StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 319 Messenger of Justice

January 4, 2492.

On the outskirts of Grande City, in the town of Montecato, in the morning light.

This is a town that emerged due to oasis agriculture, with developed irrigation industry and the use of giant agricultural combined machinery. This impact fan zone at the foot of the giant crater has become one of Haiji's main food producing areas. It is the dotted agricultural and industrial areas like this that provide food and raw materials for the city.

The surrounding continuous craters can shield the town of Montecato and the city of Grandeira behind it from the strong winds that are strong enough to roll up houses and livestock. They are not only a natural barrier but also part of the local strange and alien landscape.

This was once one of the few natural landscapes that could be pictured on postcards, because other places were either deserts or endless craters.

However, when the new year comes, all the good things are gone.

The zerg struck the town at midnight on January 3, while the people were still sleeping.

Countless screaming, nightmare-like monsters descended from the sky. They had ferocious giant mouths and bright shield-like crowns, and broke into this quiet town like a torrent in the mountains. The sounds made by these hideous and abominable monsters seem to come from all human fantasies about alien monsters in thrillers, from the screams of ghosts.

At first, only a few people realized they were being attacked. By the time the town police chief got through to the local garrison, the streets were filled with ferocious skinned dogs and twisted snake-like creatures.

The swarm killed more than six thousand people in one night, leaving less than two hundred town residents who survived through the wreckage of a colony ship left over from the early days of the old colonial era and the weapons in a federal outpost. People used huge agricultural machinery and harvesters to establish a last line of defense, struggling to survive in desperate situations.

On the morning of this day, when the morning light had just shone on the people with bloodshot eyes from the bunker firing hole that was originally the cockpit of the colonial mothership in the center of Montecato town, the crackling sound of the Zerg carapace and spikes colliding with each other was heard again. .

It was the marching swarm, a swift and well-organized group of abominable creatures that moved forward like insects crossing the fields on a summer day, buzzing across the fields. The smooth carapace of each zerg reflects a magnificent metallic color in the sunlight, and their thin, vein-like wings vibrate in the air, making a crackling sound.

The streets were already devastated, with street lamps lying across the center of the road. Broken glass, rubble, and human corpses that had been chewed into disfigurement were everywhere. People died in different positions. Some had their necks snapped by springtails as they walked along the street, while others were cut into pieces by roaring Hydra Hydralisks.

Blood stained the streets.

These ugly alien creatures that looked like something between reptiles and insects were once extremely unfamiliar to the people of Montecato. They had only heard a few words from the radio program of the UNN Universe News Network, but they had never thought about it. Zerg will appear on the remote planet of Haiji.

In just over twenty hours, those creatures that seemed to come out of a nightmare have brought too many painful memories to the people here.

The residents of the town who stayed up all night picked up their last weapons, the police station's grenade launchers, electromagnetic pistols, shotguns and even the sickles that farmers used to weed.

These weapons allow these farmers who have never received professional military training to be somewhat able to fight back when facing the zerg. If it weren't for the harsh strong wind environment and agricultural work in Haiji that forged the strong physique and tenacity of the small town residents. With their own will, it is impossible for them to support it at this time.

Mayor Gray of the town of Montecato was once a soldier and interstellar adventurer. He had been to many places in the Koprulu sector and had seen the mercenary Kemorians and the Umoyans who talked about democracy and freedom. , I have seen the most vicious and upright people.

Mayor Gray has fought against illegal colonists, mercenaries, scavengers, scrap recyclers, and interstellar pirates. He knows people from all walks of life, and his eventful life is enough to make a book. But Mayor Gray was the only one who had never seen these hideous and abominable monsters in front of him.

"If Manan Thres wants to punish the disrespectful, then she can punish me instead of the people in this town." Mayor Gray walked in front of the defense line built by more than a dozen agricultural harvesters and cranes. Continuously encourage the townspeople who are armed with words.

The federal sheriff of the town died heroically when the Zerg arrived. Now Mayor Gray is the only commander here: "If you persist for one day, the army will come. Don't give up. For the sake of your family and children, don't give up." !”

"We must continue to live!"

In the Grande region, Voodoo is a very influential sect that can almost compete with Christianity. Because the Voodoo priests held a voodoo ceremony outside the town of Montecato just in time for the New Year, many people believed that the zerg invasion was related to the Voodoo goddess of death, Manan Thres. of.

No one responded to Mayor Gray's words. Everyone had been fighting for a whole night and was extremely exhausted.

To this day, Mayor Gray still feels dreamy and unreal that these hastily constructed structures can last so long in front of the Zerg army. The only explanation is that the main force of the Zerg easily invaded the town of Montecato. Then they turned to attack the city, leaving these neglected people to struggle here.

It is impossible to expect these people who tremble at the sight of zerg to be able to withstand the swarm's offensive, and the ammunition is about to be exhausted. If the federal garrison in Grandland does not send some people over, the remaining people will be The hoe must have a showdown with the zerg.

However, Mayor Gray already knew very well that support would probably not come again. The enemy this time was not just interstellar pirates or small-scale rebels, but zerg, a sea of ​​​​worms that devoured everything.

Mayor Gray looked up into the sky, and the huge king insect seemed to be right above his head. No one had taught the mayor about the zerg, but he believed that it must be these giant creatures in the sky that were commanding the entire swarm.

As the buzzing sound got closer and closer, Mayor Gray and the people around him could almost smell the fishy smell in the zerg's bloody mouth filled with saliva and poisonous liquid. The little monsters at the front were nimbly jumping back and forth between the walls and rubble of the ruins, making ear-piercing screams from time to time.

They look like coyotes with skin moss, and are incredibly ugly.

