StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 386 Breaking through the Midlin Peaks

The 4th Infantry Division of the Revolutionary Army entered the battle at the foot of Zhonglin Mountain in the Midlin Mountains at 4 o'clock in the morning on January 17, 2493. About 25,000 Revolutionary Army soldiers, tanks and tanks crossed the border of Antioch Province and fought with the Rangers. The 137th Airborne Brigade completed the encirclement of the Jormungandr ethnic group on the east bank of the upper reaches of the Midlin River.

This was a large-scale epic battle. Even though the 4th Infantry Division was mostly veterans who had followed Augustus for many years and were well-equipped and high-spirited, they could not help but fall into a hard battle.

The Air Force's Grizzly bombers continued to bomb the high ground at the foot of the mountain, forcing the Zerg in the area to assemble on the river bank to avoid the shells. Such dense fire coverage is enough to scare any enemy of the Revolutionary Army, but not the Zerg.

The firepower of the protoss is much more terrifying than that of humans. Whether it is the giant statues walking on the ground or the main guns of the battleships that can level mountains, they can't make the zerg tremble. The swarm will only fear the authority of the Overlord and Cerebrates, and any other enemy will only inspire the bloody nature deep in its genes.

By the early morning of January 19, the main force of the 4th Infantry Division was still advancing, approaching the only pass in the Midling Mountains.

The morning light of the 19th passed through the steep chasm and fell on the charred land below that was littered with corpses. Shocking corpses and chariots could be seen everywhere on the land that had become barren and desolate due to the erosion of the zerg blanket. of the wreckage.

A red sun rose from the summit of the main peak of the Middling Mountains, dispelling the chill of death. As the red sun gradually rises, the shadows under the mountains continue to recede. More sunlight falls on the ravaged land, but those eyes that are wide-eyed and closed can no longer see what they are now. This scene.

In the dead and empty land, only a few sporadic gunshots still sounded, and automatic cannons and explosions had not sounded for several hours.

Colonel Ilya Kurovsky of the 4th Infantry Division walked through a section of trenches excavated by space engineering vehicles and cement-cast bunker fortifications, heading towards a bunker cluster on higher ground.

Along the way, Kurovsky and the few soldiers who followed him stopped from time to time, stopping next to the Revolutionary soldiers who fell on the ground, trying to escape from their injuries from the ten-inch Hydra Hydralisk spine needles. Under the riddled power armor and helmets, some signs that the soldiers were still alive were found.

But that always brings only deep disappointment and heartache.

Most of the corpses were incomplete. Many warriors had their entire hands or feet torn off by strange-looking insects, or chopped into pieces by sharp chitin bone blades. They were extremely bloody and even disgusting. .

Colonel Kurovsky walked past a still bleeding corpse of a springtail, and suddenly took out a blaster pistol and fired at the rising monster. This shot was accurate and fatal, with only one shot. Just knocked off half of the Springtail's head.

The springtail, which had lost its entire cervical spine, struggled and fell to the ground. Scarlet blood continued to flow down the neck covered with hard chitin armor. The blaster pistol is an upgraded version of mankind's current electromagnetic pistol. Its power is worthy of the amazing caliber, enough to blow a person's head off with one shot.

In contrast, the P-series electromagnetic pistols are unable to deal with Hydralisks or even larger King Insects.

Stepping over the lifeless bodies of two more Hydra Hydralisks, Kurovsky came to a soldier lying on his back. There was almost no damage to this soldier's power armor, except for a black hole in the dark orange matte mask.

There is also an eye-catching symbol on the right chest of the soldier's power armor. It is a giant white tree, which is the symbol of Stirring, the former capital city of Korhal IV. People there believe that this city was built on the white tree. superior.

He knelt down on one knee in front of it, and after turning on the locking function of its power armor servo system, he silently made a mourning gesture with a strong religious meaning.

On the side, several Revolutionary Army soldiers wearing gold and red armor were using bayonets hanging from Gauss rifles to stab the hearts of the Zerg corpses on the ground.

To the north of this trench is a wasteland backed by the Midlin peaks. The wasteland is empty and filled with huge craters dozens of feet in diameter and piles of Zerg corpses, including many large human and protoss combat aircraft. The remains of A.

