StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 326 Return to Antiga Prime

The combined fleet marched towards Antiga Prime, the former main battlefield, in solemn solemnity. This is already a large-scale fleet, consisting of twelve Revolutionary Army behemoth-class battlecruisers and more than forty protoss battleships. The posture of entering the sub-jump state together is magnificent and spectacular, with shining ships in the Shining brightly in the twisted warping force field.

In February 2492, the combined fleet arrived at the Antiga star system after a long voyage through time and space. After a few months, this galaxy has completely changed.

There are tens of thousands of space torpedoes and Magnet mines in Antiga's orbit, forming a defensive ring thousands of miles long.

The force field barrier formed by hundreds of signal-enhanced psionic disruptors makes the vicinity of Antiga Prime an area that the zerg cannot avoid, because no cerebrate likes to see the swarm enter the psionic disruptor field. The feeling of not being in control. It's like controlling the members of your own group in a high-profile manner, and they often run around without obeying the command.

At this stage when the zerg have not yet found a solution, the psychic disruptor is definitely a magic weapon to deal with the swarm. The psionic jammers of the Revolutionary Army's Alien Research Laboratory can already cover an area two hundred miles above sea level, and can maintain stable operation for a long time when powered by fusion cores.

Since the zerg couldn't avoid Antiga Prime, it was right in the center of the zerg invasion battlefield and was almost the only option for refugees to seek refuge. Every day, refugee ships from other Federation edge worlds enter the Antiga system, seeking protection from the Korhal Revolutionary Army.

In the early days, these refugee ships were ships of the revolutionary army. Later, other refugees who fled their homeland also flocked to Antiga, including several colonies that had not yet been invaded by the zerg but were already frightened by the news.

There are more than a dozen interstellar ports deployed on the same orbit to accept refugees from nearby planets. Thousands of small assault boats, galaxy fleas, transport ships and transport ships are traveling between the star port and the planet, and thousands of orange or blue propeller flames are like bright starlight.

A space fortress glowing icy blue is parked in geosynchronous orbit of Antiga Prime, adjacent to one of the planet's moons. The magnificent Umoyan Fortress was brightly lit, and every red fire came from the newly expanded frame structure and bulkheads.

A total of twelve revolutionary army battlecruisers painted in gold and red are moored at the berth of the mobile base, lined up.

Two Hercules-class battleships that were originally serving in the Camorion complex are sailing into the port side by side. Their brown and black camouflage-like mottled ships are like rugged rocks on the steep cliffs, flying towards the carriers of these battleships. Fighters and assault craft looked like they were about to land on the planet's surface.

In addition to the unimaginable logistical foundation and industrial system, what supports these facilities and huge fleets is also inseparable from massive financial support. The Congress of the United States of Umoyan passes a bill to provide financial aid to the Korhal Revolutionary Army every year, and Arcturus Mengsk, the founder of the "Imperial" Mining Company, is another major aid donor.

This money was enough to make Arcturus Mengsk extremely wealthy, but he chose to use it all to build up the army of his brother Augustus Mengsk. The Mengsk family has long been a strong supporter of the Augustan Revolutionary Army.

At this time, the Hyperion had just sailed out of the hyperspace channel exit and was located about four astronomical units from the main star of Antiga. Behind it were whirlpools of blue arc light, and more majestic human and protoss warships. It is jumping out of it, as if it is jumping out of a vertical shining mirror.

Augustus was walking from the ship's corridor to the bridge of the Hyperion. As he walked, he adjusted the brim of his hat that was tilted due to the shock of the hyperspace jump. Behind him were Corporal Faraday and two Marshal's Guard soldiers equipped with electromagnetic pistols.

"Antiga Prime is the only planet in this sector of the Koprulu sector that is still completely in the hands of humans. The nearby colonies have either completely fallen or are experiencing a war and a desperate retreat." Raynor Walking out of the passage on one side of the ship's corridor, followed by his first mate and young trainee sailor Matt Horner.

