StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 457 Divide the Federation

Earlier on August 5, 2493, Augustus held a military meeting in the former Governor's Palace of Crusas. The participants included commanders of the legions and the general staff of the Revolutionary Army. More than 30 people were present. people.

Admiral Horace Warfield was the last one to arrive. Two hours ago, he was sitting on the galaxy hopper heading to the Crusader Central Airport. He was also the highest-ranking commander and the only one present. Admiral.

Only Jim Raynor was not present. He was leading a revolutionary army to fight the zerg on the new battlefield opened on the planet Char.

About 120,000 Revolutionary Army soldiers are still fighting against the swarm headed by the Cerebrate Dagos in the purgatory world of volcanoes and white ash. Although they have received support from the high-ranking executive of the Duram Protoss, Tassadar and Direct support from Grand Archon Fenix, but at the same time must be wary of the possible treachery of their ally, Tosh, known as the Zerg Blade Prince, with ulterior motives.

As the commander of the Char Legion, Jim Raynor has lived up to Augustus's expectations. He has occupied the defense platform in the outer space orbit of Char through a decisive landing battle and begun to establish it on the Mirror Plain on the surface of Char. base of operations.

At the meeting, Augustus first informed the revolutionary generals present that Tarsonis had fallen, and clarified his attitude.

That is to say, the entire Revolutionary Army must be prepared for a full-scale war with the United Earth Council. Once the war begins, the Revolutionary Army will concentrate its forces to attack instead of defend instead of spreading its forces across various planets for defense.

Because although Augustus had reached a verbal peace agreement with the commander of the UED expeditionary force through a long-distance communication, it was just a treaty that could be torn up at any time. As long as Dugar and Augustus did not announce this treaty to the outside world, it did not exist.

Even if everyone knows it, it is not very binding.

On the premise of the upcoming war with the UED, Augustus asked his commanders to discuss a detailed combat plan assuming that they were already at war with the UED expeditionary force to ensure that the revolutionary army could win the next war. .

In fact, the Revolutionary Army has been conducting war exercises with the UED, and the officers of the staff have been practicing on the tactical sandbox all day long in order to take advantage of the possible all-out war.

Throughout the morning, Augustus listened carefully to the opinions of his commanders, and he said few words himself.

In the past, Augustus's generals and commanders had never been in complete agreement, but on this day there was no major disagreement. ——Augustus has told them that the revolutionary army is not afraid of war with the UED and will not retreat.

However, there were endless debates and overthrows over the details. More than a dozen preliminary combat plans were put forward by the generals, which immediately aroused a wider debate in the meeting. .

As always, Edmund Duke advocated strong offensive tactics, emphasizing that Alpha Squadron would be the vanguard in the war against the Earthlings. He vowed to restore the glory of the Tyranids and restore the sacred home planet of Tarsonis!

It's just that the tactics proposed by General Duke didn't have much merit. His tactics were only suitable for Alpha Squadron, which was good at carrying out critical tasks. The overall purpose was to just do it and be done with it.

Horace Warfield generally supports Duke's combat plan. He also believes that we should take the initiative rather than stick to the planets we already control. Taking the initiative is the most important thing. By consuming the effective forces of the Earth Expeditionary Force to gain strategic advantage, the war with the UED must be won in constant motion.

The fall of Tarsonis had proven that even the most impregnable fortifications were not infallible.

The UED expeditionary force is all well-equipped elite soldiers, and Gerald Dugar is good at attacking, but after all, they are an expeditionary force far away from the homeland. Equipment and supplies can only be obtained from the occupied areas, making it difficult to sustain.

If the UED chooses to go to war with Augustus's revolutionary army immediately after occupying Tarsonis, then based on the previous experience of the Terran Federation's battles with the revolutionary army, even if they can defeat the main force of the revolutionary army's fleet, they will have to deal with the aftermath. the all-pervasive guerrilla armed forces.

Moreover, although the Tyranid Federation has been severely damaged, and its largest authority, the Federal Parliament and the Military Headquarters, have been destroyed along with their arrogant fleet, there is still a considerable part of the Federation world that has not been affected by the war, and the remaining The federal fleet and armed forces cannot be underestimated.

