StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 351 Augustus, the Savior of the People

Hellsain, Dorian canton.

It was once a well-deserved benchmark for the modern construction project of Heilsein, with harmonious and comfortable buildings, beautiful wide roads, orderly streets, neatly manicured lawns, large green forests and mist fountains to absorb dust.

The administrative district of Dorian is world-famous for its countless leisure and entertainment facilities, including playgrounds, football fields, golf courses, Koprulu Squash Center and Asphalt Club, etc. It is also the universe of superstars. A must stop on tour.

Prosperous, advanced, well-equipped, and rich in life.

When he saw the scene of the Dorian borough in the past, Augustus almost thought it was another Stillling - the stacks of steel and glass buildings in the city center supporting sky-blue domes, intricate urban viaducts and The suspended train lines divide the entire city into countless different sections and patches.

The city sits on vast fields, like an island in a sea of ​​green. In the cool season of golden autumn, the whole world will be dyed a surprising golden color.

This place is somewhat similar to Korhal, a planet where modern metropolises and agriculture coexist harmoniously.

This was indeed the case before the Gamu swarm and Sutur swarm invaded here.

Augustus was riding an armored vehicle from the Rundstein Division Headquarters into the city along the urban and rural roads of the Dorian Administrative Region. There was also a marching Revolutionary Army airborne paratrooper unit on the road. They belonged to the Antiga Airborne Division. , commanded by a colonel who had served in the Heavenly Demon Platoon.

On both sides of the road are vigorously growing wheat fields. These short-stemmed varieties are specially bred to cope with the strong winds in the Dorian region and can withstand the wind, sun and pests. Not surprisingly, there will be another bumper harvest this year.

When Augustus looked at the fields through the car window, he could clearly see the huge gap in the green wheat waves. This was unnatural and extremely abrupt, and the bright purple flash of the fungus carpet in the sunlight was clearly visible.

Now, these overgrown creeps will slowly recede over time as nearby zerg hives and creep clusters are fully cleared. Of course, the quickest way is to burn them with flames.

Continuing forward, Augustus could see a cluster of inhabited colonial huts, most of which were smooth, semicircular buildings shaped like an eggshell. Solar panels are installed on the roof and are still movable and can be opened when the weather is nice.

But in the eyes of Augustus, these buildings had obviously been greatly damaged, and most of them had collapsed or only had their lonely frames left. The houses that were still standing were wrapped with dark purple sinews and pulsating blood vessels and veins, looking like rotten bad apples with wriggling maggots in them.

Two days ago, there used to be a bloody slaughterhouse. Alien alien creatures broke into human homes and disemboweled them. Human skin and spines were hanging upside down from the eaves, and everything was like a scene from a nightmare.

"Are there any survivors?" Augustus asked Kerrigan sitting next to him.

"A little girl escaped hiding in the basement, and our warriors finally snatched her back from the Zerg's mouth." Kerrigan said: "The remains of the deceased were difficult to distinguish, and even no bones were left. The tragedy is even more horrific than the worst traffic accident."

"People were cut open and eaten while still alive, others were dragged underground and watched as the queens in the hive implanted parasites that would break free once mature."

"What a human tragedy," said Augustus.

At this time, a group of people staggering along the roadside came into view. Some of them were wearing one-piece overalls, sunglasses and frilly sun hats, and were carrying tower-shaped buckets only used by local farmers.

The attire and tired look of these people told Augustus that they were refugees who were forced to flee their homes due to the invasion of the insect swarm. After the revolutionary army regained their lost land, the indigenous people were returning to their hometowns one after another.

They all know that their homeland is still dangerous, and any zerg that escapes the purge can kill a large group of people, but there is no other choice.

The invasion of the zerg came suddenly, and most people took nothing with them when they fled their hometowns. In the end, they had to risk their lives to return home to retrieve valuable things and daily necessities. Even so, many people work in vain because when they return home, they have nothing.

The small settlement that Augustus and Kerrigan spoke of was completely abandoned, as its inhabitants would never return.

"Stop, Faraday," Augustus said to Corporal Faraday, who was driving.

"What happened?" Faraday, wearing a revolutionary army gold star cap, turned to look at Augustus.

"You have seen the people who suffered this." Augustus looked at him and said: "Do I need any more reason to go down and say a few words to the people I swore to protect?"

"But... we don't know where these people come from, nor do we know whether their political leanings favor us or the Federation." Corporal Faraday explained to Augustus: "The most important thing is, we don't know whether they Carrying the zerg virus.”

"Don't worry." Kerrigan said to Faraday: "They are not gangsters with evil intentions. Even if they are, I can guarantee the safety of the marshal. Even if the enemy is an entire swarm of insects, I will still say this."

"You are so kind and considerate of the people. Only by being prepared for danger in times of peace can we nip it in the bud." Even so, Corporal Faraday stopped the car reluctantly. Since Augustus was not asking for his opinion on the matter, it was an order that had to be carried out.

The first person to open the car door was Kerrigan, who was wearing a ghost agent combat uniform. She got out of the car door with grace and flexibility, and at the same time shouldered the slender C-10 shotgun. Over the past few months, Kerrigan had learned from Tassadar and Zeratul about the protoss' ability to hone her combat skills, and even though she was just scratching the surface, she was clearly much sharper than she had been in the past.

Even those high-ranking protoss templars who have lived for centuries are amazed by Kerrigan's talent. They will compare Kerrigan to the amazingly agile big cats in the Aiur rainforest. An elegant animal that can turn around in mid-air and land safely.

Not to mention how moved they were, the locals walking on the roadside were obviously frightened. Walking side by side with a huge army is hardly a relaxing experience, but this is the only road that leads home.

