StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 471 Poke the Lord again

"General Murphy Count's armored group is advancing towards the main hive area at a speed of 20 miles per hour. Their two wings are the Dragon Knight troops of the Protoss Archon Phoenix and the Atlas of the UED. Alliance."

General Charles, the Chief of General Staff, leaned over the tactical table generated by the holographic projection, sweat pouring from his unkempt face:

"As long as we establish a foothold near the hives of Tiamat, Berog, and Sutur swarms, we can immediately begin to deploy Swann's fifth-generation "Big Bill" psychic disruptor."

"Big Bill" is an upgraded version of Brainwave Bill's psychic disruptor. Rory Swann drew inspiration from the Revolutionary Army's Umoyan and Protoss allies to greatly increase the intensity of the device's energy output.

Swann himself believes that the Terran Federation's disruptor version will not be able to catch up with him even in another 30 years.

In other words, the reason why Dugar wanted to form an alliance with Renault's revolutionary army was because of the psychic disruptor in their hands.

"Under the influence of the psychic disruptor, the brainworms will not be able to command their group members smoothly. This will give us a chance to open a gap and achieve a breakthrough!"

"What about the loss of the tank?" Renault stood opposite Char.

At this time, the command vehicle that Renault and Charles were riding in was following a tank battalion through the left wing position of the UED Kronos Wing. A psychic disruptor was deployed nearby, so the number of zerg was much smaller than in other areas. many.

Renault's force followed closely behind the armored force. Strictly speaking, this position was too far forward for the commander of an entire expeditionary force. But Renault is ready to go to the battlefield at any time. If he hadn't had to pay attention to the situation of each unit, he would be leading the armored group now instead of Murphy Counter.

Among the many generals of Augustus, Jim Raynor has always been the kind of lone hero who dared to lead his brothers deep into the enemy's position while riding a vulture chariot.

"When attacking the main nest area, we lost at least two hundred AVV-5 arc light siege tanks and more Sidewinder tanks. The losses of supply trucks and ammunition trucks were also great. Dangerous deep trenches and horizontal traverses filled with magma The large crack across the ground is the main factor restricting the advancement of tank vehicles." Charles wiped the sweat from his face.

The armored group commanded by General Murphy Conte has more than 1,500 tanks and 65,000 soldiers, including a large number of Vulture vehicles used for reconnaissance, tracking and destruction behind enemy lines.

In a land like Char with wide terrain and harsh environment, armored forces are extremely important. The wars against the Zerg on Char had shown that it was foolish to send large numbers of marines into battle. Unless the only purpose is to establish a solid position, such an army alone will only encounter the fate of being devoured by the zerg in the Ashmoor of Char.

The UED expeditionary military still uses the old-fashioned combat concept. It first uses the fleet and aircraft and artillery to conduct a round of fire bombing and then dispatches ground troops. If the Federation's psychic disruptors are as effective as scientists expect, this tactic will undoubtedly work.

However, the UED does not have any advantages in high-altitude orbits. The Char swarm consists of dozens of Leviathans, a large number of Behemoths, and tens of billions of flying units. At the same time, it suppresses the Durham Protoss and the Revolutionary Army. and UED fleet.

And that's just the number in orbit.

If the UED cannot kill or control the Overmind, they will all be destroyed on Char.

"I can't believe bugs can make holes in a place like this," Charles continued.

"But General Conte is an expert in armored warfare and commands the most elite armored forces we have. With the help of the protoss and UED, breaking into the main nest area will not be a problem."

Murphy Count belongs to a small-scale founding family in Tarsonis. This family has served in the Tyranid Federation's army for more than 10 generations, but it has always been sparsely populated and not very powerful.

In the Tyranid Federation, the main opponent of the Conte family is the Duke family, which they have never been able to deal with.

At some point during the Contact War in 2490, Murphy-Contor left his family and joined Augustus' revolutionary army. In the first battle with Alpha in the small group of tanks in Mar Sara, he drove an old arc light tank and destroyed 5 Alpha squadron tanks in one fell swoop and became famous in one fell swoop.

