StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 343 Who is she?

This is located in the bustling municipal center of the main city of Vadona, and the surrounding high-rise buildings extend into the sky, straight into the sky.

The majestic and spectacular skyscraper complex is not as crowded as the city center of the main city of Tarsonis. In between, there are beautiful roads, neatly manicured large emerald green lawns and intermittent fountains that sparkle with colorful luster under the lights.

Next to it is a ship-shaped ecological park converted from a sunken freighter. It uses atmospheric modification equipment to create a variety of different environments such as rainforest, grassland, and coniferous forest. There are both rare grasses and rare wild animals from all over the world. Including Bengara tiger, Yusadong bear, blue-crowned deer and Ursinodon and other strange creatures, some of which have even been declared extinct in their places of origin.

This ecological park, built during the Guild Wars in the name of promoting the harmonious coexistence of nature and humans, was expensive enough to build a destroyer or to survive the winter for tens of thousands of war refugees who starved to death in the war. Although the truth-telling Wardona politicians revealed that this massive and costly project served no purpose other than to satisfy the governor's personal preferences, no one questioned the powerful governor about it.

The Governor of Vadona is a Tarsonis noble with a title. He is an important figure for the rulers in the federal government to control Vadona.

No matter how precious the Wadona Center Ecological Park is, it has already been devastated due to the fierce exchange of fire between the Revolutionary Army and the security personnel of the Bennett Trading Building. The moon-shaped dome made of clear transparent glass and a frame made of reinforced fused alloys had collapsed under the bombardment of artillery fire, and rare birds and animals that were rarely seen on weekdays were scurrying around on the rubble-strewn roads.

The open space between the Wattona Gate skyscraper, Bennett Commercial Building and Eco Park was covered with bloody corpses, most of which came from the security personnel of Bennett Building.

Those security personnel were all veterans who retired after the Guild War. After honorable discharge, they chose to seek a high-paying career in Vadona. The experienced veterans are much more effective than the weak federal garrison stationed in Wardona, and this can also save the governor the trouble of having to deal with the unresponsive Duke family generals.

The security personnel of Bennett Tower are all wearing the latest CMC-300 power armor. Their armor is dark blue, which is the color of most territories of the Tyranid Federation, and the armor has Vadona's Yellow and black striped single star logo. Their weapons are also standard Federal Marines. With the firepower support of a large number of automatic cannons and missile bays, they suppressed the Porcupine Special Forces in the field for about 20 minutes.

Normally, this would be enough to hold on until the nearest troops arrived to support them, but the Revolutionary Army's troops that parachuted into the main city of Vadona were obviously more than just battlefield porcupines. Other airborne troops guarded various arteries and blocked various supporting troops.

In the distance, two Revolutionary Army arc-light tanks that were subsequently airdropped into the city center were advancing along the road in front of the building. They collided head-on with multiple advancing Federal Goliath armed robots, and the roar of Thor's hammer cannon was like thunder.

The Revolutionary Army obviously does not want to destroy the entire city in order to seize control of the main city of Vadona. They do not even need to occupy the city for a long time, they just need a victory in the core world and a claim to the planet.

A sharp whistling sound from a rocket exploded in Carolina Davis' ears. The door of the Bennett Trading Building was blown to pieces in the violent explosion, along with several federal soldiers behind it.

Davis watched with his own eyes as several Revolutionary Army soldiers rushed in without hesitation, but they were immediately mowed down by large-caliber automatic cannons behind the gate. This immediately turned into a thrilling exchange of fire, and the entire entrance wall of the building was almost completely destroyed by the heavy firepower of the Battlefield Porcupine Team.

Even so, the guards inside were still resisting tenaciously. Although federal officials and generals generally prefer to use resocialized soldiers as their bodyguards, those the Revolutionary Army faces today are clearly not the ones they are facing.

After the Revolutionary Army soldiers finally broke into the Bennett Building, fierce hand-to-hand fighting even broke out in the halls and corridors.

