StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 407 Quick decision

"Ever since the first protoss died at the hands of his own kind, this damn war has been like a raging bull that won't stop until it smashes everything to pieces."

Renault took out a communicator from his dark gray mountaineering vest and called for support from the Revolutionary Army fleet in Ayr's geostationary orbit.

"Now that the civil war has broken out, my opinion is still the same as before." Augustus looked around at the blood-stained Arbitrator's Court bench and the long corridors extending in all directions, confirming that all the Dark Templar warriors had left.

Parliament guards in red robes and gold armor silently guarded the few remaining arbitrators, considering the many dead members of the Supreme Council, their status in the parliament and among students and supporters, and their own wisdom. As well as the secrets and knowledge they possess about the glorious history of the Protoss Empire, this is an absolutely unimaginable loss for the Supreme Council.

The number of seats in the Supreme Council has always been a secret unknown to outsiders. The only thing that can be known is that every member of the Council is important and indispensable. It may have taken centuries for the members of the Council to accumulate enough prestige and knowledge to rise to the ranks of leaders. They are beloved for their political talents and devotion to Kara and the Empire, and are known for their wisdom. And famous far and wide.

Since the Battle of Aiur, the loss of the Arbiter class has been immeasurable, so much so that the Supreme Council has had to re-select new Arbitrators to make up for the lack of parliamentary seats.

"If you want to avoid as many deaths and injuries among the protoss in the internal strife as possible, then you must disintegrate the rule of the Supreme Council and the Arbitrator class and force them to surrender." Augustus selected a path leading to the location of Tassadar. The road leads to an arched light bridge made of translucent shaping energy.

"I believe that the Supreme Council Arbitrators who are still in the hearts of the Council of Koshaka do not want to start a civil war, otherwise they would not have to convene a meeting for the purpose of peace." Artanis walked side by side with Augustus, because Considering the height difference between the protoss and humans, he was like a golden giant.

"Artanis, my friend, do you think that since Orega's Dark Templar warriors can come here to slaughter, they may not be able to kill in the headquarters of the Supreme Council." Augustus looked at Atanis. Nice look.

"You are so upright and obey the rules that you think very little about the bottom line of darkness and what the conspiracy is."

"Do you suspect that Koshaka was also attacked?" Artanis's blue eyes began to shrink.

"If it weren't for that, they wouldn't be able to issue an order to attack while being attacked here." Augustus said to him: "It's impossible for all members of the Parliament to be peaceful. I believe that many arbitrators are eager to use A war to clear Aiur of the Dark Templar."

"If necessary, they will even declare war on Sarcoras. If we look at the policies promulgated by the Protoss Empire towards the Dark Templar, there is no one that is not based on the judgment of searching for the Dark Templar and annihilating them." He said.

"Never judge others by yourself."

"Augustus, the war has begun. Rundstein, Duke, Pryor, and Holler are all requesting orders from the Marshal's Command." Kerrigan said to Augustus.

"The fleet was also attacked by the Supreme Council, but their targets were mainly the fleets of Artanis and Yurlan." Renault followed.

"Hold the line and wait for the next order." Augustus said: "We are not the key to this war, but Zeratul and his Dark Templar. They must deal with the Supreme Council just like they used to deal with the Cerebrates. .”

"I need an elite force - drawn from the Guards Division and the Ghost Agents."

"How many people are needed?" Kerrigan asked.

"In a standard special tactics company, everyone must be equipped with anti-psychic EMP and lock-on weapons." Augustus said.

"The tactics used by the Demons of Heaven - when diplomacy doesn't work, we can only parachute into the enemy generals' faces and knock them down. The Demon Team is an expert at this." Renault said: "But who knows How about Koshaka's anti-aircraft firepower? Since they can kill the bugs, they can also knock down our scrap metal."

"Our spaceships are not as good as those of the Umoyans. They can evade the federal detection system to perform espionage missions, but our broken ships cannot even hide from the eyes of insects."

"If there is no internal response, sneaking into the heart of the council will definitely result in great losses. And do you want to compete with the protoss to see whose elite warriors are more brave and skilled in combat?" Kerrigan said.

