StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 304 Tassadar and his pendant

"It was the zerg experiments of those Federation humans in the Sara system that attracted the zerg." Tassadar gave the order to assemble through the communication network of the remaining battleships.

"You can say that." Augustus was convinced that the forbidden experiments of the Tyranid Federation would still be responsible for the large-scale invasion of Zerg, which was no less than attracting wolves into the house.

In a flash of icy blue and the bright wake of the thrusters, dozens of majestic protoss carriers formed a tight attack formation around the flagship Star Shuttle.

These behemoths, more than three thousand feet (about one kilometer) long, have a smooth golden shell and are oblong in shape. Unlike human battlecruisers, the protoss aircraft carrier does not appear to be completely sealed by airtight compartments and exit valves. Its bow and island are open structures, shaped like a split fig. Or a flower that is just about to bloom.

This reminded Augustus of golden, plump and round pods. As the sun exposed them, the tips of the pods cracked and split into several pieces. That was what the Protoss aircraft carrier looked like. Compared to those traveling near the battleships, A reconnaissance plane is a falcon with its wings folded and ready to pounce.

Instead of the outer walls and main deck, there is some kind of extremely hard transparent crystal and a luminous curtain wall shaped by pure energy. Through these pure water walls, you can see the battleship's wide deck, dock and main gun matrix. tip of the iceberg. Every Protoss spacecraft, from huge aircraft carriers to small and hard-to-find detectors, has a layer of light blue plasma shield lingering on its surface, like a net made up of countless equal hexagons.

The El Protoss like the light of the sun, so their personal accessories and battleship mecha are all gold. If a human battlecruiser painted in pure gold would only be seen as an extremely extravagant nouveau riche, then the exquisite craftsmanship and the art attached to it make this completely different.

Ingenious design and breathtaking beauty.

"Look what those people did during this time? Provoked the zerg, stood idly by, or made trouble behind the scenes." Tassadar took note of what the Tyranid Federation was doing in the Sara system and Antiga Prime. In eyes. The Protoss Expeditionary Force is doing its best to help the Tyranid humans put out the fire under the highest pressure. It's okay if the Tyranid Federation doesn't help, and it adds fuel to the fire from time to time.

"I will not easily intervene in the internal disputes of lower civilizations. This is also part of Dawu's teachings. The Kalash arbitration incident happened precisely because we recklessly intervened and tried to mediate the civil war among the Kalash people, which led to Disastrous consequences," he ordered.

"But I won't stand for it as they slaughter my selfless and brave human friends, go ahead and stop those Federation humans."

"Meeting you is one of the luckiest things that has happened to me in my life, Executor." Augustus put his hands behind his back with a serious expression. The tightly clenched hand showed that his heart was far from as calm and calm as he showed on his face. .

The Hyperion is a capital ship that has been modified several times by Rory Swann and Victor Kaczynski, top Umoyan engineers and chief engineers of the Revolutionary Army. It is equipped with the most advanced large-scale defensive shield generator. It can match two Behemoth-class battlecruisers of the same level, but it may not be able to sustain it for long when facing enemy ships several times larger than its own.

Following Tassadar's order, the remaining Protoss fleet made a short jump to two astronomical units away in a flash of light, and appeared about a dozen miles directly above the two fleets. The Star Shuttle The bridge can directly overlook the two human fleets that are slowly getting closer.

The Star Shuttle's star map console projected a beautiful star-like light and shadow and combined it into a multi-dimensional three-dimensional screen, which vividly displayed the firing of a dozen battlecruisers and a thousand laser cannon batteries of the Nova Squadron. On the screen, the gorgeous orange-yellow barrage looks like dense streams of orange-red fire.

"Human warship, I am Tassadar, the executive officer of the Protoss Expeditionary Force. Stop firing on your compatriots immediately." The main screen in front of Tassadar and Augustus switched to a screen with snowflake-shaped electromagnetic interference. communication screen.

A few seconds later, a man wearing a federal blue eagle emblem military cap appeared on the screen. It was Colonel Jackson Holler, the commander of Nova Squadron.

"This is none of your business, Protoss, don't meddle in other people's business." Colonel Holler put one hand behind his back, his eyes were sharp, and he looked shrewd and capable.

Colonel Holler was a man with a thin face, and his small black eyes were sunken into deep sockets. He was probably less than thirty years old and looked young and enterprising, with a pointed, iconic mustache on his upper lip.

"I advise you, protoss, you'd better not interfere in the conflicts between humans. The human Terran Federation is not easy to mess with." He straightened the brim of his hat, took out a cigarette and lit it with his laser lighter.

