StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 455 The Fall of Tarsonis

"Chiefs of the United Earth Council! Don't shoot - don't shoot!"

Unexpectedly, before Mike could praise Donnie's generous sacrifice, the other party turned to look at UNN broadcaster Max Spear and the entire camera crew behind him who were raising their hands in the air:

"Mr. Spear, did that damn camera record my heroic appearance of being loyal and brave enough to face death?"

For a moment, Spear couldn't react. But Spears was a sharp thinker, and he looked into Dhoni's eyes and said: "For God's sake, I really hope that camera that was just blown up is still recording, but not that much."

"My life was hanging by a thread just now!" Donnie said a series of curse words, and when he turned to face the Earth soldiers, he put on a flattering smile.

"Sir, let me show you the way."

Donny Vermilion is a contradictory person. This selfish guy cherishes his life extremely. For this reason, he can give up some valuable qualities, but he is willing to take risks in order to get ahead.

"What a pity. I was just about to fulfill your perseverance and make you go down in history." The UED expeditionary force officer's power armor did not have any unit logo or rank mark on it. He was probably a veteran who had served for many years. , with ease and ease on the battlefield.

"While there is still time, thank and praise your God, for in the future no religion will be banned in the territories governed by the United Earth Council."

Mike resisted the desire to complain, and together with Spear and other UNN, he followed the instructions of the UED soldiers and stood against the wall, while Donnie, who was forcing a smile, got the opportunity to lead the way for the earth's invaders.

To be honest, many federal people have strong feelings of resistance and hatred towards the UED expeditionary force. They would rather die than surrender. Most of these people are educated young people and elites.

Others believe that being ruled by Earthlings will never be worse than the current federal government. They hope that the Earth, with more advanced technology and ideas, can bring some changes to the stagnant Federation.

As for Donny, he is used to praising greatness, power and conquest, and he doesn't like people on earth.

There is always a contrast, and the Tarsonis are always compromises. When someone tells them that the rebels are about to rule Tarsonis, they will be afraid that it will evolve into a brutal and unbridled military government. It is unacceptable for unorthodox Tarsonis to govern the Terran Confederacy.

But when the people from the earth came, they felt that the rebels were also pleasing to their eyes.

At this time, more soldiers wearing gray power armor came up through the stairs, the number of which was roughly equivalent to a standard 50-man combat platoon. They also carried weapons such as railguns and electromagnetic cannons, but those were apparently captured from the Terran Confederacy.

Some soldiers are equipped with modified C-series electromagnetic rifles. The sights and spears on them are very different from those in the hands of the federal army.

About two squads of soldiers passed over Mike and others and continued to walk to the higher floors of the UNN headquarters building through the winding stairs. They seemed to be sure that there were no other enemies in this building.

"There should be a backup generator in this building, Corporal Hardman, take someone to start it." The UED officer waved his hand: "We need to get the equipment here back to normal as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir."

"Um, is the battle over? I mean, have you taken Tarsonis?" Duny asked cautiously.

"The main force of the Tyranid Federation has been defeated." The UED officer said with pride: "The outcome of this war has been doomed from the beginning."

He didn't actually need to say that much to Dhoni, but that just proved that the Earthlings might be about to win.

It's hard to imagine how they defeated the huge Federation fleet in the outer orbit of Tarsonis, and there were more than 20 million Federation guardsmen on the planet's surface.

Although it includes regular federal troops, recently recruited reserves, forced conscripts and even police forces, as well as additional volunteers from its vast colonies. The training and equipment of these people are problematic, but they are still an extremely large force, equivalent to five thousandths of the current total population of Tarsonis.

Considering the chaos in federal military command, the actual number of troops invested was far less. After the Federation's information network was completely lost, it was the UED Expeditionary Force Command that actually issued orders to the Tarsonis defenders.

Many division-level and even corps-level troops received strange orders to leave their bases almost from the beginning. Many hours after the war started, they still didn't know what happened.