"We can take Tychus with us." Raynor shrugged.

"What are you going to do? Augustus."

"Compared with the Supreme Council, our advantage is that Tassadar, Artanis, and Fenix ​​are all military leaders who have practiced war for many centuries, and the Templars they lead are also truly brave and good at fighting. army, while the Supreme Council knows nothing about military affairs,” said Augustus.

"This is exactly the drawback of the caste system of the Protoss Empire. Once the Karai class as scientists, artists and engineers, the Templar warriors as soldiers and the Arbiter class as politicians are separated, the highly specialized professional classes will appear as a whole. The power will be greatly weakened.”

"On paper, the Supreme Council is much stronger than Tassadar's troops. There are countless war weapons buried underground and in the ruins of the heart of the Provincial Council of Koshaka." He said.

"But if you understand the Supreme Council's defense strategy on the border between Koshaca and Antioch provinces, you will find that not to mention they are good at using troops, they don't even have basic military knowledge."

"I have seen the defense map of the Supreme Council. They are setting up troops on the border, and the main army is guarding the main road. It looks very similar, but what if we don't launch an attack from the border at all?" Renault laughed: "The Supreme Council We have always relied on their fleet to deter the Zerg, but after all, the fleet cannot carry out indiscriminate bombing of the war zone."

"But why are you calling in a special operations force?"

"I want to make sure that when I'm commanding from the front, there won't be a Dark Templar who won't suddenly jump out and chop off my head." Augustus said, "Now our opponent is the protoss, that's why I have strengthened the warriors’ skills in fighting the protoss through many training sessions.”

"Unless they kill us first." Renault sighed: "Those revolutionaries said well, your life belongs to the revolution."

"I'm different. I belong to justice."

As he spoke, Augustus had already arrived in front of Tassadar. A group of council guards and templar warriors were protecting the arbiters in the middle. There was no tense atmosphere between the two sides.

Although Aldaris is also a rigid and stubborn Arbitrator, he is quite liberal compared to his colleagues in the Conclave. No matter how many cerebrates Zeratul's Dark Templar killed on Aiur, some Arbiters just felt that the Dark Templar must die.

"Tassadar, the Supreme Council has started a war." When Augustus walked towards Tassadar, the Templars around him were making way for him. Only the parliamentary guards belonging to the Arbitrator class did not give in.

"Do you have any idea?"

"I tried my best to avoid this situation, but now I really feel exhausted." Tassadar said: "The Supreme Council along the line from Antioch to Koshaca has launched a full-scale attack on us. Dozens of soldiers died in a short period of time."

"The Council dispatched the Colossus and the Arbiter, and a large number of Zealot Legions and Council guards were deployed on the front line." He said: "And our high-ranking Templars and other troops are also resisting their offensive."

As Tassadar spoke, a holographic projection map appeared in front of everyone. The logo represented by the Supreme Council was heading towards the hinterland of Antioch Province.

"With this attitude, are they preparing to eat us in one go? Are they brave enough?" Renault said while stroking the fine beard on his chin.

"Since the Supreme Council took the initiative to initiate the war, they must think that they are bound to win." Augustus said.

"It seems that the Supreme Council must believe that the capture of Antioch will represent victory in the war." He said.

"In my opinion, give them Antioch and concentrate our efforts on breaking into the weakly defended heart of the Council from the Temple of the Protector in the west of the province of Koshaca. This war must be fought quickly."

"Augustus Mengsk, your ideas coincide with mine."

Tassadar agreed: "I have already done this. The executive officers and provincial governors who are willing to fight for me are regrouping with the help of the matrix network throughout Aiur, but the Supreme Council seems to have never thought of using such a convenient and efficient system. Methods of deploying forces.”

As the highest-ranking executive in the Protoss Empire today, the number of executive officers under Tassadar far exceeds that of the Supreme Council. They are military leaders who truly understand the secrets of war, and their tribes are their armies.

