StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 345 Insect Disaster

In May, on the UNN holographic projection television local channel of Vadona Prime, rumors that Vadona Prime had been captured by rebels burned through many of the Alliance's member colonies like wildfire on dry grass stalks. Suddenly, panic spread to Tarsonis, especially among the middle and upper classes, and everyone was in danger.

Since the war on Korhal IV, the Tyranid Federation has never allowed the rebels to enter the core world. People have speculated that the Terran federal army is not as absolutely superior in the war against the rebels as they advertised. Even the most ordinary citizens know that the government army has just suffered a defeat in Vadona.

This is nothing shocking. As we all know, the most powerful and formidable Alpha Squadron in the Federation Navy was severely damaged by the rebels led by Augustus Mengsk during the Battle of Mar Sara. The Duke family The victorious General Edmund Duke has long since become a joke.

To this day, Alpha Squadron is still being rebuilt.

The prestige that the Confederacy's army had accumulated after the Guild Wars dropped significantly, due both to the Augustan rebels and to the zerg and protoss.

Even the Federation Council had to admit that the invasion of the zerg and protoss caused them to lose control of so many fringe planets that the Federation's territory shrank by about one-third. Of course, the arrival of the alien race will inevitably require rebels to hinder it.

The rebels spread all kinds of ugly inside stories about the federal government's officialdom through the Vadona UNN broadcast tower, using confidential documents and photos to tell the unimaginable crimes of the federal alien experiment.

In addition to secretly conducting zerg experiments on some edge planets that have been wiped out by cholera and plague, Federation scientists are also trying evil and twisted hybrid genetic modifications, such as implanting new organs or limbs into humans. If it were just that, forget it, but the test subjects who underwent transformation actually included ignorant children.

Each of these shocking news seems to be solid proof, and some of them are so evil that it is almost impossible to believe that they are actually true.

In the face of the federal government's strong denials, the influential federal lords and owners of large companies all called this a deliberate, ridiculous and absurd performance by the rebel party, claiming that if If there are people who can do these heinous things, then they are simply inhumane.

All the audio and video materials that were circulated were sealed that day, but the videos were still widely circulated in the federal world. In these worlds, gossip is rampant and simply uncontrollable.

More and more people are learning about the Revolutionary Army and their achievements through this incident. The Revolutionary Army is no longer a small separatist force wandering on the edge of the world. They have grown to the point where they can shake the Federation. Many people are looking forward to the arrival of the revolutionary army, just hoping that they can bring some changes.

People began to believe that the zerg were attacking the Sara System because Federation scientists were conducting experiments there on the zerg they captured. The Terran Confederacy had learned of the existence of the zerg long before the full-scale zerg invasion, but they acted like bewildered people when they first came into contact with the zerg.

This is not the first time that the Revolutionary Army has used the Terran Federation's media throughout the Koprulu sector to publicize the latter's ugliness and hypocrisy, and more people have begun to believe that as long as it is different from what the federal government says, it must be the truth.

The Vadona incident caused an uproar in the Tyranid Federation, but one does not know whether the federal government is lucky or unlucky. The news of the zerg destroying the federation's colonial world and causing hundreds of millions of casualties gradually overshadowed the rebellion. The game between the military and government forces.

At this time, Augustus was facing the glimmering starlight outside the bridge window of the Hyperion and an ugly planet covered with deep purple scars on its surface.

"Gystt, it and the people on it - they're all gone. Millions of them."

Augustus's face was as serious as a statue. He stared sadly at the lonely rotating deep purple planet outside the porthole window. The three-dimensional scene on the main continent of Gist was playing on the main screen of the console next to him. Holographic projection map.

On the home screen, Gist is a barren, rocky planet. From the island-rich coast on one side of the main continent to the completely frozen glaciers on the other side, the rolling plains and mountains of the vast continental shelf are covered in a sticky gray-purple color. Apart from the slimy carpet of creeping fungi, there is no longer a single living thing or plant to be seen. The whole world is gray, only the sky is still blue.