"During the time we left Antiga, Warfield has been leading the remaining fleet to put out fires everywhere." He said to Augustus: "He personally led the troops to the front line of the battle against the zerg. People were called heroes, and millions of people were saved, directly or indirectly, as a result of Warfield's rescue operations."

"Warfield is an upright and disciplined man, and he does things strictly." Augustus said with a smile: "He is one of the people I know who is most worthy of entrusting me with important tasks. Many people are talented, even capable of commanding. Not under Warfield, but only he will fight on the front line of the alien war for what we call a 'just cause'."

"That's where Warfield is better than me."

"You are always too humble. Warfield is reliable, and he is not as old and stubborn as Duke." Leno also said: "Warfield has his own rules and will never violate him. If someone says Tychus Finley He was involved in the sex trade and accepting bribes, so he is definitely not making up lies, but if he said that person was Warfield, then I would not believe it."

"Old Tychus must have burst into tears when he heard this." Augustus laughed as he walked through the open bridge airlock door.

The bridge was brightly lit, and several technical sergeants and engineers with pliers on their waists were repairing cables or laying communication lines below the deck. On the main holographic projection screen in the center is the main star Antiga and its satellites rotating in the background of the starry sky. Several space stations under construction surround dense alien stars and plasma turrets.

"Adjutant, connect the port and prepare to enter the port." He ordered the navigator who was sitting on the bridge command chair and the driver's seat.

"Yes, Marshal."

The side of Antiga Prime on the screen is shrouded in night, with scattered lights surrounding several newly established urban areas. The side facing the star should be ushering in the morning light, and the almost invisible fireball is jumping out of the mountains and the resurrected Stickle forest in the cold morning light.

"Iron Justice is connecting"

"I'm so glad to see you, Augustus." Warfield's dark and resolute face was filled with a smile. He had not yet reached the age where he should have aged, and his hair and beard were already showing spots. White dot.

"You only took away three ships, but now you have brought back twelve. Haha, it's really yours, boy. When you first entered the camp, I saw at a glance that you were a talented person, not like Jimmie Leno. Stunned."

"Our army is getting stronger and stronger." Augustus smiled.

"I'm listening, General." Renault, wearing a dark blue Revolutionary Army naval officer uniform, walked to Augustus' right hand side. The golden ring and five-star logo on the brim of his hat shone under the lights of the bridge.

"Haha, I didn't mean to belittle you, Lieutenant General Reno." Warfield laughed.

"While you were away from Antiga, the soldiers of the Second Fleet and I rushed to planets invaded by Zerg one after another in the name of the Korhal Revolutionary Army and you, and saved many people."

"If we had a more powerful fleet, we could save more people and more planets." Augustus walked towards the main screen so that Warfield could see his face clearly.

"It's the protoss. I know they have formed an alliance with you -" Warfield glanced at the radar detection map next to him and was surprised by the number of the protoss fleet: "They seem to be more powerful than we expected. Many. I'm worried that this is not necessarily a good thing, and I feel very uneasy about so many alien warships that are not under the control of the Revolutionary Army."

"Don't worry, general." Augustus signaled to Warfield not to make a fuss: "They won't stay here for long."

"Meet you at the port shuttle platform."

In an instant, more protoss warships sailed out from the vortex of time and space, each one like an exquisite handicraft. Although these battleships are equally gorgeous, their artistic styles are different. Some battleships are golden and blue, like bright stars, while others are dark black, with brilliant green crystals dotting the ship's hull.

The Hyperion sailed towards a large shipyard built by a Yumo construction company that employed a large number of refugees as workers. This was named the Antiga Orbital Shipyard. Although its size is less than one-tenth of the Delarian Shipyard, it can still build six standard-sized Behemoths within one year after completion. Battlecruiser.

Under the guidance of the guidance beam, the Hyperion slowly sailed into the port in the belly of the Antiga Shipyard, waiting for the movable berthing platforms on both sides to move closer and release the steel towers that fixed the battlecruiser, and the entire ship Battlecruisers were built into a solid frame structure.

