StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 336 What are you doing, Artanis?

As Tassadar said, at only 254 years old, Artanis was too young for his long-lived people.

Artanis is also the youngest of the previous Executors. He was born from the most powerful Templar tribe, the Akiri, which had ruled other tribes for hundreds of years during the Aeons of Catastrophe.

Akili has long been a leader among the Templars, and many of the great Executors have come from this ancient and glorious tribe.

The Protoss Empire does not have only one executive officer. Many fleets that perform missions in the galaxy all have an executive officer. However, they are all warriors and wise men who have experienced hundreds of battles, and the many years they have experienced will eventually bring them to justice. They are hammered into steel.

Even in the Protoss Empire, Artanis' ability to be promoted to executive officer at the age of more than two hundred years was enviable.

As the new Executor, Artanis's attire is almost identical to Tassadar's. The gorgeous armor is lined with azure battle robes that hang like night, and he wears exquisitely crafted alloy boots.

Except for his clothing, Artanis at this time was not much different from the Archbishop of Durham Celestial Spirit in Augustus' impression. Not surprisingly, Artanis's smoother and more vibrant skin indicates that he is a much younger protoss than either Zeratul or Aldaris.

Young, strong, and full of glory.

Compared to the rigid Arbiter elders in the Conclave, Artanis may be more receptive to new ideas.

"It makes me uneasy to see you again, noble Tassadar. I have often doubted my qualifications to take over the position of Executor. You are the role model and the leader of the Templars, and I am just starting out."

At first, Artanis warned Aldaris that anger would not help solve the problem at hand, but his attitude softened almost immediately upon meeting Tassadar.

In front of Tassadar, Artanis felt almost as embarrassed as a child who had made a mistake, his sky-blue eyes burning with psychic flames widening like a human being at a loss. It was clear that Artanis felt guilty about taking Tassadar's place, even though it was not his fault.

This sudden change of attitude caught everyone present and the protoss off guard, and even Tassadar was a little confused. In any case, now is not the time to say such things.

"Hey, it turns out to be a little fanboy." Sarah Kerrigan shook her fiery red single ponytail and whispered to Augustus. As she grew older, Kerrigan's ability to make sarcastic remarks and sharp tongues also increased, which she believed was the work of the dark side of her heart.

"I know you, Artanis, and you will be able to protect our people." Tassadar said: "I refuse to destroy the human planet because those people should be saved and not destroyed with the nightmare that invades their homeland."

"Enough, I've heard enough, what are you talking about, young executive." Aldaris said inappropriately: "We are here to arrest Tassadar and bring him to Aiur for trial. He has fallen. deep."

"I order you to arrest him! Executor."

Artanis was silent. Perhaps he had to make a choice between the Protoss Empire to which he was loyal and Tassadar, whom he respected.

"Collaborating with the corrupted Dark Templar, they refused to carry out the Conclave's orders to cleanse the infected planet of humanity."

"Tassadar, you must surrender immediately, accept strict interrogation, and wait for the judgment of Kara's laws. You have supreme virtue and glory, and your belief in protecting the people was as pure and flawless as the rays of the sun. What exactly made you fall? So far? Is it the Dark Templar or these humans?"

"Perhaps neither," Tassadar said. "We must not let old dogma influence our judgment. We fight for the Protoss Empire and our people, not the Conclave."

"You dare to question the sacred will of the Supreme Council." Aldaris said: "Refuse to abide by the ancient traditions and dogmas that maintain the stability and prosperity of the Protoss Empire, then you are no different from a heretic and a traitor."

"It's a pity, Arbitrator." Tassadar stretched out his hands to Aldaris in the psychic projection, and pushed his palms outward.

"I will never surrender." He reiterated his previous words to Aldaris, and his determination could be heard in his tone and words: "I said that I will definitely return to Ayr, but not As a prisoner. The threat of the zerg is imminent, and I cannot fall!"

"Tassadar, you really disappoint me."