The current remnants of the Tyranid Federation just lack a unified commander. It is still a powerful force to gather together the federal naval fleets scattered in various sectors and sectors of the Koprulu sector.

Moreover, the strength of the Revolutionary Army has expanded nearly 10 times in the past three months, and the newly built battlecruisers have greatly supplemented the number of fleets. So far, Augustus has an army of 4.4 million men and more than 50 battlecruisers.

The source of troops comes from volunteers from 48 Tyranid Federation territories, of which Antiga Prime provides nearly half of the troops. With more refugees and the Korhal people living in Umoyan, the population of this planet has reached an astonishing 80 million. , and may exceed 100 million before the end of this year.

The Antiga government and immigration department are also extremely busy because the invasion of Earthlings has once again set off a huge flow of refugees and immigrants.

Although this is still not enough even compared to the Federation defenders of Tarsonis, Warfield believes that the UED must have suffered considerable losses when capturing Tarsonis.

The main difference between Warfield and Duke is that the former's combat plan is obviously more detailed and cautious. He does not want to immediately start a war with the main force of the UED expeditionary force and bet all the wealth that the revolutionary army has accumulated over many years on it.

He advocated continuing to divide the remaining Federation worlds with the UED and occupy some important core planets far away from Tarsonis. At the same time, the Revolutionary Army must step up its efforts to absorb the remaining defeated troops of the Tyranid fleet, and unite with those naval squadrons that have not yet arrived in Tarsonis or are performing missions in other federal territories, so that the UED will not have no scruples to break up.

Augustus quite agrees with Warfield's idea. He believes that the current UED is far from having the ability to crush all forces in Koprulu - that will at least wait until Dugar masters the technology of the psychic disruptor and successfully completes it. After the United Earth Council's Black Flag program aimed at controlling the zerg overlords.

When Augustus asked whether this move might directly trigger a war, Warfield believed that even so, they must do it because they must weaken the UED expeditionary force's next war potential as much as possible. In short, they must not let it The UED comfortably took over all core worlds of the Federation.

The core world of the Federation is the main industrial and technological center, while the edge world mainly plays the role of raw material supply and food production area.

Currently, the Revolutionary Army mainly controls nearly two-fifths of the edge worlds, while the core worlds are much less. In terms of economic power and industrial foundation, there is no doubt that the core world is much stronger. Generally speaking, the colonies farther away from Tarsonis have a shorter history and a lower level of development. Only a few fringe worlds can catch up.

Warfield's idea is that we must not sit back and let the UED control all the core worlds, even if it has to create contradictions and conflicts with it. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is no way the UED can coexist with the rebel organizations of the Terran Federation.

The reason why the UED expeditionary force did not attack the Federation and the rebels at the same time was that they did not have the spare capacity for the time being.

"At present, the possibility of direct war between the people of Earth and us is not high." After Warfield temporarily ended his dry speech, Arcturus Mengsk, deputy chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, put forward his own opinion .

Arcturus is not only responsible for the government affairs of the Revolutionary Army planet, but also serves nominally on the General Staff of the Revolutionary Army, but in fact this is not an empty title.

"From the intelligence point of view, after the UED expeditionary force captured Tarsonis, it took them less than a week to occupy the seven core worlds closest to Tarsonis." Arcturus was wearing the uniform of the Chief of Staff. , with a pistol and sword pinned to his trousers with wide red stripes on the lower body.

"I think this just shows that the UED expeditionary force is actually stretched thin, and they simply don't dare to spread their limited troops across multiple planets." He paused and then continued: "Occupy these seven core worlds They also have their clear purpose. Those planets have industrial centers and the largest and most important interstellar ports, and UED will definitely transform them into a huge fleet in a very short period of time."

"Dugar of the UED will not be so eager to occupy all the Federation worlds, but he will not stop after that." Jackson Holler, commander of Nova Squadron, said:

"I fear their next target will be Antiga Prime."

"If they take action, we will attack Tarsonis," said Commander-in-Chief of the Armored Forces William Wachowski.

"You must be careful of the UED's electromagnetic interference weapons and hybrid troops. They relied on these two things to defeat the Federation defenders of Tarsonis." said Rondstein, the current commander of the Korhal Corps of the Revolutionary Army:

"The top priority is to develop counter-weapons, otherwise our warships will become sadly blind and deaf when facing the UED expeditionary force."

