StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 489 Say good night

Tarsonis City, southwest suburbs.

The landing point of the Revolutionary Army's special operations team was at a large abandoned mine about forty miles outside of Tarsonis. It was one of the hundreds of mines dug out by the Tarsonis as they continued to expand. It has now been The poured rainwater turned into a vast lake.

There are still criss-crossing railroad tracks and old freight trains on both sides of the lakeshore, whose history can be traced back to the last century. A few weeks ago this place was bustling with people. The newly built factory was under construction and workers were everywhere. It was sunset, with large clouds gathering in the sky, and the arms of hundreds of cranes intertwined into shadows.

More than twenty ghost agents wearing blue and white refractive nanofiber tight-fitting combat uniforms stood with their hands behind their backs in a steel-framed factory building. This is also a modular building that emphasizes efficiency and practicality, but it is smaller than the Port of the Dead. Those in these areas are much stronger and more durable.

Even after the crystal mines have been exhausted, although they cannot be compared with the almost omnipotent crystal mines, other resources associated with them still have mining value.

Everyone, including General Jackson Holler, the commander of the ghost force, remained silent for a long time.

They were all once part of the Terran Federation's Ghost Project, and now they are willing to risk their lives for the rebels. Augustus Mengsk allowed psykers troubled by painful memories of the past to always believe that they were accomplishing a just cause. It was faith that drove them to continue fighting, rather than the mandatory instructions of the psionic suppressor. For this reason, these psychics with supernatural abilities Warriors of strength will become more tenacious and unyielding.

Everyone standing here knows their mission.

This revolution started with Korhal IV, and in the eyes of many Revolutionary Army soldiers, capturing Tarsonis and completely overthrowing the decadent Tyranid Federation meant the final victory of the revolution.

Now, they want to take back Tarsonis, the origin planet of the Tyranids and the undisputed throne world from the UED.

The equipment of these ghost agents is different. In addition to the C-10 canister shotgun, they are also equipped with daggers, electromagnetic grenades and protoss Kedarin anima crystal pendants that can enhance psychic powers. Several agents also carried long knives on their backs, the use of which they had learned from their Dark Templar instructors, in order to kill all enemies if their actions were revealed.

The specialties of each ghost agent are also different. Some are the best snipers, some are masters of assassination, and some can summon hot blue flames like a witch.

General Holler, the commander of Nova Squadron, is also a deadly ghost agent, whose psychic level can reach an astonishing nine when augmented by the Kedarin Anima Crystal. Holler can change his face at will to transform into another, and can further disguise the real one by adding and deleting the memories of others.

"Action," Holler ordered at some point, closing his mask.

All the ghost agents entered the invisible state and disappeared without a trace like a ball of sand blown by the strong wind.

"For a new empire."

In the coming night, shadows escaping from the darkness walked through the dead land and boarded a train heading for Tarsonis City. The train was supposed to be loaded with crystal mines, high-energy gas and recruited soldiers. The federal transportation network is complex, and people in the UED obviously don't understand it very well.

Dr. Narud did not send any manpower to assist the Revolutionary Army's special forces. As he said, he was just an ordinary scientist and had not cultivated any forces or party members.

The route into Tarsonis was also provided by the underground members of the Revolutionary Party who were still on the planet. These unknown heroes who were engaged in secret espionage work had already put their lives and deaths at risk.

Thousands of revolutionaries and agents have sacrificed their lives for this day, some of whom had already joined this great cause that would surely be hidden and forgotten during the time of Augustus's father Angus.

In the past, the lights of Tarsonis at night were enough to illuminate the sky and reflect a shining city in the sky. The galvanized exterior walls and large glass curtain walls of countless towering skyscrapers refract white and blue light in the daylight, and are flooded by brilliant commercial lights at night.

