StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 349 The place is placed under the protection of the revolutionary army

Easter walked up to Augustus Mengsk, opened his blue eyes and carefully observed the face of the extraordinary gray-haired man in front of him. He was very handsome, as if he had stepped out of a poster.

The soldiers gathered around the revolutionary marshal like stars holding the moon, and everyone watched his every move and regarded his every word as a golden rule.

Even at such a young age, Augustus was already the supreme leader of the rising Korhar Revolutionary Army. The Terran Federation's deliberate smearing and frame-up of Augustus made him known to almost everyone, and his glorious and majestic positive image slowly shone brighter with the invasion of the zerg.

In the first all-out war between humans and aliens in Koprulu, the Terran Federation, which only focused on preserving the core world, completely lost control of most of the edge planets, and the reputation and support accumulated by the Korhal Revolutionary Army in those worlds But it is increasing day by day.

Therefore, people will hear the name Augustus Mengsk more often in a region like Helsain that is within Tarsonis's influence. Even if they don't want to talk much about the character, UNN news from Tarsonis will mention the name Augustus Mengsk and his evil, notorious rebels over and over again.

In the past two or three years, Augustus Mengsk has already become a figure that must be mentioned in the UNN daily news: he is the greatest enemy in the history of mankind, and his crimes are countless. Remember his extremely sinful face so that you can help the government forces arrest him.

"You, you are Augustus Mengsk!" Easter realized that Augustus was the person he had always wanted to be.

"Great hero!" Luo Lan shouted with runny nose and tears.

"I am no hero," said Augustus. "My boy, I am far from being a hero."

At this time, an accompanying doctor brought two cups of hot tea and solid cocoa sticks that had just been brewed with hot water. This male doctor with short brown hair used to be Angus Mengsk's personal doctor and health consultant. Now he was appointed to take charge of Marshal Augustus Mengsk's daily diet and health care work.

It is worth mentioning that Lisa Kesidi, the Demon of Heaven, was once the most suitable candidate for this position, but she obviously failed.

“A sincere compliment is worth a million false flattery,” said Sarah Kerrigan.

"I am very popular among my people." Augustus said happily. "This is one of the best news I have heard in months."

"Everyone knows you," Easter said.

"Thank you," Lorraine said to the doctor as she took the hot drink.

"I know, whether it's a bad impression or a good impression, in short, they all know that there is probably someone like me in the universe." Augustus looked at the two siblings seriously for a while: "The enemy's attacks and slanders cannot defeat them. Defeating the revolutionary army will only make us stronger and stronger."

"Children, tell me what happened here?" he asked.

"Zerg." Easter paused, feeling extremely angry at this term that had only become widely known in the past year.

"They killed everyone in the town, killing everyone."

"Today's settlers lack weapons for self-defense. Not all edge planets are Mar Sara and Abaddon." Kerrigan said: "The federal army should have protected this place, but they failed to do so."

The Tyranid Federation once used its victory in the Guild War to eliminate many unstable factors, but people soon discovered that after the war, their lives did not become better than before.

On the contrary, the Guild War did not defeat the Terran Federation, but it defeated the people at the bottom who supported the entire federation. During the war against the Kaimorians, the nationalistic spirit of shared hatred allowed people to temporarily ignore the significant decline in living standards caused by the war.

The people of the Terran Federation are more tolerant of oppression and exploitation than the professional politicians and nobles in the Federation Parliament imagined, but that does not mean that they are hard-working donkeys who will never resist.

"My warriors have taken control of Helsain, and all the zerg that invaded here will be eliminated." Augustus said: "Humanity has not lost hope."

At this time, multiple APOD transport ships passed through the sky, some of which were modified heavy-duty carrier aircraft. The roar of the transport aircraft passing through low altitude was deafening. There are constantly high-speed Wraith fighter planes driving out of the clouds and heading into the distance. The sight of a large number of aircraft flying across the endless fields is extremely spectacular.

Ister has never seen such a scene since he was born. Halsain has always been a relatively peaceful colonial world. Because of its proximity to Tarsonis Prime, there are very few signs of piracy here.

"Where did they come from? Bronte, Sigma or Jotun?" Ister named several planets that have been frequently attacked by zerg recently.

By the second half of the year, the insect plague had spread to hundreds of colonial worlds, and even the important core worlds were under heavy siege. Not to mention defeating the Zerg and regaining the lost territory, whether the Tyranid Federation can hold on to the remaining world has become a questionable question.

"The DNA of the zerg here is exactly the same as that of the zerg that invaded Bronte. It is a branch of the Gamu swarm." Augustus said: "The zerg in each world are not exactly the same. They will change according to the Completely different characteristics have evolved depending on the world they live in and the enemies they face."

"They will also assimilate local creatures to fight for the insect swarm. The mastiff-like creatures that appeared in Helsain are mutated from dogs. They are smaller than springtails, but more ferocious."

"Until my warriors completely clear out the zerg in Helzen, it is still too dangerous. Get on the ship and they will take you to a settlement sixty miles away. There are thousands of like You also have to deal with people in this situation," he said.

"No, I want to stay." Easter said firmly: "I want to avenge my parents!"

"You don't understand anything, Easter, you are just causing trouble for them." Roland always thinks more than Easter: "If you go to the battlefield, they will at least send one more person to protect you. you."

"Then I will join the Revolutionary Army." Easter said.

"You are too young, child." Augustus put it more tactfully: "We cannot take you away."

Perhaps only Augustus would be willing to listen carefully to a child's speech, while an aristocratic general like Edmund Duke, who had become a general by virtue of his birth and qualifications, would only say that this little country bumpkin really didn't understand anything.

"Okay." Easter quickly accepted the news. He also knew that if he joined the army, the Revolutionary Army would really have to find the smallest pair of powered armor.

