StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 333 Diazine and Chimera Pirates

"There is nothing more disgusting than seeing camorians on the borders of the Federation. The people of the Federation are nothing more than rats in the gutter. The Guild War has proved this."

"I will give you these words exactly as they are, Tyranid bastard, you are nothing in my eyes. Do you think the Federation dare not fight another war? Sooner or later we will regain everything we have lost!"

While Horace was quarreling with each other, the Camorian overseer who had just escaped from death still had the strength to fight back tit for tat, and his voice sounded full of energy.

"No matter who Altera belongs to, most of those factories and refineries have now been destroyed or infected by zerg." Augustus stopped the Camorian and Hera with just one sentence. Si's quarrel.

"The zerg attack is as fast as the infection, and they are more terrifying than any enemy we have seen before. Humanity must unite and unite to defeat the most powerful enemy in the universe."

"The hatred we have for each other is nothing compared to the threat of aliens."

Horace and the Camorian overseers could only shrug, but they still couldn't help but curse each other in their hearts. The contradiction between the Tyranid Federation and the Kaimorian Federation has already arisen since the control areas of these two forces overlapped during the large-scale expansion of the Koprulu Sector. The Guild War only truly transformed this contradiction into an unforgettable conflict. Hatred.

"The most dangerous enemy always comes from within us." Kerrigan pointed out this point sharply at this time.

"Like those on Tarsonis," Augustus continued Kerrigan's words.

Tychus Finley, who was driving a tall heavy mecha, led the 2nd company soldiers behind him through the fortifications and came to Augustus. The electroplated titanium alloy steel plate in front of the cockpit of his mecha It has been dyed red by the blood of the zerg, and the Mengsk golden wolf symbol on it looks even more fierce and menacing.

"I'm going to take a rest, Augustus. I think this guy may need some repairs." Tychus opened the cockpit door, lowered the ladder and climbed down from it.

Behind Tychus, two columns of 2nd Company soldiers who had just withdrawn from the front line were retreating to the assembly point. Their power armor was stained with the blood of zerg and humans, and they were really fighting in a bloody battle.

These soldiers were praised by the people they saved, with some even calling them angels. The Kaimorians worship their ancestors, so this is seen as the blessing of their ancestors.

He pointed at the 40mm hard alloy steel inner-curved rectangular shield on the right shoulder of the golden-red mecha and said, "God knows what the hydralisers' spines are made of. This poor little shield is almost It was punctured and the chassis frame was damaged - it was crawling with springtails and bladeworms."

This hard shield is also a new design from the Revolutionary Army Technology Laboratory, which can protect the relatively fragile joints and cockpit of human mechas. This design is not the first of its kind for the Revolutionary Army. The Camorians will also install fixed shields on the side of their Goliath armed robots to withstand fragments of explosive shells.

A similar inspiration may have come from the armed security forces of the Morian Mining Guild Company. Those security personnel armed with sonic and electroshock weapons would always hide behind a forest of riot shields and shoot to suppress the crowds of strike demonstrations.

Now the Military Research Center of the Revolutionary Army is also trying to use this lightweight shield in CMC power armor. After the emergence of Zerg and Protoss, humans must advance the research of military technology in order to cope with increasingly severe battlefield conditions.

"The engineers always complain that you are a destructive maniac - both to yourself and others," Augustus said to Tychus.

"Yes, we always break things, and they are responsible for repairing them until the thing is broken again." Tychus seemed to be in a good mood, and the thrill of facing an entire Jörmungandr swarm just now was just right. Get your adrenaline pumping.

"It will definitely not be a problem to repair it, but before that we still have a tough battle to fight." Augustus looked past the mecha driven by Tychus to the distant battlefield.

Affected by the psionic disruptor, large numbers of Jörmungandr zerg are killing each other, and their cruelty has doubled. According to past experience, most of the zerg that lose the control of the brain worm will die from attacking each other frantically, but some will also try to escape from the scope of the psychic disruptor and become "wild" zerg until they return again Controlled by brainworms.

