StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 398 The Missing Star Spirit

Late February.

Crossing the southern border of Antioch Province, passing through the Land of the Elders and the rolling Shreka hills filled with ruins and Kedarin ruins, you can see a beautiful beach scattered with countless white shells and colorful crystals.

The Origa Tribe's Ark Harbor in Antarctica was built on the only deep-water port in the region. Legend has it that many arks were built there that carried the Protoss to challenge the vast ocean of Aiur, and it was also where the Protoss Empire's fleet set sail. starting point.

The unparalleled Ark giant ships in the Protoss Empire fleet are also derived from this amazing super ship. They once cut through the waves on Aiur's oceans containing terrifying storms, and remained motionless in super hurricanes and tsunamis. The interstellar era also began with Another appearance sails to the stars and conquers the galaxy.

In ancient times when the protoss had not received enlightenment from the Xel'Naga, starting from here, one could reach the sacred protector's temple along the coastline.

It was a vast and mysterious virgin land, a dreamlike paradise. The virgin rainforest and verdant ferns are endless as far as the eye can see. Ancient ruins and creations from the age of the gods are hidden in the lush vegetation.

The wind blew through spore-laden ferns and glades covered with reddish-brown leaves, and the air was filled with the distinctive smell of banana plants. The leaves flying in the wind brought the roar of insects, and the uneasy atmosphere made the soldiers tense up and concentrate on the guns in their hands.

"Cheer up, gentlemen, and get your butts out of the grass. There are at least three dozen hungry bugs ready to eat some fresh human flesh." Colonel Tychus Finley's huge golden red The power armor did not look eye-catching among the bright red leaves hanging on the branches. His heavy alloy spiked boots were deeply sunk into the fallen leaves on the ground.

"This is nothing new, these bastards always get hungry fast away from creep."

As soon as Tychus finished speaking, a Hydra Hydralisk with a giant bone scythe stretched out suddenly jumped out from under the fallen leaves and swam among the trees like a snake. Its dark brown skin with red patterns is an excellent camouflage color. Without the heat detection device, the Revolutionary Army soldiers would not be able to detect this terrifying monster waiting for help.

The terrifying monster, which was more than ten feet long, arched its back and fired a series of sharp spines at the marching Revolutionary Army soldiers. The piercing scream was terrifying. The spines shaped like daggers cut the fallen leaves into pieces, and they were nailed to the riot shields and frame-reinforced power armor of the Revolutionary Army soldiers, making a clanging sound.

This Ayre Rangers unit is an experienced veteran force, often ordered to perform the most dangerous tasks on the Ayre battlefield. Each of them can be regarded as a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. It is not comparable to guild wars between humans.

Compared with ordinary power armor, their helmets also adopt a more advanced double-layer structure. When closed, the outermost electroplated alloy steel mask is enough to withstand the spines of Hydra Hydralisks and the deadly poisonous mist of scorpions.

They are all well-trained and outstanding warriors, brave and powerful, able to survive in dangerous environments and advance in rugged and changeable terrains.

Immediately afterwards, with a thunderous gunshot, the Hydra Hydralisk was shot and killed by a Mark II rail gun. The bullet with a caliber comparable to a machine gun almost cut open its entire head.

"Well done, Pierre." There was a burst of cheers in the team's communication channel, and the revolutionary soldier holding the heavy rail gun just pointed at his mask with two fingers.

This soldier is a level 4 psyker with a talent for shooting that ordinary people don't have. Before joining the revolutionary army from a nomadic tribe in Haiji, the son of a local chief had no idea that he had certain psychic talents, because he only used his keen perception to herd and hunt.

"For a moment, I have to admit that there are some tough guys among Ward's people." Tychus is an unpleasant troublemaker, but he knows well that he cannot offend his soldiers easily, especially when the opponent is standing with a dangerous weapon. When behind him.

Among the crimes Tychus committed in the Federation Marine Corps was that he once attacked his commander in anger.

Before there was time to celebrate, more zerg appeared when Tychus spoke. They were hundreds of springtails and hydralisks with the same skin color as the Hydra Hydralisk just now, and Tychus was convinced that he I just saw the fleeting silhouette of a cunning scorpion.

