StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 516 The Psychic Crusher shows initial miraculous effects

At 5 o'clock in the morning, the first psychic crusher deployed to Formiga Levon Fortress was completed as expected and began trial operation.

It's a spiral saucer-shaped structure hundreds of feet tall, with an area equivalent to four football fields. It is a perfect combination of human modular steel buildings and Xel'Naga water drop-shaped buildings. It is surrounded by silver-gray exterior wall arched corridors and hollow stair railings, which have a delicate and elegant artistic atmosphere. The spiral curved grooves and leaf-shaped textures There is no shortage of Xel'Naga's mystery and ingenious natural beauty.

Even if the materials used mostly consist of hastily pressed steel plates and pipes, Dr. Narud can still create something unconventional.

The psionic crusher is much larger and more complex than the psionic disruptor. It mainly consists of a butterfly-shaped giant wiring device, a controller unit, an energy transmission device and a launcher that releases a crushing force field. It is composed of a digital Thousands of intricately connected pipelines.

Standing in front of the psychic crusher, Augustus, surrounded by officers, soldiers and engineers, couldn't help but admire it, which made Dr. Narud smile.

Augustus estimated that if he had not found Dr. Narud, this device would not be available until at least the next century. Where can I find such a good wage earner, who is diligent and conscientious?

"To put it another way, the crushing force field is enough to cover the entire Korhal Augustusgrad. Any zerg inside it will be disintegrated by the crushing force field that directly acts on the main hive's mind and psychic link." Just returned from the battlefield. Dr. Narud, who came down, was calm and relaxed at the moment.

"The zerg, from the higher masters and brain worms to the queens and kings of the swarm, all use psychic links to control the underlying zergs. This psychic link is similar to the Protoss' Kara, but it is One-way, equivalent to a radio signal for remote control machinery." He said:

"By analyzing the psychic link and triggering a backlash, the insect swarm can be disintegrated. The lethality of the psychic crusher is by no means comparable to that of the psychic disruptor. In layman's terms, this kind of force field will not have any impact on humans. , but can easily kill the Zerg."

"Doctor, do you think it's easy?" Tychus looked at Narud and exhaled a puff of smoke: "If you had been on the battlefield, you wouldn't say that."

"Even dealing with a sharp little bastard like a springtail with no carapace is never 'easy'."

"Well Mr. Finley, you will soon witness the power of technology." Narud stood as far away from Tychus as possible.

"I said, Narud, if it does work, you deserve the most credit," Augustus said.

"I want to confirm, is this useful for those infected humans?"

"As long as they are also part of the main hive's mind, they will be affected." Dr. Narud said affirmatively.

"Start it." Augustus nodded.

"Inform the troops and prepare to attack."

Dr. Narud personally came to the console of the psychic crusher and entered a series of instructions. The saucer-shaped dome opened with a violent roar, like a burning furnace blooming with bright orange light. This bright orange light quickly transformed into energy ripples that spread outward in concentric circles, rendering the morning sky It is a light orange color.

This energy field that spreads like ripples has no impact on the people around it, but the scene is still shocking. The force fields of psionic emitters and psionic disruptors are both invisible, while psionic crushers are much more dynamic.

"It looks a bit like the reactor furnace of the Protoss Ark." Kerrigan next to Augustus raised his head and stared at the running psychic crusher. His long fiery red hair was floating in the morning breeze, and his emerald Green eyes then turned to gold.

With Kerrigan's keen sense of spiritual energy, this crushing force field is not invisible.

"I designed this with reference to the Protoss Solar Core in the Hyperion. The energy is concentrated into a sphere made of alloy steel and then released through a disintegration device." Narud replied immediately.

Among these people, Kerrigan was undoubtedly the one who frightened Narud the most. Humanity actually has such powerful psychics, surpassing many protoss. This is what shocked and intrigued Narud the most.

In the eyes of his master Eamon, humans are not worth mentioning at all. But given time, this race may even surprise its creators.

