StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 485 Augustus Mengsk approaches the throne planet

Chapter 485 Augustus Mengsk approaches the Throne Planet

"Monsters from Korhal have landed in Tartarus."

"The unspeakable man-eating demon is approaching Brontë Prime."

"The despicable and shameless thief entered the Nidhogg system."

"The notorious murderer Mengsk shamelessly tore up the Redstone Treaty, and his executioners and butchers are killing people on the land of the United Earth Council. This undoubtedly makes people doubt that Alexei Stowe Did Lieutenant General Cove choose the wrong ally? Well, you ask me what I’m talking about, I’m reading the manuscript!”

"I don't usually add personal opinions to my reports, but I have to say that Augustus Mengsk is at least a Tyranid."

"Who is this person?" Augustus stood in front of the Hyperion bridge with his hands behind his hands, looking very interested in the holographic screen flashing in front of him.

"Donnie Vermilion, the new reporter at UNN, must have offended someone before he was assigned to the local station." Kerrigan immediately replied: "Our revolutionary comrade Mike Liberty at the UNN headquarters once I mentioned this person, this Donny Vermillion is also collecting intelligence for us now."

"It's so merciless." Augustus said with a smile: "It made me cry in a cold sweat. I really belong to you, Donny."

"Speaking of which, Mike has been having a hard time lately. The Terra family and the Holt family can't help him much, and our underground party members in Tarsonis are also in danger."

"In fact, Mike and Donnie relied on their ingenuity and speculation to gain a foothold in the UNN Universe News website, which is now controlled by UED." Kerrigan said to Augustus: "It's just that they can't provide us with much right now. useful information."

"After occupying Tarsonis, Alexei Stokov replaced the key figures in the Terran Federation in a short period of time, and massively streamlined the original bloated and corrupt government system, and established it as the United Earth Council. The meeting established a military government headed by the Expeditionary Force Command." Arcturus walked from the steps on the other side of the bridge, followed by Tychus Finley, the staff sergeant of the Marshal's Guard.

I have to say that this is a strange combination in Augustus' opinion. Arcturus knew how to make a villain like Tychus do his bidding, and those who knew him respected and feared him, so they got along reasonably well.

"Of course, Stukov also eliminated our people who infiltrated the federal department. Moreover, the security level of the UED command, control and communication intelligence system is very high. With the current technological level of the Tyranids, it is impossible to reverse crack. That's right. Instead, we have to clamp our tails between our legs." Arcturus continued:

"Attacks launched from computer networks are always hard to guard against. When attacking Tarsonis, the UED only took ten minutes or even less to invade the command and control network of the Tyranid Federation's Tarsonis fleet, and Taking over control of planetary orbital defense weapons." He said:

"Fortunately, the Umoyan people can help us upgrade the security level of our computer network, but I have never trusted them. Who knows whether that will become a weapon for the United Umoyan Republic to constrain us in the future."

"After all, the earth is the origin of human civilization, and it is reasonable for them to fall behind." Augustus shook his head and said, "But we will eat as much technology as the people on earth bring."

"Attention everyone on the Hyperion, the battleship is about to jump out of the time and space channel and enter the countdown of 10, 9." At this time, the voice of the new captain Ain came from the Hyperion broadcast channel. Iron Skull, also known as Iron Skull, has a jaw and right cheek made of steel, which he lost in a battle with the Aiel Zerg.

Every captain of the Hyperion has outstanding talents and outstanding achievements. Unless they die in a certain war in the future, they will definitely become generals in the Revolutionary Navy.

The first two captains have been transferred to the newly independent Revolutionary Army Naval Command as commander and chief of staff, and the next captain is likely to be Matt Horner, who has just emerged recently.

Ten seconds later, the majestic alloy-plated deck of the Hyperion was once again bathed in the starlight of the Tarsonis system. The light of hundreds of billions of stars shone brightly in the bridge window opposite Augustus.

"Attention all fleets, enter combat status immediately and remain on high alert. Any negligence or carelessness on your part may cost the lives of yourself and your comrades." Augustus's words were directly connected to the communication channel of the entire fleet.

"I know that some people in the army have begun to relax, thinking that victory is within easy reach and that the trip to Tarsonis is just a comfortable and comfortable interstellar journey." He said in a stern voice.

"The most critical situation has appeared between us. An arrogant soldier will be defeated. The people on earth are still terrible opponents."

