StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 302 Kidnapping Tassadar

"This can't be true! Al, El's coordinates are secret. It's a secret, a secret that only we know."

Taldarin seemed to have been hit by a bullet. In the past, the mechanical limbs of the Solar Dragon Knight moved freely like a part of his body, but now each mechanical limb seems to have its own will and go its own way. road.

The emotional fluctuations of anger manifested themselves in a surge of spiritual energy, and his pale skin shrank unnaturally.

There are no lies or deceptions in the El Protoss' Kara spiritual network. In that vast spiritual ocean like the ocean, everything is the closest to the truth and a reflection of true feelings. Aiur is the home planet and holy land of the protoss and cannot be desecrated by anyone.

The other high-ranking templars and Valari spearmen felt a shock and staggered, as if their whole bodies had lost strength. Some protoss managed to maintain their composure, while others fell to the ground, their glowing eyes losing focus.

The exposed skin of the protoss shows dark spots and markings, like an octopus that changes color due to fright, which is a sign of their mental shock.

The Protoss Kalai phase technology and ship engineers in blue robes in the dock of the expeditionary force's flagship Star Shuttle were also affected, and some began to uncontrollably let out mental screams similar to crying.

These wailing spiritual screams are also a huge torture for human beings like Augustus. It seems that the sounds of thousands of people crying at the same time appear in their minds. The sounds of grief make human beings lose control uncontrollably. tears.

Emotional communion is a manifestation of the high evolution of a psychic race, which is extremely difficult to see in humans who are clumsy in responding to psychic abilities. Augustus had only seen this scene in one human being, Sarah Kerrigan.

"They are crying? Like cowards and crybabies. Are there few worlds where humans have been involved in wars for so many years?" Tychus is not an emotional person, and he will not sympathize with the protoss. While Augustus, Renault and others were wiping away tears, only the hard-hearted Tychus seemed unmoved at all.

"What a shame."

"It's quite shocking." Renault paused to express that he was frightened.

"Honestly, when you know that your hometown is attacked by insects, all the green mountains, rivers and cultural treasures will be destroyed. Your family will probably encounter something unexpected, and you will have the same reaction as them. This is Cha Sa That’s what the people of Lahomar Sala have ever faced.”

"That's something I don't have," Tychus said, snorting disdainfully, like a donkey snorting.

Augustus took a towel from Corporal Faraday's hand and wiped the tears that overflowed from his eyes. He almost couldn't remember when he cried like a child because of pain and grievance, because he was hurt.

"Wow, I haven't seen Augustus cry before. He looks like a gray-haired beauty." After glancing at Augustus, Tychus immediately realized that such an opportunity was the only one in his life. Chance. If someone said that Augustus Mengsk was a crybaby in a skirt as a child, every Revolutionary Army soldier would take that as a huge insult.

For many times, Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army, was considered a man with a very strong will.

A professional writer for the Umoyan Khar News Broadcasting Company once described Augustus Mengsk this way: Augustus Mengsk is wise and ruthless, the bulwark and high wall of Korhal. He never cried, for steel and stone shed no tears.

"It is not a matter of shame." Augustus did not take this as an insult, but Tychus would soon learn what to say and what not to say.

After speaking, Augustus threw the towel back to Corporal Faraday, not noticing that the latter was carefully preserving the towel. Corporal Faraday always firmly believed that Augustus was a hero and great man who would definitely accomplish great things, so the significance of this towel was more than just a towel.

Augustus walked closer to Tassadar. He was the only one who did not suffer a huge blow like the other protoss, but that might just be because he had already known the news and had already grieved.

"Executor, now we can determine where the wormhole that appeared on Char leads to, and that is Aiur." Augustus said to Tassadar.

"I am no longer an Executor." Tassadar looked at Augustus and read his thoughts: "But you don't care about that."

Tassadar's flaming blue eyes tilted slightly in a benign, smile-like expression.

In fact, for humans, perhaps the invasion of Aiur by the zerg is not a bad thing. This means that the protoss and the zerg are about to have a head-to-head war, leaving no time to take care of the shivering humans hiding in the cracks.

The protoss territory, which has always been isolated from the world, will become the main battlefield between these two very different but equally powerful civilizations.

The Overlord will definitely send the main combat power of the insect swarm to the territory of the Protoss Empire, and the pressure faced by humanity will be much less. Judging from the attitude of the Supreme Council towards humans, once the strength of the Protoss Empire is weakened, they will no longer have the energy to burn the infected human planet all day long.

