StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 503 Recovering the Lost Immigration Site

Bhekar Ro

Beka Lo is an extremely remote world, so remote that it has not been marked on any published star map, and even the most adventurous adventurers have never heard of it.

The edge world refers to the place at the edge of the Koprulu Star Sector, far away from the civilized world, in the outermost layer. It is usually considered by the core world to be barbaric, backward, with barren land and lack of products, where the legal system is broken, and rituals and music do not exist. The people living on it are uncivilized and have to engage in the poorest and lowest jobs to support themselves.

This increasingly ingrained prejudice also makes people in the core world believe that people in the outer colonies and peripheral worlds are generally uneducated and rude, and are country bumpkins from the backwoods, vulgar and despicable, and incompatible with the elegance of the civilized world.

This kind of view seems to be tenable. Historically, worlds with prosperous economy, technology and art have been within the cultural radiation range of Tarsonis and Umoyan. Interstellar shipping is also extremely developed and can lead to any world. The world is developing rapidly.

The edge worlds are more like vassals and exploited objects of the core world. They are usually not yet fully controlled by the capital of the founding family and giant corporations, but that is only a matter of time.

Under the rule of the Tyranid Federation, the wealth of the entire Federation is constantly converging on core worlds such as Tarsonis. The contradiction between the peripheral world and the core world has intensified, which has also brought about one after another rebellions.

It was against this background that some Terran humans did not join the Terran Federation's official plan to colonize, but chose to find and build new homes on their own.

In this way, self-organized colonists appeared with their few possessions. Colonial teams varied in size, but usually included people from all walks of life, including miners, cooks, architects, railroad workers, teachers, and lousy third-rate doctors.

The new world they can choose must meet two of the most basic conditions. First, it must be far away from the main waterways and far enough away from the boundaries of the Tyranid Federation so that it will not be discovered by the Federation's cruising fleet. Then, the planet must also support the most basic activities of human life.

But there are very few planets that meet these two conditions at the same time. The Koprulu galaxy is already outside the Milky Way, and the density of stars is far less than in the center of the Milky Way. This means that the possibility of habitable planets here is even lower.

If they want to find a new home, the colonists must stay as far away from the Federation world as possible. The quality of the ships and equipment they carry determines how far they can reach.

More than thirty years ago, the first colonists who came to Beqa Luo established the only settlement on the planet and named it Free Haven. Driven by idealism, all residents were allocated equal arable land to settle down and thrive.

Today's Freeport is already a place dominated by the second generation of Freeport residents. Most of their parents have died of illness or accidents in the harsh and difficult living environment of the early colonies. For today's residents of Beka Ro, the Terran Confederation and the red and blue flags it represents have long become a distant memory.

But after all, they came to Beka Luo to establish their ideal Utopia in order to escape the excessive taxes, oppression, and wars of the Tyranid Federation. It would be best if they would never have any contact with the Federation.

However, unexpected outsiders arrived at the end of 2493.

They call themselves the Tyranid Empire, wear power armor that Beka Luo colonists have never seen before, and have a large number of mechas, aircraft and tanks.

The Starfleet Marines of the Tyranid Empire claimed that they brought peace and tranquility, but in the eyes of Becca Rowe's people, they only brought rule.

It is reported that the Terran Empire came here completely by accident. At that time, one of their scientific expedition teams, consisting of scientific ships and exploration spacecraft, was on the edge of the Koprulu sector, performing the task of marking possible immigrant worlds and reestablishing connections with other planets that had lost contact, and happened to detect Beka. Luo.

And because the residents of Beka Luo have always rejected contact with the outside world and never contacted areas outside the planet, they are difficult to detect.

"For the sake of God, this is a free colony. The people here do not belong to any human regime, and all residents are the common masters of Beka Luo." At this moment, on the main street at the southern entrance of the Free Port, A group of townspeople, united by courage and love of family, were surrounding a young officer in a blue-and-black navy uniform.

