StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 51 Are you cool down there?

Just as Augustus was about to contact Second Lieutenant Reagan, the platoon leader of the third platoon, an order from the other party suddenly came through the platoon's command channel: "Every squad will assemble immediately where we got off the train."

"Have you found the Camorians?" asked a sergeant squad leader.

"Found it, right next to Fortress Howe." Reagan said: "Brothers, Camorion took our butts. Less than a minute ago, the command center of Fortress Howe launched a series of attacks on all areas within a radius of 1,500 miles. All troops have sent out a distress signal, and an unknown number of Kaimorian troops are attacking the fortress."

"Which of the Kaimorian troops is the enemy?" Augustus wanted to confirm Graven Hill's intelligence. Although his intelligence was out of date and did not bring much help to Augustus. The early warning and valuable response time it brought no longer exist, but this also proves that the mercenary's intelligence is Can be trusted.

Augustus didn't take the pile of credits at all. Before leaving Korhal, his mother gave him three Tarsonis Covington bank accounts in addition to 60,000 credits. Every month, Augustus' personal bank account would have about half a million to one million more credit coins.

From a longer-term perspective, it never hurts to get to know a future mercenary titan.

In the past few months, Augustus's letters to his mother have devoted more and more time to Korhar IV's politics and his father's career. Eventually, Augustus convinced his mother that his son was worried about his father's revolutionary career and Korhal's future fate.

And Augustus is almost certain that, although his father Angus did not read every one of his son's letters, he always inquired about the contents.

Last week, her mother relayed Angus's words in a triple-encrypted email to Augustus that concealed the address and sender information.

Angus's attitude towards Augustus' concerns was very clear. He stubbornly believed that forgetting history meant betrayal, that the revolution would never stop here, and that Korhal must achieve independence in the hands of his generation.

Angus also vaguely mentioned to Augustus the time for the independence referendum - it is no secret now that it will be next year, in April 2489.

The federal killers probably infiltrated Korhal after that, and the turning point in the situation was also in this year. Augustus believed that since Korhal's independence was a foregone conclusion, he must prepare for the upcoming assassination of his family or even a war between Korhal and the federal government.

"The enemy is the Seagoron Legion, a very famous mountain troop that is also good at siege warfare." Reagan replied: "They can be seen on almost every planet that is at war. The Seagoron is It is recognized as the hardest nut to crack.”

The Seagor Dragon Legion is one of the latest new legions established out of the Kaimorian Tearer Legion system. Their base camp is in the mining world of Ferlonis in the Kaimorian Federation.

Compared with other planets suitable for life, Feronis is so close to its sun that 90% of its water resources were evaporated early in the planet's formation, and the remaining water was buried deeply. underground.

The red deserts, rugged plains, and mountains that reach into the sky all over the surface of Feronnis form the vast main continental plate of this planet. Originally, Feronis was just the most inconspicuous and desolate planet among the many planets in the galaxy, but after the discovery of precious and rare minerals, everything changed.

Kaimorian merchants, laborers and mercenaries flocked to the city. Emerging prosperous cities were built on the virgin land newly discovered by Kaimorian adventurers. Ferlonis immediately became the most important mining world of the Moria guild. .

The Hygodragon Legions of Feronnis were formed from the native Rippers and militias of the planet after the Terran Confederacy invaded the planet.

In the absence of support from other Kemerian Federation planets, this hastily assembled army used its familiarity with the terrain to gradually defeat a federal army group of about 50,000 people in two years. And surrounded and annihilated the last enemy battalion on a plain called Hegelon.

The Hygor Dragon Legion will be formally established during this battle, and they vow to make the Tyranids feel what their ravaged homeland has experienced.

"Are we going back to support Fortress Howe?" At this time, the platoon leader of the third platoon and the four squad leaders had gathered together, and one of the squad leaders asked.

"But after all, we only have one platoon with less than a hundred people." The squad leader of the fourth squad said, "What can we do if we go back? There are only three platoons in the fortress. Maybe it has fallen by now."

"The fleet is in orbit. We can only hope that they will send airborne troops." Reagan couldn't come up with any ideas when he couldn't contact Warfield.

He is a man who is used to doing things by the rules, and he does the same when leading troops in war. Reagan has always been accustomed to obeying the command of company commander Warfield, but he will be at a loss once something goes beyond the plan.

"There can never be too many Seagoron troops attacking Hawei Fortress, no more than one battalion at most." Augustus said, waving behind him: "Jim, bring the map."

When Augustus heard Hill's intelligence, he began to assume that Howe Fortress was being attacked. Based on this assumption, he made several preliminary plans in his mind.

Under the gaze of others, Augustus half-knelt on the ground and spread out a map covering Hawe Fortress and all nearby cities, transportation routes and major highlands: "Khemorion is in Turasis II's fleet and space station in synchronous orbit have been destroyed, which means that their troops on the surface of the planet will not receive any reinforcements from Moria, and only the Seagoron Legion is still active in this area. "

"In the nearly three years of war, the strength of the Hygoron Legion on Turasis was less than our two armies." Under the light of the power armor searchlight, Augustus stretched out a hand and lifted his index finger from A straight line is drawn to the right from the location of Fortress Howe on the map. "

"To the east of Howe Fortress is the Ouranos Mountains, the largest in the hemisphere. The mountains are rich in endless veins of crystal minerals, and the volcanoes are constantly spewing high-energy gas springs."

"The Seagoron Legion hollowed out several mountains there and built a magnificent underground fortress. Most of the legionnaires are hiding here." Augustus pointed to the Zulu outpost on the map.

"The underground fortress of Hygoron is about a thousand miles away from Fortress Howe. At the exit of the only vehicular canyon in the Ouranos Mountains is the Zulu outpost. That was where the 1st Marine Corps nailed A nail at their door is a springboard for our army to advance on the Eastern Front battlefield."

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