StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 376 The Supreme Council is furious

Augustus and Protoss Empire executive Artanis stood side by side, their very different faces illuminated by the blue light emitted by the anima crystal array. The Xel'Naga temple beneath their feet was shaking, and the reservoir used to bathe the dead sparkled under the light of the white moon, glowing with silver light.

The vibration did not come from the Xel'Naga Temple itself, but from a protoss mothership rising from the primitive rainforest below.

At the beginning, a splendid city rose from the separated rainforest, its empty and majestic vaults, arches and domes shining with blue light forming a majestic outline. Augustus even saw the amazing coordination of metal arcades, prototype platforms and independent spiers with harmonious curves, countless round portholes, Kedarin crystals that emit linear blue light, and purifying beam heat guns. and beauty.

When the Protoss Empire built this unprecedented giant ship, it was as if they were building a flying city and palace. Its diameter is about three kilometers, equivalent to four to five new human Behemoth-class battlecruisers.

The mothership can activate the purification beam main cannon to incinerate the planet, or it can activate the all-devouring galactic vortex, and activate the time and space distortion that can stop bullets in the air and fall to the ground due to loss of kinetic energy.

"This mothership has been dormant here for more than ten centuries. At that time, it was the golden age of the expansion of the Protoss Empire. Countless warriors who upheld the will of Kara and the teachings of Dawu rode it to conquer the galaxy." Artanis told Augustus introduces this super huge ship.

"She was a symbol of that era. So many masters of Kalai phase technicians came one after another and worked hard, just so that the glory of the empire could illuminate the darkest end of the universe."

"It's shocking." Augustus said bluntly: "But now you just let her gather dust in the ground."

"The mothership once sheltered many planets and guided the fleet in the direction of navigation." Artanis watched the magnificent ship that almost occupied the entire field of vision rising slowly from the ground, and felt witnessing in Kara The protoss were filled with trembling joy at all this.

"Each mothership is equivalent to the beacon of the fleet. Each mothership is the flagship of a huge fleet. It once led the imperial flagship to penetrate into the universe and open up a new home." He said.

"However, as the empire no longer continues to expand outwards like in the golden age, all ambitions have retreated to the former territory, and the protoss no longer want to leave their homeland and go to unknown directions. Even the Supreme Council has begun to change You have to be conservative, and by then all the warships and weapons built for exploration and warfare will be gradually forgotten and mothballed, because the Empire no longer needs them."

"It's come to this moment, and the Supreme Council hasn't thought about launching these battleships yet?" Augustus asked Artanis.

"The Arbiters are still hesitating." Artanis stared at the protoss mothership being activated, and felt inspired by its majestic momentum: "By the time they ordered the restart of these warships, it was already too late."

"Almost all motherships are staying on other planets and marginal territories of the Protoss Empire, because they were all once members of the colonial fleet." Artanis said: "The Supreme Council has decided to recall those fleets and summon reinforcements from other colonies. , I don’t know how many branches of the great fleet are returning to Aiur at all costs."

"What do you mean, there are many more battleships like this in the Protoss Empire?" The Protoss Mothership is the largest battleship Augustus has ever seen. It is even bigger than the magnificent Xel'Naga Temple at his feet. Much bigger.

The overflowing pure blue beams from the mothership lit up the night sky of the Antioch province, and the spiritual atmosphere released by the bridge and the crystal harmonic array made all the protoss buildings that had lost their energy supply due to the collapse of the crystal towers brighten up again.

When the mothership climbed hundreds of feet into the air, until it was level with Augustus and Artanis' eyes, they seemed to be able to see the rounded arcs and polygonal structures through the psychic shield surrounding the mothership. . An almost luxurious staircase leads to a pavilion suspended in the air. A large number of Templars and Kalai fleet engineers are striding on the wide deck and the three cantilevers suspended around the wings.

This extraordinary battleship is comparable to a giant human space station. Its unparalleled gravity is enough to crush her, but she still flies as steadily as an elegant city suspended in the sky, even with a light attitude. This is all human. Problems that cannot be overcome by materials science and structural science.

