StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 359 True Dragon Knight

The rage of the Cerebrates exploded in the psychic link of the entire Char swarm, like a nuclear explosion. Billions of zerg in Char's hive huddled together, waving their claws manically as they rushed out of the caves, passages in the hive's organic buildings and towering spiers, quickly filling Char's body stained by the hot lava. Red ground and sky.

The swarm of insects sensed the enemy's invasion and smelled the threat in the hot wind.

"Protoss, Human Revolutionary Army, where are they?"

Tosh walked out of the main hive's exit, which was made of soft organic matter. A large number of screaming springtails and Hydra Hydralisks climbed up the inside of the insect tunnel and the spinous cavity and poured out from both sides of him. Even if the clumsy cerebrates still stay in the deepest part of the main nest, Tosh can hear their voices through the special psychic link between the cerebrates.

As far as the eye can see, the crimson plains, rift valleys and volcanic mountains of Char are occupied by densely packed zerg, and the sky is filled with countless screaming king worms, mutalisks, swarm guardians and swarm devourers. By.

The undulating sea of ​​​​insects stretches on the crimson horizon of Char. The chitinous carapace exudes a shining luster in the sun, and the moving swarms of insects are like undulating waves. In the past, the heat wave that was enough to burn a person no longer brought ashes and sharp gravel, but swarms of insects that blocked the sky and closed the sun.

"They disappeared as soon as they showed up." Sass's voice came into Tosh's mind. The voice of this brainworm was like using a sharp ax to plan wood.

"But the invaders must still be here, definitely. I can smell the scent on their bodies. It is sweet flesh and blood. My people will rejoice in the blood of their enemies."

"Only a small part of the enemies have reached the surface of Char, and more enemies stay in the orbit of Char." The brainworm of the Leviathan swarm said: "My group will destroy the enemy's fleet."

"For the Lord."

"Find the enemies on Char!" Sass said: "The new cerebrates will assist you, and their tribe is ready to attack."

"Stop giving orders to me, you are not qualified." Tosh responded to Sass's request unceremoniously, which made the latter feel angry and dissatisfied.

"If you ignore the warning of a cerebrate, you will pay the price." Thass warned Tosh: "You must be careful, otherwise the swarm will be destroyed because of you."

"I will go looking for those intruders, and I will not do it because of your orders." Tosh said, and found the youngest of the many brainworms in Char.

Except for the little-spoken newborn brainworm, the others are all older and highly prestigious individuals. Each of these powerful brainworms has a powerful tribe, but Tosh cannot control them for the time being. Only this immature brainworm obeys his instructions.

From a human perspective, Tosh can be regarded as a general who commands an army, but he is not yet a marshal. Tosh cannot command other cerebrates unless the Overmind orders them to do his bidding.

The Overlord is currently in El, which is extremely far away from Char. Even the Overlord's spiritual strength cannot monitor Char, who is so far away, and control every brainworm under it.

In communicating with other cerebrates, Tosh received advice from some of them, while others looked on with cold eyes. The swarm evolution master Abathur and infection expert Carlos he had met before had disappeared without a trace.

The Overmind, the creator of the cerebrates and all zerg, and Dagoth, the eldest and most powerful cerebrate under it, are not in Char. Even Sass cannot command all the cerebrates. Cerebrates are loyal to the Overmind, not to any other zerg.

"Brain worm." Tosh noticed the feeling of respect in the young brain worm. A newborn brain worm without a name did not dare to disobey a powerful brain worm with a name.

All Cerebrates knew that Tosh was favored by the Overlord—even when he was still a human.

"I need you to send a hive army to follow me," Tosh said to the young cerebrate.

"I'm happy to oblige." The brainworm gladly accepted Tosh's order and waited patiently for the other party's next order.

Some zerg with bright purple carapace broke away from the moving swarm. They were similar in color to the Jörmungandr swarm, but the purple on the carapace was much lighter.


When Tosh was silent, the Cerebrate conveyed a doubtful thought, as if the new Lord of the Swarm had not yet made up his mind about what to do. He just stared at the spreading swarm of insects and the undulating terrain of Char, and was still thinking about how to find the enemies who had sneaked into Char.

