StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 47 There’s nothing more to say

"Do I look good? Boy." Tychus handed his ID card and chip to Renault: "My equipment was lost when I came here, and they asked me to come here to get some new equipment. .”

Renault took the chip and inserted it into the groove of the scanner. Then, he glanced at Tychus's wrinkled face before looking at the screen: "As required, you should get a new ration."

"Because the latest batch of supply boxes are piled up in the storage unit, we are counting the stored supplies and sorting them into categories. This will take a lot of time. Please come back to this counter at 14:00 at that time."

"Are you sure you're not fooling me?" Tychus raised his eyebrows and interrupted Renault: "I came all the way from the death desert of Reading III to this world of ice and snow, but I only wore a pair of underwear. .”

"Actually, the indoor temperature here has been stably maintained at around 20 degrees Celsius." Renault took out the chip and put it back on the counter.

"Listen, you may not understand the meaning of these words, or maybe my words are too polite, so that you, a yellow-haired boy, will slap your nose in your face." Tychus put one hand firmly on the counter. On top, leaning forward, the other hand tightened on Renault's collar, pulling his face towards her, staring into his dark brown eyes.

This trick worked well for Tychus, who was tall and had a fierce look on his face. Generally speaking, when dealing with those new recruits, as long as he stares into their eyes, those weaklings will wet their pants in fear. And Tychus could tell almost at a glance that Renault's service time would never exceed two years.

Perhaps the rank of private first class gave him a lot of points, but with Renault's size, he was far from a match for veteran oilman Tychus.

"Maybe you should work with your little followers to prepare my equipment for me immediately. I don't have time to stay here and stare at the shelves."

"Please forgive me, I don't understand what you mean." Renault looked at Tychus calmly: "Because I don't know if what comes out of your mouth is shit."

Tychus seemed stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect that Renault was not frightened at all.

"If what I said is not clear enough." This made Tychus unable to step down, so he grabbed Renault's collar with both hands and lifted him up from the chair, determined to teach this recruit a lesson: "Find my equipment immediately, or I will break every bone in your body and twist off your head to use as a urinal!"

"Before that, I will pull that thing off your neck and use it as a ball." Renault has never given up in his life. He held Tychus's wrist to order the future. The reader was surprised by the strength and gradually opened the hand holding his collar.

Tychus realized he was going to have to fight today, and that didn't matter, he was usually very measured. He would make Reno feel humiliated and in excruciating pain, and the Marine doctors would not find a single wound or even a slightly larger bruise on Reno's body that could convict him.

"Today, you will regret having angered Tychus Finley. I will break every finger bone of yours and glue them back together." Tychus was tired of exchanging harsh words with the country boy. It's a boring game. When something develops to the point where it cannot be solved by any means other than fists, he must let the other party know who has the hardest fist.

Tychus Finley, who had just been released from prison, was hiding an angry lion in his heart, and...

"Put him down, you madman." Just when Tychus was about to lift Renault high above his head and prepare to throw it to the storage shelf behind the counter like a piece of garbage, his temple was suddenly hit by a blow. A cold barrel pressed against it. What followed him was a somewhat sharp male voice. It sounded like the gangsters and racing gangs he had encountered in some colonial towns. He was frivolous and arrogant, and always thought he was very talkative.

"I count to three, one, two"

But the slight click of the safety bolt opening made Tychus retract his contempt, and immediately put Renault down, pressing him onto the chair like a rag doll being put back into the basket. After Renault straightened his messed up collar, he leaned back on the chair and looked at Tychus quietly.

"Put your hands up and squat against the wall," the voice continued.

Tychus turned around and saw a young soldier pointing a shotgun at him. The soldier had messy red hair, some freckles on his nose, and was holding a shotgun in his mouth. A dying cigarette.

"Don't you understand?" The red-haired soldier spit out the cigarette end in his mouth on the ground and stamped it out with his foot: "Raise your hands and turn your back to me. I hate seeing your face."

Tychus looked at the soldier calmly, unmoved at all, and was convinced that the other soldier would never dare to shoot: "You'd better put down the gun quickly, so that we can put everything behind us properly." Get it over with. It'll do us all good until the gendarmerie get here."

"What's going on with that man? Harnak." At this time, another man's voice came from the empty hall of the supply station. Tychus immediately looked around and saw a noncommissioned officer wearing a brown straight military uniform. Three soldiers in the same uniform are walking towards here.

Among the three people at the back, one was chewing gum and blowing bubbles out of boredom. His hands were in his pockets. There were thousands of walking postures, but he chose the most unusual one. This was Josephine. .

The other person was holding a pen and a receipt list in his hand, and was still remembering something as he walked. That was Li Patchinyang. Holding an E-7 Gauss rifle in her hand and walking to the right of the sergeant was Amy Brandon, whose blue eyes seemed like the sea under the sun.

These soldiers all wore flat caps with wolf head emblems, and their uniforms were covered with dust. They had been moving goods at the other end of the warehouse, while Tychus's attention was focused on Renault.

The leading noncommissioned officer is a handsome man with cold gray eyes. His originally straight military uniform is covered with dust and wrinkles due to the work of transporting goods. His face is also stained with black oil, but the rifle badge on his shoulder that indicates the combat unit is. It shows that the opponent's troops are by no means new recruits doing odd jobs in the army's logistics.

The sergeant walked next to Tychus and Harnak, just a step away from them. Then, he looked at Tychus: "Tell me what this is all about."

"Sir, this is the matter." The only thing that could make Tychus put down his arrogant attitude was the sergeant badge on the chest of the noncommissioned officer. One of the rules of survival of the Marines is that you must always be respectful to those who have a few more bars or other things on their shoulders than you. The corporal in the dispatch hall before was just a civilian employee sitting in an office, and was not qualified enough to make Tychus obey.

"I didn't ask you." The sergeant interrupted Tychus in a calm tone: "I want to remind you that I don't have a good look on guys who enter my territory and cause trouble. If my subordinates prove that you are indeed If you are here to cause trouble, then I will hand you over to the military police."

"Even if you lick my boots ten thousand times, this decision will not change at all."

Tychus understood immediately. Although the sergeant was so young, he definitely seemed to be the kind of ruthless character who would do what he said.

"Boss, this guy grabbed Jim and was about to beat him up. Thanks to me, that kid didn't have his pants taken off and spanked." Hanak chuckled.

"Hey, I was about to fuck him down, and it was obviously you who stepped in." Renault also smiled.

"Look." Augustus turned to Tychus and spread his hands.

"I think there's not much more to say."

Thanks to the unkillable little hero, Agent Rongrong for the reward, thanks to Hope Forever 23333, Sanye Liuli, A Dream for a Thousand Years S, Xia Juan Qiubu, Wu Xuan, Meng Meng Da Gu Gu Gu, book friends 161121213935249, commandllche, Adorable new rabbit, book friend 20190422191709173, the little hero who is silent but unkillable, Jinghu Yejing, dreams, morning breeze, Lingxiao Yunqiao, Yaoguang Tianshu, squalls scars, rice and stone, scarlet night, Luckhill, Angel Yunhui, Mr. Nian's monthly ticket.

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