At this time, outside the wide parallel portholes of the Hyperion, the Revolutionary Army warships that had just jumped out of the sub-time and space channel were arranging out, as majestic as horizontal and vertical mountains. Thousands of support ships, frigates, and destroyers (all mentioned in field manuals and short stories) were cruising in blue and red plasma trails.

It’s no wonder that some people in the Revolutionary Army have become arrogant. Four years ago, their only battleship was the modified Hyperion given by the Umoyan people. Now the size of this fleet is large enough to sweep across the Koprulu sector. .

Before entering Tarsonis, there was even a small fleet consisting mainly of Protoss reconnaissance aircraft and shuttles following the Revolutionary Army fleet, and Protoss Executor Artanis was on one of the reconnaissance aircraft.

Now, this small protoss fleet has separated from the revolutionary army fleet and is observing the war between humans in another part of the Tarsonis system. This is a small but elite force that only delivers the killing blow when a hybrid appears.

"Where is the UED fleet?" Arcturus couldn't help but frowned:

"If they want to prevent us from traveling further into the Tarsonis system, now is the time."

"I think it should be soon." Kerrigan's sexy red lips stopped at this moment.

The holographic projection screen on the bridge of the Hyperion went dark at first, and then the star chart table and radar scans also turned into snowflakes or garbled characters. A circle of main consoles on the bridge were either damaged or malfunctioning, and some of the displays even overflowed with clearly visible plasma streams and sparks, started to catch fire, and exploded.

The electromagnetic field formed by the strong electromagnetic pulse wave radiation generates electric current on the metal surface that overflows on the deck of the Hyperion, enters the sophisticated equipment through conduits and small cracks, and burns the electronic components in it, creating a large number of chaotic codes. Even the data transmission is directly interrupted.

In a vacuum environment, electromagnetic pulse waves can propagate infinitely. The electromagnetic pulse wave that hit the Hyperion was so strong that it destroyed millions of electronic components that make up computers and electronic equipment. Not to mention activating the weapon system and defense system, even the communication within the ship is problematic.

In this case, both the battleship's hatches and gun crews must be manually controlled by soldiers. This is not the worst. If the power of the electromagnetic pulse beam is further enhanced, it can directly become a weapon, triggering uncontrolled ignition of missiles and space torpedoes and causing explosions. The current and voltage generated will also disrupt the sensors, causing Battleships cannot tell friend from foe.

In an instant, sparks were flying everywhere on the Hyperion, and other Revolutionary Army warships were also facing the same crisis. If the power density of this electromagnetic pulse is high enough, it can even cause burns on human bodies and cook them like food in a microwave.

Obviously, at least the United Earth Council Expeditionary Force does not yet have such a powerful electromagnetic pulse weapon.

"If it were anyone else, he might have escaped from Tarsonis, but this person is Stukov." Augustus did not show too much surprise: "He will not be a bereaved dog, but will be with him. We fight to the death here.”

"Alexei Stukov is a rare talent, but it's a pity that he is unwilling to surrender." Arcturus also had a love for talents. Lieutenant General Stukov is a rare talent, but But he refused to be loyal to any force outside the earth.

Before arriving in Tarsonis, Augustus had spoken to Stukov many times and asked him to surrender in order to save the billions of lives in Tarsonis, but the other party sternly refused every time.

After all, people like Stukov, who grew up and received education in the territory of the Earth Federation, would not be able to surrender to people in such marginal colonies.

But now that the UED expedition is doomed to fail, Stukov returns to Earth, and what awaits him is a life of shame. Although a senior general like him does not care too much about his reputation, it is difficult to accept such an ending.

"UED should have deployed quite a few electromagnetic force field generators on the edge of Tarsonis - no, they should have calculated the coordinates of our jump and set up an ambush in advance." Augustus said calmly:

"Indeed, unless it is a battleship driven by a protoss, we have no way to effectively counter this weapon now."

Compared to the panicked crew members, Augustus and Arcturus were both calm and composed. They had both experienced much bigger scenes than this.

The next moment, more than twenty silver-gray or dark brown UED battlecruisers appeared in front of the revolutionary fleet, and more magnificent battleships were jumping out.

Once it appears, the UED warship can pour firepower on the nearly completely paralyzed revolutionary fleet, and the laser beams that can easily span tens of thousands of miles intersect in the deep space.