"The main force of the attack is a mixture of protoss and UED monsters instead of us. The psychic disruptor is more useful than 200 divisions." Raynor said: "Conte's task is to get as close as possible to the main nest of the zerg to deploy the psychic disruptor." If he can disrupt the machine, there is no need for him to rush to make great achievements."

When the revolutionary army was having the most difficult time, the capture of a few old tanks would make the soldiers happy. Even some of the heavy factories on the Revolutionary Army planets can manufacture tanks. For Renault, who is used to living a hard life, it really gives him a cramp.

The Revolutionary Army now has more than 8,000 tanks of various types, a large part of which were captured from the Federation, and the rest came from Umoyan and Kemorion.

At this moment, on the tactical map in front of Renault, the arrows of the Conte Armored Group were still advancing, and its most forward troops were already deep into the hinterland of the main nest area.

So far, they have deployed 4 "Big Bill" psychic disruptors in the main nest area, which has greatly affected the Charr swarm's originally well-organized offensive.

"An Atlas UED officer protested to us that a red arc light siege tank was firing at their position, and they demanded." At this time, the console was reported by a Revolutionary Army staff officer.

"Is that Sergeant Bama Kowalski?" Not only did Renault know who it was, he was also able to name the other person's full name.

It's a long-standing rumor among the armored forces of the Revolutionary Army that one should never mess with a resocialized lunatic, Tychus Finley, and a woman who painted her tanks red.

Because it is said that Sergeant Bama Kowalski can target her comrades with the same accuracy as she fires at the enemy, this fiery woman is as difficult to mess with as her siege tank.

"Let's see if Bama's position and rank can be lowered." Charles knocked on the metal edge of the podium.

"We'll calculate Bama's general ledger after cleaning up these messes. I bet she can cause me a lot more trouble before she is sent to the punishment camp." Reno said to the staff officer.

Even Sergeant Bama Kowalski can hardly remember when she joined the Revolutionary Army. In short, she has participated in most of the Revolutionary Army's wars in the Koprulu sector as an arc light tank driver.

Bama Kowalski is a legendary arc light tank driver who has a record of destroying Confederate tanks many times. Her most famous achievement is single-handedly killing a terrifying Thunder Beast in the red wasteland of Antiga. .

Originally, the older siege tanks were larger and more bulky than today's models and could carry three men. Back then, Bama was always arguing with her commander as a gunner, but now she was driving her own siege tank alone.

Despite this, Sergeant Bama remains a tank driver to this day because she causes as much trouble as she kills.

"Ignore those Earthlings, their swords have no eyes. Let them keep their eyes open and be careful." Renault paused and continued:

"Let's see how we Tyranids fight against insects."

"Well, there is one more thing. Although it is untimely, our troops found some advanced Earth equipment when passing through the UED Atlas Wing's position, including nano medical kits used by Earth field medical officers, and nano robot repair Equipment and light power armor," Charles told Raynor.

"Some officers want to attack you."

"Do I need to say this?" Renault said immediately: "These are all good things. Instead of letting them fall into the ashes of Char and turn into scrap metal, it is better to put them in our pockets. Damn it, this is not the case. Take advantage of the situation."

UED's nano-medical technology is a good thing. Nano-medical robots can quickly repair damaged cells, sew wounds, and even restore injured soldiers to combat effectiveness.

Previously, only the United States of Umoyan was far ahead in nanotechnology.

Medical soldiers are one of the earth's native troops brought by the UED. The chemical modification agents, nano-conduction anesthetics and weak laser surgical equipment they are equipped with make them far more effective than the Tyranid medical soldiers. It is calculated that the UED can The average lifespan of Marines is increased by a full 9 seconds compared to Tyranids.

It is worth mentioning that the practice of setting up medical soldiers has a long history on the ancient earth. These stunning women have a history of selflessly and courageously entering battle to protect their wounded brothers.

"Think about how many people UED's advanced medical technology can save. If we had these when we first encountered aliens, there would be many great young men and good people among those who followed us to fight against the Federation and aliens. You can live until now." Renault said hoarsely.

