StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 427 The curtain

By June 2493 AD, the UED expeditionary force's offensive in Blackxis and other systems had gradually evolved into an all-out war of unprecedented scale, and countless Federation worlds were once again shrouded in the ominous cloud of war.

"From Braxis to the vast star field of New Trinidad, seven-thirds of the worlds of the Tyranid Federation have been affected." On the central connecting bridge of the Hyperion's bridge, the tactical control The image of the mechanical adjutant was projected on the stage.

"Bacchus Moon, Asteria, Choss, Altheon, Onuru Sigma, Artesia Prime, Rhine 12 (Lawndale 12), Turaxis II, Aridas, Timul IV, TarKossia, Norris VI )."

Images of many federal territories flashed in front of Augustus, and his face changed colors due to the colorful flashes of those planets. None of these planets located in the Federation territory are the same. Their positions in their respective stars and many factors create very different natural environments.

The environment and resource distribution of each planet also give rise to completely different humanistic features, and some planets are even completely different.

The Bacchus satellite is a planet with a vast dark ocean. All of its land area has been transformed into waterfront cities built on the water. The lights of countless ports, holiday hotels and commercial streets shine on the surface of the dark blue planet. Create one shining point after another.

Jos is a desert planet with rolling mountains. The residents there came to this planet in the last wave of colonization. The vast and sparsely populated natural environment makes every town far away from each other. The residents there are quite similar to Mexico in the Earth Nation Era is relatively similar.

Many of these worlds survived the zerg invasion of First Total War, but the war never seemed to stop.

Augustus could just reach out and touch the planet on the holographic screen, and click on it to see the detailed values.

Some of the celestial body systems orbiting their respective stars or planets are flashing red light, which means that they are on the path of the UED expeditionary force. Of course, most of these planets may not even see the shadow of the Earth's spacecraft, but the planetary governor still announced that he was under attack - these attacks may come from local federal rebels, pirates, or a few armed Drunk man with beer bottle.

Just like in the First Total War, the Terran Federation Navy did not have enough troops to defend the far-flung colonies. The people of the colonies hoped that the Federation fleet would be nearby if their homeland was attacked, so they were forced to call for help from Tarsonis.

The turmoil caused by the invasion of the UED expeditionary force is no less than that of the Zerg, and the Tyranid Federation also realizes that this is another all-out war that may subvert its rule.

From the standpoint of the Augustus Revolutionary Army, it is impossible for them to help the fringe worlds fight against the UED fleet at this time. After all, the damage caused by the Earth Expeditionary Force is far less than that of the swarm. They don't care about the gains and losses of a place, and they have little time to plunder the people in the occupied areas.

"We have intercepted calls for help from multiple colonies, and these colonies are as far away as eight thousand light years." The mechanical adjutant finally said.

"Even Saluset reported that they were under a full-scale attack by the Earthlings." A deep voice came from behind Augustus, and the sound of power armor combat boots on the bridge deck was heavy. Incomparable.

"That planet is far away on the other side of the Koprulu sector. I think that even if the people on earth really have an army of hundreds of millions, they don't need to attack that barren land first. Even if the people on earth have a thousand battleships, they won't Possibly deployed on so many worlds, it must be Earthlings using classic psychological warfare and deception tactics to cause chaos in many of the Terran Federation's worlds."

"As far as we know, the Earth's UED expeditionary force is by no means as large as they claim."

"Long time no see, Lieutenant General Horace Warfield." Augustus turned his head and looked at his old friend behind him: "Even we can't figure out where the Earthlings' fleet is now."

Horace Warfield wore a pair of heavy gray-white power armor, with golden capricorns cast on the broad shoulder pads on both sides, which was the symbol of Warfield's army.

Compared with the past, Warfield's skin has obviously become much darker, and his beard has also become whiter. Only his deep pool-like eyes still stare with majesty.

