The city of Tarsonis is a black dragon with silver blood, its majestic scaly claws and wings are shrouded in the morning mist. This unparalleled megacity is the center of the Terran Federation and should also be the center of the world.

"don't want!"

Novabe Annabelle Terra woke up from her sleep with a start, and sat up from her bed in a cold sweat.

A floor-to-ceiling window faced the gradually brightening sky, which was dotted with stars. Thousands of giant buildings and millions of roads and streets were shining with bright lights in the night. Occasionally, a silvery meteor shower streaked across the sky, the traces left by the spacecraft passing through Tarsonis's atmosphere.

The giant chandelier at the top of the room is fifty feet above the ground. Most of its parts are made of mirror-like natural crystal, which can reflect light of various colors and create water-like light and shadow.

The shield stand device designed by Kemorian Lars Technology and ATVX covers the entire Terra Sky Tower, and a polygonal matrix network occasionally appears to block all flying objects judged to be threatening. Larger ones will be shot down instantly by laser cannons.

The Terra Sky Tower is one of the buildings closest to the sky in the main city of Tarsonis. Looking at the brilliantly lit city buildings, anyone who has been to Tarsonis will be impressed by this spectacular building.

"What is that?" She turned on the wall lamp with complicated ornate decorations beside the bed, stroked her aching forehead with her right hand, and looked around at her warmly decorated room.

An intelligent drone servant driven by a VTOL turbine fan and a vertical three-dimensional stabilization device automatically turned on, and a holographic projection screen with an indigo blue hue spread out in front of it, with the weather interface of the main city of Tarsonis on it.

Nova's IAA-115 horsefly robot is a machine servant with humanized design and extremely high intelligence. It is the latest design of the robot manufacturing factory owned by the Terra family - Nova is Novabe Annabe La Terra's family called her by her nickname.

"I saw blood and death." Nova opened her eyes wide, her pupils trembling.

Scenes of scenes flashed past Nova's eyes quickly like a revolving lantern. Gunshots were heard everywhere in the darkness. Terra family security personnel fell into a pool of blood one after another. The screams of broken metal and the screams of people dying seemed to still be there. Ringing in her ears, at the last moment she saw the face of her father Constantine.

"Dad!" Nova got out of bed, put on her shoes, and walked quickly to the closet.

Under the pale golden light of the morning sun, Nova was running in her nightgown. Her smooth and tight skin was as smooth as suet, and her golden hair was shining with golden light.

Nova is ten years old.

Her body has begun to grow, and the loose nightgown cannot cover the hazy curves and beauty between a girl and a woman.

The IAA horsefly machine servant was still following Nova, and the hum of the turbine blades was extremely soft and inaudible. The Terra family mostly employs human servants, but robots still play a role in the family's daily life.

"Zebediah! Zebediah!" Nova put on a beautiful wrap sundress, walked out of the room and came to the door of her brother Zebediah Terra's room, hitting her with two consecutive hits per second. The speed of ringing the doorbell.

"Kid, what are you doing?" After a while, a boy wearing a sponge-colored nightcap came out. The beautiful eyes inherited from the family looked like dead fish eyes due to sleepiness and surprise in the past.

"It's only half past six, Nova, what's wrong with you today?" Zebediah poked her head out, but was not ready to let her sister in.

Zebediah's lineage from the Terra family gave her outstanding appearance and light blond hair. He was several years older than Nova and much taller. In front of her brother, Nova is really a little person, less than the height of his chest.

Zebedia is the second child of Constantine Terra and the only boy. As expected, he will become the heir to the Terra family.

"Someone is trying to kill daddy," Nova told Zebediah.

"Children are not happy to say this word." Zebediah raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes: "Who would want to kill daddy?"

"Are you having nightmares again?" He stepped aside, indicating that Nova could come in from the side: "You can sleep with me."

"Hmm" Nova pouted, her face puffed up like a balloon.

"What I said is true. I had a dream. I dreamed that many people died, including Anna, Raknock, and Anson. I also saw servants." She mentioned the names of many servants of the Terra family in one breath. , it is a bit strange that a noble daughter who is only ten years old can remember so many servants.

"How is that possible? Stop thinking wildly. That was a dream, and dreams are not real." Zebediah blinked. He knew that his sister was different from ordinary people. To be precise, her ability to perceive emotions was much stronger than ordinary people. In ordinary families, she would be called a psychic child.

Generally speaking, children with this kind of talent, even if they are not sent to the ghost academy of Tarsonis by their parents, will suffer from ostracism and bullying during their childhood. Only the most loving parents and families can ensure this. Children can grow up healthily.

Fortunately, the Terra family is one of the founding families of the Terran Federation, and no one can take away Constantine Terra's most precious little daughter from his hands.

"Okay, before you fall asleep, I'm going to tell you the story of General Augustus defeating the braggart Duke, until you fall asleep." Zebediah never believed that Nova had telepathic abilities. Just be different from others.

Zebediah is a fan of Revolutionary Marshal Augustus Mengsk, and he has always denounced the atrocities committed by the federal army against the people of Korhal.

Occasionally Zebediah would hear the family's servants refer to Nova as a witch and a horrible child, but this would undoubtedly earn him a scolding. There is no kinder child in the world than his sister Nova.

The fate between Zebedia and Augustus came from the birthday party of Andrea Tagore, the leader of the Tagore family, a few years ago. At that time, they only met briefly. There is no doubt that Augustus is the most outstanding young nobleman in Zebediah's memory.

"Oh -" Nova frowned when she heard Zebediah's words: "I'll go find dad myself."

Nova doesn't like Augustus Mengsk.

To be precise, Nova doesn't like death. Even those who live in pain can make her cry. The scene of corpses everywhere is even more unbearable. Nova didn't like Augustus, the man who brought war.