"In this regard, the Umoyan people will do their best to help us." Augustus spoke: "Since the earth people reappeared in our field of vision, the Umoyan Parliament has exploded. They believe that Tai After the fall of the Lun Federation, the next target of the UED expeditionary force must be the United States of Umoyan."

"To this end, they are willing to help us upgrade our network and communication equipment as soon as possible to reduce the impact of electromagnetic interference on our warships."

The United States reacted violently to the people on Earth, but at the same time they also had the idea of ​​stealing advanced technology from the Earth. The Umoyan people were well known for their obsession with technology.

"As for the hybrid" Augustus noticed that everyone's eyes were looking at him at this time.

"The Daraam protoss will send troops to help us deal with the hybrids."

Augustus had contacted the Dallam protoss of Thagurath to discuss the hybrid with their leader Rashagal. Of course, the protoss will not sit idly by and ignore this. They deeply hate this kind of monster that combines the genes of the protoss and the insect, and think that it is a blasphemy to the protoss race.

It's just that the protoss does not regard the earth as a threat, and will not fully intervene in the human civil war. Therefore, it will not send an overly large fleet to support, and will only help Augustus deal with the hybrid.

The current Durham protoss had just experienced the war on Aiur and were recuperating, unwilling to launch a large-scale war.

However, for Augustus, that was already a source of great joy.

"With the protoss helping us, the hybrid is not an invincible enemy." Arcturus also breathed a sigh of relief. He used to worry that the protoss would turn a blind eye to this. After all, who could figure out such a thing? What do races that are so different from humans think?

"It would be interesting to fight with the people on Earth. I heard that they only like to tap dance with a cane." At this time, Mira Han, the commander of the Port of the Dead Legion, was lying on the conference table and falling asleep. In this conference room They were all nervous generals at all levels of the revolutionary army, but Mira looked listless.

Mira didn't listen to a few words about the content of the meeting. She has always been a maverick, with her shiny pink-purple hair always so unruly.

Mira is very smart and proficient in conspiracy, but in the final analysis, her style of doing things is to fight to the end. In the words of the residents of the Port of the Dead, it is to work hard.

Meetings attended by Mira were either lively or dead, depending on whether Augustus was present or not.

Fortunately, Renault was not here today, otherwise it would have turned into a fight between him and Duke within fifteen minutes at most, with Mira taking charge of the fire.

"What's going on, Mira, if you are too sleepy, I can approve you to go back to the military camp to sleep now." Augustus' forehead darkened: "But I need to know why you are like this?"

"Ah~ It was all Pony's fault last night. He was so enthusiastic and wouldn't let me rest at all." Mira suddenly blushed and hugged her shoulders and kept shaking.

"Oh, that poor Terrador boy." Duke showed disdain. General Edmund Duke had escaped the vulgar tastes of human lovemaking; his mind was filled with violence and exploits.

"He is still a child." Unlike Holler's intimidating appearance, he is actually a CP leader who likes to kowtow to CP.

"?" Arcturus on the side said doubtfully: "Matt spent the whole night at the staff headquarters yesterday. It is impossible for him to run into the military camp on the other side of Crusas."

A few days ago, Augustus had just promoted Matt Horner from the first mate of a Revolutionary Army warship to the Revolutionary Army General Staff, preparing to train him into a future naval general.

It's not so much that Matt can't see Mila often because of work, but that his desire to work overtime is too strong and he gets the chance to escape Mila. It has to be said that Mira is not Matt's cup of tea.

"Don't talk nonsense like this." Augustus waved his hand, indicating to the surrounding generals to skip this topic: "You are probably not awake, Mira, you don't need to attend this meeting."

"But you can't use this time to harass Matt Horner."

But thanks to Tomila, the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became cheerful, and the tense atmosphere was swept away.

After driving Mira away, Augustus waved his hand and said to the revolutionary generals: "I think General Warfield's plan is feasible. Since the UED has not taken action against other core worlds for the time being, we will take the lead. Control them.”

"There is a possibility of war between us and the UED at any time, so kindness to the enemy is cruelty to ourselves." He said:

“Next, let’s continue to study and discuss the Warfield Plan.”

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