"Okay, bad boys. Fire!" Tychus was the first to trigger the flight of the Whisper Persuader's heavy machine gun, and more than thirty Revolutionary Army soldiers behind him also opened fire.

In a face-to-face firefight with the swarm, there is only one thing that trumps all strategies, and that is to use as many bullets as possible to kill the screaming monsters before they kill you.

The dense A-12 grenades, P-30 pistol bullets, C-14 spike gun bullets and rockets flattened the surrounding trees to the ground in a blink of an eye, and the Hydra Hydralisk also used its spine needles to fight back.

The zerg that escaped the first round of shooting alternately jumped and ran in the rain forest and pounced on their prey. Their eyes that were emitting dangerous red light no longer had any sense at all - this was another group of worms that had lost control of their brains. Of the zerg, their masters have disappeared or left Aiur, and the wisdom of the king and queen cannot control the huge number of members of the group.

Tychus mowed down seven or eight Zerglings, watching as more of their kind were blown to smithereens by grenades and electromagnetic grenades. A snarling Hydra Hydralisk was wounded by an anti-tank rocket and went on a killing spree among its pack members in a rage.

Even so, springtails still came to the soldiers through the hail of bullets.

These screaming little monsters may not have the hard chitin armor of Hydra Hydralisks and Ultralisks, but they are superior in their huge numbers and speed. Their sharp claws like raptors were maliciously attacked by human soldiers. Called a can opener.

The soldiers of the El Rangers have long been accustomed to the scene of grinning monsters rushing towards them. Even when the springtails are about to pounce on their faces, they still keep firing with determination and determination. When faced with zerg, there is no point in running away.

Following several blue phantoms, these springtails had just crossed the fire net of the human warriors when they collided with the hot and unstoppable psychic blade of the Protoss Templar. Each Templar is an elite warrior with hundreds of years of combat experience. Their flexible and elegant sword swings are like the zerg themselves crashing into sharp psychic light blades.

The Templars stood in front of the Revolutionary Army soldiers, forming an insurmountable wall. For these elite warriors, this is not the first time that they have cooperated in such a tacit understanding. The time when humans and protoss fought side by side can be traced back to the most tragic moment of the Battle of Aiur.

A few minutes later, the zerg that lost the command of the brainworm hurriedly retreated after leaving many corpses. Compared with those zerg that were still under the control of the main hive will, they were closer to following the instinct of seeking advantage and avoiding. Harmful beast.

"Well done, man, I'm starting to think you are more loyal than the Tal'darin protoss." After killing the last zerg, Tychus stretched out a hand to a templar next to him and tried to give him a high-five. , but the other party’s blue eyes hidden under the golden mask just stared at him indifferently.

Tychus, who was left aside, did not feel any embarrassment. He ordered his subordinates to move on without a care.

As Tychus stepped forward, he was sure that the cold protoss could not take their eyes away from the scantily clad protoss woman on his shoulder armor, even though the gaze was full of anger. Based on this, Tychus became "famous" among the protoss. Even the protoss executive Tassadar, who had met Tychus, could only call him a wonderful man.

If Tychus was fighting the protoss, his armor would be enough to attract hatred.

"These protoss always have their uses." Tychus said on the communication channel, not caring at all about the protoss who can easily read human thoughts.

"The destination is ahead." He pointed to the depths of the jungle. At the end of a trickling, sparkling and vast river was the Asari Hunting Grounds of the Protoss (StarCraft I map).

In the protracted war, this was one of the few areas that did not fall without support.

"Be careful, there may be protoss refugees here who are waiting for food, or there may be protoss troops of the Supreme Council." Tychus reminded his subordinates on the communication channel.

"Remember, Marshal Augustus asked us to avoid conflicts as much as possible when we meet the people of the Supreme Council." He absently recited the orders from above, complaining in his heart about Augustus's lack of nostalgia. As Augustus' right-hand man, Tychus did a lot of thankless work.

In the past, Tychus would most likely have held a grudge, but he was also someone who cared about kindness. Augustus cared for Tychus no less than Kerrigan did. Just the fact that Augustus fished Tychus out of the slums and saved his organs when he was in Tarsonis is worth remembering by Tychus.