Today, Mayor Gray noticed that the attacking zerg were no longer as orderly as before. From time to time, zerg would stop to eat human corpses on the ground, and would even fight each other for a piece of meat. The scene was bloody.

But this is not a good thing for Mayor Gray and his colony. The zerg are no longer as orderly as before, but they are also hungrier.

The first round of firing was the C-7 electromagnetic gun, which was one of the few in the colony. It should have been discarded by the federal army, but it was already a magic weapon in the hands of these people.

The Terran weapons were not helpless against the zerg's carapace, but what the townsfolk lacked now was precision in their aim. When facing large-scale, dense formations of zerg, you can hit them even if you aim randomly, but now it is difficult to hit the extremely sensitive springtails.

Mayor Gray grabbed a double-barreled shotgun that had been with him for many years and fired close to the gap left between the cultivator and the grain thresher. He fired more than a dozen shots in a row without hitting, as if he was aiming The reaction speed of the springtail is faster than the speed of bullets.

A few lucky guys or experienced hunters shot one or two springtails, but they did not have much effect on the overall battlefield situation.

When the springtail climbed up the shelves of a large seed transport truck, the sound of its claws rubbing against steel made the townspeople feel as if they were falling into an ice cellar. Mayor Gray could even Hear the excited purr of that springtail.

This reminded Mayor Gray of dogs begging for food and cats playing with mice. This time, humans were just meat in the Zerg's mouth.

Someone started to cry, all their courage had been exhausted from the nightmare yesterday. Everyone knows that once the zerg crosses this barrier built by vehicles, even a springtail not much bigger than a large dog can easily harvest the lives of dozens or even more people.

Mayor Gray gritted his teeth and roared at the coward for disrupting the morale of the army, but the next moment a Fenris springtail with a bright green carapace jumped into the crowd, killing like a wolf among sheep.

The person closest to the springtail was a middle-aged man holding a semi-automatic rifle. He wore antique-rimmed glasses, had conspicuous muscles and a burly physique. This man is the school blacksmith in the town, still forging farm tools and furniture using techniques from centuries ago.

He was a generous man and used to drink with Mayor Gray.

But the springtail only swooped forward and grabbed the blacksmith, ruthlessly using its sharp fangs and claws to tear the man to pieces, and the latter died with barely a cry.

Then it jumped up from the corpse, arched its back and pounced on the next victim, biting a half-grown boy in half who was defending with the adults like tearing a piece of rag. More Fenrisian springtails jumped down, mercilessly harvesting people's lives.

"No!! It's eating my leg! Ah!"

"Help me! Help me!"

The screams one after another further broke the will of the townspeople, and the wailing on the verge of despair did not sound like something that could be uttered by humans.

Despair failed to break Mayor Gray, a tough guy like Hemingway. He rushed towards a springtail that was biting a woman and tried to attract its attention by shouting.

The Fenris springtail that was eating the soft face of the woman was attracted by Mayor Gray's shouts. It threw away the prey and jumped towards him. Each jump was six or seven feet high, as if flying. moving forward.

"Damn bastard!" Mayor Gray stood still and fired at the zerg, but both shots missed. When the mayor was about to load bullets and shoot again, the springtail was only a short distance away from him.

Mayor Gray hadn't given up yet. He drew out a dagger from his waist that had been with him for more than thirty years and prepared to fight the springtail in hand-to-hand combat.

At this time, a roar from a fighter plane reached Mayor Gray's ears. It was a golden-red Wraith fighter plane that was diving towards the ground, followed by at least twenty Wraith fighter planes, Avengers fighters and APOD transports. Boat. The bright icy blue wake resembles the wings of a blue phoenix.

The beautiful Wraith fighter rotated and used the 25mm pulse laser cannon under its wings and belly to shoot several orange-red beams towards the ground. After a burning sensation, the springtail in front of Mayor Gray It was immediately burned to ashes by the laser.

The Wraith fighter plane flew very low, almost passing over Mayor Gray's head.

He recognized the symbol on the tail stabilizer of this fighter plane almost at a glance - a golden, powerful arm surrounded by a whip on the shiny crimson primer of the fighter plane. Between the arm and the whip was A shining golden five-pointed star.

Korhal Revolutionary Army.

"It's so beautiful, look at that fighter plane!" No matter how UNN's news channel discredited this army in the past, in the eyes of Mayor Gray, they were the saviors of himself and the townspeople.

"It's the fighter planes of the Revolutionary Army, they are coming to save us!"

Another formation of five Wraith fighter planes passed over the people, and the Zerg in the crowd burned and fell to the ground under the laser pulse beams.

The people who were still alive were stunned on the spot. They looked to the sky in disbelief, cheered or cried. These people may not necessarily recognize that this is the famous Korhal rebels rather than the regular troops of the Tyranid Federation, but they know that they are human fighters and human armies.

Two APOD-33 transport ships with the same golden and red paint tore through the sky and landed among people amidst the roar of engines and the strong winds caused by propellers. Goliath armed robots stepped out of the open hatch. Walking out with heavy steps, the rotating automatic cannon swept over the remaining springtails, and the torrent of caseless bullets was like a roaring torrent of steel.

A ferocious Fenris springtail was about to knock down a panicked child, but it was immediately swept away by bullets from its 30mm cannon.

A modified Goliath armed robot used the diamond drill on its modified automatic multi-functional arm to smash the crest and brain of a Hydralisk, then trampled one to death and was mowed down by a machine cannon. Fenris Springtail.

A group of heavily armed Revolutionary Army soldiers in red power armor. The leading soldier stretched out his hand and showed off the armband with a black panda head on his right arm, making an offensive gesture.

"Kill all these bugs!" The political commissar of the Revolutionary Army waved his powerful right hand.

"All civilians board the ship immediately, we are the revolutionary army."

"I repeat, we are the revolutionary army."

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