After saying that, Colonel Holler took the initiative to cut off the communication. He did not come to communicate and negotiate with the protoss, but just to give a threatening warning and ultimatum.

People in the core world of the Tyranid Federation probably still hear the words Protoss and Zerg from time to time on radio programs and news channels, as well as fragments of information revealed from official channels and various channels. Many Federation people also believe that the two races in the Koprulu Sector are clearly divided into good and bad.

However, the Federation commanders who are actually on the front lines believe that there is no obvious difference between the protoss and the zerg. They are both equally bad and equally hateful. If the zerg are the carnivorous locust swarms that are constantly devouring the Federation territory, then the protoss are mysterious, powerful and dangerous ancient aliens.

In Colonel Holler's understanding, the protoss who burned down the sister planets in the Sara system are unreasonable and cruel creatures, and there is absolutely no possibility for humans to communicate with them or live in harmony with them.

Holler obviously knew nothing about the cooperation between Augustus and Tassadar in Char. His battleships were always far away from Char, and he did not dare to approach Char, which had more than 10 billion insect swarms.

Earlier, the Protoss fleet did have records of appearing and driving away the Federation fleet, but the Federation commanders believed that it was just a coincidence, and that the Revolutionary Army spacecraft that was saved by the appearance of the Protoss was just lucky.

The protoss will never attack human warships or large transport ships full of personnel. At most, they will only warn human ships that break into their sight. Holler did not know that Augustus and Tassadar had formed an alliance. He believed that as long as he boarded the Revolutionary Army's flagship Hyperion before the protoss intervened, he could capture the famous Revolutionary Army leader Augustus alive. ·Mengsk.

"What's going on? Is that guy insane or mentally ill?" Tychus put the heavy machine gun in his hand vertically on the ground: "Do you think the protoss dare not fire?"

"As long as they have seen how the Protoss burned Cha Sara and Mar Sara into a ball of paste, even if they have only seen the reports and impact information, damn, the Protoss main cannon can evaporate an entire ocean with one shot. If it falls on a human battleship, how could it be possible that it was just a joke?"

"They don't know the pain yet, let the protoss teach these Federation bastards a lesson." Renault didn't realize at all that he was pretending to be powerful.

In the early years, during the Cailian War, Augustus and Renault were also called Federation bastards by the Caimorian they killed, but now they are the ones saying this.

As if to prove those harsh words just now, on the Star Shuttle's main screen, the Nova Squadron warships that were chasing several Revolutionary Army warships in space accelerated one after another.

The battlecruisers of Nova Squadron have always been proud of their fast speed and unpredictable entry timing. The performance of these battleships' power engines may not exceed that of the Hyperion that has been upgraded and modified by Umoyan and Swann many times. However, it was able to steadily overwhelm the Son of Thunder and other Revolutionary Army battleships.

As long as he can catch up with one of the battleships, it is impossible for him to abandon the crew of an entire battlecruiser with the style of the Revolutionary Army Marshal, especially when he still has the opportunity to save others.

These Federation battlecruisers with dark purple paint look like a school of fish swimming towards the sea on the screen. Just like the name of this Federation navy squadron, the logo of the Nova Squadron is also a shining star—— A circle with symmetrical lines of light radiating outward, an exploding star.

"Lieutenant Colonel, please report the battle situation." Augustus contacted the deputy captain of the Hyperion at this time.

"Their missiles and space torpedoes are almost catching up with us." the vice captain reported.

"Judging from the messages that Nova Squadron's flagship keeps sending us, they seem to believe that you must be on the Hyperion now." He continued: "Based on several fragmented Nova Squadron encrypted communications intercepted, I suspect they may A boarding operation will be launched against the Hyperion."

"They want to capture me alive?" Augustus thought for a moment and said, "Holler is right. A living Augustus Mengsk is far better than a revolutionary marshal who may have died in an accident where the battleship was destroyed. The value is greater.”

"I'm afraid. Yes, sir," the Revolutionary Army lieutenant colonel replied.

"They are approaching the Thunder Spawn! They are firing on its port side." At this time, a report came from the lieutenant colonel's side.

"Fight back, activate all artillery groups." The lieutenant colonel issued orders one after another in an orderly manner. This native of Kohalyoheim, who graduated from the Umoyan Naval Academy, was another one after the destruction of Kohal. A man of great talent and knowledge.

"We will contact you later." After Augustus finished speaking, he faced Tassadar beside him.

"The Federation wants to capture me alive."

"Ah - he wants to take you back. You are so kind, Colonel Jackson." Reno complained, standing next to Augustus.

"What will they do to you if they catch you?" Tassadar actually knows how humans treat rebels. After all, he has been observing the Terran human ancestors who have just arrived in the Koprulu sector in the past few centuries. As the fire of civilization gradually rises, we watch humans destroy the environment of their homes and reshape it for development.