"Madam, what crime have we committed?" A middle-aged man carrying a large woven bag said to Kerrigan after he stood up.

This is a family of five. The father is walking home with his wife and three children. They may have driven out in their cars, but now there is no gas station to fill up with gas. All oil storage facilities and high-energy gas springs are the key targets of the Zerg.

Just as crystal mines and high-energy gas are extremely precious natural resources for humans in this era, these are equally important to the zerg and protoss. Therefore, when fighting against each other, the most strategic commanders will prioritize attacking and destroying the enemy's resource collection facilities and transportation chains.

"I'm not asking for revenge," Kerrigan explained to them.

"Then" when the middle-aged man wanted to say something else, Augustus had already walked out of the car door and stood in front of him.

As soon as he saw Augustus, the man immediately became less nervous and scared. He was almost overjoyed and took out a crumpled propaganda poster from his pocket and carefully compared the Augustus in front of him with the one on the poster. that person.

Augustus glanced at the promotional poster and found that the characters there were not very similar to himself. Augustus on the poster has a beard and looks older than he currently is, which is consistent with the image he used when Mar Sara impersonated a federal police officer.

Only the cold gray eyes, always looking firmly forward, are the same as Augustus, and his image on the propaganda posters is not fixed.

This propaganda work was mainly done by the Sons of Korhal and OGB agents who had infiltrated the Terran Confederacy and tried their best to establish a positive image of Augustus among the people of the Terran Confederation. Augustus's brother Arcturus Mengsk knew the importance of political propaganda and public opinion offensive, and he spared no effort in supporting Augustus.

"It's him, that's right. Augustus Mengsk, the savior of the people!" The man pointed at Augustus and said, "I know you, my God, my eldest son is in the revolutionary army."

"I am Augustus." Augustus smiled gently at the man's words. He was startled when he heard the second half of the man's words, but he just looked at Kerrigan calmly, hoping that the other party could use his mind-reading ability to remind him.

Before this, the Revolutionary Army had never arrived in Hailsen, nor had they recruited soldiers in this world, but that did not mean that there must be no Hailsenites in the Revolutionary Army.

"You may not know him, ah, this is a normal thing. Even the marshal cannot remember the names of millions of people, not to mention Jones is just an engineer." The man said before Kerrigan spoke. explained to Augustus.

"He served as the first engineer on the Hegonefa." He said: "The kid also said in his letter last month that he joined the Panterra Revolutionary Party. Although we don't know what this is, we all sincerely I am delighted with every achievement he has achieved."

"No matter where he is, he is our pride."

"Hegonefa is one of the only three remaining Leviathan battlecruisers." Augustus recalled its name: "It was the battleship's engineering group that belonged to the Alpha Squadron. It was this heroic The engineering team repaired the wounds and activated the emergency evacuation device several times when the warship was on the verge of extinction, saving the meritorious warship that had been in service for many years."

"He never talked about this to us." The man and his wife looked at each other, feeling scared.

"When we heard that Alpha Squadron was defeated by the rebel army in Mar Sara, we all thought we were completely finished," the man said.

"But thankfully when Jones got back in touch with us, we all really appreciated your kindness," he said. "He said you were a great man, a truly good man."

"Jones Lars Lin was an engineer who originally belonged to Alpha Squadron. After Edmund Duke announced that he would join the Revolutionary Army, the engineers of Alpha Squadron were also incorporated into the new fleet." Kerrigan At this moment Augustus said quietly.

"We were in short supply of engineers at that time - not those who built planetary fortresses or bunkers, but fleet engineers who had the ability to maintain and modify battlecruisers. They should also have a long military service life, because a ship Battlecruisers must be operated by professional personnel to ensure combat capabilities," she said.

"Jones must have joined the Revolutionary Army at that time."

"The Hegonefa is also in the Heilsain system. As a fleet engineer, Jones is not in the combat sequence dispatched to the surface of Heilsain, but I think I can help you see your son." Augustus They all nodded after hearing Kerrigan's words. After thinking for a moment, they turned to their father who was looking at them eagerly, hoping to get more news about their eldest son.

"Thank you for your kindness, the great Marshal Augustus. It was you who saved Jones, and it was you who saved Halsain." The man said gratefully.

"Without the Revolutionary Army, Helsain would have been finished long ago. The Zerg will destroy the entire world, but we haven't even seen the shadow of the Federation fleet yet." The man said gratefully.

"They come a step late every time. Are you residents of the Dorian District?" Augustus asked the man: "How many people are planning to return here now."

"There are quite a few people. Probably thousands." The man replied to Augustus: "We all know that it is still dangerous here, but we have no choice."

"It took people here two generations to build Dorian, and it only took two days for the worms to destroy our home." He said, "But no matter what, this is us after all. A home is a shelter from wind and rain.”

"Well, don't worry, Dorian's revolutionary army will help you rebuild your home." Augustus looked at the man's wife and children and found that they all felt uneasy.

The man's wife is a typical Helsinian peasant woman. She is tall and has a high forehead. The children are all around seven or eight years old and have strong bodies under the care of their parents.

Even in Hailsen, raising so many children is no easy task.

"Rebuild him. Yes, we will rebuild him." The man said.

"Get in my car and go to Dorian." Augustus said to him at this time: "It will be faster."


"It has nothing to do with your son Jones, who I respect in awe. I was going to do this before getting out of the car." Augustus looked at Corporal Faraday who was hesitant to speak.

"I drive myself. Faraday, I hope my Vulture has a full tank of gas."

"God, please spare me." Corporal Faraday was about to cry without tears.

"If I hadn't been able to read minds," Kerrigan said after a pause.

"I almost thought you were just looking for a chance to race around the endless fields of Heilsein."

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