StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 49 Hai Ge Long Legion

On July 18, heavy snow fell from early morning to evening.

Eight inches of snow piled up on the road leading to the landing platform in Howe Fortress. Augustus, wearing thick winter clothing, drove a snowplow truck to clear the road. In the light of the car lights, the falling snowflakes were faintly visible. .

At this time, the snow was getting lighter and lighter, and there were only a few snowplow trucks driven by soldiers from Augustus' squad on the road. The street lights on both sides of the road have been turned on, and the pure white world is shining with a dazzling and dazzling snow-colored light.

Augustus's snowplow truck was driving slowly on the road. In the cockpit, a high-precision wooden retro gramophone that had just been sent from Kehal IV Stillling last week was playing blue music. Next to the dashboard There is a cup of steaming coffee.

Today is another sparse and ordinary day. I work hard in the fortress and fish appropriately, but there is no smoke-filled war. There is no need to kill people and there are no comrades dying around me. Augustus thought.

"Praise for peace!"

Thinking about it, Augustus picked up the coffee and took a sip. His whole body immediately felt warm, and the caffeine made him energetic.

Suddenly, something caught Augustus's eyes. In front of him on the left were two plow-type snowplows that were driving fast. In the front car, there were two swaying red-haired and blond boys sitting on the front and passenger seats. Even though it was still snowing, their car windows were still open, and the loud rock music was blasting Augustus's eardrums.

"Harnack and Josephine were two bad boys, they were noisy and noisy, but girls loved them" they sang loudly, laughing.

Just when Augustus was about to turn on the radio speaker and scold them, Harnack drove a snowplow truck roaring past him, and a snow thrower with an opening to the left threw all the broken snow blocks to Augustus. on the car window.

Augustus's good mood dropped a little.

"Speed ​​up! Wuhu!" That was Renault's voice: "I am a man chasing the wind!"

Within seconds, another, larger snowplow truck drove past him, throwing more snow onto Augustus's windows, forcing him to turn on his windshield wipers.

The coffee in his hand spilled onto his white windbreaker, and Augustus' anger level was soaring.

"Hey! Mengsk's little wolf cub, can you give me a ride?" Augustus opened the car window and looked around. There was a man wearing a silver-gray windproof suit a hundred yards in front of his car. The man wearing a long-brimmed hood was waving to him.

Augustus drove the car slowly over, and after it stopped, he opened the right door: "Captain, I heard that you are about to be promoted?"

The commander of the first company, Warfield, sat down in the cab, which he had climbed step by step on the ladder, and leaned comfortably on the co-pilot's seat: "Come on, come on, do you have coffee, kid?"

"There is instant coffee, but you have to make it yourself." Augustus turned the steering wheel and prepared to turn: "Where are you going? I'm going back."

"The command center of Fortress Howe, you know, I just took a plane to the oak forest to give a report. Before I could stand firm, that chameleon of Vanderspu was anxious for me to see him." Warfield said A cup and hot water bottle were rummaged in a storage box behind the seat.

"We are not under his control." Augustus' car turned around and drove in the direction it came from.

Lieutenant Colonel Javier Vanderspup is the acting lieutenant colonel of Fortress Hawe. Originally, all the fort soldiers and personnel, including the 4th Battalion of the 2nd Marines, were under his management, but as Augustus said In that case, Warfield's company really shouldn't be under his control.

"I totally agree with what you said." Warfield chuckled and focused on how to make coffee in the moving snow plow: "But just as I told you last time Like that, Vanderspup always wants to step on our heads and shit and pee. I don't like that hypocritical guy. He stays in the impregnable fortress all year round. He has never fought a few tough battles and always puts on official airs and gets military rank. Pressure people.”

"Yesterday, he specifically went to the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade at Hobo Pass and said that the internal defense of Howe Fortress was empty, so while the First Company was stationed in the fortress, the company had to be temporarily assigned to his command." Waugh. "He definitely came over to me and showed it off to me," Field said.