In the distance, the crazy giant thunder beasts were crushing members of their own pack back and forth, crushing springtails, hydralisks, and scorpions into pulp. The alien dragons in the sky were fighting each other, and sometimes some affected king insects fell from the sky like deflated balloons and fell to pieces.

The uncontrolled zerg rushed towards Oasis Town, but these sporadic and insufficiently intensive attacks were quickly swept away by the defensive firepower of Oasis Town.

"Don't take it lightly, hold the line until I issue the next order." Augustus ordered on the command channel of the 011th Battalion: "The zerg may come back at any time."

Then, Augustus asked Kerrigan to open a three-dimensional map holographic projection device she carried with her, and called over the Camorian overseer who had just argued with Horace.

“How many refineries are there around here?”

The last time Augustus saw the Camorians was in Moria, and he had to admit that the Camorians, who were proud of their family blood, were actually much easier to deal with than the Tyranids and Umoyans. , most of the time, they are honest businessmen, and they get what they pay for.

"I don't know the exact number, but it may be more than five hundred." The Kaimorian overseer thought for a while and said.

"Mark it on it," Augustus said, looking at the other person.

The factories secretly built by the Camorians in Altera are obviously impossible to mark on the federal map. These factories are also quite secretive and cannot be discovered using satellites and aerial reconnaissance. Some factories are even built underground.

The Camorion overseer immediately did as Augustus said, knowing that this would save his countrymen.

"I never knew there were so many, you guys thieves." Horace didn't care about the property of the Tyranid Federation, but from the perspective of someone like him who had integrated into local life, Kemorian was in Steal your own belongings.

"Kemorian's high-energy gas distillation technology and the factory's automated production technology are quite complete. Don't you think we won't calculate the labor costs before investing in these facilities? Compared with Altera's abundant high-energy gas and terrazine resources, maintenance The cost of automation equipment is simply not worth mentioning.”


While Augustus was speaking, Tychus had already obtained an Antiga cigarette from Faraday: "Those purple gases from Byshel that make the Tal'darin protoss addictive like drugs?"

"Later I learned that the backside of the planet in the D-4358 colony was filled with this 'poisonous' gas, and the people there were said to have devil-like purple pupils. This thing can enhance people's sensory abilities in all aspects, including There's pain and there's pleasure. It's a lot more exciting than anything I've ever seen," Tychus said.

"Tetrazine is a rare resource, but it is also very dangerous." Augustus thought of the Taldarin protoss in the Revolutionary Army's alien laboratory who often used crude prosthetics to walk around in front of researchers. .

Now this Tal'darin protoss is able to use human language proficiently and is very comfortable in the research station. The most common thing he says is: Do you want a Breath of the Creator?

Because the Tal'darin protoss always hid more than the allowed amount of terrazine, Dr. Francos and the young apprentice Stetman at the research station always had to confiscate it through surprise inspections.

"Diterrazine is an associated resource of high-energy gas, but it is extremely rare and currently only appears on planets." The Camorian supervisor continued: "Diterrazine is extremely rare. It is highly addictive. As an extremely Popular drugs come with high prices.”

"Tetrazine can greatly enhance human perception, so it will be used as a catalyst for the indulgence of nobles. Those who ingest it will have various hallucinations, so that they will think that they have some kind of super power and can hear to hear other people’s voices,” he said.

"How can this be."

"Without exception, people who ingested terrazine either became insane or died violently."

"However, terazine may actually enhance the telepathy of those who consume it." Kerrigan said at this time: "Dr. Francos has tested it on cats and a PSI 3.5 criminal volunteer. It was found that after inhaling a large amount of terazine, he really mastered telepathy and certain psychic abilities that only level 5 psykers can possess."

"But the side effects were also uncontrollable and would bring terrible hallucinations and violent tendencies. In the end, the doctor had to give up the research."

"So, you secretly collect Altera's terrazine resources and sell them at a high price?" Augustus looked at the Camorian overseer.

"This is not our main job. The guild's goal is still Altera's abundant high-energy gas resources. Under normal circumstances, we would rather wait for terrazine to slowly evaporate into ordinary high-energy gas."