With the continuous expansion of the past two hundred years, the city's borders have expanded infinitely, with giant buildings and crazy skyscraper complexes extending in all directions under the haze that shrouds the city. With countless people living and working high above the clouds, it would be no exaggeration to say that Tarsonis is a city in the sky.

This is the capital of the Terran Federation, with high-rise buildings and merchants gathering here. It is said that by sucking the blood of hundreds of mining planets and colonies, Tarsonis accumulated enough wealth into gold and silver to melt into the ocean.

Now, as the war approaches, strict military control and curfew policies have turned the glorious Tarsonis into a giant beast crawling in the night. When the lights rising into the sky faded, the sparse stars were actually visible.

The number of stars in the Koprulu sector is far less dense than in the center of the Milky Way, so starry nights are rare.

In less than an hour, the train had passed the border checkpoint in Tarsonis City, and Stukov obviously did not have the energy to deploy loyal Terran soldiers and high-precision detection equipment at each checkpoint. .

The checkpoint was guarded by only a few former Federation soldiers and Tarsonis police officers. Their restless complaints and perfunctory work revealed the current situation in the entire city to a certain extent.

On the dim streets, there were very few pedestrians running around. Since Stukov declared a state of war, the lives of most citizens of Tarsonis have come to a halt. People who are already living in poverty cannot survive without a job. The once bustling streets are full of decay. A depressing scene.

Only the cleaning robots are still working day after day, and the uneasiness and fear of more than a billion people are gathered together, which is continuously amplified by the roar of mechas and fighter planes. To a psyker of Jackson Holler's level, these voices of fear are clearly audible, lingering like white noise.

After the train passed the station, the ghost agents of the special operations force boarded two patrol flying cars of the Tarsonis Security Forces that "happened" to perform patrol duties in this area of ​​the city.

The security force is a police force, formed only to help the UED expeditionary force maintain order in the huge Tarsonis. These people are also the most hated by their compatriots, and are considered to be the lackeys of the earth. Their duty was mainly to patrol at night to ensure that no one violated the curfew. In just a few days, more than 100,000 Tarsonis citizens were arrested and imprisoned.

The driver of the car was an underground member of the Revolutionary Party. His father was a Korhal who immigrated to Tarsonis, and his mother was a proud person from Lingshui. As early as 2485, he accepted Angus Mengsk's concept of liberating the homeland from federal control and has been involved in underground work as a Tarsonis police officer since then.

The UED expeditionary force occupied Tarsonis, and he quickly joined them.

At this time, the members of the security force on the flying car had no idea about the ghosts lurking behind their seats, and could not realize that the cold killers were staring at the back of their necks while they were telling pornographic jokes to liven up the atmosphere.

Stukov's headquarters is not located in any of the important high-level administrative and military command buildings of the original Tyranid Federation, but is a comprehensive reinforced concrete building located in the southwest city of Tarsonis, surrounded by large areas of photovoltaic and High energy gas gas turbine power plant.

Originally, there was supposed to be a Terran Federation Ghost Academy nearby, but after the UED expeditionary force took control of Tarsonis, the Ghost Academy was quickly emptied of people and banned. This shows the fear and distrust of psykers on earth. .

The whereabouts of those psychic agents and school students are not known, but if they follow the style of the UPL, the predecessor of UED, these people will most likely be burned to death.

As the security forces squad car flew past the heavily guarded UED headquarters, Holler's men got out of the car. Without any instructions, they passed by the sentries outside the headquarters.

The UED command headquarters is shaped like a miniature city, with a large number of protective walls, military barracks buildings and anti-aircraft missile towers equipped with precision detection equipment on the outside. Multiple sensors and sensor arrays should have made it impossible for any stealth troops sneaking into it to escape, but Na The security key provided by Dr. Rude helped them successfully deceive the security system.

Jackson Holler was extremely experienced. He led his ghost agents and successfully infiltrated the Stukov headquarters map given by Narud. However, UED has the most advanced communication jamming technology and detection technology. The deeper it goes, the more dangerous it becomes, and every step tests the will of the ghost agents.