General Warfield was originally stationed on Antiga Prime, guarding the multiple edge worlds with Antiga Prime as the core in the hands of the Revolutionary Army. He was the anchor of that star field.

After the United Earth Council began to invade the Koprulu sector, Augustus recalled Warfield's fleet.

"A week ago, the Federation's Epsilon Squadron, Deep Blue Squadron, Delta Squadron and Eta Squadron formed a huge fleet and launched a counterattack against Black Heath aimed at regaining lost territory." Augustus said.

"No one knows how the Battle of Blackxis went, but the Federation seems to have suffered a big loss there again."

"The Federation knows nothing about the military leaders of the UED, but they know the information about every naval fleet in the Federation." Warfield stood next to Augustus.

"The only thing we know is that the fleet of the UED expeditionary force has been in constant motion. The advanced warp engine technology and powerful frigates they brought from the earth are crucial for this fleet to escape the federal pursuit fleet. factor."

"If the commanders of the Federation are not stupid, they should know that the people on earth came with the determination to defeat them completely." He said: "The riots caused by Dugar's people on various planets are just a cover-up. Their The ultimate goal must be the Confederacy on Tarsonis."

"The Earth is 60,000 light years away from here. Once the UED expeditionary force is defeated, they will only be buried in this desolate universe."

As the first senior federal officer to follow Augustus in the uprising, Warfield could be said to have been entrusted with important tasks by the marshals of the Revolutionary Army in recent years. Few men commanded the unreserved confidence of Augustus like Warfield and Reynaud.

Augustus knew very well that people should not be suspicious of others, and his trust also gained the loyalty and trust of his subordinates.

"Now it seems that the Federation is not worried about the possible fall of Tarsonis." Augustus retrieved the information about Tarsonis' main star on the tactical console.

Standing behind Augustus, Warfield could naturally see the magnificent alloy steel fortresses and orbital defense platforms in the outer orbit of Tarsonis Main Star. So many steel fortresses guarding Tarsonis Main Star, and the brilliance of the nebula. They are all covered by these space-based defense platforms that humans are proud of.

At least four full-scale Federation fleets, formed during the First Total War, guard Tarsonis and patrol the trade routes to various Prime Worlds. At the same time, Tarsonis is also a developed world that is completely self-sufficient. Hydroponic farms and food synthesis factories are enough to satisfy the population of Tarsonis, which has soared to nearly four billion after the zerg invasion.

The federal government of Tarsonis has long been prepared to fight a protracted war of attrition with the zerg and protoss, and the people of Earth have nothing to fear.

"Tarthanis has now truly become the most impregnable human planet in the Koprulu Sector. The leader of the Creation Family in charge of the defense system construction project declared that it will be an impossible line of defense that can be surpassed. We have no choice but to retreat in front of the orbital defense network, and the protoss fleet will also be defeated here." Augustus put his hands behind his back.

"Up to now, the Federation has thought that they can sit back and relax, commanding the Federation fleet in the fortress of Tarsonis to destroy the Earth invaders."

"From this point of view, Tarsonis is indeed an impossible fortress to capture." Warfield also said.

"Our fleet is completely helpless against those steel plates that can withstand naval guns and the astonishingly powerful rail guns. Only Hyperion's main gun can give it a try." He said:

"Now, the Federation's only worry is that this UED expeditionary force is just a reconnaissance fleet sent by the Earth. The real solar system fleet that can completely cover the sky and close the sun may be on the way."

"But if that's the case, there is no need for this advance fleet to alert the enemy." Augustus said.

"However, Earth's technology is definitely superior to ours. It took the Tarsonis seventy years just to research the warp drive technology of the colonial mothership and re-enter space. The technological chronology cannot be ignored."

"I have already told you about the General of the United Earth Council named Alexey Stukov. He is a visionary general. It is not an exaggeration to say that he uses soldiers like a god." He said to Warfield.

"I believe that Stukov is the brains of the Earth Expeditionary Force. He will definitely be able to find a way to break through the federal defense line. And all we have to do is wait for the real changes in the Koprulu sector."