"This is why in such a short period of time, the swarm suddenly appeared in the Aiur system." The executive fully agreed with Augustus's idea: "According to the monitoring of the detector, every solar cycle has countless Countless zerg are pouring into Aiur."

"That wormhole must be destroyed." After all, Taldarin was a military commander who had commanded armies on various battlefields thousands of years ago. He quickly stabilized his emotions and turned his sadness into anger and cold determination.

His determination was conveyed to other protoss through Kala, causing those protoss who felt extremely painful to gradually quiet down. Even those protoss of the commoner class of Kalai who were considered to be more vulnerable and needed to be protected no longer gave a damn. Sad and trembling.

"I have thought about doing that, Archon. I have thought about all the possible ways, and have repeatedly reviewed them, practicing on a simulated light screen on the battlefield." Executive Officer Tassadar was a little listless. Although not overwhelmed by the Supreme Council's resolutions, he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

"The fact is that without the support of other fleets, our fleet alone can no longer break through the Zerg's defenses in the high-altitude orbit of Char." His calm voice appeared in everyone's minds.

"There are many ways to destroy that wormhole. Maintaining such a wormhole requires an extremely large amount of energy and dark matter." The executive continued: "Energy and dark matter maintain a balance. As long as this balance is destroyed or the By making the Overlord unable to maintain the wormhole, we can temporarily close it."

"It's only temporary." Tal'darin repeated.

"If the Overlord can create a wormhole, it can create a second one." Augustus immediately understood what Tassadar said.

"When the purpose is only to transport the first batch of landing troops, the Overlord does not even have to maintain this wormhole." The executive said.

"As your spacecraft returns to the shuttle, the wormhole is constantly shrinking, and now its existence is almost undetectable."

"Then we'll wait until the Overlord tries to create a second wormhole." A mechanical limb of the Tal'darin Dragon Knight's armor struck the deck heavily, as if to emphasize what he said.

"Unfortunately, the zerg nests scattered in the Koprulu sector are returning to Char. At the same time, there are still a large number of zerg coming in the direction from which they came." The executive officer said: "I'm afraid, if we don't evacuate, Here, the zerg will surround the fleet."

Tassadar's fleet is nothing more than a large expeditionary force temporarily formed after the emergence of the zerg. Their name is the Koprulu Expeditionary Force, which is a branch of the protoss empire's magnificent armada.

In addition, there are expeditionary forces and colonial fleets in other sectors, which are scattered throughout the galaxy. Their responsibilities include scientific research, protecting colonies, searching for Xel'Naga ruins, searching for and hunting down Dark Templar warriors, etc.

The Koprulu Expeditionary Force invaded Char without the support of other fleets and contended with the Overlord Swarm for many days in its heyday. Now it is really unsustainable.

"Executor, you make your decision," Taldarin said after a period of silence.

"You are the commander here now," the executive said.

"I refuse to fulfill the duty entrusted to me by the Supreme Council." Like most Aiur protoss, Tal'darin is straightforward and honest. He neither uses euphemisms nor refuses any pretense.

"Okay, let's go to the bridge," Tassadar said.

"Who said that the protoss are all dull-minded? I think this protoss executive is very cunning." Tychus didn't like to remember the names of the protoss.

"They are just very candid." Augustus said: "In the Protoss Kara, they communicate much more than what we can hear, so you will feel that their words are very direct."

Augustus, Tychus and others followed Tassadar through the huge interior corridor of the Star Shuttle. The El Protoss liked the light of the sun, and the entire battleship was filled with shining golden light. The decks and cabins of the battleship The edges of the walls were inlaid with crystals and gleaming precious metals.

The upward upper dome is an energy-shaped wall and translucent crystal that allows light to enter. This is to allow the protoss to be closer to the star light that nourishes them. The long and wide fleet corridor extends to the bridge of the Star Shuttle, the legendary flagship of the Protoss. The protoss walking on it seem to be walking in a treasure house containing infinite treasures.

Along the way, they could see beautiful golden patterns and carefully carved blue Kedarin soul crystals. These elegant and luxurious works of art and sculptures made Augustus feel that he was in a golden and glorious art palace. center. Such a glorious and gorgeous work of art represents the protoss' thinking on beauty in their long history, which is beyond the reach of Tyranid humans.

The crew of the Star Shuttle who passed by Augustus all looked at these humans with some kind of introspection. The ordinary crew members of the Protoss Kalai did not look as strong and vigorous as the Protoss Templars, and their performance was not as strong as the Protoss Templars. Not so arrogant.