The majestic Protoss Mothership hovers over the Xel'Naga Temple with an almost sacred attitude. Its hull designed according to perfect proportions slowly rotates at a constant speed, spreading pure blue light to the rainforest and mystery below. city ​​of.

The deep golden domes and corridors slope downward, and the light flowing down from the heights is like a blue waterfall. The mothership floated quietly in the air with a light weight, and Augustus had no doubt about the earth-shattering power it would unleash when launching an attack.

"The other motherships on Aire that lay dormant in the center of the city for posterity either fell silent with the destruction of the city, or have long since been dismantled for research and peaceful purposes. The remaining motherships have been stripped of their heavy Armor and strong shields, anchored in the core of the city, integrated with the architecture of the fused golden buildings," Artanis answered.

"This is the only one we can launch now." He said: "I don't know if the Supreme Council has such a plan, but as far as I know, none of the motherships on Ayr are ready to launch operations in Ayr. Preparation for a war.”

"Can only those motherships that stay on the edges of the Protoss Empire's territory and colonies still maintain combat effectiveness?" Augustus was not surprised by this answer. As long as the Protoss summons a few more motherships, Al really may not be able to Fall.

"What about the Colossus?" He mentioned the war weapons he and Tassadar discovered in the Luria system: "I heard that this terrible protoss war still slumbers in the quiet lakes and ancient ruins of Aiur. arms."

".I have ordered people to wake them up, hoping that they can still start normally." Artanis wanted to ask Augustus where he got such news. He seemed to be more familiar with it than the protoss. Al.

"You are right Augustus. In the face of the crisis of genocide, no one will stop us based on whether this violates the teachings of Kara and Dawu." Artanis said this: "With the help of this mothership, We will definitely be able to repel the zerg!"

"Young Artanis, it's too early for you to say that." The figure of Dark Templar Zeratul suddenly appeared between Augustus and Artanis.

"Zeratu!" Augustus was not surprised by Zeratul's sudden appearance. After all, the Dark Templar warriors had long been accustomed to the dragon's way of action.

It has to be said that Augustus even suspected that Zeratul would even feel a little humor in his prankish appearance - no matter what, this respected elder always enjoyed it.

"You're finally here," he said.

Zeratul's Dark Templar were supposed to land on the other side of Aiur, where the Zerg first landed. They planned to attack the Overmind to force the Swarm to slow down their attack on Aiur.

"Dark Master Zeratul, I have long heard about your feats in Char from my teacher. You have killed many times more cerebrates than the Templars." Artanis was obviously shocked by Zeratul's sudden appearance. Startled by his appearance, the young executive was reluctant to admit that he would most likely be defeated by Zeratul's Master Blade if this man was here to assassinate him.

Even as his body showed signs of aging, Zeratul remained the most fearsome Dark Templar master to date, and one of the few warriors who could contend with Tassadar before he mastered the power of the Twilight.

Fortunately, Zeratul is a friend rather than an enemy.

However, Artanis may have forgotten that the number of brainworms killed by the Templar was zero, and zero could not be used as a divisor.

"I can kill the Cerebrates only because the power we have is just enough to restrain them." Zeratul was even more surprised by Artanis's name for Tassadar. It sounded like Artanis was treating Tassadar as his own. Be a teacher of learning.

Tassadar has always hoped that his idea of ​​uniting the Aiur protoss and the Thagulath protoss can be inherited by the new successor. This implies another meaning, that is, he believes that he will die in battle with Aiur.

"Augustus, my Dark Templar brothers have encountered unexpected obstacles." Zeratul continued: "At our landing point, not only were the zerg attacking the Dark Templar, but even The Templars are also mercilessly intent on slaughtering us."

"No one believes that we are here to save Al, they just think that we are a harbinger of death and disaster." He said sadly: "Like those crows that bring messages of death."

"But that's not the Crow's fault," said Augustus.

"Just because of the difference in skin color, the Templars can kill?" Artanis was angry at the experience of the Dark Templars.

"We tried to attack the location of the Overlord, but encountered obstacles. The Lord's servants discovered us and rushed towards the Dark Templar camp one after another." Zeratul continued: "I had to order my brothers and sisters They retreat."