"Throw it into prison and then hold a public trial. The witnesses are the speculators in the revolution. The jury is the great nobles, businessmen and those with vested interests who have suffered losses due to our military operations." Augustus said.

"But there will never be a day when I will kill them all first."

"There is no good person in the Federation army." Tychus judged others by himself.

"Do you know how much Augustus Mengsk, who is ranked second on the wanted list, is worth? The Federation is willing to pay even a few hundred million. Holler is eager to claim the reward."

"You are a fucking genius, Tychus." Augustus praised him and said: "You can take my head to collect the reward, and the money will be used to build the army and the colonies destroyed by the zerg. I have no problem with that.”

"If the members of the Federal Parliament were standing in front of me, I would just ask them how much my head is worth. If the price is right, I will offer my head with my own hands."

"At that time, it will be a question of who should offer the head." Renault laughed.

By this time, Tassadar's flagship star shuttle had already made two short jumps to close the distance with Nova Squadron. There is no need for the executive officer to issue orders again, and all crew members on the Star Shuttle can do their jobs in perfect harmony.

The Templar pilot on the bridge was tapping the photosensitive screen and the console inlaid with jewels and crystals at a dizzying speed. Star spirit words and symbols that Augustus could not understand were jumping on the holographic screen. The various values ​​of human warship speed, armor and weapon systems are completely presented in front of the protoss commander.

Shrinking blue concentric circles appeared on the huge porthole in front of the Star Shuttle's bridge. That was the focus of the Star Shuttle's main gun calibration. The light shining from the bridge dome illuminated the entire bridge. Reflected in blue.

Different from the way humans use nuclear reactors and high-energy gas engine engines to provide energy, all facilities in the Protoss warships are directly powered by Kedarin crystals, and they do not need to spend too much time on supplies.

In the dock of the Star Shuttle, thousands of carrier-based interceptors are automatically disconnecting from the energy cables connecting them to the battleship, and taking off from the aircraft carrier's dock runway with the assistance of gravity ejection drives.

Under the guidance of Kara's psychic network, the Templars and Karai engineers each performed their respective duties, as if they were one mind and existed as a whole. Honor and loyalty are rooted in the hearts of every protoss, and each protoss empathizes with the thoughts and thoughts of others. Betrayal should be absolutely impossible and unthinkable.

During the battle, the entire bridge of the Star Shuttle was silent. There were no complicated orders, crew reports, or the commander's roar mixed with slang. There was only the sweet resonance of the crystal matrix.

Augustus walked into the porthole of the bridge, and happened to witness a thousand butterfly-shaped carrier-based interceptors taking off from the Star Shuttle aircraft carrier flying past in front of him. More than 20 other protoss aircraft carriers were also released one after another. Thousands of interceptor planes appeared, like a swarm of irritated bees.

"It's really a hornet's nest." Tychus sighed: "These small planes are much faster than ours."

"These wasps are no better than Goliaths," said Augustus.

In the distance, we can clearly see the Nova Squadron warships that are firing at the Revolutionary Army battleship Thundersider. There are three ships in total including its flagship. They sandwiched the Revolutionary Army warships underneath and used broadside artillery and ground-attack batteries. Fire simultaneously.

However, when Augustus realized that the main cannon of the Star Shuttle had been aimed at Nova Squadron's flagship and fired, after a beam of bright light that was blinding, one third of Nova Squadron's flagship was wiped by the beam. It wipes off as easily as cutting through a piece of butter with a hot knife.

A large amount of red particle flow, cables, metal fragments and people are pouring out from the fracture of the Nova Squadron flagship, like metallic and orange blood flowing from a wound. The Star Shuttle's main gun beam seemed to just pass by the stern of the Nova Squadron's flagship, but the damage it caused was more than just a scratch.

This was not a random shot. The main gun beam avoided the area with the smallest crew in the design of the human battlecruiser, avoiding as many casualties as possible.

"What a bastard." Tychus exclaimed, "These bastards are going to be in trouble."

"What are you going to do?" At this time, Tassadar, who had remained silent, asked Augustus.

"Capture their commander alive and force the remaining warships to surrender," Augustus said.

"Adjutant, prepare the jump platform and send out our boarding shuttle." Tassadar said: "Gather my loyal Templars. This is the first battle between the Zealot Order and humanity."

"Come on, I can't wait to do it." Tychus said loudly, raising his heavy machine gun.

I'm going to get a booster shot tomorrow, hoping to be able to catch up. The editor said that I need to save some manuscripts to get a big recommendation, so I will fight for it no matter how hard I work.

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