When the Tal'darin and the high-ranking Templars walked by, they had to lower their heads to maintain respect and considered this as a matter of course. The strictness and insurmountability of the institutional hierarchy within the El Protoss had begun to take shape.

"What on earth is going on now? According to the Protoss, the Overlord is transferring all the bugs in Koprulu back to Char. Then our goal has been achieved." Tychus wondered what was going on in the Protoss spaceship as he walked. Grab some valuable collectibles.

"The smartest way now is to leave quickly and stay as far away from these protoss as possible." He said: "It depends on what they mean. The protoss will soon have a big fight with the insects. We'd better not go here." Muddy water.”

"Tychus is right, we should leave." Raynor suggested to Augustus: "The Protoss has helped us a lot, but I'm afraid we can't help them at all with our strength."

"Let's see what Tassadar does first." Augustus signaled Tychus and Raynor to be calm.

"Tassadar? Isn't he about to be sent back to their home planet Aiur for trial?" The kind-hearted Renault was worried about Tassadar.

"He can't even protect himself. We don't have time to take care of him." Tychus said: "Find an opportunity to ask the protoss to send us away quickly. I don't want to follow them anymore."

"Tassadar will not be taken lightly. He has the desire to save others in his heart." Augustus said: "Once he returns to Aiur, he will immediately be placed under house arrest by the Supreme Council to await trial. The Council will not allow another People who have disobeyed their orders serve as commanders of the army, which means that if Tassadar goes back, he will never be able to turn over."

"Tassadar will not go back even without me saying anything."

"Why are you so sure Tassadar would do that?" Raynor asked.

"It is easy to guess," said Augustus.

"Okay, I can't guess at all. When can I catch up with you?" Renault spread his hands helplessly.

"The Protoss are the most arrogant people I have ever seen." Tychus said: "And that High Council is the most arrogant among the Protoss."

As he spoke, Augustus followed Tassadar into a teleportation platform. After a burst of blue flash and the harmonic sound of the matrix, they were teleported to the bridge of the Star Shuttle at the same time.

The bridge of the Star Shuttle was surrounded by golden light, and the huge, transparent portholes faced a planet in the Char galaxy. The blue-brown gaseous planet was like a glass bead shrouded in the brilliant starlight. In the dim light of the bridge and the light of the stars, the Templars standing in front of the console looked towards Tassadar.

Tassadar walked to the porthole of the bridge and faced the stars.

"Zamara, open the communication channel for the entire fleet." He said.

"You are really ready to send all the warships to Aiur. Origa's fleet is still guarding our homeland." Tal'darin said to Tassadar: "Even if the zerg will eventually cause damage to Aiur, Undoable damage and immeasurable losses..."

"The invincible fleet guarding El can't be defeated!"

"Once that happens, the outcome is irreversible." Tassadar made up his mind: "Aiur must not fall."

"I am the former Executive Officer Tassadar, warriors. Aiur is facing the threat of the Zerg. I have decided to disband all the expeditionary fleets and return to our homeland to help our people resist the Zerg attack."

"But I have a more important mission to complete, and I will take the Starshuttle to complete this mission." He said.

"You have all learned of the punishment imposed on me by the Supreme Council, but if there are other battleships and crews who are still willing to follow me to complete the mission that we have not yet accomplished - to continue to fulfill the responsibilities of planetary spirits as the protectors of all things in the universe. I , Tassadar will pay you the highest respect."

"You really decided to do this." Taldarin said: "It is not your fault that you disobeyed the orders of the Supreme Council to protect mankind."

"The great Archon Tal'darin, the mentor of the Templars and Dragon Knights, it is now up to you to command this fleet to return to Aiur." The executive said.

"Hail to Tassadar," the Grand Archon said. "May the shadow of twilight be everywhere where the sun does not shine."

"Huh? It sounds like we can bring Tassadar to our side." Raynor quietly said to Augustus: "The Protoss Empire is going to put Tassadar on trial. Now that he is homeless, we can act together. "

"Aha, we can drive this ship to bomb Tarsonis." Tychus was overjoyed. He has always been obsessed with bombing Tarsonis.

"Jimmy, you're on to the point." Augustus nodded.

Tassadar did not pay attention to what Augustus, Renault and others said, and the shouts of tens of thousands of Protoss expeditionary crew members echoed in the spiritual sea Kara.

"We will be born El."

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