Before he was transformed into those appearances, Tosh was just a teenage boy in the Haiji slum. His understanding of everything was limited to the poverty and chaos of the slum, his small family, his grandmother's teachings and voodoo. of faith.

Even though Tosh's natural psychic powers prematurely matured his mind like that of a young man, giving him what his grandmother would call a charisma, his combat experience was limited to ghetto fights and gangs. Infighting between the two.

Tosh knelt on one knee on the sun-heated ground and grabbed a handful of hot ashes from above.

"Why are they here?" Tosh stroked the doll on his chest.

"If it's not because the enemy is too stupid, then it's because he has other motives."

"Grandma said that what is destined is called destiny." Tosh said: "Sometimes, a hunter chasing a Heggi wolf will cut his own arm to make the prey think he has an opportunity."

"Where are those cunning little mice?" His yellow eyes were filled with golden luster, and the cold cruelty brought about by the transformation of the zerg was affecting him. A thing called humanity is far removed from who Tosh is now. He is no longer the person he used to be.

"I will nail the tails of these rats to the ground with my paws, then peel off their skins and offer them to the Lord and Manan."

"As long as the intruders stay here, I will find them." As Tosh murmured to himself, a springtail suddenly crawled to his feet and nudged him with the horns on its head. calf.

Tosh touched the head of this little monster and actually thought it was a little cute, just like those little stray dogs in the slums that would bark for some "rat meat" rations.

But the springtail probably walked away, not trying to please Tosh but simply bumping into him by accident. This springtail is no different from its almost identical cousins ​​in the swarm, with not many independent thoughts in its hormone-fuelled brain.

The swarm is composed of a large number of low-level members who only obey the orders of the cerebrates and the Overmind. They have no independent thoughts, because these zerg are created to obey the orders of the higher zerg unconditionally.

With the exception of Overminds and Cerebrates, a Zerg with independent abilities is quite rare. Thousands of members will fight for Tosh's orders without hesitation.

When Tosh attempted to establish a telepathic link with the zerg, he almost immediately took control of them, making the horrific zerg move forward or backward with just a thought, and gaining access to their visual and auditory perceptions.

"My swarm, take action to find and destroy those invaders." Tosh couldn't wait to take over the control of these zerg from the hands of the new brain worms, and ordered them to search for possible intruders.

The entire zerg of Char were searching for intruders, and Tosh had no unique means of forcing the enemy to reveal themselves. They may be hiding in a deserted crater, or they may have left Char long ago, playing tricks on the Cerebrates.

But once a group of Cerebrates discovers an intruder, Tosh will rush there immediately and tear the enemy to pieces with his own hands.

Tosh looked to the sky and summoned a roaring alien dragon from above. This dragon-like creature landed next to Tosh with a roar, and showed its back with sharp thorns to Tosh in a humble and docile manner.

This alien dragon is a huge creature with dark yellow skin. Its size is many times that of an ordinary alien dragon, and its wingspan can almost cover the sky. This is an elite individual from the mutant dragon tribe, the Kukulkan mutant, the most powerful and deadly individual in a mutant dragon spire.

Then, after a brief, sobering thought, Tosh took two steps forward, climbed up the sharp back of the allosaur, and then sat down on its bulging neck.

If it were an ordinary person, these sharp, dagger-like spikes would be enough to pierce his buttocks, but Tosh was unusual. His buttocks were covered with a layer of steel that was much harder than a human's fine steel guard. The chitin carapace can completely ignore the spikes on the Allosaurus' back.

Although no zerg had ever attempted to do that before, with his own whimsy, Tosh actually rode on the back of a mutalisaurus and soared into the air with the dragon flapping its wings.

This is a huge alien dragon with bifurcated membrane wings. It takes off on the rising heat current, casting a huge shadow on the rolling ash layer.

"What are you doing? A Cerebrate should stay in the nest and be protected by the strongest pack member, otherwise the protoss assassins will kill you. This is a lesson learned in the battle with the protoss." The brainworm Sass also heard Tosh's spiritual language that spread throughout Char, and couldn't help but roared in Tosh's mind with fear and anger.