The strong wind blowing from the direction of the Midelin peaks in the early morning was mixed with the stench of burnt protein, and the unpleasant smell hit my face.

The war under the Midrin Peaks is coming to an end, and all the zerg in the area have been annihilated by the combined forces of humans and protoss.

The Arclight tanks and Sidewinder suspension tanks of the 1st Armored Division and the 7th to 8th Infantry Divisions stormed the Zerg lair on the north coast. They followed Phoenix's Zealot Legion to crush the Zerg swarm's attack and advance the front line to meters. At the foot of the southern foot of the Delin Peaks.

Compared to humans, the protoss mobilized much larger armies, and those high-level templar warriors who were considered extremely rare rushed to the front lines one after another. In the past, when humans saw hundreds of protoss warriors, they would think that they were an army that should not be underestimated. But on the Midlin battlefield, excluding those astonishingly powerful mechas and gorgeous fighter planes, the number of Light Templars exceeded one million.

Including other troops, the number of human soldiers engaged in the front-line battle in Midlin exceeded 200,000. As for the Protoss, this made the Revolutionary Army almost convinced that almost all the Protoss warriors in El were here.

By this time, the situation on the Midlin battlefield had become clear. Originally, the number of zerg here exceeded 20 million or more, but now only sporadic groups were left wandering on the gray battlefield.

The coalition forces are currently launching their final attack on the Zhonglin Pass in the Midlin Peaks, which is the exit of this natural chasm. But even if we win there, it will only be the prelude to a bigger and more cruel war.

Passing through the peaks of Midlin, the coalition forces will face the Overlord and its most bloodthirsty and brutal servants in the final decisive battle.

"Colonel, the Protoss is attacking again." A soldier came over and said.

"Maybe they never stopped." Kurofsky opened his mask and nodded. The oxygen content in Ayr's air is a little too high for humans, but it's not so high that it's impossible to breathe.

Under the influence of Aiur's hot climate and oxygen content in the air, the planet is rich in species of giant insects. But now, those colorful and beautiful creatures have become part of the swarm. Perhaps because of this, the zerg that invaded Aiur have also undergone some changes in appearance. They are no longer more like a skeletal monster like in the past. Alien monster.

Colonel Kurovsky took off a nameplate from the dead soldier. He was thinking about this question: How old was he and how many people were waiting for him to go home?

Morocco Meli West.

From Korhal.

Engraved on the back of the nameplate is this passage: A government should not treat its people like that. The people will fight out of due obligation, loyalty or patriotism, but they will never be forced by the whipping and driving of slave owners.

The revolutionary army wants to bring more peace to mankind instead of war. Warriors, we will lead the people of Koprulu to the light.

The soldier himself wrote this on a scrap of paper and attached it to the back of the nameplate, and many others did the same thing as he did to remind themselves why they were fighting. There are many such people in the revolutionary army. Their spirit is noble and valuable, and they serve a greater ideal rather than an individual.

"Take him away." Kurovsky put the nameplate back on the soldier: "As long as we still have breath, he should never be buried here."

The first ten divisions of the Army's combat sequence were all formed on Korhal IV. Most of them came from Korhal's militia, the former Federation Planetary Defense Force, and other young people of appropriate age from various walks of life. After the Revolutionary fleet left Korhal, these earliest divisions rarely accepted recruits from other planets.

Each of these teachers wrote a suicide note. The contents of the suicide notes are different, but the endings are the same: Return to Korhal and wait for us to return to our hometown. Comrades, even if you bury me in the radioactive wasteland and desert.

Under the orders of Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the Revolutionary Army never discarded the remains of its soldiers.

"He was a brave soldier, and his sacrifice was by no means in vain." A political commissar of the Revolutionary Army with distinctive epaulettes came over and said.

"You say that to everyone." Kurofsky stood up. In the revolutionary army, the political commissar at the division level is responsible for the ideological work of the entire division. Political commissars must ensure that revolutionary ideas in the army are not arbitrarily distorted and that soldiers and officers do not take the path of extreme revenge.

Augustus valued his army and kept this powerful force in his hands that terrified the Terran Confederacy.

"I will say the same thing when you die in battle." The division-level political commissar said in a calm voice.

"Damn it, you really don't know how to adapt, Sidr." Kurovsky sighed and stood in the light of the morning light for a few seconds. The heavy dark bags under his eyes due to two days of not sleeping became more obvious. .