What surprised Augustus was that Aldaris seemed to be surprised by Tassadar's determination just now. Perhaps this seemingly pedantic and stubborn Arbiter of the Protoss Empire thought that as long as he chased him here, he would be in trouble. Tassadar, who broke with the Supreme Council, will follow him back obediently.

"I once told the other Arbitrators that Tassadar was still loyal and that he had simply made a mistake that needed to be corrected immediately." He said: "I thought that as long as you returned to Aiur, things would get back to normal."

"We will forgive you because your past achievements and honors will never be forgotten by us."

"If there is an arbitrator by your side, you will be able to correct your mistakes in time. But the Supreme Council believed in you too much and never thought about betrayal, so it did not do that. Facts have proved."

"We were all wrong."

"I was not wrong." Tassadar said: "I just followed the Dawu teachings to protect the weak race."

"Is it part of Davu's teachings to associate with the Dark Templar?" Aldaris asked Tassadar.

Tassadar immediately responded: "The Dark Templar can help us kill the zerg brainworms. The primitive power of the protoss they use is the key to dealing with the zerg swarm. And I think that we have a better chance of defeating the Dark Templar." There are a lot of misconceptions and prejudices that are not true.”

"Don't you believe that the Templars can easily defeat the swarm? They actually need to rely on the power of the traitors. What a shameful cowardice." Aldaris was shocked by Tassadar's outrageous words: "Even without the Dark Templar Samurai, we can kill the brainworms too.”

He then emphasized: "The power of the Dark Templar is not worth mentioning at all. They are just miserable traitors and fugitives. How can they be compared with the sacred Kara?"

The fleet that Tassadar sent back to Aiur also brought back the news that killing the Cerebrate Swarm would cause it to collapse, but just like Aldaris, the arbitrators of the Supreme Council always believed that the Dark Templar could do it. It is impossible for the Protoss Empire to not be able to do this.

"You have to believe me. The Dark Templar is the key to defeating the swarm. We should"

"Nonsense." Aldaris raised his voice: "You have been separated from the past."

"Surrender, Tassadar, and we will give you justice."

"I refuse," Tassadar replied resolutely. "And I will not surrender."

"Well said, Tassadar, only by firmly holding your destiny in your own hands will you not be passive." Augustus has been listening, and he believes that Tassadar will make his own judgment. This protoss executive, like Augustus, is extremely opinionated and confident, and this is one of the characteristics of a leader.

"So, in order to avoid responsibility, you are willing to start a war with us here?" As a high-ranking and powerful arbiter of the Supreme Council, Aldaris has never lost his temper in centuries. Even as the zerg swarmed Aiur, Aldaris did not lose his mind in anger.

"I would never turn swords against one of our own," Tassadar said.

"Tassadar, my friend, I don't understand the differences and disputes between the protoss, but if you have to fight them in Altera, the human revolutionary army will definitely be on your side." Augur Stuart appropriately stated his position at this time.

"Isolation and division are the beginning of all disasters." The psychic flames in Aldaris's eyes were swaying, and he was trembling with some kind of fear: "Since the catastrophe of the ages, there has been no such thing as cannibalism. Do you want that tragic catastrophe to happen again?"

".Starting a war? No, I will never be the sinner as you want."

When Aldaris discovered that he could only arrest Tassadar through a civil war, he found that the fleet he led could not gain an advantage in the war with the fleet of Tassadar's followers.

Tassadar leads more than twenty protoss aircraft carriers and thousands of fighter planes instead of just the flagship star shuttle. The history of many of these battleships can even be traced back to the earliest days of the establishment of the protoss empire after the catastrophe. During this period, every Protoss aircraft carrier had an extremely long history.

What Aldaris and Artanis led was just a small fleet from Aiur, and no matter how insignificant the revolutionary fleet next to them was in the eyes of the protoss, they were not completely useless. The threat is palpable.

If Aldaris really decided to fight Tassadar's fleet in the Altera system, considering that the other party was an outstanding former executive, they would most likely be defeated.

For a moment, Aldaris was obviously hesitating about what choice to make. It was not that he didn't understand war.