Of course, Narud did not dare to tell Augustus that he wanted to study Kerrigan.

"Forward observation posts and reconnaissance aircraft report that the zerg are retreating," a Formica Command staff officer reported.

"Is there a picture?" Augustus asked, "Take it."

A holographic screen opened in front of Augustus, showing images taken by satellites in geostationary orbit.

The brief light rain in the early morning more or less dispersed the dust and smoke raised by the shells, and visibility was very good.

On the south bank of the Formica River, amid the black smoke and rising sand, millions of infected humans are retreating. The black mass of corpses is far from an orderly army, but they have clearly lost control now. They fell to the ground and died suddenly in the crowd.

The King Insect floating in the sky was in chaos, fearfully avoiding the spreading crushing force field, but to no avail. Hundreds of king insects fell silently to the ground like punctured balloons, or turned into a mass of exploding blood mist and a pool of sticky blood.

The zerg in the crushing force field are suffering tremendous pain, struggling like suffocated humans, and die in a very short time.

Psionic disruptors can only plunge the insect swarm into disorderly chaos, while psychic crushers can kill them directly.

"Notify Mira Han to have her troops cross the Formiga River immediately, retake the lost ground and continue the pursuit. Lieutenant Colonel Motier, go and regroup the troops." Augustus watched for more than ten seconds and immediately ordered explain:

"With the psionic crusher, the zerg will lose the qualification to fight us in Formiga. This is the chance to completely defeat the Griffin swarm and let Carlos know what pain is."

Along the Formica River, the Imperial soldiers in the position also saw with their own eyes the disintegration of the Zerg, and the infected fell in pieces, and their morale suddenly increased.

The emergence of new weapons completely changed humans' disadvantage in fighting the swarm, and was much more powerful than psychic disruptors.

Following Augustus's order, all combat troops immediately dispatched and advanced towards the main nest area of ​​the Griffin Swarm. A large number of imperial stormtroopers were also mobilized, and they all set off and marched forward.

The high-spirited Imperial Army faced almost no obstacles. The crushing force field of the Psionic Crusher even killed the Zerg hiding underground. Any Zerg under the influence of the main hive mind was severely damaged.

The south bank of the Formiga River is all solid land. The armored and motorized units of the Imperial Army can advance fifty miles in one breath. If it were not for the inevitable damage and logistics of armored vehicles, they could continue. go ahead.

The Griffin Swarm has only established three main nest areas in Formiga, two of which are very close to the Formiga River and within the scope of the crushing force field. Millions of infected people All were killed in less than a few minutes.

Even if the Swarm does not care about the loss of the infected, the presence of the Psionic Crusher renders any attempt to attack the human base useless.

"In this way, fleet battles in space become the key to victory." Augustus thought for a moment and said:

"Pick up the Hyperion's Vice-Captain Tulowo."

"Your Majesty, the Griffin swarm has strengthened their fleet, and the two new swarm Leviathans are breaking through our defense lines." Tulovo is a young man with meticulous blond hair. He comes from a The little-known Korhal noble was just an ordinary country squire three generations ago, but now the family can be regarded as prestigious.

"On the front, there is the Alexander and five other infected battlecruisers, and on the flanks are four swarm Leviathans, which brought tens of thousands of mutalisks and blasted mosquitoes."

"When did Griffin become Leviathan?" Augustus frowned.

Carlos's Griffin Swarm is notoriously poor. Among the Cerebrates under the Overlord's command, it has very few Behemoths and Leviathans, not even as good as Prince of Blades Tosh.

"Since the death of the old master, the Cerebrates once fell into civil war, but they have also become more united than before. Carlos must have borrowed these Leviathans from other Cerebrates, or found them scattered in El and Char of the wild Leviathan," Kerrigan said.

Two Leviathans are enough to destroy a human fleet, they are several miles long, ten times the size of a battlecruiser, and more aggressive than a Behemoth, capable of tearing apart battleships with their tentacles alone.

