StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 321 Governor Haiji

The sunset in Grandland is as punctual as the sunrise.

In the past, Hage Governor Ent McMaster would always stand on the top floor of the Grand City Governor's Building at this time, admiring the silvery white of Grand City surrounding the city center in the glorious but short afterglow of sunset. High-altitude rail-mounted suspended train tracks and shuttles between interstellar ports and space.

In the fading afterglow, the rooftops of the city were coated with a layer of gold. When countless dim and colorful lights light up, the Governor will think of the bustling megacity of Tarsonis instead of this backward planet as desolate as a stone.

Planets and cities should lie at the feet of the founding family, the McMasters. But now, this distinguished Governor Haji, the highest speaker of the colony and the administrator of the galaxy, is trembling at the feet of the rebel leader Augustus Mengsk.

Maybe it was because he heard that Augustus Mengsk could eat people, or he heard rumors that the Revolutionary Army shot federal officials, but he didn't even dare to look up at the man in a dark gray military coat in front of him.

"Hello, Mr. Ent McMaster, I met your cousin in Tarsonis a few years ago. He is a very easy to get along with." Augustus inlaid a medal on the governor's card. Sitting down on the luxurious sapphire chair, Augustus raised one foot and put it on top of the other in the strong wind stirred by the hem of the dark gray cloak.

"I hope you do too."

At this moment, Governor Ent McMaster was kneeling at the feet of Augustus in a posture that was close to prostrating himself. Fortunately, the floor of the entire Governor's Office was covered with soft wool carpets, otherwise the Governor would have shivered when the cold wind blew in from the door.

It’s just that Augustus never asked McMaster to kneel, nor would he ask anyone to kneel to him. Rather than saying that Governor Hagy knelt down before Augustus, it is better to say that he collapsed to the ground in fear.

When Augustus just walked in from outside, his cold gray eyes just glanced at McMaster and frightened him so much that he fell to the ground. This made Augustus wonder what false claims the federal government and the UNN had made about him. In addition to eating children, he didn't know what other tricks the federation had done recently.

"There is no need to pay such a courtesy, Mr. Governor." Tychus and Corporal Faraday were standing behind Augustus. The former was a burly man with a ferocious scar on his face and a fierce look, and the latter Although the person looked much more respectable, he was holding a Gauss rifle in his hand.

Tychus stared at the trembling body of Governor Haji with mocking eyes: "I originally thought that the people who could become governors were at least capable people, but now look, these are all crooked things. Zao, even a moron can control a colony, and the Federation is completely finished."

"How many federal governors have we seen over the years? Except for that tough guy Pryor, none of them seemed to have a good ending?"

Hearing what Tychus said, the fat on Governor McMaster's face suddenly shook.

The McMaster family is one of the founding families of Tarsonis Prime. They are a prominent family that mainly engages in politics. They firmly occupy a lot of voice in the federal parliament. The speaker of the parliament is not from the Tagore family. Just a McMaster.

With more than two hundred years of development, the power of this family has extended from Tarsonis to many colonies in the Federation, and even the ancient families in these colonies are mostly their vassals.

Due to the advancement of artificial insemination and other technologies, the McMaster family has many heirs, and their shadow can be seen in all walks of life and all aspects of the Terran Federation.

To be able to become the governor of a colony, McMaster could not be just a weak and incompetent person - he must have his "sparkling points". For example, he is good at making money and good at making connections.

In the early and enterprising era of the Tyranid Federation's colonial expansion, family background and bloodline were not synonymous with nobility. If a person could become the governor of an entire colony, then he would definitely be a respectable leader. The leader of the interstellar colonial era should be a man of integrity, diligence, responsibility and charisma.

But nowadays, the appointment of a governor is often related to an intricate network of relationships and interest chains, and both the Parliament and the Founding Family do their best to gain power, wealth, or both through these positions.

"Stand up, Ent McMaster, don't bring shame to your glorious family." Augustus also said: "Stand up, that will make outsiders think that I am a slave owner or a torturer. "

Governor McMaster stumbled as he struggled to stand up. It took him a while before he stood up. In the past, the governor would have scolded the servants around him, but now those people are "free" and no one will bow before him anymore.

