StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 310 The Master’s Plan

"I believe you." Augustus recovered from his initial shock. To be honest, he was willing to believe Zeratul because he knew what kind of protoss he was.

"Please tell me what you found in Char, elder. I need to know the details."

The words of Dark Master Zeratul are always quite reliable, although in many cases he will only give a few clues first and let others find out the truth on their own, instead of telling the whole story clearly from the beginning. .

Zeratul may be a good teacher and guide for young people. His rich and magnetic voice and calm tone are perfect for telling a story in a fascinating way.

"He is very powerful. The spiritual energy of this star is colder than the ice that has not melted for thousands of years." Holler knew that Augustus would no longer attack or defend after knowing this star. He watched Zeratul give his assessment of him, but remained highly vigilant.

Due to his special experience and personality, Holler never trusts other people easily. He even thinks that he will never trust others again in his life.

"Insect Swarm Agent," Raynor said, looking at the dusty Zeratul.

"What is that thing again?"

"A human being who was twisted by the zerg infection but still retained wisdom." Zeratul's dim dark purple robe looked even more dilapidated, and his coat with a brown beast skin cap sewn on it was covered with various types of sharp gravels and strange aliens. Scratches and holes left by insect spikes.

His robes may have been fine and luxurious centuries ago, but now they were completely frayed around the edges and became tattered and tattered. But Zeratul's clothes did not become dirty because of this, in fact they were closer to spotless.

Even so, Zeratul's eyes, which emitted a dusk-like green light, still shone like stars.

"Since then, I have traveled across Char's land of ash and black rock, watching among the lava and volcanoes raging with heat and storm." The image of Zela is part of an ancient poem that tells the story of Mou.

"In the Overlord's main nest, I heard the conspiracy between the Overlord and the Cerebrates. Originally, I should not have been able to hear their conversation at the level of spiritual connection, but the voice seemed to come from the void." Zeratul said: "In the process of invading the human world, the zerg are constantly infecting humans on those planets through viruses. That is not just part of the genetic assimilation process."

"Without exception, all infected humans will become hideous, distorted monsters that have lost their intelligence. Only psykers can retain their past wisdom under the infection of the zerg." He said it obviously after careful consideration. These words came out.

"The Master needs such a creature."

"He was once human."

"But after being infected, he will have the powerful, highly evolved body of the zerg and the ability to control the swarm. At the same time, he will also retain his wisdom, experience and strategy as a human being." Zeratul reflected on everyone. The voice in my head was deep and distant.

"And. Hatred."

"This unparalleled monster will eventually become an agent under the Overlord of the Swarm, a commander different from the Cerebrates."

"The Overmind is looking for a new agent of the swarm, a creature powerful enough to control the swarm when it leaves Char. It is so eager that all zerg can feel the swarm master's influence. anxiety."

"Doesn't the Overlord still have those brain worms?" Renault asked doubtfully: "Why does it go to a human planet to find some agent? What kind of person can be smarter than the brain worms? When it is not around, those brain worms He is fully capable of commanding the insect swarm.”

"Wait a minute, if the Lord wants to leave Char, where will it go?" He suddenly thought: "It is as tall as a mountain and rooted deep in the ground of Char. How can such a thing move? Don't be kidding. .”

"It and its swarm have only recently arrived on Char. The Overlord's huge body must be able to move between galaxies in some way." Zeratul replied: "After I killed several Cerebrates, The Overmind is aware of the shortcomings of the swarm's mastermind command model, which may be the main reason why it needs a replacement for the cerebrate."

"Oh——" Renault said thoughtfully: "Just thinking about it makes people shudder."

"Go on, elder." Augustus did not express his opinion on the matter.

But when he heard what Zeratul said, the first thing Augustus thought of was Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of Blades, agent of the swarm, queen of the swarm.

According to the meaning revealed in Zeratul's words, with Augustus protecting Kerrigan well, the Overlord decided on the next target. It is anxiously looking for a replacement for Kerrigan, a human who can remain intelligent despite being infected.