These townspeople are generally in their twenties and thirties, and have started families and businesses very early. Because of the harsh environment and difficult conditions, people over forty age quickly and have a short life span.

Among this group of townspeople, Jacob Nikolai, who was only 23 years old, spoke the most vehemently. He was very resolute, but still pointed out pleadingly: "Becca Luo is an unconventional person. It is a barren world of war. The only output here is rye, oats, lizard meat and a small amount of high-energy gas. Apart from these, you will get nothing."

"Okay. I think our planetary geologists and meteorologists have already figured this out very clearly." This young officer is a soldier of the Tyran Empire, a lieutenant named Bra Bralik. He spoke with a distinct Core World accent, either from Tarsonis or from Korhal and Bronte's side.

"I want to reiterate again that the Tyranids Empire did not come here to enslave the people here like the Tyranid Federation did in the past."

"There is no Tyranid Federation here, sir, there is no Tyranid Federation here, let the people of Beka Luo go!" Nicholas pleaded.

"We are here just to better build this planet and make it more suitable for human habitation. As immigrants, you neither lack the necessary equipment support nor receive support from other worlds." Young Tai The officers of the Lun Empire were obviously very patient, without any arrogance or domineering attitude.

"This place is too small. There are only a few thousand people on the entire planet, but they all live in very dense towns. The crops are also very single, which means that an unprecedented infectious disease can kill most people. , and diseases among crops are enough to make Beka Lo lose his harvest." He said:

"Moreover, you are too far away from the rest of the world to know what is happening at the edge of the world. Two alien races that humans have never seen before are invading the human world, and I can tell you that one of the races, Zerg, is The most recent location was very close to your home."

"What? Zerg?" This was not the first time that Nikolai and the townspeople around him looked at each other. They had heard this name from Imperial soldiers.

But for these people whose ideas are still stuck thirty years ago, they really don’t know that there is Han, regardless of Wei and Jin. It's like people in the 1950s and 1960s were just seeing robots and other aliens in science fiction novels that were supposed to be in movies.

"Yes, Zerg. In fact, we have discovered the phage that spreads virus spores in the nearby star system of Beka Luo. The distance is less than 12 parsecs. The Zerg virus is rapidly spreading in this way. Expanding at the edge of the Koprulu galaxy, so to speak, they will arrive here soon. It will only take a few days, no, only half a day for this virus to destroy your colony!" The imperial officer said:

"You have already seen those image tapes and zerg specimens, and you should believe some. In short, we will not enter your town, but will only establish a military base and scientific research station nearby."

"This is not just to protect this planet, this is already the most important link in the epidemic blockade. And you will soon know what a real disaster means." He looked at the time and said:

"I have to leave now. Regardless of whether you recognize the Tyran Empire or not, please accept the flag of the Tyran Empire. As long as there is this flag, it falls under the protection of the empire."

"You don't have to worry. The army will never step into your homeland and occupy farmland and mining facilities. Military orders are strong and I will not stay here any longer."

After saying that, the imposing imperial officer handed the imperial flag to the representative among them, and Jacob Nicholas left. He came alone with a gun and left with nothing.

I want to save you, what does it have to do with you.

"They must be crazy, how can aliens really exist!" Stonemason Kiernan Warner is an extremely strong young man with a voice as loud as a bell. In this harsh land, only the strongest survive.

"These people from the Empire are trying to deceive our trust so that they can seize the town so that the people here can pay taxes and work for the nobles of the Empire for generations. They will also try their best to seize and plunder land. The government only wants to It will make everything worse!" Miner Lars is already very old, and he is several rounds larger than the oldest building in Freeport.

Lars hates the Federation. To be more precise, he even hates places with many people and prefers to live alone:

"Listen, we should take up arms and fight them to the end. These people are just thieves, liars and robbers!"

"I heard that soldier say that it was the Tyranids Empire that overthrew the Tyranids Federation. Now, the corrupt government has been replaced by a clean new government. A young man named Augustus Mengsk has established himself as the emperor of the Tyranid Empire. It seems that the soldier is extremely loyal to his emperor." Old Bren is a farmer who relies on his hard-working hands to support his two children with his wife.