When the governor sat down on a chair opposite at Augustus's signal, two revolutionary soldiers in military uniforms walked towards him with the tapping of boots and stood on either side of him. It was as if he, the noble governor, were a prisoner awaiting trial.

"Hello, the heroic Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the savior of the people, your wisdom and martial arts have long been widely known among the nobles of Tarsonis." McMaster has not flattered anyone else for a long, long time. The flattery was gone, but he still hadn't forgotten how to please the stronger.

That was not what McMaster said more than ten hours ago. He also called Augustus Mengsk a wild dog and a vampire.

"Really? It's rare for the people of the Creation Family to be consistent. It's better for my enemies to worship me than for them to hate me." Augustus showed a kind smile to Governor McMaster: "I'm glad to see you here. your turn."

"Me too. I'm very happy too." McMaster's expression had nothing to do with happiness.

Before Augustus could say anything else, Corporal Faraday suddenly whispered to Augustus: "Marshal, just now, General Saul Korek, the federal military commander of Haji, swallowed a gun and committed suicide."

"I know." Augustus sighed, but he didn't feel sorry.

"Mr. Governor"

"No! No! I will tell you anything! I don't want to die, and I don't want to be killed. I know how you deal with people like me." McMaster suddenly got excited and shouted, almost He shouted to Augustus to spare his life.

"You are quite self-aware." Tychus laughed.

"How could we do that?" Augustus was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "That's you."

"Don't worry, I won't hang you." He said: "I would rather arrange for you to go mining and to look after the exhaust valves in the gas refinery. In short, I will give you a chance to start a new life."

"You only need to admit that the Governor's Palace and the Grand City Government colluded with each other, embezzled taxes and used voodoo sects to traffic people. As for the more disgusting parts, I don't even want to talk about it." Augustus said: "Just tell the truth. There's no need to add fuel to the fire."

"Mr. Governor, whether you can survive the next shameful years depends on how many people you can drag into the water. Then you can rationalize the evil things that the McMaster family has done over the years and pass legislation. Let’s talk in detail about how we bankrupted the farmers of Paralta and then dumped our food company’s products on a large scale.”

"I" McMaster hesitated and raised his head, only to find that several cameras were already pointed at him.

Augustus soon lost interest in Governor McMaster. He stood up and turned to the huge glass window of the Governor's Office.

The greatest value of Governor Haiji is that he can allow the Revolutionary Army to obtain evidence that exposes the shady and dark side of the Federation, or it can make the Creation Family feel shameless.

But Augustus didn't need a puppet.

Hundreds of feet above the ground, the wind was so strong that even the solid plastic glass shook in the strong wind. There was no moon in the sky, but because it was cloudless, the stars seemed to shine brightly. Two small motorboats with bright blue propellers flashed past the window, carrying Revolutionary Army soldiers on patrol over the city.

There are still some cunning and dangerous Fenris kings and mutalisks scattered in the city. They are hiding on the roofs or inside the skyscrapers in the center of Grandi City. The zerg seem to have learned how to build their nests in humanity's steel forests of steel and concrete. Once the cerebrates are too far away from them, the zerg will return to their instincts to a certain extent.

"Marshal, the government of the Hegegland administrative region has been reorganized under your instruction." Corporal Faraday walked to Augustus and said.

"The army's offensive on the remaining two cities is also overwhelming. The entire Haiji belongs to us."

"How did the locals react?" When Governor McMaster of Hagi confessed to the camera the shameful crimes of himself and the Hagi federal government, Augustus was still looking at the scenery outside the window without turning around.

"Many people welcome us, but even more people express doubts about us. Compared to the people of the Sara galaxy and Antiga, the reaction of the Haigi people is relatively dull." Faraday replied.

The people of Haiji were not very enthusiastic about the arrival of the revolutionary army, and were even confused.

In the political slogans of the Terran Federation planetary senators and the UNN propaganda based on this, the Korhal Revolutionary Army has always been a turbulent element with heinous crimes. But the federation will not clarify which areas the rebels have affected. They will only emphasize the viciousness of the rebels while claiming that the rebellion is still under control.