At the same time, this human must also have powerful enough psychic powers, at least level eight should not be enough.

As far as Augustus knew, there were only three clearly recorded tenth-level psykers, Sarah Kerrigan, Nova Terra, the youngest child of the Terra family, and Sacco Angelini, the headmaster of the Ghost Military Academy. And if Augustus remembers it correctly, Haji is the hometown of Gabriel Tosh, the future number one ghost agent, but Tosh's psychic level has always been a mystery.

Thinking of the scene of devastation, Augustus did not want to have another opponent as terrifying as the Queen of Blades.

"Under the command of the Overlord, the nests of Carlos and Nagar, the brain worms, have gone through a newly opened wormhole to the world called Haiji - a human colony shrouded in strong winds." Zeratul looked at Ao Gustus said.

"That's the world of humans, so I came to you as soon as possible because you are the bravest and most courageous human being I know. Most importantly, Augustus, you have a rare and upright heart. .”

"I'm afraid we are in big trouble, elder. Wormhole. In other words, the zerg may have arrived at Haiji now." Augustus took a few steps back and entered Haiji's name on the star chart console, followed by a series of Data popped off the screen.

"One of the edge worlds, the environment is harsh, most areas are poor and backward, and the people's general education level is extremely low. But the Tyranids Federation has an administrative center in that area and stationed an army." Renault took a look. explain.

"The population on Haiji is more than a few million people. It's really terrible. How come the bugs are targeting it?" He said: "This planet is still far away from the star system invaded by the zerg. Normally speaking, it is safe. "

"This is troublesome. Only we can help the people there. But as Augustus said, by the time we get to Haji, it will probably be too late."

"The Zerg will not play according to common sense, so we can't delay any longer." Augustus said facing the main screen and activated the Hyperion's mechanical intelligent adjutant.

"Contact the Protoss Fleet's mothership, the Star Shuttle, immediately."

"Marshal, with all due respect, do we have to travel thousands of miles to such a distant planet just based on the protoss's words?" Holler was confused because he really couldn't understand what Zeratul was saying.

Holler was accustomed to understanding the meaning of words by directly reading other people's thoughts, but this method failed when facing the protoss.

"Our most important task now should be to find the Federation's main fleet to start a decisive battle that will determine the fate of several galaxies, instead of wasting time chasing the vague words of the protoss. Who knows whether what this protoss said is true. Yeah, I can't see through him," Holler said.

"Newcomer, I think you don't understand something." Renault shook his head: "Anyway, the most important thing now is to save people. Putting everything else aside first, Haiji is our next one to promote the revolution. Destination, the people there need us.”

"No matter what the enemy is planning or doing, as long as we can disrupt their actions, it will be beneficial to us. The more the enemy wants to accomplish everything, the more we must do everything possible to thwart him. That is enough."

At this time, the communication link between the Hyperion and the Protoss flagship Star Shuttle was connected. Protoss Executor Tassadar scanned the bridge with his glowing blue eyes, finally coming to a halt beside Augustus and Zeratul.

"A dark templar." Tassadar immediately recognized Zeratul's identity from his clothes and darker skin color. The muscles on his narrow cheeks seemed to be twitching and twisted together, and the edges of his eyes were distorted. Elongated and drooped in surprise.

In Augustus' interpretation, this would be a complex expression that included fear, disgust, and curiosity. He swore Tassadar's facial expressions had never been so expressive.

"You are Zeratul, the Dark Master of the Dark Templar. I know you and your people." Tassadar stopped here and said no more.

However, Augustus, Zeratul and others could feel that Tassadar also had some prejudice against the Dark Templar. Due to the Templar education he had received and the limitations of the times, this situation did not exist in El. It is very common among the protoss.

"Yes, respected High Templar and Executor Tassadar, I salute you." Zeratul stretched out his hands and spread them out, showing his palms, which was a friendly gesture.