"Come on, he's still playing the same game as First Citizen!" Kirsten Warner is a teacher and amateur engineer in Freeport. He likes to read e-books left by his father:

"A republic is the most absurd joke, a system in which a dictator can enjoy all the rights of a monarchy without having to restrain himself for the image of royalty."

"The Tyran Empire is an empire, not a republic. Don't get me wrong. This shows that he does not hide his ambitions at all." Old Brun relied on doing farm work to support his family, but he never gave up thinking and learning - he believed, This is one of the best qualities of human beings.

"As long as he is a wise monarch, when Augustus is alive, the people of the Tyran Empire can live in an enlightened and prosperous age."

"If what the imperial soldier said is true, Becca Roco will really be in trouble. Then, just as they expect, the people of Freeport will have to ask the Tyranids for help." Jacob ·Nicholas is a well-spoken and enthusiastic young man. Although he only talks empty words and rarely does anything practical, he still has a lot of say among the residents of Freeport.

Nicholas held the flag given to him by the imperial officer in his hand. The bright red flag was spotless and had a shining gold star on it.

In fact, this was not the only thing these unexpected Terran Empire soldiers gave them. Previously, they had also used trucks and transport ships to transport a large number of medicines and metal products that the Freeport could no longer produce. On this material-poor planet, that is simply more precious than gold.

However, the residents of Freeport still rejected this gift. They could not believe that anyone in the world would be so generous.

"I've seen what the Tyranids brought - starships bigger than cities, darling, that was a rare thing when my grandfather was still living in the Federation. And I dare say that the empire's starships are bigger than It’s bigger than the one in the Federation.” He couldn’t help but look like he had never seen the world:

"They also brought tanks and artillery. I saw hundreds of imperial soldiers getting off the roaring transport ship with my own eyes. Old Lars, even a thousand of you are no match for them."

"The town meeting must be called. No matter what, after this, we have to accept the fait accompli that we must share our home with these Terran Empire soldiers." As he spoke, Nicholas noticed that the sky above Beka Luo was covered with dark clouds. Gathering together, the howling wind seemed like thousands of evil spirits wailing. If you are not lucky enough, heavy downpours or even hail will immediately beat people on the streets to death.

Becca Rowe is such a terrible place. Her weather is like a woman with unpredictable weather. Raging thunderstorms sweep across the planet and can easily destroy the buildings and buildings that the townspeople have worked hard to build. Fields that have been carved out of a mountainous landscape with great pains.

Whenever a thunderstorm passes, the people of Freeport have to replant crops and repair equipment. If there is an energy shield from the Tyranids that can cover the entire town, Beka Luo will be much safer.

About 7 or 8 miles southeast of the free port, a towering Tyranid Empire star port is standing in the deep purple thunder, and three battlecruisers are passing through the dark clouds. All kinds of military camps, hospitals and living facilities are rising around the star port. Factories are also being built on some high-energy gas springs that are too far away to be mined.

Just seeing this scene, Nicholas and the surrounding townspeople felt uneasy.

As Nicholas said, Beka Luo has no resources that the Tyranids can covet, so their large-scale construction here must be for other purposes.

There are about 2,000 to 3,000 residents living in Freeport, which is less than the number of people in a military camp of the Tyranid Empire.

Maybe some murderous aliens are really coming.

"Hurry up and call the townspeople for a citizens' meeting to vote. Something big must be happening." Nicholas handed the Tyran Empire flag to Old Brun and said, "Go to the central square of Freeport and raise it."

"Raise the flag of the empire. Anyway, you won't lose a piece of meat, so you should have more faith."

This planet comes from "Shadow of Xel'Naga". Although it has the famous scene of two Yamato aircraft carriers in the war, it is like a real interstellar, but in terms of shaping the interstellar world view and the customs and customs of the edge world Still a superb work.

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