A retractable passage cabin is docked with Hyperion's port. Its internal air pressure and oxygen content are maintained within a stable range, allowing personnel on the battleship to enter the shipyard directly through this passage.

The Antiga Shipyard is still under construction. Thousands of workers wearing exoskeletons and construction robots are welding alloy shells on the steel frame shells. Sparks flicker during the welding. This gleaming fire shines in Augustus. Her eyes are exceptionally beautiful.

Now Antiga has accepted nearly 10 million refugees displaced by the Zerg invasion from three nearby colonies. Among them are many tough and talented farmers, architects, workers and skilled craftsmen from all walks of life. Leaders, who volunteered to fight to build their new homeland and defend it, while those with no other talents volunteered to serve as reserve militia or enlist in the army.

As the Hyperion came to a stop, Augustus entered the Antiga dockyard berthing area through the hatch. A mile-long steel-framed alloy dome stretched above Augustus, its top brightly lit. In the distance are the engineering ladders and plank roads that are being raised and lowered. The train transporting raw materials and refined crystal mines is traveling through the suspended track that surrounds the entire base of the shipyard, like a long and winding dragon.

Two rows of Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing dark blue military uniforms with Gauss rifles on their shoulders were on both sides of the exit. General Warfield, Lieutenant General Lundstein, Colonel Hanak Hank, Major General Rick Kidd and Eli Colonel Y. Kurovsky stood at attention and gave Augustus a military salute.

When Augustus returned the greetings to them, he saw a beautiful figure among them - Sarah Kerrigan, who was wearing a military uniform with a wide collar and a waist and a boat cap. At this moment, Augustus suddenly felt lucky that Kerrigan had not turned into the green-skinned and snake-haired Queen of Blades in his memory.

"Excellent service, general." Augustus shook Warfield's hands vigorously and noticed that there were a few more scars on the other person's face.

"I was bitten by a Jormungandr Hydralisk hiding underground in Abaddon, and it cut off half of my finger." Warfield chuckled and took a picture while hugging Augustus. He patted the opponent's strong shoulder.

"You are no longer a rookie in Turasis II Recruit Training Camp, Augustus, you are now a revolutionary leader that everyone expects. How many people are looking at you, you are a role model for thousands of young people .”

"Boss, the era of being driven around by the federal fleet has passed." Harnak said to Augustus.

"The powerful people in Tarsonis are worried about the invasion of the zerg and have no time to care about the poor people in the edge world. We are the only ones who insist on fishing people out of the worm sea." Rick Kidd said.

"Sir, I heard you were riding a vulture in Char? I'm glad you didn't fall into the lava." Kurovsky said when Augustus looked at him.

Augustus watched with satisfaction as the once immature faces of the second platoon of D Company became more and more determined. Their eyes were always looking firmly forward instead of looking left and right.

The scars on Harnack's face became more and more serious, so much so that he began to cover them up with devil tattoos that spread out from the scars. Harnak's hairstyle was different every time Augustus saw him, but they were all quite attractive. Attention. This time, Hanak's red hair turned into fixed pointed cones, like a hedgehog's head.

This is what Harnack has always been like, he has always been a prick.

When Augustus turned to Kerrigan, he thanked God for the first time, momentarily, for favoring him. Kerrigan, with a fiery red single ponytail, stood in front of Augustus, slender, toned and plump, elegant and charming - but also deadly enough.

Sarah Kerrigan is an extremely powerful psyker who is also a fanged Starscream when it comes to her enemies.

Kerrigan was a striking figure, her long, satin-like fiery red hair shining in the light.

"It seems like I haven't seen you for centuries, Augustus." Kerrigan stretched out her hands to hold Augustus's right hand, raised her head, and her plump red lips touched the other's tight lips. A light touch.

"I'm right here, Sarah." Augustus hugged Kerrigan, but he didn't linger on the softness for long. He knew that this night was going to be a sleepless night, and that he was just a small boat with sails in the storm.

"I can never lose you, not the Federation, not the Lord, not anyone."

I'm planning to rent a house by myself recently, and there are a lot of things going on.

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