A holographic screen next to it showed scenes from Gist's past. The main continent is close to the equator, and forests with deep purple leaves are rooted in steep mountains and clouds. These beautiful forests are as bright as flowers and as bright as clouds.

In the other direction are endless grasslands, dotted blue lakes and large swamps inhabited by countless rare birds and animals. Everything reveals the primitive nature and the beauty of life, and every place has intoxicating scenery.

This is an independent place like a paradise.

In a postcard poster shot by a local resident and uploaded, the bright sunshine shrouds the winding river flowing in the mountains, and the white tent camps set up by climbers can be seen among the sparse flower-bearing bushes.

The other pictures are night scenes taken at the same location. The gray-white full moon is dotted in the blue night sky, casting a dreamy moonlight like water. There are several meteor showers in the sky. Travelers are carrying backpacks with their backs to the camera. With the scissor hand gesture, this moment was finally frozen into eternity.

There is no chance that these people in the picture will survive again. The swarm destroyed the place forever, devouring all life on the planet. Under the erosion of the creeping fungi, the flowers, plants and trees are also dying.

After the forest disappeared, unprecedented strong winds eroded the once picturesque world. A carpet of bacteria covered the ocean like algae, killing all marine life in it. Only floating objects like dirty oil were left on the vast rippling ocean. .

"Gist fell too quickly. When it was invaded, most people were still paying attention to the war in Antiga. When the Federation Navy finally arrived here, they were completely defeated by the zerg that occupied the system. I have to admit that there are no survivors here worth searching for."

Jim Raynor, the captain of the Hyperion and Augustus’ most trusted right-hand man, took off his hat and paid tribute to the dead of Gist: “The Federation Navy is right, the zerg will not leave any survivors. "

"Nothing is left," said Augustus. "Nothing is left."

"You don't need to blame yourself. It's not your fault. It was the Federation that gave up on them, and it was the Zerg that killed this planet." Raynor said.

Compared with the Gist planet, the Sarah galaxy, Antiga Prime and a dozen colonial planets that were saved by the revolutionary army are undoubtedly extremely lucky. But those planets that have been abandoned by the Tyranid Federation and are not within the reach of the revolutionary army are the majority.

In front of the swarm of insects that devour everything, all resistance is nothing but insignificant waves. Even when the Overlord of the Swarm was focused on dealing with Aiur's Protoss Empire, the "minutiae" on the Swarm's tentacles nearly destroyed numerous Federation colonies.

Gist is not just an example, as many as thirty colonies have been permanently removed from the Federation's star map, and the rest are just holding on desperately. For those colonies with shallow roots and sparse populations, thousands of zerg with fangs and claws are enough to completely destroy the planet.

"We must purify this planet. It has been completely destroyed by the zerg. Even for the protoss, this planet has become an unlivable bad land." After a while, the Protoss Expeditionary Force Executive Tower Sardar's face with a narrow jaw appeared on the Hyperion's main screen, followed by the Dark Master of the Dark Templar.

"If humans want to colonize this planet again, they must spend exponentially more time repairing its collapsed natural environment. Even if it is managed well, Gist will never be able to return to its past appearance." Zeratul Also to Augustus.

After hearing what Tassadar and Zeratul said, Augustus just remained silent. To be fair, Augustus was unwilling to give up any planet. If there was still a chance to eliminate the erosion of the planet by the Zerg, then the purification of the protoss would completely sentence it to death. On the land that has been burned by the flames, it is difficult for even plants to take root.

In this corner of the galaxy, the proportion of habitable planets is quite low, and every colony is precious. However, if Gist is not destroyed, the zerg can start from the planet and continue to spread to the surrounding areas, just like a virus inside the human body.

Augustus also has another option, which is to spend a huge price with the protoss to eliminate the huge insect swarm on the surface of the planet, and then control it, just like they once did on Antiga Prime. But at that time, Antiga Prime had not yet been completely occupied by the Zerg, and there were still a large number of civilians stranded on the surface of the planet.