The federal army that actually entered the battlefield was quickly defeated by the elite wings of the hybrids and UED. Their headquarters was often destroyed by the superior air firepower of the Earth Army not long after the war began, and the federal fleet had obviously already A complete failure.

"Lead the way, where is the studio in this building?" he said to Dhoni.

"The studio is in the basement, and the top of the building is where the high-rise offices are, and above that are the signal transmission towers and data transmission base stations." Dorney explained.

"The signals in Tarsonis are now subject to strong interference. Even if these devices are restored to work, it will be difficult to send any news to the outside world." Another UNN staff member said:

"Tarsonis was interfered by a strong electromagnetic pulse wave, which almost paralyzed the entire city's communications. If the radio signal is strong enough, it can break through this interference. There is such equipment in the headquarters building, but it It’s not working as expected.”

Even now, other Federation colonies only know that Tarsonis is under siege by the UED expeditionary force, but know nothing about the actual situation.

"This is none of your business—" the UED officer interrupted.

Just at this moment, a sharp, frightening roar came from the urban area outside, and Mike bet that it was also mixed with a scream that broke the liver and gallbladder.

Mike had never heard this sound before. He had obtained an audio clip from the roar of the Zerg Nest Guardian. The scream from the terrifying alien seemed to come from some kind of prehistoric ferocious beast.

But this kind of roar is another form, like the sound made when scratching the glass with nails, which makes people's skin crawl and can produce a sense of physical disgust.

"What is that?" Donnie exclaimed.

"The beast in the cage." The UED officer gave Duny a hard shove. "You don't want to know what that is. It's the most abominable monster in the universe."

"It sounds like a voice from hell, but it's not a zerg," Spear said. "You hired demons."

"Shut your mouth, otherwise I will order the medics to sew it up with a nano-suturing gun." The officer ordered again: "Now, let's go to the high-level office. You also follow, if necessary, what I order you to do Just do whatever you want.”

As a result, Mike had to follow these UED soldiers to continue climbing the stairs. He looked as gloomy as his colleagues who were mourning for their wives. Regardless, they are now prisoners.

Mike and Spear walked together, communicating only with their eyes in the darkness. These two journalists, who have experienced great storms, have no confidence in their hearts, but they are sure that they will be able to avert danger as they did in the past.

The UNN headquarters building is more than sixty stories high. Climbing the stairs when the elevator is not working is enough to make Mike breathless. At every corner of the stairs was a window that looked out onto downtown Tarsonis, and the higher the floor, the farther away you could see.

In this building, the higher the status, the higher the position.

The battlefield outside was still very fierce, and half of the sky was lit up by the fire of artillery, anti-aircraft batteries, arc tanks, and Goliath armed robots.

Multiple giant UED Goliaths advanced on the ruined Tarsonis city center park. Each one of them was so staggeringly huge that even tall soldiers wearing power armor seemed dwarfed in front of them. It was a real steel giant, and the tremors when the giant mechanical feet hit the ground could be clearly heard in the dark night.

What a magnificent sight it was. Countless giant Goliath robots were advancing on the road, stepping on the federal army's bunkers. The triangular auxiliaries behind their cockpits are more like outstretched wings, which makes these giant mechas that are larger than tanks even more terrifying.

Hundreds of soldiers in power armor marched through the streets and highways. Broken flags, wreckage of tanks, and uncollected corpses were piled up in the once prosperous and beautiful city center.

Their opponents are federal troops who are still loyal to the federal government. The defenders of the central city are mainly composed of Marines from Delta and Omega Squadrons, who tenaciously resist the UED attack on the other side of the city.

The UED may have been able to claim to the outside world that they have captured Tarsonis, but the fighting may continue into next month, and the fighting will continue in the streets and corners of cities, in the wastelands and tundra.

At this time, the Federation has not yet lost the main city of Tarsonis. Even though the command and communication system is greatly restricted, the Federation army is still trying its best to gather troops to launch a counterattack. This represents the extremely high quality of this army.

