StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 28 Traitor

Central neighborhood, Loon Town, 14:12 local time.

A third of the buildings in this colonial-style town are buried under clumps of brambles, creepers and stalked thatch, with colonial domes in the central block and boxy, angular prefabricated formwork buildings. Standing in front of Augustus and others at regular intervals.

Antennas and solar panels are installed on the roofs of these houses to receive signals and store energy.

Roon Town is like many towns in Turasis II. The appearance of each house is highly similar. Straight roads divide the town into areas of equal area. It is a typical colonial town grid style. Even though It is difficult for outsiders to get lost inside. This grid-style town is often home to young colonies.

There are a few open trucks and coal trucks parked here and there on the street. Public facilities such as street lamps, signs and benches are also dilapidated due to lack of maintenance and repair. In addition, August Not even a soul could be seen, the streets and squares were deserted.

"This is not right," I said. "I thought they would greet us like heroes." This sight made Harnack complain.

"If you bring a truckload of food and fuel to meet them, I bet you will become a hero to the entire town, and maybe the place will be renamed Hanktun." Reno said on the communication channel.

"Sounds good." Harnak obviously took it seriously.

"This is going to be difficult, Honorable Harnak Hank. The intelligence says that this whole town is full of rebels." Augustus said.

"Then tell them all to give way to Commander Hank." Hank said nonchalantly.

"Assemble in the central square!" At this time, company commander Warfield ordered over the communication channel: "Follow your squad leaders and comrades closely, and be careful on the ground and behind!"

The central square of Loen Town is the only open space in the town. It is just an open space marked out with lime powder, and the area is about the same as a football field. The lawn in the central square has not been mowed, and lush Turasis II native plants have taken over the entire open space. During this period, some emerald green knobby insects can be seen.

In the center of a vibrant green space is a lone flagpole, with a battered Confederate flag hanging from it.

The entire first company was deployed in the central square of Loon Town. Augustus's third and second rows were deployed directly under the flagpole, standing behind Warfield. The streets facing the north of the square were lined up in four rows, with the first row on the right flank in the same formation, and the fourth row behind the third row on the left.

"Folks of Loon Town, I am Lieutenant Warfield of the Interstellar Marine Corps." The lieutenant held a radio walkie-talkie in his hand, which could be directly connected to the loudspeaker of the radio station in Loon Town.

"Someone reported to the Marines that there are Caimorian spies here who are spreading lies to deceive the citizens of the Terran Federation." Warfield said: "In order to maintain the purity of the town of Loon and ensure that it remains loyal to the The Terran Federation, as the supreme commander of the region, I have obtained an arrest warrant for the Planetary Governor."

"I have the authority to order everyone in this town to gather in the central square now and accept our investigation. Those found innocent will be released immediately. But if you refuse to come to the central square to accept the investigation, then, unfortunately , I will arrest you all."

"Within fifteen minutes, the time I give you is fifteen minutes. No matter you are male, female, old or young, I do not require you to be on time, but unless you are missing arms or legs, fifteen minutes is enough for you to walk from one end of this town to the other. It’s the other end.”

"Don't bring any weapons or we have priority to fire."

"Lieutenant, the order given to us is to execute the rebels, not to arrest them." Augustus' platoon leader Reagan said on the squad leader-platoon commander-company commander officer-level communication channel.

"It's up to me to decide that no one deserves to be executed," Warfield said. "I would never go on a killing spree here unless I had to."

After Warfield finished speaking, the entire communication channel of the first company fell into absolute silence. His words had just been transmitted to the ears of more than 200 people in the company through the public channel, clearly conveying his views on this. Qualitativeness of secondary tasks.

Augustus stood behind Warfield and next to Reno and Harnack. The HUD display system on his mask had been converted to thermal energy display mode, allowing him to see the red figures hiding in houses and basements.

Through scanning, 3D real-time models of several residential houses are presented in the upper right corner of the screen, and a pull-down status bar displays wind speed, humidity and temperature.

A few minutes later, there were more and more people on the Augustus HUD screen. The townspeople of Runen Town were driving toward the central square in twos and threes, driving low-hanging cars or riding maglev bicycles. The breathing in the public channel gradually became heavier, and Augustus couldn't help but tighten his grip on the Gauss rifle in his hand.

Most of the townspeople who came were holding various weapons in their hands, including mining hoes, shovels, engineer shovels, gunpowder automatic rifles from the last century, shotguns and bolt-action shotguns. Only a relatively few people were holding electromagnetic or laser weapons. Arms - Augustus speculated that they were the organizers and leaders among these people.

These residents of Runen Town, who seemed to be unkind at first glance, surrounded the square with modified private cars and tractors used for farming. Augustus counted them roughly and felt that the number of people had exceeded 300, and there were more than 300 people in total. is constantly increasing.

Warfield watched all this expressionlessly at first, and then he closed the visor on his power armor.

Including the power armor of Augustus, the visors of all power armors of the 33rd Ground Assault Division are painted with gray-white paint to depict the sharp snout of a wolf's head, the white down on the cheeks, the slanted triangle eyes and the pointed eyes. Ear.

But Augustus always felt that if he could restrain himself from imagining it as a husky, it would still be quite majestic and domineering.

"I want to speak to your commander!" After the number of gatherers exceeded 500, an elected representative stood up from the crowd about 400 yards away from the front of Augustus.

"I am." Warfield replied in the coldest and most inhuman tone of his life: "Tell those people to put down their guns, and I swear I will forget about it. This is your last chance."

"We will never lay down our weapons to defend freedom!" The Turasis man with a mustache walked up to Warfield and said without giving up: "Listen, you can't do this!"

"Decades ago, it was my father and our fathers who came here to seize land from wild beasts and poisonous insects, bulldoze the land, build houses, and reclaim wasteland. All of this today depends on the efforts of several generations of us. Struggle,” said the Turasis man.

"And what has the federal government done to help us? They only make us pay taxes, pay taxes, pay taxes, but they don't even help us repair roads. When cheap industrial products from Tarsonis flooded into Turasis' market, The Government-General and the Federal Government's Market Regulation Authority have remained indifferent from beginning to end, sitting back and watching the disaster unfold."

"When local factories declared bankruptcy and countless workers lost their jobs, the government hypocritically announced the Turasis economic subsidy plan, which was already too late."

"If that's the case, we haven't seen a penny from the subsidy program."

At this time, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd, but Warfield and the soldiers could only respond in silence.

"When the war came, the Marines not only failed to protect us, but also sent our children to the battlefield." The mustached man became more and more excited as he spoke, and in the end he raised his arms and shouted: "We don't need the Terran Federation, nor do we need it. The Camorians are needed! The town of Loon belongs to everyone who lives here!"

"I demand you get out of here immediately or my townspeople and I will start shooting!"

"This idiot, he talked me into it. If he had a better attitude in 'asking' us to leave, maybe that guy from Warfield would really just slap his ass and leave." In the communication channel of the first class, Renault I'm so angry.

"He doesn't really think that the fire sticks in the hands of these mud fools can penetrate my 'knight armor', right? No way, right?" Josephine, who is originally from a noble family in the class, will not be like Renault who just said I felt the same way with those words, and I just thought it was ridiculous that these people dared to threaten the Marine Corps.

A piece of good news, I came here to recommend it yesterday, the popular series of science fiction apps will start next Monday. I heard from a big boss in the author group that promotion now depends on the number of readers, and only if you meet the standard can you advance. I hope everyone has time to read the chapter of the day and support it! grateful!

Thanks to Glory to the Eldest Son, Luck Hill for your monthly ticket!

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