When Carolina Davis followed the ghost agent of the Revolutionary Army, whose name she still did not know, into the devastated Bennett Building, she almost walked in on blood, and the heels of her high heels were covered with warmth. blood, which spread like red ink in the rain in Vadonna.

As an aristocratic lady who grew up under the careful care of her family, Davis has never witnessed such a bloody and cruel scene. So many brave and fearless warriors who were still breathing just a moment ago turned into broken pieces in just a few minutes. corpse. Each of them had a different mind and soul, and now they died for an order.

The once shining alloy armor had completely turned into cold iron coffins, and the soldiers on both sides were reduced to flesh and blood cast in steel.

Davis ran quickly and tore off the hem of her skirt and silk pantyhose. She was able to keep up with the pace of the ghost agent while running. She was by no means the pampered aristocratic lady she appeared to be.

Through identification, Davis found a giant steel door hidden behind a wall soaked in blood. This door is three feet thick (more than one meter), with huge copper nails nailed to the thick skin. There are two standing lions on both sides. It is a monopoly of the metal casting industry in Vadona. The coat of arms of the family, but it was also considered the emblem of the Governor of Wardona.

The ambitious governor, who always compared himself to a lion, might have been a good match for Augustus Mengsk, who also liked to use the emblems of the wolf, eagle, and lion.

This alloy door is only the first barrier of this underground fortress. Just opening it requires the power of a reactor. Several Revolutionary Army soldiers standing in front of the gate took out a whole box of D-type explosives and prepared to blast it open. Their movements were very skillful, and it seemed that they usually did this kind of thing.

"Try it, I hope your method works." The ghost agent, whose face was hidden under the mask, waved to stop the soldiers and said to the panting Davis next to him.

Although it looked very incredible, Davis still found a holographic projection communication device the size of a spectacle lens from under her wet and thin dress. This high-precision equipment produced by Adrian is expensive to make, and its master-level forging process makes it a highly valuable collection in itself.

With a flash of light and shadow, an old man with white hair appeared in Davis's palm. Davis Sr. was already very old when he owned Carolina, and the most comfortable environment and life-prolonging enhancers made her live much older than she looked.

"You don't stay at Tagore's banquet - God, let go of my daughter, you devil!" Old Davis first saw his soaked daughter, and then the ghost agent standing behind her Also attracts the eye.

"I am a devil. I used to belong to the Federation, but now I belong to Augustus." The voice of the ghost agent already sounded inexplicably scary, and it became even more scary on purpose.

"Your daughter is safe, don't worry." He said, "You should worry about yourself instead, Mr. Davis. The Revolutionary Army will surely capture this city, and all federal lackeys will be liquidated."

"No" As a veteran aristocrat, Davis Sr. was both a politician and a shrewd businessman, as well as a calculating investor. He had long heard about what the Revolutionary Army did on some planets - rich people who were considered sinful were murdered, and their wealth and land were evenly distributed among civilians who supported the Revolutionary Army. As for the federal officials, they were either missing or shot.

This means that wherever Augustus goes, he strives to uproot the old forces there. Augustus Mengsk was originally a nobleman, but he showed that he hated his class so much, and his father Angus was still a traditional federal nobleman at heart.

The federal nobles hated Augustus and his revolutionary army so much precisely because they showed no mercy to the rulers and nobles. Anyway, the federal rulers would not let Augustus go just because he was soft-hearted.

However, even so, many nobles not only survived, but also retained their original assets and social status, because they were all staunch supporters of Augustus, mainly the old nobles of Korhal IV.

"Impossible, Wadona will never fall!" Governor Wadona roared from behind Old Davis.

"Father, we all know that the Federation will be destroyed. It is full of carrion and will never return. There is no need for the people of Wadona to be destroyed together with the Federation." Davis ignored Governor Wadona's roar and said to his father.

Old Davis would never surrender just because his daughter was caught by the enemy. He had never been a loving father. More likely, he will simply seek revenge on his enemies for the tragic death of his daughter. The death of a child would break the heart of Davis Sr., but as a patriarch who had ruled the Davis family for many years, he had many children.

