StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 295 Archon Taldarin

"What about Adun in En Taro Adun? The hero of the protoss." Raynor said: "I thought Adun was a god or a legendary figure."

"I fought alongside him," said the Tal'darin in a sad tone of nostalgia. "That was long ago, when he was a disciple of Executor Zoranis. How I miss him."

"Adun and I have experienced many war-torn years together. It was the golden age of the Protoss Empire. Aden was born to be a leader. In Kara's spiritual ocean, he is like a golden sun. We follow him and love him Him. He was the greatest warrior, strategist, and leader, and at a young age he rose to the highest position a Templar could achieve - that of the Executor."

While Tal'darin was speaking, two other high-ranking Templars stepped off the Protoss shuttle parked on the fortification wall. Their shining armor and purple robes and cloaks were particularly eye-catching in the light.

Then a team of eight Templars appeared. Each of their armors was more shining and gorgeous than the others. As a Templar from the Age of Adun, the Taldarin still cherishes the past, and his followers still wear the armor of the Golden Age of the Protoss Empire.

These Templars, dressed in gold full-body armor and purple tabards, wore golden sapphire-inlaid helmets and held battle axes, looking majestic. When they looked at Augustus and Renault, both of them could feel the pressure of the Templars' psychic and spiritual powers.

These templars who have not yet reached the highest ranks in the Kara's way are called fanatics. Over the years, they have already adapted to Kara's self-repressive training.

On weekdays, the Templars would meditate in Ayre's Adun Fortress or the Lake of Silence, exchanging their insights about Kara in order to gain further improvement. When fighting, the Templars will release their anger in an almost berserk attitude. To their enemies, they are the embodiment of rage and death.

The Templars in the Church of Zealots are bound by honor and inheritance. They are loyal believers of Kara and abide by the precepts of purity, concentration and thought represented by Sharok, El's Moon. They are also the Eternal El. Guardian of the Protoss Empire and the Spear Blade of the Protoss Empire.

Compared to assassination and intrigue, Templars prefer to embrace the glory of battle and the eternal glory of killing their enemies to the death, but that does not mean that they do not know how to use strategy.

A war involving Templars is often a gorgeous frontal attack and overwhelming destruction.

"So you are a living legend. Wow, I am deeply honored to fight with a warrior like you." Renault's tone became fast. This passionate young man admires heroes. This is why he is willing to follow Augustus. s reason. Ever since Renault met Augustus in Turasis II's boot camp, he felt that Augustus was a hero from the bottom of his heart.

"It is also an honor for me to fight alongside warriors like you." Taldarin did not show arrogance or indifference, which made both Augustus and Renault think that he might be much easier to get along with than they thought.

After speaking, the Taldarin's long mechanical appendage crossed the wall of the fortification wall and looked towards the direction where the Tiamat swarm was attacking.

Under the glowing orange-red night of Char, the coalition of protoss and humans had to face the wrath of the Tiamat swarm.

Tens of thousands of Hydra Hydralisks and scorpions swam like snakes in the layer of volcanic ash more than ten inches deep, as if they were an endless swarm of snakes emerging from the earth after hibernation.

These hideous-looking monsters are a mixture of insects, reptiles and other terrifying things. Their innate mission is to assimilate and devour other races in the universe.

The Protoss Templars in blue tabards and golden armor advanced along the iron-gray fortification wall at the feet of Augustus, using their blazing blue psychic blades to mercilessly kill the front of the fortification wall. of zerg.

The protoss templar's combat skills are unparalleled, and they slash with their psychic blades resolutely and decisively. Augustus witnessed with his own eyes hundreds of templar warriors rushing into the zerg amidst a tsunami-like battle roar, harvesting the zerg's cries and blood.

Their gleaming psychic blades and plasma shields stand out in the dark. The golden-blue Protoss fighter's gravity thruster releases ice-blue flames, engaging in a thrilling fight with the alien dragon in the sky.