Sidr is also a veteran of Korhal origin. He had already joined the civil revolutionary groups when Angus, Augustus's father, was promoting Korhal independence in the political circles of Korhal IV.

He is a descendant of the Korhal nobles who have been passed down to this day. As early as more than a century ago, Sidr's family was a follower of the Mengsk family. By Sidr's generation, the family had already declined. His mother died of illness, and his father drank alcohol all day long and eventually became addicted to drugs.

Now, Sidr has long become a figure that cannot be ignored in the Pan-Terran Revolutionary Army. He is not only an outstanding warrior, but also a loyal supporter of Augustus. Sidr firmly believed that he was following the most outstanding leader and great man in the Koprulu sector for two hundred years, and he continued to convey this concept to other Revolutionary Army soldiers.

"No one knows who will be collecting the bodies of whom when the time comes." He went on to say, "Such a ghost place is really not meant for humans."

"Maybe my hometown of Brysis is hell on earth in another sense, but at least there aren't that many bugs there."

"You think we shouldn't come to Ayr to fight this battle." Political Commissar Sidr's entire face was hidden under the helmet visor of the power armor, and no one could see his expression under the visor.

Ilya Kurovsky is a member of the famous Heavenly Demons. This legendary unit has been reported in major mainstream media in Tarsonis and was deliberately portrayed by the federal government as a fighting hero during the Guild War. But no one expected that these fighting heroes would become rebels that the Federation would listen to in the future, and their leader was the Wolf of Korhal, Augustus Mengsk.

"Of course not. If we don't come to Aiur to fight, the next time will be in Antiga, Tarsonis, or Umoyan. By then, humans will really have no retreat." Colonel Kurovsky explain.

"I can tell the difference clearly. If the Star Spirits are finished, we will not be far away."

"Yes, but many people in the army don't understand yet, or in other words, they only came here because of Marshal Mengsk's order." Sidell said: "When the sacrifices were not so heavy, there would not be many of them. There are criticisms, but after so many people are laid to rest in a foreign land, some people will inevitably ask why.”

"The meaning of fighting remains as always. We fight for the hope of mankind. We also fight for our home and family. We would rather defend the enemy on the battlefield."

"Keep fighting until the day the world no longer needs us," Kurofsky said. "Augustus has always said this."

"But the peaceful era has gone forever since the guild war began. A cruel war always follows another cruel war."

"He's right." Kurofsky was silent for a while.

"The marshal never makes a mistake," Commissar Sidr said.

"No, he is not a perfect person." Kurofsky corrected Sidell's statement in a declarative tone: "He never was."

"Augustus Mengsk makes mistakes too, at least when he's driving a Vulture and trying to carry people. This bastard only thinks about himself when he's driving and never cares about the feeling in the back seat. Can you understand that? "

"Even if he becomes federal prime minister, he will still think about drag racing."

"Do you think Augustus was born to be a revolutionary leader? That's not the case. Augustus originally just wanted to live a peaceful life, but the Federation would not let him go."

"Of course, no one is perfect." Sider also said with lingering fear: "The Marshal's driving skills are unmatched, but I will never get in his car again in this life."

"Another victim." Kurofsky laughed and said, "But we are all tied to his car."

While they were talking, a number of gorgeous and shining Protoss gold-blue fighter planes flew over the 4th Army Division. They were a type of aircraft from a Protoss Empire colony, and their appearance resembled the huge local manta rays. Ray.

Today, part of the protoss fleet from the outer colonies of the Protoss Empire has arrived in Aiur. These protoss colonies that regard Aiur as their sacred home even do not hesitate to mobilize all their forces to support Aiur. At every moment, a huge protoss fleet sets sail to return to Aiur, and the jump signal is as eye-catching as a dense blue oil film on the lake in the once vast territory of the protoss empire.

"The protoss are crazy," Kurofsky said. "They're going to fight."

"Follow the protoss, we still have a tough battle to fight."

As he spoke, an extremely shining beam of light fell from the sky, shattering the entire main peak of Midlin. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and countless insects were wiped out.

That came from the Protoss mothership that was parked in the high-altitude orbit of Aiur. It was once used as a tomb for the burial of Protoss heroes, and now it has been dug up by the Protoss and humans, shining among the stars again.

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