Four years ago, Nova had an affair with the man named Augustus.

Of course, Nova didn't have a deep impression of Augustus. What she remembered most was her mother Annabella's imagination about Augustus.

What's so good about that kind of person?

"Okay, okay, let's go find dad." Zebediah casually put on a coat and walked out. Although Zebediah has always been a humble and elegant prince to outsiders, he is quite casual at home.

"Where's Clara?" Nova just looked at Zebediah again.

Clara is the eldest sister in Terra's family. She has reached the age of marriage but still stays at home.

"Clara has a lesson in ancient court etiquette today. It would not be wise to wake her up." Zebediah shrank her head, remembering the scene when her sister beat her up when she was a child.

"Forget it, I swear I will never pay attention to her again in this life." He turned around coolly.

"It will all work out anyway," Nova said.

"Not this time." Zebediah raised her eyebrows: "I misjudged the person. Originally I thought Clara was a like-minded partner, but it turns out that she and I were in conflict with Marshal Augustus. There is an unbridgeable gap in interpretation.”

"What does she think of Marshal Augustus? How could such a person marry a vulgar woman like her?"

Ever since she met Augustus Mengsk at the ball, Clara Annabella Terra could never forget him. Clara was not an infatuated woman. She had had many boyfriends when she was only twenty years old, but she believed that no one could compare with Augustus.

"That shouldn't be said in person." Nova sighed.

"Clara should have faced this fact long ago. She is unruly and willful, neither cute nor understanding." Zebediah pulled Nova and left.

Zebediah and her sister Nova walked through the wide corridor of their home. It took them several minutes to cross the huge rooms.

The Terra family servants who got up early to clean each and every one of them bowed to say hello to Zebediah and Nova, and they had long been accustomed to this.

"Efresia, where is daddy?" Zebediah found a tall young woman with curly red hair among the servants. She was a mistress of her father Constantine.

"He is in the reception room on the top floor." Everestia and the children Zebediah have always gotten along better, and even care about them more than their mother.

"Meeting Umo Yang's ambassador?" Nova asked. She can read minds, and of course Everesia's thoughts cannot be hidden.

"Don't tell others. Three months ago, the Federal Assembly expelled the last foreign minister of the United States of Umoyan and announced that no Umoyan people can legally enter the country. If others know about this, you My father will have a headache again." Everestia is a beautiful woman who always has a smile on her lips.

"I know." Nova said.

"You are really a smart little angel." Everestia leaned down and said.

"Take us to find daddy," Nova said to Efresia.

"He's in danger."

".? You have a nightmare again." Everestia said with a smile.

"Yes, but a lot of my dreams have come true," Nova said.

"But there are many more things that haven't happened." Everestia put her finger to her rosy mouth.

"You are just too scared. The current news is reporting that the Earth and the rebels are invading the Federation territory in large quantities. Many immigrant worlds have been affected. But Tarsonis is absolutely safe, Nova." She said:

"As long as the moon shines, Tarsonis will not fall."

"Please, Everestia, take me to find him. Dad is in danger." Nova's eyes turned red, which made Everestia's heart tremble.

"As long as this kind of dream come true is proven to be true once, the possibility of it happening again cannot be ignored." Zebediah looked at Efrecia with her green eyes.

"Efresia, when you meet dad, tell me that I asked you to do this."

"Okay, I'll take you to wait for him outside the reception room." Efresia took Nova's little hand.

"But if the enemy does come, the one you need to worry about most is yourselves rather than your father. He is surrounded by a large number of guards and agents."

"Okay, I want to know where Augustus's army went? Is there any news today?" Zebediah asked Efresia on the way to the reception room.

"You don't have to ask every day, but I want to tell you that Pridewater (the world on the edge of the Federation) fell today." Everestia sighed softly.

"When will they come to Tarsonis to take me away?" Zebediah sighed.

"Your father is waiting for you to take charge of the Terra family." Efrecia was a little more stern: "Do you want to piss him off to death?"

"Wouldn't it be enough to let Clara be the heir?" Zebediah didn't care: "I want to be a hero like Augustus."

"Many people don't regard that Augustus as a hero." Efrecia said: "Don't you know that what he wants to overthrow is the founding family like the Terra family."

"He is dad's best friend. Our family has been secretly helping Korhal and the revolutionary army." Zebediah revealed a shocking secret.

"Who knows if he will destroy the Terra family after he achieves his goal. Even if he doesn't do that, Augustus will definitely take the opportunity to weaken the Terra family so that he can more easily control the family and its subordinates. Huge corporate assets." Efrecia is obviously more than just a lover, she has quite deep access to the inside story:

“Never trust a person who is really in charge.”

"Augustus was different," Zebediah said.

"Why is it different?" Everestia asked.

"I don't know." Zebediah shrugged: "Who knows, I don't care."

"Uh" Suddenly, Nova grabbed Zebediah's pants with her right hand, and she almost pulled them off with such strength.

A twisted figure shrouded in black smoke appeared in Nova's mind, followed by severed limbs and the dead man's wide-eyed expression of horror.

"Don't take off my pants." Zebediah pulled up his pants.

"how's it going?"

The next moment, a huge explosion came from the top floor of the Terra family.

After that, several servants who were wiping the statue in the corridor pulled off a rag, took out a miniature electromagnetic rifle from their work clothes and ran towards Nova and Zebediya. The other servants were frightened by this turn of events. He had to freeze in place.

It’s not that I wanted to break the chapter, I almost didn’t finish it.

Before her family was ruined, Nova was really a kind-hearted aristocratic lady. The fact that she later became so indifferent can only be said to be a trick of fate.

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