As the flagship of the Revolutionary Army, the Hyperion suffered the most damage, with sirens and crew screams constantly heard. Under such circumstances, even Kerrigan couldn't help but become nervous, fearing that something might happen to Augustus.

"It's time for our secret weapon to take action." Augustus activated the three-diamond crystal on the side of the star chart platform, and the rising image was not disturbed at all.

Although Augustus had the forces of Protoss Executor Artanis as allies, they were not a secret weapon. Influenced by the teachings of Davu and the bloody lessons deeply ingrained in the memories of the protoss, the protoss will never easily intervene in the internal disputes of lower races unless they have contact with the zerg or the dark background in the universe.

Behind the holographic image turned out to be a fat, white giant worm. The bloated and sluggish body had obviously expanded a whole circle since Augustus first saw it. This is a normal growth phenomenon of young brainworms, and it is definitely not because they have consumed too much protein and sugar.

"Wuhu, Ai Gong, dear friend, rub it again."

In the clean and dust-free laboratory on the lower deck of the Hyperion, in a space made of multi-faceted giant glass, a brainworm was lying comfortably on a warm and moist purple carpet.

Researcher Egon Steitmann, who was wearing rubber boots and a white lab coat, was brushing his fat back with a huge long-handled bristle brush, as if he was rubbing a huge ball of white jelly.

Considering the important status of this brain worm in the alien laboratory, it was within the scope of Augustus's permission for it to enjoy the treatment of pig raising by a dedicated person.

Although the brainworm is a creature that is completely different from humans in terms of thoughts, ideas, and bodies, over-squeezing them will never last long. ——Although Augustus didn’t have to talk to a bug about human rights and working conditions.

"Today, you are just serving a young brainworm, but tomorrow, you will be honored twice because you were a servant of the great master. As long as you persist for one hour, Aigon, I will give you a noble piece of The tip of the tail is used as research material - but it cannot be eaten." The brainworm purred contentedly, as contentedly as a cat whose chin is being scratched by a human.

"Ahahahaha!" Its voice was as shrill as a child's, and it was hard to tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

"Ah, all my servants are inferior to you. Aegon, dear friend!"

Apparently, this brainworm understands the word best friend completely differently from humans. Moreover, its interpretations of many words are so imaginative and unimaginable.

"α, just like we agreed." Augustus didn't have any time to talk to the brainworm: "Gather your tribe members and destroy the fleet in front of you immediately."

"Oh, of course. Of course, as long as you do what you say. Augustus, you are a smart human being." Brainworm α wanted to turn over, but it only tried its best to raise its head and failed.

As the top link in the mind of the Zerg main hive, the cerebrates' duties are only to command their own group to defend the nest, hunt for new genes or completely destroy the enemy. They are like the queens of the swarm and need to be taken care of. , fragile and immobile.

"The swarm will devour everything and then evolve——"

Arcturus has been conducting experiments using Cerebrate Alpha and the main nest and eggs obtained by the Revolutionary Army from El and Char. Such experiments have been carried out secretly with the acquiescence of Augustus, and in Under strict size limits and close monitoring.

Cerebrate Alpha can control a massive number of zerg, far exceeding any hive mind at this stage. The Zerg came in handy against Stukov's electromagnetic pulse weapons, as the Zerg had no electronics at all.

In order to deal with UED's electromagnetic pulse weapons, a large number of transport ships in the Revolutionary Army fleet carried zerg hatched in the laboratory instead of Revolutionary Army soldiers.

But this move is extremely dangerous. In order to prevent Cerebral Alpha from losing control or rebelling, Augustus specially hired several Dark Templar warriors to be nannies. Augustus would never use the Alpha Swarm as a conventional weapon unless necessary.

Once this arrogant Cerebrate masters too many Zerg, there is no guarantee that it will not turn back - this is almost inevitable.

"I'm afraid the protoss will see this differently," Kerrigan said to Augustus worriedly.

Kerrigan can also control zerg like the cerebrates, but in far smaller numbers, a secret known only to a select few.

"Protoss Executor Artanis has already seen this brainworm. He just said that he would take necessary measures before the situation gets out of control." Arcturus disagreed. In his view, weapons are powerful regardless of their origin. Use whatever is easy to control.

"The necessary measure is to burn everything with fire." Augustus also had a very cautious attitude towards this: "I hope this is the last time I use this weapon."

"Open the hatch." He said:

"Release the zerg, no need to show mercy to our enemies!"

It’s time for the Throne update again, motherfucker.

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