Haiji is a remote and backward colony with limited information. The most important thing is that no revolutionaries have been active here before, so the locals still don't know enough about the revolutionary army.

Although the revolutionary army's propaganda in Haiji was inspiring, the new government that replaced the corrupt governor-general, the new constitution, the new administrative machinery, and the simple and clear taxation system were supported by the middle and lower classes. The revolutionary army's vigorous purges of local black forces have also been widely praised, but a considerable number of people are still influenced by federal political propaganda and believe that this army is lawless and terrorists, and they have a wait-and-see attitude.

"It only takes a while for the Haigi people to find that the changes we have brought have profoundly affected their lives, and they will never want to return to the oppressed federal era." Augustus said.

"The cause of justice never ends!" Faraday shouted.

"I think you're right." Tychus had been looking at the luxuriously decorated Governor's Palace. In fact, he didn't listen at all to what Augustus and Faraday were saying.

At this time, a burst of black smoke and icy chill suddenly appeared around Augustus.

"Augustus Mengsk" Dark Templar Zeratul appears again.

"Elder, what have you found in the ruins of Haiji during this time?" Augustus was already accustomed to Zeratul's sudden appearance and inexplicable disappearance without a trace. But no matter what, when he needed Zeratul, he would always appear in time.

"I discovered a Xel'Naga temple at the pole of Haiji. Although it is not the same as the one in Thagurath, the hometown of the Dark Templar, I can still be sure that it comes from the great creator Xel'Naga. , it is a remnant from the vast years and billions of time ago, a brilliant miracle that shines like a gem." Zeratul said to Augustus.

"Unfortunately, the destruction of the Xel'Naga Temple by the Haiji humans was almost devastating. They robbed all the Kedarin crystal clusters around the temple and removed the stone statues and ingenious obelisks inside. This What a catastrophe.”

"I had expected it." Augustus was not that surprised. The poor Haiji people would not build a protective museum around the Xel'Naga Temple. After more than a hundred years of excavations by countless immigrants and archaeologists, it is now difficult for people to find many valuable things inside the Hejisar Nagar Temple.

The Umoyans are the main buyers of these relics of alien civilizations, and they have always been interested in pursuing advanced alien technologies.

"However, I also found an intact Xel'Naga portal not far from the Xel'Naga temple." Zeratul continued: "The ancient and magical Xel'Naga portal is hidden in It is under the permanently frozen ocean, so humans have not discovered it.”

"Xel'Naga portal?" Augustus' eyes lit up, and he saw an opportunity to connect Haiji with other colonies.

The most well-known Xel'Naga portals are probably those of Aiur and Sagulath. This kind of portal created by Xel'Naga can be found all over the universe. It is equivalent to a wormhole. If you walk in from one portal, you can immediately come out from the other one. This will undoubtedly greatly shorten the huge distance between human beings. Distance between colonies.

Unfortunately, currently only the protoss knows how to open and use the Xel'Naga portal. Although humans can pass through normally, they don't know how to open it. Moreover, once this kind of Xel'Naga portal is destroyed, there is no way to continue repairing it.

"Can that Xel'Naga portal be used normally? Elder." Augustus immediately asked Zeratul.

"Yes." Zeratul said: "Not only that, it is still running as it was when the Xel'Naga made it. In other words, Haiji's Xel'Naga portal is connected to other things in the universe that are still running. Yes, it’s just that we don’t know whether it’s a paradise with a pleasant climate or in the orbit of the hottest blue star.”

"Tell my warriors that I need a brave volunteer. Whoever he is" Augustus turned to Corporal Faraday.

"No, there is no need to do this." Zeratul's mental language was mixed with a smile: "The Dark Templar knows how to use it. I can use this portal to establish a connection with the several portals I know. connect."

"For example, Thagurath, the home of our Dark Templar."

"." Augustus felt helpless at Zeratul's habit of not liking to finish his words at once.

"So you can call in reinforcements from Sagulath now?"

This chapter was posted to the first volume, but I said why I can’t find it.

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