"I'm not one of your useless fat worms." Tosh said sarcastically to Sass, "I can strangle you to death."

"This is why the Lord created me. I am smarter and more powerful than you. I am not a weak child or an insect with no ability to protect myself."

When Tosh was about to continue speaking, a bone-chilling cold stung his chest. A bright green psychic blade with some smoke emitting from the surface came from the void and pierced Tosh's heart.

With the agility and speed brought by his body transformation, Tosh escaped this fatal blow, but the cold psychic blade immediately penetrated the alien dragon he was riding on, causing the abominable aerial monster to There was a sharp neigh.

The alien dragon suddenly rose up, but did not dare to drop Tosh on its back together with the enemy.

A man wearing a long dark purple veil is now in front of Tosh. He stands firmly on the back of the mutalisaurus and assumes an aggressive posture.

"Master of the Dark Templar." The knowledge gained during the transformation told Tosh that he was facing a Protoss warrior who was extremely threatening to the Cerebrates.


This name impressed the swarm, because this dark leader had killed two cerebrates, and his reputation made the cerebrates fearful.

"I am Zeratul, High Priest of the Dark Templars."

"Gabriel Tosh, you were once a selfless and noble creature, but the darkness of the swarm has deeply twisted your heart." Zeratul's torch-like eyes looked directly at Di Tosh as the alien dragon flew. The bumps and howling winds could not shake him.

"I couldn't prevent it, but maybe it was part of the prophecy."

"You are part of the climax, the ups and downs of the music, and everything you experience is destined. The ancient faith has ended, and the new spirit and body will surely be reorganized." He said.

"You will show your way, and your destiny is tied to reincarnation."

"Destiny?" Tosh may have been close to Zeratul, and his grandmother often talked about fate, faith, and reincarnation in the past.

Tosh was born a powerful psychic. He understands everyone's thoughts, but he still has doubts about the fate that his grandmother said.

"Destiny." Zeratul said hoarsely. At the end of this sentence, he stabbed a fatal blow at the neck of the mutant dragon at his feet at lightning speed. The cold psychic blade almost gouged out the head. Monster veins.

This blow completely killed the aerial giant, causing it to plummet to the ground, and Zeratul retreated with one blow, disappearing without a trace in a cloud of darkness that swept away with the wind.

The alien dragon that fell from a high altitude fell straight into a layer of gray-white ashes, sending up smoke that filled the sky. Even if it fell from the air, this monster covered with a hard carapace would not fall to pieces, but it would soon be dissolved by the blood that turned into strong acid after his death.

Tosh seemed completely uninjured by his fall from hundreds of feet in the air. He stood up from the body of the mutilating dragon angrily and roared: "Cowardless bastard! Zeratul, you are just Will you use these despicable and dirty methods?"

The place where the alien dragon fell was in the sea of ​​​​worms. Thousands of insects around it immediately surrounded it, and countless yellow eyes stared at Zeratul in the center.

"You are right." Zeratul appeared again in the shadows. He unfolded the green psychic blade and launched an elegant stance towards Tosh.

"There should be a fight between us."

"Very good. According to Haiji's rules, only the winner deserves to live." Tosh accepted the challenge. He was full of confidence in his new transformed body.

He scolded away the surrounding Zerg that wanted to attack: "This is a one-on-one fight."

Zeratul didn't respond. He just looked left and right, as if shaking his head slightly.

A senior templar wearing blue and gold armor emerged from the shadows, silently igniting his blue and green psychic blade, pointing directly at Tosh. In his hands, one is the fiery High Templar Blade, and the other is the cold Dark Templar Master Blade.

The next person who appeared was a red-haired ghost agent Sarah Kerrigan wearing a blue and white ghost combat uniform. When she emerged from the invisibility posture, she shook her fiery red ponytail, Nunu's sexy red lips, He held his A-10 rifle levelly and pointed it at Tosh.

"I don't know why. Augustus told me I should thank you properly." She winked.

"Thank you."

"I'm going to send you a nuclear blast for this."

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