"In Aiur, while traveling through our homeland, I discovered an underground temple to the Xel'Naga."

"What is that?" Augustus had long been accustomed to Zeratul's half-talking, half-hiding way of speaking, and Zeratul himself was not aware of this problem.

"That is the legacy of the gods." Zeratul seemed very excited: "When the ancestors of the Nerazim Stars were persecuted by the Supreme Council, Adun hid them in such an underground chamber. The matriarch Ra It was in this way that Shagar escaped the initial massacre."

"Perhaps we can use these temples to establish a base to accommodate refugees." Augustus said after thinking for a moment.

"Anyway, thank the gods for letting you return to us." Artanis said: "We urgently need to use a battle to prove to the Supreme Council that the power of the Dark Templar can indeed kill the Cerebrates of."

"No matter how our former tribesmen view us, the Dark Templar will definitely shed every last drop of their blood for Aiur," Zeratul said.

"Augustus, new military intelligence report comes from Alpha Squadron." Kerrigan walked towards Augustus with almost silent steps at this time: "General Duke and Phoenix's troops have worked together to capture Executor's fortress on the border between the province of Antioch and Koshaco."

"I understand." Augustus nodded: "Duke finally did not say that this battle was entirely attributed to him, and the only use of the Protoss is to applaud."

"That old guy still has a point of shame." Kerrigan shrugged: "But no matter what, if you order Duke to advance or retreat, he will definitely be able to execute it very well, because he doesn't distinguish between left and right."

"Where are the troops of the Conclave?" Augustus asked Kerrigan.

"Reconnaissance forces reported that they have arrived near the Executor's Fortress. The nearest Protoss Empire Zealot Legion is forty miles west of the Executor's Fortress." Kerrigan said: "Both sides are currently exercising restraint as much as possible. , the military advisers at the command believe that a negotiation is about to begin."

"What we have to do now is to promote the power of the coalition forces to the Supreme Council and let them take action before launching an attack on us." Augustus said.

"The Arbiters are not military strategists, but at least they will not ignore the comparison in military strength, especially when the enemy commander is Tassadar, the most strategically far-sighted person in the Protoss Empire." Artanis has always been a Tassadar. Damn, he also unintentionally pointed out that although the Supreme Council is stupid, it is not blind.

"With this mothership, we can immediately go to the Executor's Fortress through El's warp network." He then looked at Augustus, seeking his opinion.

"Well, if you can't convince the Supreme Council to let them join us in fighting against the enemy, then we can only use another way to convince them." Augustus nodded.

Following Artanis's order, a blue beam of light was projected from the mind crystal below the mothership, shining on Augustus. In an instant, everyone was jumped across the wide hull of the mothership. on the bridge. Through the transparent crystal glass on the bridge, Augustus could see the vast virgin rainforest connecting to the horizon.

Numerous protoss navigators and technicians were manipulating the jewel-encrusted console on the bridge, their four slender and slender fingers as if playing a piano. The vine-like winding column structure supports the energy-shaped dome, and golden-blue valves surround this otherworldly super battleship.

The mothership was slowly traveling overhead, recharging energy for the jump.

When they arrived at the sky above the Executive Fortress, the fortified city was shrouded in the smoke of war. The Alpha Squadron of the Revolutionary Army, wearing white power armor and wearing red eagle badges, methodically drove into the city through the broken walls, in large numbers. Protoss and human fighter planes patrolled the sky.

At some point, Phoenix and Tassadar were also jumped onto the ship and came to the bridge of the mothership.

It took them more than ten minutes to contact the parliament hall of the Supreme Council through the mothership's communication device. The arbitrator who appeared on the communication projection screen was no longer the Aldaris they had seen before, but a younger one. , an arbiter wearing a purple robe.

"I witnessed with my own eyes that you activated the mothership and the colossus. This is a blasphemy against the teachings of the Heroic Spirit and Dawu!" The arbiter said angrily. Tassadar and Artanis' actions to activate the mothership were undoubtedly under the influence of the heroes. Dancing on graves.

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