"It must be destroyed." Augustus sighed: "I know."

"Tassadar, Zeratul, you don't have to feel guilty. I just feel sorry for you," he said.

“Hopefully, one day, we’ll be able to rebuild it.”

"We have no choice." Tassadar comforted Augustus and said, "You have tried very hard to save your people, but we all know that we cannot save everyone."

"Thank you, Tassadar, you are a good teacher and friend." Augustus said: "I often feel the warmth of a father in you."

"Let's go, Jimmy, Sarah." With that, Augustus turned around and said, "There's no need to read any more."

When Augustus turned around, Tassadar's protoss fleet had begun to move in Gist's synchronous orbit. The protoss fleet has always been very efficient. To the protoss, it is just setting fire to Gist.

Fire will cleanse everything.

"This is already the fifth planet that we have seen along the way that was destroyed by zerg. The previous planets may not be as habitable for humans as Gist used to be, but there are still many people living there." Augu Stu said.

"Without exception, beautiful countryside and bustling cities have been reduced to rubble. This catastrophe is more terrible than we imagined. We will always remember these traumas and will not forget them."

Augustus walked past the command chair in front of the bridge window and nodded to the new navigator Matt Horner who was looking at him. Then they walked all the way through the long corridor inside the ship and arrived at the ship's bar where many soldiers and officers were sitting.

At this time, the LED TV inside the tavern was playing the UNN morning news, and a frontline reporter with black sunglasses on his forehead was vividly describing the victory of the Federation Navy on Bronte Prime. After amassing three Federation squadrons, the Federation Navy finally repelled a Zerg fleet composed of three Swarm Leviathans.

This was an "unprecedented" and "extremely exciting" victory. When Augustus walked into the bar amidst the greetings of the soldiers, a federal marine sergeant who was interviewed was pointing to a Hydralisk skull and banging it: "Do you think of Bronte killing insects? The Federation needs you, The Marines need you."

Next came a sponsor's advertisement. A businessman wearing a gold ring swore that his company's insecticide could effectively control insects, and sprayed several cockroaches to death as he spoke.

Augustus sat down at a round table and ordered a plate of fried chicken and beer. For a while, Augustus ate rice from Agria, but during the boring days on the ship, he could only keep company with boring fried chicken, fried fish or other fast military rations.

"Look, maybe we can go to Tarsonis and buy a few cans of insecticide?" Raynor's words caused a burst of laughter in the bar that didn't last long.

"Tychus isn't here? That's really strange." he asked. "Where's Hank? If these two bad guys appear or disappear together, nothing good will happen."

"Colonel Hank is repairing the Vulture at the chief engineer's place? Well, Colonel Finley is on another boat." Someone answered Renault.

"Vulture car? That thing is not very reliable." Augustus said.

At this time, the TV in the bar switched to the next advertisement. A mysterious male soldier reminded federal citizens to be careful about strange children with "superpowers" in their homes, saying that once their children could enter the ghost academy, they would have a bright future.

"I don't know how many people have been deceived." Kerrigan cursed in a low voice: "If parents send their children to the ghost academy, they will never see him (her) again in this life."

"We must not let John enter the Ghost Academy." Augustus thought of Raynor's youngest son. As godfather, he regarded John Raynor as important as his nephew Valerian: "The Ghost Academy in Tarsonis must be ban."

"Unless the federal people step over my body - wait, I think I heard Mike's voice." Reno was still immersed in the fried chicken on the plate just now.

"I heard that Liberty was exiled to the local station last month by a UNN shareholder who was angry with him. It must be our old friend Constantine Terra who brought him back."

Augustus followed the sound and his expression became more serious.

"I just received the news that the edge world of Helsain is being attacked by the swarm of insects." Liberty said seriously.

"At this point I have to ask, where is our invincible and swift federal navy now?"

Thanks to Donaldjohn for the great reward!

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