StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 38 Resocializing Soldiers

At midnight the next day, Augustus and a group of soldiers climbed up from the sheets and blankets spread on the ground and gathered at a designated location in the town of Valinor.

The gathering place for the Fifth Battalion is an open area in the center of the town, which was once used as a market by the locals. The first class of Augustus was arranged in three columns and four rows, standing in the middle of the second class and the third class in the third row.

The searchlights in front of the breastplates of all the marines have been turned on, and the whole of Valinor is being shrouded in bright light. There was only one company of Warfield in this wide area, and the other large open spaces were still empty.

Half an hour later, a Marine Corps marched into the open space with neat steps and formation, as if they were participating in a military parade, stopped opposite Augustus and stood facing him.

Those Marines also belonged to the 33rd Ground Assault Division. The power armor was painted in the iconic silver gray, but there were no badges or numbers on the armor to indicate which unit they belonged to.

This sudden appearance of the troops was equivalent to a battalion. From the moment they entered the field to the moment they stood in formation, there was only the sound of power boots on the muddy ground, showing an astonishing degree of discipline.

At first, no one in Augustus’ army thought anything was wrong with this army. It was not until 0:45 in the morning that a commander walked up to these soldiers and shouted his name and rank, asking the soldiers to They took the oath before the war.

As soon as the last word of the order was spoken, all the soldiers stood at attention and put down the Gauss rifles on their shoulders, lowered their helmets and began to take the oath. Their movements were uniform and surprisingly consistent, as if they were one unit.

"We hereby swear that we have the responsibility to protect the planets and colonies of the Terran Federation and regard it as our inherent mission. We will fight against all enemies of the Federation, whether they come from within or from outside."

"We obey all orders from our commanders as if we obey God's arrangements. We are Marines, and we are forever loyal. We will send all enemies of the Terran Federation to hell until it is filled with wailing souls."

"We will all die, but this is our pursuit. Our sacrifice is for the eternal survival of the Terran Federation."

After the oath was completed, all the soldiers closed their helmets at the same time and put their rifles back on their shoulders. There was no verbal communication between them from beginning to end.

"What a bunch of pathetic people." A platoon leader suddenly said in the channel of commanders above the first company level.

"Resocialized soldiers?" said the second platoon leader: "So I remembered, I have heard of them. These people were deserters, political prisoners, murderers or other social dregs before."

"These people don't look like criminals. They're more obedient than a bunch of chickens." The fourth platoon commander had a loud voice.

"Resocial transformation." The third platoon leader Reagan seemed to know better: "In layman's terms, it is what you call brainwashing. There are many ways, such as stuffing criminals into a container filled with chemicals, or directly They cut open the brain, remove some unnecessary parts of the lobe, and then add some extra memories to you."

"Then these resocialized soldiers will become zombies who are absolutely obedient to federal orders. Even if the officers ask these people to jump into the lava lake and take a bath, they will not hesitate at all."

"Oh God, this is a crime against humanity." one squad leader exclaimed.

Although Augustus did not speak, he had been listening carefully.

Since entering boot camp, Augustus has gradually learned some information about resocialized soldiers. The Fourth Brigade has the smallest proportion of reintegrated soldiers among the 33rd Ground Assault Division, so its officers are not very familiar with this matter.

In other units, such as the 1st and 2nd brigades, the proportion of reintegrated soldiers has reached one-fifth of the total number of soldiers. These soldiers are either organized into independent units or scattered into various squads.

In order to win this war, the Federation had already sent brainwashed soldiers into the battlefield at this time, and was systematically preparing to replace ordinary, independent-minded soldiers with resocialized soldiers.

These resocialized soldiers are fearless and fearless. The will and skill to fight are engraved into their bodies like instinct, and it only takes one operation to transform an ordinary person into a killing machine for the federal government.

However, these resocialized soldiers also have a fatal flaw, that is, this transformation actually damages their brains.

While they were deprived of their independent personality, they also lost their ability to think and judge independently. Only when orders were given directly by officers who had not been socialized would they know what they were going to do.

In general, apart from this flaw, resocialized soldiers are absolutely perfect warriors, able to carry out all orders from their commanders to the maximum extent possible, and never make mistakes, never fear, and never retreat.

Augustus also knew that after the Battle of Kailian, the proportion of these resocialized soldiers would continue to increase. By the time of the first all-out war between humans and alien races, most of the soldiers in the federal army would be underwent this transformation.

At one o'clock in the morning, Warfield's company set off on time, marching towards the eastern city of Pork Pride in the silent night, accompanied by four brother companies and two battalions of resocialized soldiers.

On Augustus's HUD display screen, that city area was named Dunlin District. Before the fall of Dunlin, it once had the largest maglev car and IAA holographic projector assembly factories on Turasis II. These factories were previously owned by the Terra family, the founding family of Tarsonis.

According to the offensive plan, Warfield's 1st Company would be one of the first units in the center to advance towards the city, with two other units attacking from the left and right. Before setting off, the Marines followed the order and turned off the searchlight on the chest armor and switched the mask display to night vision and thermal imaging modes.

When they were approaching the city of Bok's Pride, only 2 miles away from the outermost building, two arc light tanks and a team of twelve Goliath armed robots joined Warfield's troops. One of the arc tanks was right in front of the Augustus class, and two huge Goliath robots were walking heavily on the right.

Because there are two moons in Turasis II's sky at all times, the planet's nights are not very dark when the weather is clear. But on this night, the sky over Bok's Pride was covered with dark clouds. With all the federal troops extinguishing their light sources, this army was advancing in a darkness that was so blinding that they couldn't even see their fingers.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, when Augustus was able to see the Goddess Lighthouse, the iconic building in Dunlin City, the Pride of Pork, with his naked eyes instead of the focusing camera on his helmet, the Camorian garrison in the city fired the first illumination bomb. .

Since the Kemorians' space stations and satellites in synchronous orbit have been destroyed by the Federation fleet, even if the Kemorians know that a large number of federal troops are approaching from the rear, they cannot determine the specific time of their attack.

But these Kemorians had obviously been up all night. When dozens of illumination bombs lit up the sky, the dense fire from mortars and electromagnetic gun positions had already covered the first resocialization platoon to rush up.

Thanks to agents Ge De and Rong Rong for the reward.

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