"No need to guess, I know what the result will be." Augustus chuckled.

"All in all, we're going to be in bad luck." Warfield snorted: "We'll see, when I stand in front of Vanderspu, that monkey will definitely jump on our faces. "

"You just said he was a chameleon," Augustus said.

"That's the color-changing monkey." Warfield took a sip of scalding coffee: "I never give people nicknames, but Vanderspu is an exception."

"We all know that even among the federal marines, there are many soldiers who have been corrupted by money and power, lining their own pockets and playing political tricks." He continued: "These people are hiding in the rear, and their promotions are higher than It's much more difficult on the front lines, so they quickly turn their attention to other aspects - like, how to use the power at hand to make themselves better off and more nourished."

"Vanderspu has been hiding it very well, but I can guarantee that his assets are far more than the salary he deserves. Acting Lieutenant Colonel of Fortress Hawe, this is a fat job."

"Let's just think of him as a clown in the circus." Augustus said with a smile.

"When I think about it, I feel much more comfortable." Warfield nodded, and then he looked at his watch: "Haha, we have to hurry up. Clown Fan requires me to arrive at the command center within ten minutes."

Augustus's snow plow gradually increased its speed, and soon caught up with Harnack, Renault and others in front, and threw the snow on their faces at a faster speed. Harnack and Josephine, who had their car windows open, were immediately chilled to their cores, and their happy singing stopped abruptly.

The snowplow drove fast and finally stopped steadily at the door of the only command center in Fortress Hawe. Warfield and Augustus got out of the car together. Two resocialized soldiers stood at the door. When they saw them, they immediately stood up and saluted.

"Vanderspu's men are all resocialized soldiers. I think he doesn't like thoughtful soldiers. He only wants obedient robots." Warfield told Augur when he walked into the command center. Stuart said: "Don't stand there, follow me in and take a look."

The command center during the Battle of Kailian was a large, multi-story building. Augustus and Warfield had to use an elevator to ascend to the observation platform with huge glass on the upper floors of the command center, and walk through the corridor with hanging oil paintings towards Fan. Lieutenant Colonel Despu's office.

The door to the office was closed tightly, which meant that Warfield had to knock and get permission from the owner of the office to enter, even against his will.

This was the first time Augustus saw Vanderspu. From Warfield's description, he originally thought he was a middle-aged man who had always been sluggish in the office. But the first impression Vanderspu gives people is that of a handsome man. He has a clean and tidy uniform and a brand-new bright long-brimmed military cap. The precipitation of time on his face makes him more charming as a mature man. temperament.

"Excuse me, as the commander of this place, I have to travel between Hobo Pass and Howe Fortress almost every day, commanding the frontline troops to drive the Camorians back and forth like rabbits." As he said, Vanderstel's expression suddenly changed: "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, Lieutenant Colonel, we suddenly remembered something funny." Augustus said expressionlessly.

"." Vanderspup glanced at Augustus: "Captain Warfield, I need you to send a force to Fort Waite to detect the enemy's situation. The scouts from the Zulu outpost and the fortress reconnaissance aircraft were all there. A small detachment of the Seago Dragon Legion was discovered in the area."

"Now? How many people do they have? I can only send one more platoon at most." Warfield immediately became serious: "If the enemy attacks the fortress at this time, you can't let a group of engineers and mechanics carry guns to fight. "

"Now. One platoon will suffice, the Seagoron Legion is nothing more than a ragtag group of beggars and bandits. But please send your best troops, as this area is not currently under our control. Waite There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons in the fort, and your men must be careful." Vanderspu's face was full of a confident smile.

"No one knows the Camorian bastards better than me. They are just a group of timid rats. Even if there are only women and children left in Howe Fortress, the Camorian people will be angry as soon as they see the machine guns on the fortress walls. The mouse scurried away with its head in its hands."

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