The ghost combat uniforms allow ghost agents to move forward at a speed and physical strength far beyond that of ordinary people. With the assistance of stimulants and other injected drugs, they always maintain a high degree of concentration and calmness.

In front of numerous UED soldiers, defense drones and giant Goliath armed robots, they passed through the security area, training area, military barracks area and security control center one after another, and went straight to Stukov's command center without any obstacles.

This can be called the most dangerous mission Holler has performed since he was trained as a ghost agent. As long as he is exposed, everyone who performs this mission will be buried here. But it was also Holler's chance to build a monumental legacy, and only he could do it.

Stukov's command center is a building with a height of more than 30 stories. There is nothing surprising in the city of Tarsonis, which is full of skyscrapers, but the security level here is the highest.

Dr. Emil Narud, who was wearing a blue and black suit, just walked out of the command center building, as if he was preparing to attend a party rather than returning to work in the laboratory.

Dr. Narud looked a little nervous, but did not arouse the thoughts of the UED soldiers around him. As he walked thoughtfully through the alley formed between the two armories and the control tower outside the command center building, Holler grabbed his silky-smooth tie from the shadows.

"Ah!" Dr. Narud's eyes widened and he exclaimed, almost making Holler's heart beat out.

"Calm down, doctor." Holler dragged the struggling Narud into the shadows under the armory's vent ducts, revealing his figure.

"Oh, you are finally here." Dr. Narud broke into a cold sweat and couldn't stop trembling. This appearance was completely different from the image of the cunning and cunning Holler had imagined before.

Even if he was reading minds telepathically, Dr. Narud's horrified expression was consistent with his inner panic.

"Come in with me." Narud took out a silk scarf from his suit pocket and wiped the sweat on his body with trembling grace:

"I have confirmed that Stukov is inside. The command center is full of senior officers. They are no match for you, brave agents of the Revolutionary Army."

Narud walked back to the gate of the command center building. Although the guarding UED soldiers were confused, they did not stop him. As the brilliant scientist who perfected hybrid technology, he was deeply trusted by Stukov.

Holler waved and followed Narud in with the ghost agents behind him. Through the elevator, they arrived at Stukov's headquarters without any danger.

"Narud, someone reported to me that you came back just after leaving the headquarters." In the brightly lit headquarters, there were only Stukov and a few senior staff officers in front of the tactical table.

"We just met. You told me that you have completed the research and development of new hybrid varieties. Is there anything else you want to say?"

Stukov did not see Holler and the many ghost agents behind Narud. His unsmiling face was covered with wrinkles due to excessive fatigue.

Holler did not take action immediately. He wanted to use telepathy to confirm whether this was a clone stand-in. Memories can also be replaced, but for someone like Stukov, his personality is also extremely difficult to replicate.

"That's right, General Stukov." Dr. Narud had already calmed down his nervousness: "I am very old and becoming more and more forgetful. Today, I forgot a very important thing."

"Tell me." Stukov hummed.

In Stukov's eyes, Dr. Narud is a genius, the most outstanding and top expert on alien physiology and genetic engineering that he has ever seen. Looking at this star region, no one can surprise anyone.

As long as they have seen Narud's experiments and his thought-provoking advanced theories, no one can ignore the achievements of this elderly scientist in the biological field.

Despite possessing the most powerful brain in the entire Koprulu sector and even in humans, Dr. Narud is still a frail old man who devotes himself to research and never makes friends. Therefore, Stukov thought he had nothing to be wary of.

"Because I think it is necessary for me to remind you, Lieutenant General Stukov, that although your command center is located in the center of the Atlas Wing, the security work is still not satisfactory." Dr. Narud put his handkerchief on He put it back in his pocket and said awkwardly:

"I forgot one thing - I didn't have time to say good night to you." He said:

"Do it, gentlemen."

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