".I have been told that the Dark Templar are traitors who were exiled for their sins. They are fallen people who cannot control their own powers. Because they cannot control their psychic powers, they create a storm that sweeps across Aiur." Tower Sardar is an honest and candid protoss, and will tell all of his feelings about others, both good and bad.

"That is true, but now we have learned to suppress that powerful and primal force - the energy of the void, which is the power we use to kill the cerebrates." Zeratul said.

"I will consider your words carefully." Tassadar said: "Dark Templar Zeratul, I hope you are not one of the evil degenerates in the legend. Your heroic feat of killing the Zerg Cerebrate is my change of attitude. The only reason for the Dark Templar's view."

"Executor Tassadar, you must use your own eyes and wisdom to penetrate the truth of history and discern the difference between lies and truth, and the great sages will give you correct guidance." Zeratul is a wise and knowledgeable man. Elder, he can always directly see through the truth with his own wisdom and experience.

"The Dark Templar just want to be freed from the narrow and strict hierarchy of the Protoss Empire. We unite and help each other, but each Nerazim Protoss has independent goals and ideas."

"Okay. Augustus, tell me why you want to contact me." Tassadar at least listened to what Zeratul said: "I have already guessed that it has something to do with my fellow Dark Templar protoss. "

"Zeratul learned that the Overlord was preparing to invade a human world." Augustus told Tassadar the news brought by Zeratul, emphasizing the dire consequences it would bring.

"If this is the case, I think it is worth temporarily shelving my plan to return to Aiur." Tassadar said: "My fleet is ready. You can set off together through the time and space we have opened."

"I will set out with you, too," Zeratul said. "I believe this may be an opportunity to mend the rift between the Dark Templar and the Templar."

"I have no objection at all, Dean." Augustus saw the port side camera of the Hyperion suddenly issue a warning. About four or five dim, dark Templar ships that seemed to be carved from obsidian came from a Appear sideways.

The Dark Templar do not muster the vast armadas of their Templar brethren, but these warriors are no less important in fighting the zerg swarms.

"You will always have a place among my wartime advisers," he said.

"A protoss?" Zeratul's eyes narrowed, and he was obviously very amused. This dark templar elder is one of the few protoss with a modicum of humor, at least he can figure out whether a human is joking.

"A star spirit." Augustus said with a smile.

"There is no time to delay. Inform the fleet that we will set off immediately." He then said in the command channel of the entire fleet.

"The new destination coordinates will be sent to each battleship immediately. This time, we will act together with Tassadar's protoss fleet."

At present, the revolutionary army led by Augustus is clearly aware that they are allies with the protoss fleet headed by Executor Tassadar. Just like most protoss, they only know Augustus Mengsk. The names are the same, and the humans only know Tassadar's name.

The Revolutionary Army is still skeptical of the protoss, convinced that these aliens are likely to suddenly turn their guns against them one day. The protoss's attitude towards humans is still as cold as ever, and they cannot arouse any interest.

The protoss sometimes regard humans as their equals. As for other protoss - just like humans cannot regard monkeys as "people".

"Navigator, send the Hyperion into the hyperspace channel." As Augustus said, various numbers and indicators popped up on the main screen in front of him, showing that the Hyperion was ready to enter the jump state.

"Everyone stays in the accelerator seats and fastens their seat belts," Renault said on the Hyperion channel.

Directly under the bridge of the Hyperion were ten Revolutionary Army battlecruisers lined up, each about twenty miles apart, and thousands of spaceships were surrounding them.

Six scientific ships as huge as the Behemoth-class battlecruiser are separated from the flagship. They are like giant scientific research laboratories on prototype bases, full of engineers and scientists who can repair the damage to the fleet ships.

A dark vortex emitting colorful radiation appeared in front of Augustus, and a protoss fleet shining with golden-blue light sailed into it, with Tassadar's flagship Star Shuttle at the forefront.

New Year is here.

Thanks to Ying Si’s father for the 10,000 reward.

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