"Aldaris Aiur is being ravaged. You should return to Aiur to defend our home instead of traveling thousands of miles to hunt me down." Tassadar had already determined that Aldaris did not dare to start a war on his own.

"Go back to Aiur, Arbiter, Artanis. The Protoss Empire will still be as strong as ever, but our people need you."

Aldaris said nothing more, he already knew that he would return empty-handed.

"Aiur needs you too." Artanis said at this time: "The threat of the Aiur zerg still exists. Their lairs go deep underground, tarnishing the glorious and charming underground temples and precious heritage."

"Once I return to Aiur, what awaits me will be the thunderous wrath of the Supreme Council." Tassadar knew his situation well.

After a brief silence, Artanis said sincerely: "No matter how unreasonable and deviant they say you have become, I still believe that you are still loyal to the Protoss Empire and our people. Tassadar, you will never I won’t betray my beliefs.”

"Selandis, order the fleet to set sail. We are going back to Aiur." He turned to the other side and announced his decision.

"Have you decided to give up right now?" Aldaris asked Artanis.

"We have failed, Arbitrator." Artanis, the new executive officer, looked at Aldaris with a strong and unquestionable expression: "Unless we fight a losing war in this sector."

"You know this very well. Are the arbitrators accustomed to hiding their thoughts in Kara and pretending to be deaf and dumb?"

Artanis is very young, which makes other protoss think that he is underqualified, inexperienced and reckless. However, as a young man, he does not lack the courage to fear power and dare to challenge authority. He is the youngest executive, but also the most capable.

Although Artanis was almost humble when faced with fellow Templar Executor Tassadar, he was by no means a weak character.

Tassadar was only over three hundred years old, and he could have led the Templars as an Executor for centuries more.

Perhaps the Conclave has never needed a new Executor to lead Tassadar's army so urgently, but there is no doubt that the Arbiters who entrusted Artanis with the important task believe that he is definitely the best candidate. He just lacks experience.

Outside the porthole of the Star Shuttle, Artanis, facing away from him, was leaping into the ice-blue vortex reflected by the hyperspace channel.

"Tassadar, I just hope you won't do something more terrible." Aldaris, wearing a gold-red hood, gave a final warning to Tassadar before leaving: "You have made a big mistake, don't do it again. Mistake after mistake.”

Aldaris will not hold a grudge because of Artanis' tough attitude today. He is not a powerful politician in the Terran Federation Council who plays tricks for his own selfish interests. No matter how rigid Aldaris is, the purpose of everything is for the Protoss Empire to survive long and stably as Kara's founder Kass expected.

"They are leaving." After the Protoss fleet on the opposite side finally left, Augustus took a deep breath: "Fortunately it is Artanis who is here. If the Supreme Council deliberately selects those executives who are dissatisfied with you, If I arrest you, it will be difficult to end today.

"Is it over like this?" Corporal Faraday always followed Augustus. He also witnessed the dispute between Tassadar and Aldaris: "I thought we had to fight with the protoss government. The army will fight."

In Faraday's eyes, Tassadar was the rebel army of the Protoss Empire.

"The Protoss are so upright. They can find an excuse to trick Tassadar back, or force his followers to make a choice between their leader and Aiur." Kerrigan expressed his opinion .

Sarah Kerrigan doesn't mind using some machinations that don't violate morality. In fact, she has always been a ruthless character as a ghost agent.

"Tassadar, are you going back to Aiur?" Augustus saw Tassadar lower his head and felt the other person's frustration and defeat.

"No, this is not the time yet. I have to first convince Zeratul and the Dark Templar warriors from Sagulath to support Aiur." Tassadar looked at Augustus.

"Zeratul would be happy to return to Aiur to fight alongside us, but not all Dark Templar see Aiur as their eternal home."

"You must hurry up." Augustus said: "Once you decide to return to Aiur, we will definitely help you. That is precisely because you have helped us a lot."

"It seems that the Protoss Empire is still able to face the Zerg attack with ease. Otherwise, why would they dispatch a fleet to hunt down Tassadar?" Kerrigan said.

"I hope so," Tassadar said.

It’s the end of the month, everyone, please remember to vote!

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