The Alpha Squadron on the human side also got a chance to breathe as the Protoss were attacking the Zerg formation and was able to reorganize its defenses.

"Human Commander, please tell me your plan. Also, what are those human psychic waveforms across the galaxy?" As a Templar, Taldarin disdained to directly probe Augustus's thoughts. ——Although that is easy for the protoss.

"It is a weapon, a psionic transmitter, designed to emit human psykers' psionic waveforms into the universe, and this psionic signal can attract insects several light years away." Dragon Knight Mecha Bi The power armor was still much taller, and Augustus could only look up at the giant in front of him.

Augustus and Taldarin talked amidst the roar of cannons and the roar of zerg, each trying to figure out the other's intentions and strategic insights.

"This is why so many zerg suddenly attacked us. The ones who set up these psychic transmitters are the forces of the Tyranid Federation. They are our enemies and their purpose is to kill us."

Augustus did not say that the fragments of the Xel'Naga artifact might be the reason why the insect swarm became crazy, and it was not easy for him and the protoss to explain this kind of thing.

"Even if the zerg invaded in large numbers and their homeland was in danger, humans were still unwilling to stop the civil war?" When Tal'darin understood that it was the conflicts between various human forces that had caused such a situation, he became even more disappointed with the human race. .

"You have to ask people from the Federation." Renault spread his hands.

"Where can I see them?" Tal'darin asked Raynor seriously: "The leader of humanity in the Tyranid Federation must be convinced."

".I'm just saying, I didn't really let you go." Renault felt bored for a while: "And it's not easy for you to convince that old witch Andrea Tagore and her humble servants. To be fair, we can only use tanks and artillery."

Raynor believed that what Taldarin said was absolutely true, because these protoss generally had no concept of secrets and lies. They were frank and sincere and would not lie.

"I think it will take me some time to adapt to the way humans speak." Tal'darin looked at Renault: "I know you humans call that a sense of humor?"

"Not very humorous," Reno said.

"Human Commander, we have detected that almost all the Zerg main nest groups in this hemisphere are moving here." Tal'darin was confused by Renault's words: "I want to know your battle plan."

"I think we should stick to this place." Augustus replied: "While all the Zerg in Char are concentrating here, I will let my Dark Templar allies assassinate the Cerebrates in the main nest. , their void energy can completely kill the brainworms, making them unable to resurrect."

"What?" Taldarin seemed shocked.

But the reaction of Taldarin's subordinates was much greater than his. One of the high-ranking templars' roar mixed with psychic screams almost made Augustus stunned: "Betrayer of Kara! Traitors! Where are they?"

"Protect the Grand Archon."

The Protoss Templars, who were calm and composed just now, displayed their light blades one after another. Their ice-blue eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly and protected their leader Taldarin in the middle, even to Augustus himself. He glared angrily, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

"They are allies of the Dark Templar, be careful of these filthy humans!" the Templars said as they backed away cautiously, as if the word Dark Templar was a far more terrifying enemy to them than the Zerg. .

"The Dark Templar are back and they will destroy Kara and the Empire!"

"It sounds like I'm dirty." Raynor said with his hands on his hips, "But I remember Zeratul's statement that they were the victims."

"Nonsense!" The powerful mental roar of another high-ranking templar almost knocked Reno to the ground: "If the great Arden hadn't eradicated the threat of the dark templar, the Protoss Empire would have perished long ago."

"We will never cooperate with the Dark Templar and their allies!"

"No" Taldarin calmed down the anger of his warriors in Kara: "There should be no such hatred between us. Everything has not yet reached the point where the Templar and the Dark Templar draw swords against each other."

"Are they the children of Rashagar? They haven't appeared in our sight for a long time." He sighed.

"Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite." Renault thought he had roughly figured it out and said sadly.

"Don't be so nervous. The Dark Templar are not our enemies." Tal'darin asked his Templars to put away their swords, but did not get much response.