"It's time," she said.

"We talked about it for a long time and it was time to make a choice."

Davis and his father had long discussed the Davis family's position between the Federation and the rebels. At that time, Korhal had just rebelled, and everyone believed that the rebels were useless.

The elder Davis was well aware of the chaotic style of bureaucracy in the federal government and the many hidden dangers. At the same time, he also believed that Augustus Mengsk was a tycoon, and the Davis family's political investment would be rewarded. He didn't know that the Terra family of Tarsonis had already placed a bet on Augustus before him.

Even if the possibility of Augustus overthrowing the Federation was slim, the Davis family had to consider what choices they would make if the Terran Federation suddenly collapsed one day.

"It's too early now." Old Davis made a decision with lightning speed of thinking: "It's my fault for not protecting the Governor well. Take action."

"What? I can't believe it! What did you say?"

Before Governor Wardona could say anything else, Old Davis's loyal family guards had already pushed the furious Governor to the ground. Governor Wardona's guards fought back desperately and started a gun battle in the small underground fortress, but old Davis' expression remained unchanged:

"Tell Marshal Mengsk that it was Miletus Davis who dedicated Governor Wardona and this city to him."

With just a few words from his daughter's communication channel, Old Davis would not have made a decision so quickly, but now there were many Revolutionary Army soldiers who hated the Federation and the nobility standing above their heads.

"I will truthfully report your achievements to the Marshal's headquarters. Thank you for your cooperation."

Not long after, the heavy door slowly opened, and Miletus Davis, who looked not very good-looking, personally escorted the angry Governor Wadona out, sometimes holding his feet in his arms.

In the past years, Miletus and the governor of Wadona, Crete Serena, had been close friends for decades and felt like brothers. This is why the governor of Wadona and the old Davis were hiding in the same place. . And now, Governor Wardona must also understand what it means to know people, know faces, but not know hearts.

"I saw the wrong person! Miletus, Tarsonis will not let you go!" Governor Wardona roared.

"Otherwise, I'd say you're blind." Even at his advanced age, Davis was still full of energy when he spoke. Few people now know that nearly a century ago, Miletus was known as the Fox of Vadona.

"Capture him." The ghost agent gave the order, and the family guards of Old Davis and Governor Wardona suddenly became prisoners, but the former obviously received preferential treatment.

"We will not resist," Davis Sr. stressed.

"I think you have a chance to meet Marshal Augustus. He is preparing to go to the Governor's Palace." The ghost agent suddenly turned to Davis at this moment. He seemed to have received some message: "Marshal is vigorous and resolute, and he is always giving orders. and arrive before the notice is given. If the marshal said he was coming, he must have been standing at the door."

"follow me."

"Don't worry, father, I'll fish you out when I get back." Davis smiled and said to his disgraced father.

"I just hope you remember this, Carolina." Milly rolled her eyes.

By the time Davis hurried to the Governor's Mansion in Wardona, Augustus was already sitting at the desk that originally belonged to the governor of the planet, reviewing documents. He put the hat with the gold star and the ring of braid emblem on the foot of the desk. He was wearing a dark gray military uniform with a fur collar. Even though he was immersed in the documents on the desk, his back was still straight.

When Davis entered the office, Augustus immediately looked up at her, his cold gray eyes as sharp as an eagle's.

To Davis' surprise, Augustus was even much younger than the promotional posters, which always showed him with a mustache. Augustus, he is more manly than he was three years ago.

However, Davis found that he was too eager to see Augustus and had not had time to change into a set of dry clothes.

Davis's wet clothes clung to the curve of her chest, and her swan-like neck and deep butterfly bones were clearly visible to Augustus. Her long, smooth and round pink and white legs were exposed under her torn skirt. The exposure was just right and was almost irresistible to men.

She has been running, so her face is rosy and her face is delicate.

"Who is she?" With a cold question, Davis realized that because she only had Augustus in her eyes, she completely ignored the man with a flaming red robe who was standing next to Augustus. A female ghost agent.

"For God's sake, I don't know."

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