StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 35 Battle of Pork Pride

When Augustus returned to the first squad, Renault was taking the squad to sit in the engineering corps tent to rest, using a charcoal stove dug out of the ruins and a well-preserved wok to heat the individual soldiers Rations and sweet pies.

The atmosphere in the tent was very lively, and Hanak's unique and arrogant laughter could be heard even from a distance.

It was only after Augustus entered that he found out that the recruits' salaries had arrived last month.

Just as Warfield said before, everyone in the first class received eight thousand more credits as compensation for turning in the Adeen crystal after they defeated the Camorian Assault Cavalry last time. This means that everyone has become The rich man in the military camp.

Reno, Omo, Zander and Harnak, the poor boys from the countryside, were all ecstatic, but they all used the money in different places. Reno and Omo both sent the money to their parents. to ease the financial burden on the family.

Zander was born in a slum and had no relatives, so he chose to save it, while Harnak was going to use it all to treat his brothers to a feast or go to the bar.

The surprise didn't end there. Augustus' platoon leader, Second Lieutenant Reagan, happened to be in the tent as well.

Reagan told Augustus that he had been promoted to corporal and now had an equilateral triangle underneath the three inverted "V" patterns on his shoulders.

From that day on, Augustus officially served as the squad leader of the third platoon and the first squad of the fifth battalion. Everyone was very happy that day, even the usually withdrawn Ward and the new sniper Rick Kidd showed happy smiles.

"Boss, what did Warfield ask you to do?" After chatting for a while, Renault remembered this matter.

"Oh, I went to the division headquarters with him." Augustus found a folding chair and sat down.

"What are you doing there?" Renault pondered: "Are you about to be transferred to the division headquarters as a staff officer?"

Hearing what Renault said, everyone's faces that seemed to be shining with joy suddenly dimmed.

"How is this possible? How powerful am I to be a consultant?" Augustus shook his head, feeling amused.

"Don't you know yet?" Reagan, who was sitting on the ground, said doubtfully: "Augustus is our teacher's biological brother."

"You mean that division commander's surname is also Mengsk?" Hanak opened his mouth wide enough to stuff several eggs.

"Hank, you idiot, you don't even know who the commander of our division is or what his name is." Renault laughed, not knowing what he was happy about. Although Renault didn't know his commander's name, it didn't stop him from laughing at Harnack.

"It's amazing!" Omo thought he should say something, but after saying this, he only felt that he was superfluous. This matter seemed to have nothing to do with whether Augustus was powerful or not.

"Yeah! The monitor is so awesome!" Amy Brandon said with a smile.

"So we have a backer?" Josephine seemed to be very concerned about this matter.

"You actually hid such an important thing from us." Zander felt frustrated.

Everyone in the class, including the platoon leader Second Lieutenant Reagan, was very curious about this matter, and Augustus answered everything. Although Augustus did not talk about the status and power of the Mengsk family on Korhal IV, everyone had already reached a consensus that Augustus' family must be very wealthy.

But soon, the class lost interest in Augustus's family composition and his family's status on Korhal IV, and turned to other matters. Augustus was also happy with this, and he really didn't want to say too much on this issue.

After a while, the conversation gradually turned to the bar and which girl at the bar had the most explosive figure.

Just as Platoon Commander Reagan was about to leave, Augustus decided to talk to his subordinates and Reagan about what Arcturus said about the general attack on Pork Pride. Anyway, by tomorrow at the latest, all the garrison troops in Pork Pride should know about this matter.

"Arturus told me that we are about to start a war with the Kemorians on the other side of Pork's Pride." Augustus looked at Regan and his men: "You also saw it today, Padick The river is so wide. It means we have to swim to the other side of the river wearing a suit of iron and use our flesh and blood to block the Camorion's gun holes."

Just as Augustus said, if the federal army wanted to launch a general attack on Poker's Pride, they would first have to cross a fast and wide river. After landing ashore, they would have to brave a hail of bullets and smash the city walls and the city walls wrapped with a layer of iron and steel. The concrete fortress of Presteel plates can only be faced head-on with the Kaimorian Ripper troops hiding in it.

Under the anti-aircraft fire blockade on the other side, most of the Federal Airborne Division's transport ships would be shot down before landing, and the bomber fleet would also be greatly restricted.

Therefore, the federal army was left with only two options: build a pontoon bridge against the Kemerian's close-in defense artillery and machine guns, or drive a large number of ferries and assault boats to force the crossing. But now is the flood season, and the water level of the Padick River at this time is the highest and fastest flowing this year. In this case, the Camorians on the north bank are like guarding the natural chasm.

It is foreseeable that the federal army will pay huge casualties in this coming war.

The people in the tent stopped talking, and after reacting, their behaviors were also different. Everyone knows that people will die in war, the only difference is who dies.

Or if you are destined not to live until the day you retire, then when, where, and how should you die?

Renault couldn't laugh anymore. He lowered his head, probably thinking of his family. Harnak and others just stared at Augustus, as if they still didn't understand what happened.

Ward, who hated the Camorians to the core, had a tense face. In order to take care of the emotions of his comrades, he did not show his abnormal joy. At this time, Omo had already taken out a piece of paper and silently wrote his third anniversary to his family. A suicide note has been made.

"Anyway, it will come in handy." He said softly.

"I'm not too surprised." Reagan said: "The entire Onuru Sigma Legion was mobilized from above, and together with the local army, there are nearly 100,000 people stationed in Bok's Pride. This is not to let us come here to eat nothing. Pay, the generals are not so kind to tourists."

"The Camorian has been here for so long, and they only have 20,000 to 30,000 people. Why don't we dare to fight?" He said sarcastically: "No matter how powerful the Camorian's cannons and machine guns are, the lives of the marines will be lost." Their bullets are not worth much either.”

"But you don't have to be too afraid. The fleet will definitely join the battle when the time comes. As far as I know, Alpha Squadron, Delta Squadron and a dozen air wings from Tarsonis have already arrived in Turasis. By then The pressure on the ground troops will be much lighter." Reagan said while looking at the crowd.

"Joke! Hanak never knows what fear is!" Hanak suddenly jumped up like a provoked grasshopper.

"Yes, we are never afraid, we are only afraid of not having money." Renault was no longer sad at this time. He raised his head and looked at Hanak who jumped up, grinning.

"Will the war start tomorrow?" Omo put the suicide note in his pocket and asked.

"Not so fast," said Augustus.

"It takes time from the issuance of documents to each unit, dividing each division under the command of each general, to all units and logistics completing offensive preparations." Reagan said as he opened the tent door and faced Augustus The others waved their hands.

"I will keep this matter secret to avoid being accused of leaking confidential information. Prison food in the Marine Corps Central Security Bureau is not very good," he said.

"I'm going back to work, ah. Don't rest any of you. After dinner, go out and continue to watch."

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