The opponents of the Augustan Revolutionary Army were these people, who were well-trained professional soldiers and dead soldiers who had been resocialized. To put it bluntly, with only the army in Augustus' hands, it would probably take more than ten years to capture Tarsonis.

In the flames that soared into the sky with the fleeting light of the explosion, Mike could also glimpse the beauty of Tarsonis in the flames of war.

The towering skyscrapers and spiers weave gear-like lines in the darkness, like the edge of a black forest. The park’s colorful scenic avenues, bifurcated intersections and green parking spaces have now been replaced by a patchwork of fortification walls and barbed wire.

There is a wide artificial lake in the center of the park, and the water channel dug in the center is like a clear ribbon, flowing along the avenue. The avenue that stretches for several miles has a majestic momentum, which symbolizes the strength and tolerance of Tarsonis, but now it has been destroyed by artillery fire and is in a mess.

There was originally a brass statue of a Marine in Central Park, which was originally built with money donated to commemorate the children of Union soldiers who died in the Union War. Now, it too collapsed under heavy fire.

Raging fires and thick smoke covered the entire city center, and the acrid smell of gunpowder smoke filled the sky above the city.

The solemn and simple landmark buildings in the city center were silent in the darkness, illuminated by a sudden rain of fire. In the clouds illuminated by the fire, countless wreckage that once belonged to a certain battlecruiser were falling. Most of them had burned out before landing, and those that successfully landed caused fires in the urban area.

In a certain direction, a cornered battlecruiser was falling. Its almost intact huge hull fell into the central city. The white light produced by the explosion swept through several densely populated neighborhoods, at least ten people Thousands of people died in the flames in a matter of seconds.

Even now, Mike still didn't believe Tarsonis would fall. If the most difficult planet in the Tyranid Federation fell into the hands of the UED in less than two days, it would be easy for them to capture other colonies.

When Mike and Spear stepped onto the top floor of the headquarters building, UED soldiers from afar were rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the high-rise offices. But more people climbed to the rooftop terrace, where the signal tower is located.

Mike is not a tech savvy, he knows how to use these amazingly valuable devices. The signal tower can send data to the nearest star system several light-years away with a strengthened signal. With luck, it will be enough to break through the communication blockade of the UED expeditionary force.

He soon realized that the UED's communications must have been affected by electrical pulse waves, and the communication technology brought by the people on earth would not be much better than that of the Tyranid Federation. But no matter what, people on earth obviously have their own unknown solutions. Electrical pulse interference does not work on all communication methods.

The typhoon wind on the rooftop of the UNN headquarters building made Mike shiver. He was surprised to find that a light rain started to fall in the sky without him noticing. In the mist and rain, a battlecruiser sailing over the main city of Tarsonis appeared even more dazzling.

It was an iron-gray battlecruiser, and its hull also had the classic hammer-shaped head structure of Tyranid battleships. At this time, the battleship's majestic tall-building armor was flashing with the red light of early warning lights, showing its presence to the people here in a majestic manner. This also means that most of the anti-aircraft firepower points in the main city of Tarsonis have been silenced. fire.

This battlecruiser has a prestigious name, Alexander.

Just as the UED's golden eagle flag was rising, the soldiers announced that they had occupied the planet in the name of mankind.

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to find a way to get this tower working again," the UED officer shouted to Mike.

"No matter what, let this old antique start moving immediately."

"Okay." Mike saw Doni Vermillion standing dejectedly playing with the tangled cables, and other UNN employees also had different expressions.

After all, Mike is a member of the Pan-Tylan Revolutionary Party. This organization has always had a tendency towards Great Tyranism and will never sit back and watch the Earthlings rule the Tyrannic Federation.

When activating the main control panel of the signal transmission tower, he found Max Spear and said a few words to him while he was working: "We must take this opportunity to spread the news about Tarsonis to let everyone know Everyone knows what happened here.”

"Don't worry, I know a communication channel from the Korhal Revolutionary Army. People on Earth can't safely dominate Tarsonis, even if the Federation has been destroyed."

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