Innocent Jimmy, those who do big things must be ruthless and not stick to trivial matters." Tychus smacked his lips.

"You call this informality? And to do this, we also need a ghost agent who can sneak into the federal base without being discovered. After he activates the psychic transmitter, we have to rush to pick him up." explain.

"Unless each of them is as good as Lieutenant Kerrigan, we will lose at least one valuable ghost agent for every psionic launcher activated."

"I will not send Kerrigan," Augustus said. "I will not activate the psychic transmitter unless necessary. Unless it is necessary."

"One ghost agent can be replaced by tens of thousands of people." Tychus said.

"Because the person who went there was not you." Raynor knew Tychus's nature all too well.

"I'm just giving you an opinion. If you don't want to hear it, you can just think of it as the crazy words of a drunkard." Tychus felt that he was asking for trouble. His positioning of himself had always been He is a person who spends his days fishing.

Whether the revolution succeeds or not does not mean much to Tychus itself. Perhaps the Terran Commonwealth under Augustus would be happier than they are now, but Tychus' way of life would not change. But maybe Tychus still wanted to be a hero or something in his heart, or maybe he just habitually obeyed Augustus's orders, and gradually he was able to think from the standpoint of Augustus' men.

"Psychic emitters are a double-edged sword, and they may attract zerg from other systems," Kerrigan said.

"Just set the strength of the psychic transmitter." Augustus said, "We can completely reduce its range."

"Dr. Francos was studying the documents of the Terran Confederacy's psionic launcher project and discovered some weapons based on the zerg psionic chain reaction that existed only at a theoretical level." Augustus said: "In my case, At the request of the alien laboratory, the Alien Laboratory is trying to continue researching other psionic devices."

“It would have been at least five years before we saw the finished product, but luckily we had the greatest engineers in Coprulu, Rory Swann and Victor Kaczynski,” he said. “They were the ones who brought the vision to life. weapons come into reality.”

Just as Augustus was talking, Swann's voice came from the communication device in his power armor.

"Good morning, boss. Studying that piece of artifact fragment will be helpful to our research. The psychic disruptor you asked us to research and manufacture is ready for use. The force field range can cover the entire city of Ansadar and twenty square meters beyond. Mile area." Swann sounded like he was still busy with something, and from the clanging sounds around him, it could be heard that he was busy in the Hyperion's machinery room.

For many months, the Revolutionary Army has been traveling around, fighting against the Tyranid Federation and Zerg. After all, the damaged power armor, mechanical armor, and vehicles and spaceships all need to be repaired. Young and energetic young men from the revolutionary army always like to break all kinds of equipment, but in the end they have to have people from the engineering corps come to wipe their butts.

"The latest research shows that the zerg cerebrates will be linked to their pack members through some kind of psychic link, and this device can interfere with this psychic link. Once within the range of the psionic disruptor, the cerebrates will Losing its link to other zerg," he said.

"The technology is new, and the parts we use to make it are all old stuff - a box of parts from the flea market in Moria." Swann added: "Working with the Alien Research Laboratory At that time, Francos sent his young student Stetman, who was a genius."

"In other words, as long as the zerg enters the range of the psychic disruptor, it will turn into an out-of-control beast." Augustus already knew the use of the psionic disruptor: "This means that the zerg will not rashly But this range is not enough to launch an attack, at least it should be able to cover the entire planet."

"Everything has to be done slowly, right? It's still the same as before, you contribute the money and we contribute the effort. As long as you work hard and study hard, you will be able to come up with something new sooner or later," Swann said.

"It's all up to you, Swann. We can't do it without you." Augustus said: "I'm not very happy when I hear your voice. Maybe I'm still worried about the people in Meinhof."

"It's always a good feeling to be needed by someone, especially when that person is the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army. Meinhof is still in the hands of the Federation, and is still some distance away from the Sarah Galaxy and Antiga. The guild The guards should be able to guard her. Speaking of which, I'm really glad that our family didn't go to Korhal IV, otherwise they would have to move again." Swann said.

"They have adapted to life in the Meinhof mines and are only good at dealing with stones and crystal minerals."

"Okay Swan, we'll talk later," Augustus said.

"Okay, the guys I sent out are already on the way. After you capture Ansadar, the transport ship carrying the psychic disruptor can land in the city's central airport. Then they will assemble new equipment for you. I hope it will work." After saying this, Swann left the communication station and went about his own business.

"A new device. Friends, with it we can effectively resist the attack of the Zerg." Augustus said to Tychus and others.

"Psychic disruptor, it can disrupt the control of the zerg's brain worms, king worms and queen worms over the zerg and the worm nest." Augustus said.

"It's equivalent to you being suddenly disconnected from the Internet when browsing an illegal website, or the controller of a remote-controlled car suddenly malfunctioning." Kerrigan could understand the meaning of Augustus' words without having to listen with ears.

"That's really terrible." Tychus frowned and said disgustedly: "It sounds like some new type of mosquito repellent."

"It sounds like a good thing. It can be used near our defenses to isolate the zerg from sudden attacks. Then when can they be put to use." Renault nodded.

"Better hurry, because the bugs are coming soon." Tychus said impatiently.

"It's almost time. I've asked Corporal Faraday to send people to clear a landing area in the nearby open space. There is no need to land from the airport." Augustus said.

"Why is that boy still a corporal, when all his subordinates are captains?" Tychus asked doubtfully.

"For Faraday, military rank did not matter, and even as a corporal, he was qualified to question the emperor." Augustus continued.

"Jimmy, jammers are not only used for defense, they can also be used for offense."

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