"So, Carlos may have been to Ayr." Augustus nodded.

Aiur was once the sacred ancient home of the Protoss Empire, but now it lies in ruins. Her coordinates are no longer a secret, and anyone can come to Al and get a piece of the pie.

"Tulovo, activate the Hyperion overload program." He immediately ordered.

"Your authorization is needed, Your Majesty." Tulowo looked at Augustus.

"Now you have it." Augustus said: "Your mission is to repel this swarm fleet, even if it means reimbursing Hyperion."

"If this is our mission," Tulowo said, saluting Augustus. "1000% overload, full firepower."

"Long live Korhal."

"Hats off to all the crew, you are warriors," Augustus said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." A bright golden light immediately appeared behind Tulowo, and the roar of the engine was like a beating heart.

"The enemy taught us a lesson, Augustus. You shameless bad guy, I knew you would do this." The moment the overload was activated, the prompt tone recorded by Swann in advance came from the other side. :

"Uh-huh - I owe it to you. Be careful with my boat, you brats."

The Hyperion, which is powered by the core of the sun, really looks like a god of war, as if it is covered with a golden holy garment. The god can kill the gods and the Buddha can kill the Buddha. The overloaded energy formed a terrifying vortex around it, and any zerg gathered around it was burned into black coal in an instant.

The flow of energy with nowhere to vent was transformed into a series of hot particle cannons, until the barrel of the Yamato cannon was scrapped due to overheating. The legendary Terran flagship is burning herself, scalding enemies who come into contact with her, and her shields have transformed into a searing energy field.

The Hyperion broke into the Griffin swarm fleet, met the Alexander and forced it back.

The Swarm Leviathan also seemed to be surprised. They had never thought that this helpless human warship would have such a posture, and they were helpless for a moment.

At this time, the energy accumulated in the Hyperion's body was still increasing, and even the external armor began to melt. This is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous move. The Hyperion may not be able to defeat these Leviathans, but once its internal energy goes out of control and detonates the core of the sun, it will be enough to create a collapsed, short-lived black hole in this area, and a The huge fleet perished together.

The Swarm Master of the Griffin Swarm has realized this, and the Psionic Crusher has taken it by surprise. Before Kalos could launch his next attack, the Swarm fleet was forced back by the Hyperion.

The Imperial fleet once again defended humanity's sovereignty. However, Hyperion is afraid that it will need another major repair. Its damage is more serious than the previous two times, and it may take half a year at the earliest.

After all, the solar core is not an engine designed for human battleships, and it is too large to be placed in ordinary battleships of the protoss. Even humanity's next-tier Minotaur warships were nowhere near strong enough to withstand a solar reactor.

On the ground, Augustus breathed a sigh of relief when he received the news that the swarm fleet had evacuated. He should have thought that Carlos would not be able to fight a positional battle with him in a rigid manner.

Waiting for the result is definitely a torturous process, but if Augustus was commanding the Hyperion, his choice would be the same as that of the deputy captain.

As an old brainworm given a name by the master, Carlos is definitely the one who knows how to adapt best. His intelligence is equivalent to ten imperial brainworms α.

If it weren't for the fact that the Psionic Crusher was a terrifying weapon, the current Zerg would have nothing to do with it, and Carlos would never give up easily.

Until the new Overlord returns to Koprulu, the Griffin Swarm will remain the Empire's most formidable enemy.

"Narud, I want to reward you." Augustus looked at Narud: "Your psychic crusher ended this war, and your achievements will be remembered by the world."

"I want to name the Imperial University Library under construction after you, and also erect a statue at the entrance to Augustgrad."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The expression on Dr. Narud's face froze, and he thought to himself, "What's the use of this?"

What he wants is not these useless things. Funds and equipment are the most important, but it's hard to say directly.

"Tell people all over Formica that the Griffin swarm has retreated." Augustus continued:

"Let us rebuild our home like an empire again."

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