"But the knowledge and history we have learned tell us that the Dark Templars who betrayed Kara are the enemies of the Templars. They almost caused the destruction of the Protoss Empire a thousand years ago. We must be wary of the hidden Dark Templars. Don Samurai, they are always ready to come back."

"It sounds like the Dark Templar are doing all kinds of evil." Raynor's understanding of the protoss was very limited, and he didn't have much trust in Zeratul who suddenly visited him. Both sides insisted on their own opinions, and he didn't know who to believe: "But if Zeratul's Dark Templar can really kill the brainworm, it will be worth it."

Having said that, it is even more strange that Augustus believed in Zeratul so much. But this definitely makes sense, and Augustus must have made this decision after careful consideration.

Renault still chose to trust Augustus's judgment without reservation. If it were anyone else, he would only think that this person was really big-hearted and would actually trust an alien he had just met and hadn't chatted with for long.

If Reno and Augustus saw the same people and things, their reactions and judgments would be completely different. So this is definitely not Augustus's problem. Instead, Renault feels that he should reflect on himself.

To Raynor's surprise, as a Templar, the Tal'darin's reaction was very different from that of his men. This must be because he has fought alongside Adun. This is the difference between him and other protoss.

Taldarin was the first dragon knight, and the other protoss who were only three or four hundred years old were really just young people in front of him.

"Indeed, we found escaping void energy around the dead brainworm, but we don't know who did it." Tal'darin was unwilling to mention that period of history again, or someone might have ordered him to do it. Then stay silent.

"So far, the white nests are still out of control and have been cleared by other groups. Presumably their brainworms are really dead," he said.

Taldarin was not just a dragon knight pilot, he was an ancient hero of outstanding merit, and the reason why he was able to achieve such an honor was not just because he lived long enough. His outstanding military talent and strategic foresight are the reasons why Tal'darin became the Grand Archon, and usually the Grand Archon is the military leader and administrative manager of a certain province in Aiur.

"This is an opportunity worth trying. My Templars and I will hold on to this fortress until the Dark Templars succeed. This is my decision." Tal'darin paused for a few seconds, as if Reporting to the Protoss Expeditionary Force fleet in high-altitude orbit of Char using the equipment in the Dragon Knight mech.

"After learning about it, Executive Officer Tassadar believes that this plan is feasible and should be implemented immediately."

"You are indeed the wisest great consul." Augustus originally thought that even though Taldarin was a warrior from the Adon era, he would have to spend a lot of time convincing him, but things went surprisingly smoothly. .

"Why? If it weren't for the Dark Templar, how could Arden ascend to Twilight and leave us? The Supreme Council will never agree with your decision." A high-ranking Templar obviously did not agree with this order.

In the past, Tal'darin's templars all respected him and regarded his orders as iron laws that could not be broken. Just having fought alongside Adon is enough for Tal'darin to receive this honor. All protoss, even Executor Tassadar, will add a prefix when they see Tal'darin: great.

"Supreme Council? In the past, the Arbitrators were the first group of people to follow Kas and the guardians of the Xel'Naga ruins of the Silak tribe. Now there are only conspirators and politicians left there." Tal'darin told the Supreme Council The Council was quite dissatisfied, but no one would accuse him of being a Templar who dared to disrespect those in power of the Arbitrator class.

"Even if the arbitrators in the Supreme Council stand in front of me, this decision will not change in any way. It is time for the Templar class to make their own judgments. Who can guarantee that the arbitrators in the parliament will not make mistakes? .”

"I just like your style." Augustus praised Taldarin and said.

At this time, the giant Kedarin crystal tower and portal of the protoss had appeared in the warping rift in the base behind Augustus. Along with this came the charging particle light cannon and beam rail cannon. Templar knights and dragon knights jumped to the platform of the portal through the folded space-time rift to join the battle.

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