"If the equipment is still usable, we will immediately find a way for our medical soldiers to use it, and the rest will be marked and picked up later." He said:

"I'll hand these over to Swann later and see what new tricks our omnipotent reverse engineering can come up with. I heard they've been doing research on the Human Ark. I said there's no need to be too ambitious. Let's sort things out first. What can save people is the last word.”

"It seemed like more than just a wild idea," Charles said.

"Think about how happy Augustus would be if he heard this news. He has been blaming himself for so many good brothers dying in vain in front of him all these years." Renault sighed.

"Nanotechnology is a key, with which we may be able to open a door to science and technology."

"It's a pity that we just helped farm the land in the past and don't understand this." Charles said regretfully.

"Therapeutic technology can be very useful," Raynor said.

"Friend Renault, I am preparing to deploy more Templars to the front line." Phoenix's image appeared on the holographic projection screen. Judging from the background behind him, he was obviously on the front line.

"The Shadow Guards of Dark Priest Azma are moving towards the main nest area. As long as our warriors open a gap, they can sneak into the insect nest and kill the beast."

"I don't have any problems here." Renault replied: Just let the horse go, our people are responsible for installing the psychic disruptor and guarding your rear. "

In the picture taken by the orbiting satellite, only a few Arbiters were seen driving into a base of the Protoss in the main nest area under the cover of a reconnaissance fleet. Then a large number of Protoss fanatics and dragon knights appeared under the Arbiter. In the force field.

Although the power of the protoss is no longer what it used to be, their military power is still strong.

At the same time, more hybrids were delivered to the main nest area. These monsters possess amazing intelligence. They no longer attack all creatures they see like in the Battle of Tarsonis, but are actually able to follow the UED army in an orderly manner.

This may also be why Dugar continues to use the weapon - as it turns out that the hybrid's past flaws appear to have been greatly compensated.

When the hybrid, protoss, and human armies launched attacks at the same time, the Charr swarm finally showed its decline. At the same time, under the influence of the "Big Bill" psychic disruptor, the large number of insect swarms are not always able to exert their significant advantage in military strength.

Just as Renault expected, this complex coalition finally broke through the insect nest of the Berog group. These zerg, covered with white carapace, were the most arrogant and terrifying warriors in the insect group, tearing them apart. Countless enemies finally fell.

Berog's former master Gwen was known for his cruelty, and this trait was deeply rooted in the deepest part of the clan through genetic inheritance.

Although the Berog swarm has been replaced by two Cerebrates, this insect nest with irreplaceable functions has not died out, and the new Cerebrates will take over the original group and original name.

It's just that in the period after the death of the previous generation of masters and before the new masters wake up, if a brainworm dies, it is really dead, and their group will also die out.

At this time, it was already early morning - at this time, the darkness in the area near the North Pole in Char was unusually short, and the day shrouded in high temperatures was about to come.

In the early morning thick fog raised by ash, the attack, launched by swarms of Protoss Templar Zealots, Hybrids, Revolutionary Army armor, and UED giant Goliath robots, came as the sun rose.

In the last few miles from the front line to the main nest, the roar of artillery fire, the scream of rocket clusters, and the flying fighter planes made frightening noises, and bright firelight fell in the thick fog. The towering zerg structures covered in chitinous carapace were blown apart, leaving only pale skeletons behind.

Judging from the footage captured from orbit in front of Renault, the attack was an extremely spectacular sight.

There are about 500 hybrids at the front, most of them are individuals with dark blue skin, while others have white scaly skin floating in mid-air.

On their left was Phoenix's Templar troops, numbering about 100,000, which was an extremely astonishing number. After the Battle of El, it was not easy to piece together this number of Zealot Legions.

Behind the Templars are densely packed Dragon Knight troops, and they must have suffered losses in many attacks by the insect swarm. The ground they walked on was full of golden metal debris left behind after the Dragon Knight armor was broken, and the remains of the dragon knights. Evaporated blue nutrient solution.

Behind them are Renault's troops and the UED people, but some human troops launch attacks as far forward as the protoss.

From their position, the huge chrysalis surrounding the new master was clearly visible and within reach, and even artillery fire could threaten it.

Except for the land occupied by the coalition forces, every inch of land and every patch of sky is a vast sea of ​​swarms of insects. In just two days, millions died in Char.

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