"Even the zerg could not defeat the Tyranid Federation. You are overestimating the earthlings, Marshal." At this time, the bridge door of the Hyperion opened.

Several distinct footsteps came in, led by General Edmund Duke, commander of Alpha Squadron who was currently loyal to the Revolutionary Army.

General Duke was clenching his fists, as if he was squeezing the neck of a soldier of the Earth Expeditionary Force. He could strangle him to death with just a pinch: "Those hillbillies on Earth are nothing more than that, and they don't have many warships." It’s scary.”

"Give me a fleet and I can crush those little mud planets of the Earthlings in a few standard months."

"I never know who gave you this confidence, General. Or, in the eyes of people on earth, we are the real country bumpkins." A magnetic voice made Augustus turn around.

"Big Mengsk is right, you are a country bumpkin." Colonel Harnak Hank's exaggerated voice followed closely.

"Shut up, you country boy, I'm going to send you, the arsonist, to jail!" Duke's bad temper never had a good time.

"Arctors, brother, you are here." Augustus' cold gray eyes lit up.

"I have a hunch that the final moment for us to overthrow the Terran Federation is coming." Arcturus Mengsk wore a black square-collared cloak with bronze epaulettes and copper buckles. The red cloak was decorated with gold threads. Painted with an image of Mengsk's golden wolf.

Augustus stepped forward and embraced his brother.

"Do you miss me?" Arcturus is thirty-two years old this year. He is even much stronger than Augustus. He is like an upright lion, and a storm seems to be condensed between his gray brows.

Over the years, Arcturus operated his mines outside the Koprulu sector. Arcturus is a man who can share the joys and sorrows with his men to achieve their goals. He often participates in the daily work of the mine, and even personally presides over the work of digging the mine.

Arcturus never stopped training his body. It is said that no one in the mines could beat him in swordsmanship, marksmanship, fighting and chess.

"Of course." Augustus thought for a moment.

Probably, a little bit.

"How are mother and Dorothy?" asked Augustus.

"Why don't you ask me how I am?" Arcturus asked.

"Brother, you look as strong as a lion." Augustus thought again.

"Have you decided to marry Juliana? How should Valerian tell others about his parents."

"No, this revolution is at its climax, how can I get married." Arcturus made an excuse and applied the words he had read in the ancient books on Earth.

"This body is ready for revolution."

"Haha, I know what you fear most is restraint." Augustus smiled: "Whether it is your father or the family represented by Julianna and Valerian."

"Okay, this matter will definitely come to an end, but not now." Arcturus said in his heart, I am not mining to support your army so that you can bury me. But based on Arcturus' deep love for his brother, he didn't care about it at all.

"I have brought the Sons of Korhal, who have sworn to be the first on Tarsonis to avenge Korhal," he said.

"You have been waiting for an opportunity. It is neither the protoss nor the zerg, but the earthlings. Now, the earthlings are here."

"When everything is settled, it will be us, not the Federation and the Earth, who will take over the Koprulu sector." Arcturus's eyes seemed to be condensed with lightning and thunder, which was breathtaking.

"Here I come, Augustus."

"General Ledbetter of the Tyranid Federation was ordered to do so in the face of danger. He was appointed by the Federation High Command as the garrison commander of Tarsonis. Several Federation fleets were transferred to the core world around the main star of Tarsonis." In Huber The Li An's mechanical adjutant was still relaying the report.

Augustus and his generals turned to the bridge porthole. Outside the window was the entrance to the sub-time and space channel like a blue oil film. Thousands of revolutionary army's golden and red battlecruisers and fighter planes were crossing the channel.

"Lock the coordinates of New Folsom - the largest prison used by the Terran Federation to hold political prisoners and rebel prisoners." Augustus said to the intelligent adjutant: "First let us rescue all the imprisoned revolutionary comrades. .”

"Unleash the wolves of war."

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