"Diazine also has some attraction to zerg, which may be one of the reasons why the Jörmungandr swarm attacked Altera," Kerrigan said.

"If you want to talk about terazine, Beisher's is definitely more valuable than Altera's. Why didn't I think of it before? It's worth a lot of money." Tychus rubbed his chin and said.

"Who are you going to sell the terrazine to, the drug addicts in the Federation or the Tal'darin?" Augustus looked at the marks made by the Camorian overseer on the holographic map and calculated the distance.

"Even if we are short of money again, we will not sell drugs. As for the Taldarin Protoss, they will only use force to snatch away Diazine." Augustus had already made a decision when he spoke, and ordered the people closest to Oasis Town to The 7th Division formed several exploration and rescue teams to go to these Kaimorian mining sites to search for possible survivors.

"I mean, if that's possible. I mean, if you're really short of money." Tychus's pockets were always empty, because as soon as he had any money he spent it all.

"There is no such possibility, unless you are no longer a revolutionary soldier." Augustus interrupted Tychus, killing Tychus's last extravagant hope with cold words.

After receiving confirmation from the commander of the 7th Division, Augustus summoned his guards and returned to the center of the town along the way they came to find the mayor of Oasis Town.

When the Jormungandr swarms outside are almost killing each other, Augustus will order the troops to clean up the mess.

To deal with the zerg, it's not enough to kill them. The main hive and hatchery must be completely destroyed, and the infection eliminated with fire. Star spirits are much more familiar with this than humans.

With the help of Tassadar and Zeratul's fleet, Augustus only had to send troops to protect human settlements without having to confront the massive Jörmungandr swarm. Of course, even if Augustus fought against hundreds of millions of Jörmungandr swarms, he would be completely defeated.

As one of the most important ground-attacking insect nests among the insect swarm, it is only a matter of time before the Jörmungandr insect swarm submerges hundreds of thousands of Revolutionary Army soldiers. It is like the tide spreading on the beach, without causing any harm. spray.

Tassadar, who adheres to Dawu's teachings, still regards the protoss as the protector of mankind, and regards it as his duty to destroy the zerg, which are also creations of the Xel'Naga.

Augustus had just learned that one of his captains had found the mayor of Altera. At that time, the other party's shuttle was attacked by an alien dragon when it was trying to fly away from Altera into space, and was forced to join a revolutionary team. The military company made an emergency landing near its forward route.

Altera is a planet even more desolate than Haji, with a sparse population. This planet has had several federal colonial governors, but all of them died in assassinations and local armed conflicts. The federal military base here is also in a semi-abandoned state, and soldiers with some background are trying their best to avoid being transferred to this dangerous place of right and wrong.

On Altera, a planet full of criminals and spies, the order and law of the Federation no longer exist, and the people living here have their own set of survival rules.

Although the election process was filled with money and power transactions, threats, murders and even naked vote buying, the mayor of Oasis Town was elected by the residents of the town after all, which at least shows that he is at least somewhat capable.

Ten minutes later, Augustus met the mayor of Oasis Town in a double-story modular building in Oasis Town.

What surprised Augustus was that the mayor was still quite young, only in his early thirties.

When he met the mayor of Oasis Town, he expressed great joy, claiming that Augustus was the savior of Altera and the hero of the Tyran people. He even knelt down and kissed the ground at Augustus' feet, saying that he would die forever. Will be the king of Koprulu.

If the other party hadn't wanted to leave his townspeople behind and escape at all costs, Augustus would almost truly believe that he was a person who loved Altera and the people of Oasis Town.

The mayor of Oasis Town talks nonsense. He claims that he has been a supporter of Augustus's father Angus Mengsk a long time ago. He actually said Angus's political demands and the revolutionary army's program exactly. .

If Kerrigan hadn't exposed him, Augustus would have never known that the mayor of Oasis Town was a captain of the Chimera Pirates, and that he was actually a high-level psyker.

After being convinced that he was an old friend of the Chimera Pirates, Augustus did not hesitate to have him locked up, and asked Kerrigan to find out the despicable purposes of the Chimera Pirates' technology dealers in Altera.

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