Of course, Tychus was sent here simply because he asked for trouble, because as a commander, he was impatient and would desert the battlefield from time to time. That made Augustus so angry that he almost beat Tychus to death. In the end, he had to admit that Tychus was not suitable to be a high-ranking general commanding thousands of troops. He was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution, and gambling, and was only good at sneaking around. Not falling behind, but unwilling to take responsibility.

Augustus had no choice but to hand over the Wolfhunter troops originally commanded by Tychus to Prior, and let Tychus lead the special operations team.

"If there is a situation, don't wait for me to call for action, just shoot. This is also the order of the marshal - be careful, we have no friendship with those guys in the Supreme Council."

The Temple of the Protector, where the Asari Hunting Ground is located, covers an area equivalent to a huge Protoss Empire province. It is geographically located to the east of the provinces of Velari and Koshaka, and southwest of Antioch. , but it is not an administrative district in the strict sense.

The ascetics who follow Kara's teachings and the Xel'Naga scholars of the Silak tribe regard this place as a holy place. It is precisely because of this that the protoss in this area fought to the death to protect the Temple of the Guardian. For this reason, many small tribes disappeared forever in the battle with the swarm.

Also due to the geographical location of the Temple of the Protector close to the provinces of Koshaka and Antioch, the alliance between Augustus and Tassadar, as well as the Supreme Council, are likely to lend a helping hand to the protoss survivors in the area.

At this time, nearly a month had passed since the final battle to kill the Overlord. The retaliatory attack of the swarm had already subsided, and a large number of zerg returned to the vicinity of the psychic storm formed on the Overlord's body.

Although the continuous thunderstorms and hurricanes have made that area a dangerous area as dangerous as Char, the zerg still followed their instincts and stayed there.

At the same time, many nameless cerebrates, including Yark, the cerebrate worm of the Jörmungandr swarm, are still staying in Ayr, occupying the vast land of Ayr. Relying on Aiur's resources and the biomass provided by countless native creatures, the Zerg are still multiplying, which also makes it difficult for the protoss to launch a counterattack against the Zerg swarm to regain the lost ground while guarding the territory in their hands.

Even with the protoss colony fleets constantly returning to Aiur, this stalemate still has not improved much.

"Keep going." Tychus then ordered over the channel.

Under the leadership of Tychus, the team continued to move forward along a creek heading north. After passing through a collapsed protoss outpost, a magnificent Xel'Naga temple standing under the blue sky and white clouds was already in sight.

The beautiful buildings with domed roofs and domed spires of the El Protoss are particularly eye-catching, but most of them have been burned into blackened ruins. The crystal tower suspended in mid-air collapsed into a huge puddle of filthy mud.

"Tychus Finley's team called the command center. We have arrived at our destination. Wait, don't rush to call the Xel'Naga transport ship." Tychus looked at the several Revolutionary Army soldiers on his left and right. : "We have to say hello to the locals first."

Several protoss holding spears suddenly appeared in Tychus' sight. They were obviously not templars, and they were wearing scholar's robes instead of shining armor.

"En Taro Tassadar!" Tychus greeted the locals in the same way as the stars. Tychus had mistaken the status of Tassadar and Adun. For him, being able to remember the names of a few protoss was giving these damn aliens some face.

Without Tychus saying anything else, the protoss templars in the team greeted their people. These protoss immediately celebrated the reunion with body language that Tychus could not understand. They avoided physical contact as much as possible. The way he hugged her looked like a frog holding eggs.

Since the protoss were using Kara to communicate directly on the spiritual level, Tychus had no way of understanding what they were talking about, but one of the templars soon brought bad news: "Tychus Finley, the guards of the Supreme Council have arrived here before us."

"I know what happened without you having to tell me." Tychus pointed to several protoss warriors wearing crimson robes who suddenly appeared from the ruins. Bad memories came to his mind: "It seems they are here to drive people away." of."

"Followers of Tassadar are not welcome here. I can feel the stain in your thoughts. This is all because you are too close to the Dark Templar." Their leader said.

"More and more Dark Templar warriors are wandering in the ruins, and the Council also suspects that the recently missing tribesmen are related to them. You have been listed as persona non grata. Before we, the Spear of the Council, use force - leave. .”

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