"When you grow up, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to go to the battlefield." Augustus watched as the physically and mentally exhausted siblings boarded the transport ship and looked at the deceleration propeller used by the transport ship to slow down and land in the atmosphere. Slowly put it away.

"At that time, the door of the revolutionary army will be open to you at any time." Augustus did not despise him because he was just a child.

Augustus waved his hand, and when the hatch of the transport ship slowly closed, the gentle expression on his face faded little by little, and in the end only cold determination remained.

"That boy has some kind of psychic talent, but it's not obvious. I think he might be level 4.5. Easter has the X factor, which is why he always has perfect shots." Kerrigan said: "He's a natural-born soldier, and most importantly, he follows your example."

"Just like our sniper Rick...what a good kid." Unsurprisingly, Augustus was once again convinced that his lifelong goal was to protect such people.

Augustus was not the only person in the universe who shouted for freedom and truth, but he was definitely the one who always practiced his ideals.

"Where are the men of Rundstein?" asked Augustus.

"In the New Boston area, there is a mountainous landscape that is rare in Heilsain, and it is covered with large areas of vineyard planting areas." Kerrigan was familiar with the reports submitted by various troops to the marshal's headquarters.

Augustus had a number of military advisors, senior staff officers, and lieutenants, but ultimately Kerrigan assumed all of these duties. As the most accomplished Ghost agent Tarsonis has ever seen, Kerrigan is a jack of all trades and a quick learner of new things she has never seen before.

The marshal's status and prestige in the revolutionary army have long been unparalleled, and he does not have to worry about losing power. Kerrigan obeyed every word of Augustus. She still loved Augustus as much as the sixteen-year-old girl she once was, so much so that she would hardly have any opinions or comments about Augustus. Objections are requested.

"Order him to move immediately in the direction of Sigis, where there is a Zerg secondary main hive that was severely damaged by protoss artillery fire. All tanks and fighters in the area will provide support. No matter what is encountered, give him the order Always the same – forward,” said Augustus.

Even though there was no battle map around him, Augustus was familiar with the landmarks on it.

"Have Duke's men captured Newco?" he asked Kerrigan again.

"They have entered the city, and the people there are lined up to welcome the arrival of the revolutionary army." Kerrigan replied.

As a former Federation Navy squadron, Alpha Squadron still retains its past livery, except that the Revolutionary Army emblem is added to the armor. In any case, the people of Heilsain don't actually care about these differences. The paints of various units of the federal army have a variety of colors.

"I hope that guy Duke will remember what I said... temper his bad temper. He must be patient with the civilians." Augustus said.

"Jackson Holler's Nova Squadron, together with the Templars of Tassadar, defeated a hive force in the Gilan region. Holler went to the front line in person, and was seen by the political commissar assigned to Nova Squadron on the battlefield. He released spiritual power far beyond that of ordinary people.”

Kerrigan continued: "According to reports, the protoss left after the battle. They rushed to the next extremely anxious battlefield without stopping."

"After the war is over, I want to commend all the soldiers who participated in the war for their bravery." Augustus said.

At this time, some kind of sharp and terrifying howl suddenly sounded around. The soldiers around Augustus stood side by side, looking around alertly.

"Pull your gun, load it, and prepare to fire!" Corporal Faraday, captain of the marshal's guard, immediately ordered.

Kerrigan glanced around: "Don't worry, that's just an injured Hydra Hydralisk."

"Find it." Augustus said: "Sufficient living samples may allow our scientists to find the reason why the zerg's claws are sharper than titanium alloy blades."

Corporal Faraday waved his hand, and several soldiers, led by a sergeant, walked in that direction. It didn't take long before they found a giant Hydra Hydralisk whose back had been blown off by an electromagnetic grenade.

Even if it suffered an unimaginable fatal injury, this Hydralisk was still alive, and according to the research of human scientists, even the most serious fatal injury Zerg could slowly heal through the body's self-repair function.

The zerg's resistance to multiple viruses and powerful tissue self-healing capabilities could also bring a leap forward in the medical development of humanity. Humanity is learning new technologies from their enemies, including the protoss.

The Hydra Hydralisk, which was still roaring, was immediately dragged onto a transport ship. Several engineers used laser saws to cut off the two pairs of forelimbs of the Hydralisk like crabs, and used a crane to drag it onto the transport ship. cargo hold.

After that, Augustus took a few more steps on the field ridge and looked in the direction where the Death Company left. He was waiting for further reports from Renault and others to decide where to go next.

It was noon at this moment, the sky was as clear as water, and the green wheat waves were like the ocean. Augustus had only seen such a scene in Agria before. Such a large-scale fertile plain was extremely suitable for mechanized farming, while rural areas like Korhal IV were located between mountains and forests, giving it a more lifelike atmosphere. .

It has to be said that looking out at the forest from the field ridge of Heilsain is an extremely spectacular scene. The surging wheat waves are like the ocean, extremely vast and vast. People standing in the endless fields seem to be drowned by the rolling waves, which makes people feel a suffocating shock.

Augustus couldn't help but think about how many colonies Halsain could provide food, and how many people this food could feed. The food produced in Agria, the territory of the Revolutionary Army, has increased steadily with the influx of Korhal immigrants, but it is still not comparable to Hainsain.

To Augustus's regret, he has not yet been able to wrest it from the hands of the Terran Confederation. Halsain is an extremely important planet in the planned counterattack against Federation worlds.

Seizing Helsain will definitely make the Tyranid Federation have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Reno just reported that he has captured Hailsham County, where there is a broadcast building that can broadcast to the entire planet." Kerrigan asked.

“He wants you to say something—preferably something that sounds impressive.”

"Did he really say that?" said Augustus.

"The site has been placed under the protection of the revolutionary army."

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