"Their hearts must be filled with anger, and they are letting it interfere with their judgment." He said: "The arbitrators actually tried to use the method of fighting the zerg to fight against us, and they will definitely die for such a misjudgment. Pay the price.

"We have no time and will never start a full-scale war with the Supreme Council. According to expectations, the civil war should end within a few days." Augustus originally thought that Tassadar would decide whether to fight with the Supreme Council and them. The defenders were hesitant in the decisive battle, but the high-ranking executive was always decisive militarily.

As Tassadar experienced more and more cruel wars, the less likely he was to let emotional considerations affect his judgment and delay the fight.

"Not only that, Tassadar, I also have a plan." Augustus had been calculating in his mind a month ago how to defeat the Supreme Council with the existing troops.

Artanis on the side could not say anything at all. He further realized the advantages of Augustus as a human leader.

"I will consider it seriously," Tassadar said.

"The zerg in Thane Province have an underground worm tunnel network leading to the interior of Koshaka Province. Those underground caves extend in all directions throughout Aiur, and the deepest part of them has not yet been explored." Augustus explain.

"My men have found an underground worm tunnel that leads directly to the hinterland of Koshaka. With the help of the Nydus Worms we control, we can open a tunnel that leads directly to the heart of the Council."

"What, you mean - the Nydus Worms you control?" Tassadar was also surprised. He obviously did not expect this.

"Remember that newborn Cerebrate we caught in Char?" Augustus asked Tassadar.

"Ah, I remember. I remember hearing Chief Engineer Rory Swann mention that that lazy brainworm didn't do anything but watch TV and drink Coke." Tassadar was not very capable. He has a good understanding of what watching TV and drinking Coke means, but his memory is very good and he remembers everything said by others verbatim.

"Hell, when did that guy Swann get on the line with Tassadar?" Raynor complained.

"Um - we called that brainworm α, to commemorate the first brainworm we captured." Augustus didn't know that his domestic brainworm had been disgraced to the protoss.

All in all, the newborn brainworm, whose mind was not yet mature enough, neither wanted to obey human orders nor lost its life for disobeying, so it had no choice but to die.

After the death of the master, it also knew very well that it was no longer immortal.

"When the Overlord was still alive, this Cerebrate was still unable to control individuals of other groups. But now, it has been able to selectively use mental power to capture and control some zerg that became wild due to the departure of the Overlord and the other Cerebrates. ." Augustus ignored the topic and continued.

"Through Cerebrate Alpha, we have controlled many zerg, including Nydus Worms."

"How can you drive a proud and powerful Cerebrate to serve humanity?" Tassadar still didn't quite understand.

"The answer is of course that the fat man is neither powerful nor arrogant." Renault complained sharply.

"Through coercion, inducement and the promise of returning to freedom." Augustus said: "I promise that I will do my best to help it become the new master of the swarm."

"What that human said is true. There is indeed a large zerg tunnel network underground in Koshaka. They plan to use those dark passages to sneak attack on us. Their exits have now been filled by council guards and templars. , after the death of the Overlord, those passages were abandoned by the zerg." Arbiter Aldaris has been listening to the conversation between Augustus and Tassadar.

"Are you planning to use the insect tunnels to attack the Council?"

This was somewhat strange. They were discussing loudly in front of these arbitrators how to deal with the Supreme Council. Apparently, neither Augustus nor Tassadar considered Aldaris an enemy.

"Why is this arbitrator still standing here?" Renault, who had always been outspoken, realized something was wrong and almost called someone to take Aldaris out.

"No, I am not your enemy." Aldaris felt the bad thoughts in Renault's mind. He immediately waved his hand and said: "This war is inevitable. No matter what position I once held, I hope that the Protoss Empire will return to peace and unity."

"That's right." Augustus said: "So we need the help of Zeratul and the Dark Templar, so that they can use the worm network to directly enter the heart of the Council and control all the Supreme Council Arbitrators."

After hearing what Augustus said, everyone looked at Zeratul, who was not far away. The dark patriarch has not spoken since Orega's departure, and in the poetic expression of the protoss, his sorrow has turned into a river.

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